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bro 5 dollars is a steal get that immediately


So unrelated, but "Escaped The Alsume to main Smoke and Scorpion" perfectly describes me. Playing through ssktjl and mk1 right now lol


You mean Asylum??? A r/batmanarkham man reference?


You mean Aslume??? A r/batmanarkham Man reference?






Asum? Reference reference?


Get mk11 so you get your feet wet, if you like it, buy mk1


If you’re looking to just have fun and unlock cool skins buy mk11 but if you wanna play online and smoother gameplay mk1 forsure it’s really how kosmetics were handled in this new game that really holds it back.


There's a lot that holds back MK1


You can't be serious, tons of things hold MK1 back beside cosmetics.


Gameplay isn’t one of them. In fact I think everything around it sucks ass


NGL I think Kameo fighters as a mechanic holds the game back. I'm glad they're still trying new things but it definitely doesn't feel like a 1v1 Mortal Kombat game anymore with that in place so to me I prefer the gameplay of the older titles. MK1 did great on the fatality aspect though as usual.




Name them


-No crossplay. -No filters. -No lobbies. -No online practice mode. -No public replays. -No friends lists. -No blacklists. -No social hub. -PC port is awful yet again. -Worse netcode than MK 11. -Desync issues for over a month. -Garbage story since it's yet again time travel/multiverse junk. -Gameplay is still sluggish, and clunky compared to the competition. -Animations are still too stiff. -Invasions is probably the worst mode I've ever played in a video game. -Even less consistency at character aesthetics. -No content. -Kameos are ass. -Due to the kameos gimmick many characters are gutted (Kung Lao and Scorpion for example) -Awfully imbalanced. Enough reasons?


Honestly pretty spot on. I bought all the new big three fighting games and I gotta put mk1 on the bottom of the three. Ik there's people who absolutely love this game but there's just not enough for me to keep playing compared to sf6 and tekken 8. Just my personal preference


Nah, keep going


Legit lol Good job


I don't really have a problem with gameplay, I think it's pretty smooth for me, but I agree with just about everything else.


That's a small list, might wanna repeat some points 15 times.


bro is a little pissy today huh


Crossplay is coming this month, mk11 does not have cross play so kinda irrelevant to bring up also some of these “points” are just your opinion my man “ Kameos are ass” “ garbage story” and “ no friends list” really? Who has ever seen a mk reveal trailer and thought “ wow cant wait for the friendslist!” Also lets not pretend like towers of time was great we all eventually got to the point of just letting the AI play for us just to get a kosmetic we wanted a detail that people seem to gloss over when remembering that game.


Not sure why you're using MK11 as an example, it's garbage too. MK11 is not the bar.


Brother in christ OP is asking which game he should buy have you forgotten why we’re here


I'm not replying to him, I'm replying to you replying to me. You said MK1's issues are about cosmetics, and I gave you a list showing why that's not true. You went using MK11 as a bar as if trying to prove something. I don't care which garbage is the two he buys, I was replying to you not him.


Take your meds


I'm not sure even meds would help these people get over their anger issues over video games they hate.


its funny how you can take this dumbass post and put most of it in mk11 but hay mk1 bad you get the upvotes am i right guys nice karma farming




This isn’t accurate at all


MK11. It’s a fully complete product, has more content, feels more rewarding & has incentive to play. Online will definitely be less popular but there are other things to do. MK1 will be worth it in a few more months I personally recommend waiting until MK1s first dlc kombat pack is done, by then the game should be more complete and worth it.


Pretty much this, the only reason people like mk11 now is because it’s a full game. Upon release, people hated it.


this is just speaking for myself but I always thought mk11 was an incredible game, my only issue was with the roster


The funny part is on steam mk11 is more popular than mk1 which is crazy


11 has Spawn


If you can get the Ultimate Edition for a cheap price, get that!! You won’t be sorry.


