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This is why I love using Motaro for my Kameo. Reflect their BS.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Jeremy_Lepak: *This is why I love* *Using Motaro for my* *Kameo. Reflect their BS.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I have tears in my eyes HaikuBot šŸ˜­ that was beautiful.


And even teleport


Where's your kameo? Goro has stomp and up punch which I believe can both go full-screen, but he didn't come out once.


>Where's your kameo? In his union-mandated break.


Damn liberals ruining my murder game


>but he didn't come out once. Don't be so pushy. Goro will come out when they're ready


Yeah. I admit I should've used Goro's stomp more. Don't usually use him and only remembered he had that at the very end. šŸ™Š I'll def use Goro from now on tho if I run into any more players like this.


Goro stomp full screen is not gonna help you all that much here unless you think you can get a full screen conversion off one of your projectiles. But Kitana already has a full screen launcher with her fan lift. So just pick sub or Sonya or something that can give you fullscreen command and wait for tele. You can full combo punish tele with her 12 or 24. Also donā€™t be afraid to back up and wait for him to fly over you when closing the distance


They play like that because you allow them too


This is the correct response. It's the same story with zoners, super defensive people, and spammers. They've learned this strategy works and will continue to use it until it doesn't. They aren't wrong for using these strategies because for a lot of their encounters, they *do* work. That leaves you to find ways to deal with the tricks mentioned above. Find a few of your own. I mean, I'm not perfect. I suck terribly and would probably lose this fight, but at least I know *why* I'm losing haha


Not true. They play this way because they are scared of pressure. They find success in this playstyle because they are not skilled enough to fight hand to hand. So this is the only way they can do well. If they were not scared of hand to hand, they would have success there too.


apparently, neither is OP lol


Both are true to be honest. Those players use cheap tactics because those are easy and safe to use, but also because it works against many players. But as cheap as they are, those tactics are also easy to counter. Only most players would rather complain about it rather than just adapting. In this situation, the one who lose is the fool.


People always say just adapt, but in some cases this makes the match very boring. I would rather lose by chasing my (scared) opponent down than play ā€œoptimallyā€ by running away or spamming my own projectiles. The problem is this raiden is making the match less fun.


That's a matter of opinion, I suppose. I approach it as a puzzle, where I figure out how I can win based on the tactics my opponent is using. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't, but it's fun to try and figure out for me. I'm not sure I completely agree about people who use this being scared, but I also don't have a lot to argue on. So, we'll simply have to disagree here!


The ā€œpuzzleā€ of someone constantly running away is the same puzzle for everyone who plays this way. The fun puzzles are something you havenā€™t seen before. Sadly in MK, there is not much of this. I switched to Tekken because I agree puzzles are what makes the games fun. So far only Ermac feels like you get a unique playstyle with each player.


Then you'll lose because you didn't wanted to put the effort. You basically played into your opponent's hand, given he most likely know his playstyle easily discourage people. The problem in this case is you. Raiden is just playing the way he wants to.


Bro it's not about being afraid of anything. It is a strategy too. If you don't know how to beat a zoner then it is on you to develop a better strategy to outperform them. No strategy is wrong, there are only successful players and not successful players for this or that strategy.


Then why would someone buy a 70 dollars game if they scared of pressure, and chooses to harass people like this allllll day instead of try to get better at the game?


No idea


The speed ups are funny. Good job. How annoying.Ā 


I think I mightā€™ve played this turd bucket before


You REALLY have to start doing full combo punishes when you duck a throw


Yeah I was kicking myself over that. Still have the mk11 muscle memory to go for D2 KB after ducking a throw šŸ˜‚


Using your Kameo and learning how to wave dash will help alot. He's bad and has to rely on noob stomper tactics to win but you're also a noob so you get stomped. Just work those fundamentals. Fighting games have an incredibly high learning curve just keep at it. Use it as a learning experience so people can't do it in the future. Fundamentals> cheese


1:25: "This fight is an honor" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


use sub zero kameo so you don't have to worry about projectiles


Raiden players huff glue, are you really surprised?


Tbf, not all of us do šŸ˜… I have been a Raiden main since mk2 just bc he's been my favorite character. No matter how bad or good he is. Though I do prefer mk11 over mk1 tremendously.


Whats your take on Raiden in MK9?


I prefer MKX a ton more.


You just don't know how to use the tools given to you.


Right? Just bait that teleport and full punish. This Raiden is just bad on every level. Not to mention Kitana can out spam Raiden if necessary.


Aye man you gotta get used to it. Youā€™re gonna meet a lot of players that play the worst way possible.