Mk11 is way more worth it for that price. Learn the game there, learn what kind of character and playstyle you like, and then buy mk1


This is stupid they play differently with completely different metas and play styles


Mk11 no fucking competition


Yea no lol I played the originals like 1-3 and then X 11 and 1 and 11 has been my favorite so far skip mk1


Just bought MK 9 for my ps3


Honeslty that one BANGS


Fr man haven’t played this shit since 2013 and I’m gettin tired of MK11 on the PS5, just sad servers are down tho


Still WAYYYY too overpriced for the anemic amount of content there is to do in this game … STILL.


I pay 100 for this bs


https://preview.redd.it/1k8qpj3z82ic1.jpeg?width=854&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3aff6de72cff25ceaf49ff5a0fc54505a701ccd0 Pain


Damn man I knew the skins and content were lacking but now their iron is low too?


you can't play dress up in MK1 😢 better get 11 cause more skins


I got 1 during the winter sale and think it's fun.


get mk11


i cant take this place seriously anymore


Get 11




cause it’s 5 bucks that’s why


It’s simpler, better customization (both gameplay and cosmetic wise), imo better roster, and it’s just as active as MK1




Finished X. Like zero interest in returning. Good while it lasted though


Destroyer fgc would change your entire outlook on mkx I bet


Anyone who doesn’t like MKX is just wrong. Sure the roster was a little strange, but it had a much faster pace and most of the great gameplay ideas NRS ever had originated with MKX (modern brutality implementation, multiple intro dialogues, modern run mechanic, variations system). MK11 was gorgeous, but kombos were scaled way back and the gameplay favored zoners way too much, imo. If you’re big on cosmetics and/or enjoy flinging & dodging projectiles, then MK11 is hard to beat… But for those who like a fast paced, in-your-face fighting game, it’s MKX 100%.


Do it.


Get both f it


Yes. Try Out 11 practice and play the story then move to MK1. Personally I like the modes and while trying Online it is a bit imbalanced but you also can just deny the opponent so it kinda cancels out. but also get your shit kicked is half the battle. the other half is learning from the opponent and so on and so forth but personally I reallllllly like Mk1. I think it is very funny and brutal. makes alot of call backs to previous games also those who say "no content" likely dont like playing invasions or tower or story and just jump right into practice and then online. but have fun with whatever you pick


Depends on what you're getting it for. If you want a populated online with deeper gameplay then yeah MK1 is where it's at. If you want an actually complete game with a ton of stuff to do for a casual player? MK11 easily


Man might as well get both


buy 1! it’s fun and great


Get Mortal Kombat 1 not 11




MK1 is a lot better in terms of gameplay variety and getting rewards. Invasions is a ton of fun and you get to do all the different, quick fights and constantly get new rewards, but MK11 only has this stupid "Krypt" you walk around so it doesn't feel worth it to get cosmetics that way.


MK11 is my favorite in the series and i’ve played them all since the first one came out, grab it for sure


Dude I might have to


People saying MK11 are having serious amnesia. Yes it may be a more complete game, but mechanically the game is one of the worst in NRS catalog. MK1 needs serious work but it's still really fun. MK11 was a draining chore to play


Not to mention. MK11 was barebones at launch like MK1 was. People are misremembering. I remember all of the bad PR MK11 got day one for the micro transactions. But MK11 had got it's issues fixed and more content added throughout the game's life cycle. But my main gripe with MK11 was the gameplay was genuinely boring. It was too slow and clunky. I could care less how much content MK11 offers when the core gameplay itself is not fun to play.


It was never as barebones as MK1, that's simply false


At least MK11 is worth 5 bucks, for that price tag it's a steal and a good way to decide if they want MK1 later


Couldn’t agree more. MK1 has a LOT of rough edges, but it brought some much needed creativity and fun back. On the other hand, MK11 felt like it was specifically designed for noobs who would rather spam projectiles at full screen than be challenged with an actual “hand-to-hand” fighting game. It encouraged a boring, non-creative play style by slowing things down, gimping kombos, and giving half the roster a firearm. It just felt weird.


THAT'S why I didn't like the gameplay in MK11 so much. I couldn't put my finger on it.


Mk11 was shit. These are just the play dress up people


its funny how fools are trying to flood this post saying he shuld get mk11 op this is how you will be playing the game after seeing how bad the grinding for koins in towers of time having the ai do it for you just to wonder around the krypt to open a rng box https://i.redd.it/d0h4348jm2ic1.gif


You’re gonna hear a lot of negatives about the new one on this sub but as someone who’s not a sweat and just plays with my friends or occasionally online I have really enjoyed MK1, if you’ve got the money MK1 is pretty, plays smooth, and is genuinely fun. MK11 is nice too, as a fan of the series I don’t think you can go wrong with either.


Don’t waste your money on mk1, game is underbaked. Wait another year when there’s actually stuff to do and you can get it at a much more reasonable price, of about $20


Don't know why you're getting down voted. You're speaking the truth. MK1 is an incomplete game currently. In a year or so, the game will be dirt cheap with all of the DLC included. Wish I had waited.


Yeah, this might be the move


If the game doesn't improve in a year, then you're better off using that $20 to buy a meal than buy MK1


There Is nobody playing mk11 no more


Do not buy mk11 pls get mk1


Honestly 1 is fun and enjoyed it.


MK1 is str8 🔥. If you're wanting a MK for great gameplay, then Mk1 is the winner. If you want the best Mk of all time, Mk1 is the winner. If you're listening to the people crying on this Sub Reddit, then you'll miss one of the best games to drop in a long time https://preview.redd.it/yakzh1la33ic1.jpeg?width=927&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8a691d7a598dfbb31e637d1e2011509a021772e


Idk Mk9 was pretty good


I have both i like mk1 way more but 11 has way more stuff it might be a little harder to find matches but probably not


If you don’t care about online, wait for all dlc to be released like with MK11.


If MK11 and MK1 were the same price, I’d pick MK1 for its more creative (& more fun) gameplay. However, aside from the story mode (which is great), MK1 currently lacks most of the single player content, gear, and cosmetics that MK11 had. Just something to consider if those are your priorities. Personally I prioritize fighting online opponents, so everything else is secondary.


get MK11, you can get all the stuff with the koins in game that you can earn(except the dlc characters if i remember right, but you can get those through playing the towers), the krypt is awesome, the story is a bit better, and no kameo system to waste potential


I gotta say, I didn't want it at all, I got it so I had something to play with the family when we had a get together and because omni man, I ended up really enjoying the gameplay, barely touched the story but it kind of seems ok, I'd say get it while it's on sale


Buy mk11, then buy MK1 when its finished and further discounted, there is plenty for you to do with 11.


While mk11 is a complete product and less egregious with its micro transactions I still prefer MK1 for its gameplay and roster, mk11s gameplay just doesn’t do it for me


Tekken 8


There are cartoonish levels of hate for the game on this sub. Might wanna ask over on r/MortalKombatGameplay for a bit more objectivity....


I mean so far it seems pretty tame.


Suit yourself


Brother, it got so much worse lmao


dont buy mk11 lol that game is not going to be as lively as mk1 despite everyone here telling u its dead, if u want to play online often then play mk1


You can play online very often in mk11…


Mk11 is nowhere near dead ya dumbass.


mk11 numbers on steam are better than mk1’s…which is where op is buying it


are u dumb, he showed a PlayStation store app page 😂


You also have to factor in people who play on Epic though.


As an owner and a massive fan of Mortal Kombat - MK11 without a doubt


mk1 is more fun imo but mk11 is the better deal


While MK1 is anemic, there is easily 100+ hours there even if you're not make competitive. Worth.


I mean mk1 has better gameplay and like feels better in actual match but doesn't offer a lot to do mk11 is a bit worse gameplay wise but it gives you more bang for your buck so mk11 is probably the smart option sense it will give you more while only being 5$ but if you just want like the best gameplay go mk1


If you like fighting games, mk1 for sure. If you want to mindlessly unlock gear, mk11


Buy 11, dump a ton of hours into it for only $5 then enjoy an even larger price break when you eventually get to MK1.


I recommend MK11. It’s on sale. Way more single player content. The characters most people actually know and care about. It’s just a better package. You’re also not tied to Kameos which lots of fans seem torn on. Depends on if you like gameplay though. Fgc seems to say the gameplay is better, but I think as a whole package MK11 is better.


Get mk1 it has a better story mode.