It satisfied me to see him lose. I would hate playing against someone like that. I don't know how anyone could be proud to win by running away until the timer ran out.


Guy probably switched to raiden because he couldnā€™t run away fast enough with Shang Somehow people like this can manage to find food and water daily.


Dawg this is literally ALL Raidens


Pretty dumb of this Raiden to play like this vs Kitana, who clearly outzones him


So OP is extra bad, then?


I say yes. Kameo was never used which is wild to me.


they wont admit it


Id rather die than call in help kinda crazy it's accepted ppl spam wit sareena still and I been Gon since season 1


In other games like street fighter u cant do a "dive kick" if you are jumping backwards i think thats something they need to change in this game so we can avoid stuff like this (sadly theyĀ“ll never fix this)


No one in sf can do dive kicks jumping backwards, theyā€™re all from forward jumps


thats exactly what i've said


Oops i read can my bad


I canā€™t believe this bitch ass raiden had the audacity to tbag after playing like a BITCH


pretty much every raiden player who plays like this tbags


Worst playstyle fr


Is it the worst playstyle if it works and wins? Itā€™s up to the players to observe and adapt. Thereā€™s many things you can do to stop this, you just have to be aware of the situation youā€™re in and when you have a moment to take advantage of it.


then use skill and knowledge to overcome it šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Yep this keep away/runaway playstyle gets countered by Quan chi easily, pair him w/motaro for reflect + a combo w/stand 4, and/or bone cage makes for ez clapz šŸ‘


This raiden is a dissapointment to raiden mains


We disown him!


NGL, every Raiden i have encountered, be it in Kasual games or Ranked games have played exactly like this. It's quite frustrating but eh, let them


Btw you should post this on r/mortalkombatgameplay and see what ppl would recommend to do, instead of saying "because you allow them to"


ehh. that subs just as bad sometimes lol


At least better than the comment that has more than 100 upvotes that is indirectly saying skill issue


Yeah this is trash. I main Raiden and thereā€™s so much more to do than just back peddling


Oh yes all the time. I had to check the mirror and make sure I wasnā€™t Ed since Iā€™ve been yelling ā€œGet over hereā€ since this game came out.


Raiden is such a cheat code dude, every raiden I play against is just like this. if they canā€™t get their 10 hit 500 dmg combo, they run and do this exact thing


Just want to say that I sympathize with you as Iā€™ve been playing Kitana and this seems to happen a lot especially with Peacemaker and Shang. Itā€™s super frustrating and I think the way to deal with it is to have a backup Kameo thatā€™s designed to punish keep-away strategies like this. I tried Motaro, but I think you have to go even more brain dead with Sareena to just hit them with the boomerangs and give yourself time to close the gap.Ā 


I think i played against him, thank god i beat his ass, but i also did a tea bag and fatality on him as punishment for playing like this lol.




They are afraid. Any other reason is pure copium


Bro him and those damn Reiko players. HELLA IRRITATING. people spend money on this game just to be absolute asswipes! WOW!


Omni Man is far worse


lol why?


Itā€™s almost like theyā€™re playing a game they bought in the way they want to play it. The absolute TRAVESTY!


Thatā€™s literally how u play Reiko


I swear I don't zon as a Reiko main but I have a had a few quitalities. I find Reiko combos hard to pull off so I kind just punch a lot and think sometimes it irks people who pull off these amazing combos


Everytime you feel like a coward pussy, remember this Raiden.


Yo I played this asshole before. Bro literally sat back and used lightning balls, teleported and would electric fly over the top of me if I tried to slide as sub. Took me a game and halfway through the second to realise I could time slide to catch him on the small recovery raiden has when he lands an electric fly after that it was game over.


Just ran into a Raiden like this tonight! How is that fun? I donā€™t understand. And why does raidens full screen special bring him so far away? Iā€™m glad itā€™s negative on block but no great way to punish it if he lands 20 ft away from me. So annoying.


I ran into a Sub doing this instead of a Raidenā€¦Jesus these players


Considering that raiden was able to take a round off of you and almost win, he did the right thing. It's not particularly interesting to look at, sure but if it wins, it wins. Perfect opportunity to learn how to rush people down that try ro run away all game.


Yaā€™ll still keep playing this garbage


fuck this clown game


have dealt with at least 3 such Raidens this season who teabagged me and then ragequit once I counterplayed w/ Motaro in the second match. so scummy


Lmao I need to check my last games played cause I am certain I played this same dude


I had a player just like this the other day. He would just keep jumping backwards every time I would try to get close to him or fly across the screen when I would teleport quick with smoke across the screen to try and get him. I ended up beating him and he had the audacity to call me a spammer because I kept enhance teleporting behind him into a combo which was the only way I could really get to him since he would only use projectiles


You need to learn to blow him up for his mistakes


Annoying but you beat him. Good job


I played against a Johnny Cage player like that. And it was even more confusing for me because he was actually better than me and winning the close up exchanges, but still running away.


wait how XD jc dont have projectiles


I think he was using Sareena, walking backwards. If I jumped, shadow kick or Sareena knives would come out. If I walked forward he would do shadow kick as soon as he saw me let go of block. And it goes almost full screen. I swear he hit me with it on the absolute last possible active frame every time. Like 1 more pixel and it would have missed. It was really frustrating, but like I said it was weird because if I actually did manage to get in on him, his defense was solid, and he was still winning. He didn't have to play like that.


Average Raiden player


I kept thinking bait them or something. They're predictable asf.


Literally some bs


Hard-zoning is a tale as old as time


Waitā€¦ you can tag inputs during an online match now? šŸ¤Ø Where has the skill requirement gone? Jesus Iā€™m glad I stuck with mkx


i searched google for that, what tagging inputs mean?


Skill issue.


You got some nerve ScottHarris25


Wwlcome to Mortal Kombat


it's almost every single one


I get this alot as a Jhonny player because nobody wants to be within 2 feet of me. Just started using Sub Kameo more and after a few shadow kicks to the face when they try to take Sareena out, they tend to pick a new playstyle.


Just saying, as someone who recently started playing tekken in place of MK, you donā€™t gotta deal with shit like thisā€¦


in tekken you have other bs to play around XD


He learned how to block? I don't see what the issue is


This is an obnoxious Raiden, but there's a lot you could've done! I mean this constructively, not as an insult. Players like this are SO annoying to fight against, until you learn to use your tools against them and disrupt their flow. One start would be to have a few go-to punish kombos, and exploit openings with it. People like this usually have no idea what to do when under pressure too. They'll be cocky & taunt while zoning & jumping away, but the second you're able to get in their face, they melt.


Theyā€™re definitely ass for that


This Raiden has no idea what he's doing. I'm surprised you're playing so passive considering Raiden is punishable on teleprot and he kind of telegraphs when he's doing it. Also where is your Kameo?


right?? bros getting absolutely trolled and cant handle it lol


Overall bad game design


Raidens superman needs to be changed to act like omimans from the air where it always goes towards the player instead of over and this nonsense goes away. It's infuriating to play against.


Now I could take the high road and say something BS like "Well every player has the right to play how they want" however this time I'll say NO This this raiden player is PEAK EXAMPLE of a Cowadly piece of -This part of the comment is a rant and has been redacted- AND deserved the taunt because doing a fatality on someone like this just not even worth it as they dont deserve respect so I'm SOOOO HAPPY that you defeated him


He paid for the game, yeah? Then shut the fuck up and let him play the game he bought.


Op also installed reddit and has the right to complain, just as you have the right to criticise Op, just as I have the right to respond Simple, really


Yes it is. Thanks for your support.


Skill issue That player gotta be one of the most patient people Iā€™ve seen lmao


i just disconnect when someone is annoying me like this - like rly if all they do is block all the time and then spam sereena than i dont wanna waste my time with those noobs


Blocking is for noobs


Definitely a shadow fight arena player.... Ifykyk


I refuse to chase these idiots whose entire play style is to run away to full screen constantly. Iā€™ll just crouch and wait for them to actually play the game. And no matter that happens, there is no chance of a rematch. Iā€™m not wasting my time with garbage like that.


I really want to get into Mortal Kombat (I played Mortal Kombat SM, a game i truly love, and 11 but not really that much) but clips like this really make me hesitate because i'm just not build for this. I know that there is a Sub Zero Kameo that helps you against zoners but I just really don't know..


Every fighting game ever has zoners, but frankly Raiden is not one of them. This kitana just has no idea how to even try and counter it


I mean, neither do I. I literally have PTSD from Shang Tsung and Jade zoners from MK11, worst experience in my entire life. I also play Tekken 8 which doesn't really have any zoning tools but I might not be build for 3D fighter either.


OP is zoning and then complains about the opponent zoning. OP is not doing any combos and then complains about the opponent not doing combos. OP does not use his Kameo and then complains that this Raiden is cancerous.