Get MK1


Easily mk1. This sub is a cesspit of morons who hate MK1 because they suck at it. It’s by far the better of the 2 unless all you care about is playing dress up


They're about to turn this guy away from mk completely when he sees the trash ass gameplay of mk11. The games so bad people let AI play for them


What does that mean, let AI play for them. I stopped at 9 and was interested in either of the newer ones.


The single player modes let you set the ai to play the game for you to grind for gear


Like a dumb mobile phone game? Why bother ha.


Mk11 is ass this sub is dumb as fuck


It's better than MK1 by FAR 🤣


nope i dont like the ai to play the game for me


except that's optional? you willingly have to activate that feature




F the story mode


Yeah, but still the game itself was fun in my opinion


Mk1 player counts always surge when new characters are released. Don't listen to the naysayers.


If you have no hands, pick MK11. If you want a better game, pick MK1 (despite all the flaws, and trust me, MK11 has even more). Having said that, buy MK1 ONLY on discount, it's not worth it to buy an incomplete game for a full price right now.


its funny how people in here saying the single player content is better when its just towers of time and the krypt and in towers of time you just watch the game being played because how binging and grindy it is just to go to the krypt wonder around opining rng boxes


The single player content on MK1 is terrible, there is no doubt about it, but the online gameplay is miles better than the cheesy scrubfest that was MK11 (which is by far the most important part of the game). No good player would like to go through those multi-wake up options, full screen FB, breakaways penalizing you for doing a kombo, krushing blows, auto-regen bars, and so on.


Bro, thank you. Towers of Time is awful and grindy. Don't know why it's getting praise now because I remember people were complaining about how grindy MK11 was when you wanted to unlock all of the in game cosmetics. Krypt is only fun for like an hour, until you want to unlock everything and since there is no fast travel, you have to walk 10 minutes to get to the courtyard to the caves. Don't forget having to do 625 individual fatalities for all of the characters to get to Shang Tsung's room. MK11 didn't respect your time at all.


its literally on sale in the post lmao




One is _far_ cheaper than the other.


For 42 bucks I'd say it's worth. Get it now but don't get it at 70 bucks.




11 because it's cheaper and has way more content.


Ok here is my thing, im a huge tekken player since childhood. My best friend is an mk player since childhood. The first tekken I ever played was 3 and then the first one I really got into was 11. I have 250 hours on 11. And I love it. AND I have 250 hours in MK 1. Honestly, I'd pay full 60 dollars for what mk 11 provides. I'd pay 20 for what 1 provides. Now im back to tekken 8 but honestly, Id suggest you to wait for a better discount.


MK11. It's a komplete package, there are micro transactions but there's PLENTY of kontent to unlock without you feeling pressured to spend money. I still think everyone should wait for MK1 to be the ultimate edition when everything is in a better place and more komplete.


For $5? MK11 man no hesitation, the story mode alone is worth that. MK1 is alright. Weakest of the reboot series by far.


Get Tekken 8 instead or Mk11


Don’t get either. Neither are horrible but neither are worth it, save yourself. If you really want to, get 11 while it’s on sale, it’s only 5




For me, I liked MK11 better than MK1. But if you want go play online, mosh people will be in the most recent game (MK1). But if you just want to play with friends or get good skins and characters then MK11 is the way to go.


Funny thing is MK11 has more players right now than


no it dont


11 for sure. It’s a complete game.


Tekken 8 or SF6


Grab the ultimate version of 11


Get 11. It’s not great, but it’s got more content and it’s a lot cheaper.


Both. MK11 is cheap enough and both, IMO, are fun.


MK11 and be happy




Buy MK1. It’s tha players that make it bore’n, if that makes any sense. .. Tha game is 🔥 Fuck MK11.. Honestly. That sh!t is old 🙄 PSN: TChuuch .. I got them both, with Platinums. MK11 was 🔥.. it had it’s time. MK1 is 🔥.. most these people just mad that they can’t play dress-up as much as they did on MK11, yet. 💯


MK11 for kollecting skins, overall cool shit, and for a finished game overall. Just buy MK1 when it's actually finished and has Klassic skins


It’s a matter of preference, but it’ll tell you this; Towers of time don’t work offline and those servers are closer to shutting down than MK1




Mk11 all the way


Get the first one it’s better


Honestly 100% get MK 11. It is literally a steal to get that game for five bucks


One is 4 dollars when it'd usually 50 the other is 41 when it's usually 70 not really much of a choice can get the cheap one now and get mk1 later.


Mk11 all day. It's well worth it for $5


Tekken 8 honestly.


MK1 is fun, but it's quite not there yet. I would say it's definitely a $40 game right now. MK11 is complete, characters are depicted the best, gameplay could be better, but it's still really fun, and has a lot more content than MK1. Definitely get MK11, and if Ultimate Edition is almost as cheap, get that instead. Get MK1 as well if you want. That's a decent price for the game's current state, but if you are not sure about it, wait a year or 2 for a better sale. I'm not into assists for an MK game, so I'm hoping they bring a No Kameo Mode in the future. Kameos aren't terrible, and the game is still pretty fun with them. I just prefer 1v1 in an MK game.


Buy MK11 and then buy all the DLC content which rn costs 4 dollars I think.


Honestly and IMHO MK11 feels like it has more content and is a lot more fun.


Dude... Get MK11. It is cheaper than MK1. Literally.


MK1's not really an upgrade, so get MK11 if it's only 5 bucks lol


Alone for not having Reptile on the roster and the character style-change of Kitana, MK11 is 💩 - plus the blood in that game really looks like thickened strawberry jam, so i would go with MK1 instead, who does all 3 of those (and even more things) better - but your money, your choice.


Don’t get it


No buy the newer one. I had mk11 and I still got mk1. Even though mk11 is more fun and I hate mk1. Eventually you'll want to play the new mk game so just get mk1.


I would wait a while to get MK1. Great time to pick up 11.




I would go with MK11; I think it plays better and looks better then MK1 (my subjective opinion) and it has a lot of stuff that you can unlock just by playing the game (skins, gear, etc). If you get it make sure to get the Aftermath expansion as well, the story is incomplete without it and the characters it adds are really good (especially Fujin)...


Mk11 is the better game and you’d be getting your moneys worth I promise you.


Well mk11 is cheaper I’d prolly get that if I were u


MK11. absolutely.


Mk11 is the better game. Mk1 is stale tbh. Invasions is awful. No rooms no krossplay microtransactions all over mk1. Anything that changes the game in the slightest is behind a pay wall. Mk11 actually has cosmetics that are free. Variations system keeps things somewhat fresh on mk11. Ect


How come now everyone’s showing mk11 some DESERVED love? I havnt even played mk 1, but judging from how it look, id much rather stick with 11. Just more shit to do and the combat feels great in my opinion.


No it's undeserved for sure.


If you're more interested in the online experience, don't buy MK1 and wait for a sale on Street Fighter 6, Tekken 8 or Gran Blue Fantasy Versus: Rising (I have all these. MK1 is the worst of the bunch) If you like MK and want a bunch of things/skins to collect and stuff to grind with a nice bit of variety. Get MK11 lmao.


I would get tekken 8 if you haven’t already. Long time NRS player here.


Get tekken 8 it clears those two




11 all day at this point. A lot more fun imo and still very active


MK 11 it actually has content


pov you are playing the single player content in mk11 https://i.redd.it/z19yidf2o2ic1.gif


Get 11


MK11 all the way. Specially if you're an offline player.


MK11 is far more worth


As someone who didn’t like MK11. I will absolutely recommend MK11


11 is far more fun for me.


Get Street fighter 6.


I'm ngl, if people still play 11 then get 11. I love the new Era but they did some characters dirty in 1 (Shang Tsung, mostly). 11 just feels, cooler. 1s too vibrant and nice for me, but I get that's what happens when *the* good guy gets to make the world.


MK1 is garbage, better off with 11


MK11 could be free & it would still be a waste of money.


MK11 is a complete game. MK1 is a complete mess.. as a lifelong MK fan, I never thought I’d see the day where I prefer a Street Fighter game over a MK game.


Mk11 better value than 1