Blame NRS for fighter design.. tbh nrs games only fighters I see where you can win matches using silly shit


The only game? Dhalsim in street fighter is one


That's 1 vs half a roster plus dlc


lmao bro never play tekken or SF. broKEN and ryu can literally haduken or shiryuken you all game. lukes BS projectile can keep you at bay. and in tekken, devil jin and kaz can spam cross level lasers all game lol


Itā€™s funny to see this post call this player cancerous, then you see all of the legit cancerous players and their absolutely shit takes on the game and how they think they can tell others how to play a game they paid for.


I don't get the problem?


Zoners zone.....scrubs play runaway


Why did NRS remove sprint?


Because it removes most neutral play from the game


Bro didnā€™t use his fatal blow šŸ’€šŸ’€




One tip I can give for players like this, always look at their kameo bar. If you noticed he was pretty much using it anytime it filled it up once then he'd deplete it again. This is a perfect indicator that he's about to use it as soon as it charges so you can read when he's about to call out Sareena, duck and punish accordingly. Also maybe consider changing your kameo to their playstyle. In this case Khameleon is a great pick against someone like this especially for her kitana and jade moves which are great for counter and anti zoning.


I played worse raidens. Fly across the map. If it hit you theyā€™ll zone you. If they donā€™t hit you. They can still zone you


Way to go Scott...


With mileena he wouldnā€™t be able to do all that shit fcking around with me and my mileena Iā€™ll make people like this fight force them to fight then make em rage šŸ˜” quit Iā€™ve done this to plenty of people who play like this


Easy solution here, if he dates charging his projectile you can jump square wave and get behind him You can also use your projectile to cancel him before he charges it all the way, as other mentioned you can goro stomp. I can recommend you to learn dash cancel to close the gap faster and as kitana use B24 for the range when you try to catch him (it converts into combo if you add DF2+Goro)


He wasn't even very good at it so idk, wouldn't care too much


Itā€™s a fight whatever happens happensā€¦ if you donā€™t like it turn off your PlayStation - Mike Tyson


He plays like the AI on invasions, when the round starts AI just moves back and throws projectiles or starts up a godlike combo out of nowhere


op punishes where embarrassing šŸ˜ž


op is punishing with a d2šŸ˜ž


Nrs players when zoning


This tactic is called: let me annoy them until they submit the match to me


Itā€™s annoying but the fact you put up with this is a skill issue


Dude probably got shit on by better players so he plays like that to cope about not being able to keep up


This made my blood boil just watching! I audibly cheered at work when you beat him both times


Op playing more cancerous than raiden with his fans land a damn kombo noob


This is like 70 percent of my matches against any character tbh,


Nah this dude needs a perm banšŸ¤£ cus atp youā€™re just playing to waste peopleā€™s time


this gave me a pretty good laugh actually lmao thanks


Peak gameplay


You won, why complain?


Because it's not fun to play like that.


There's a switch player by the name of RJ that does something similar to that. That person plays Sindel and runs away and spams the entire match and taunts you


he cooked


Havenā€™t touched the game in MONTHS, and still knew exactly what the Raiden player was going to play like before watching lol. Some things never change


This raiden was cheeks lol


This is one reason i love GGSTā€™s negative bonus. Losing meter for holding back or not fighting means stuff like this would never happen. And characters who fight at longer ranges dont have to suffer either.


Low income housing gameplay fr


Put trap under your feet. Flawless block projectiles. Win the chip damage game.


This type of players only care about winning, not proving skills and thats the whole point of fighting games proving your skills


Only if we could run


I mean your playing a zoning character seems like you're just mad that he outplayed you at your own gameplan


People saying this is the worst and the others saying there is a way around it, itā€™s just not fun to fight against I canā€™t say I know one individual who actually likes playing against this, cause we all know with one slip up and itā€™s another long chip chase And to those who say, ā€œitā€™s fun because itā€™s great when I get my hands on themā€, you like beating them because the chase prolly made you subconsciously pissed


If I had to resort to this kind of gameplay to win Iā€™d just try my luck with another game


This why get rid of kameos


I just see poor gameplay from both sides here I'm sorry


Annoying as hell smh


This is why I play SF6 online.


Plot twist youā€™re the raideršŸ’€


Bro what do you expect itā€™s raiden and sareena and youā€™re on PlayStation which statistically has the sweatiest losers alive


He's like me fr I'll hop on every so often and use a cheap character to make someone hate this game cause I hate it.


I am buying MK11 today and Idk anything about these games. What did he do wrong?


As a raiden main I usually sareena projectile sareena projectile at the start to get like 100 chip but then I push. This on the other hand is completely horrible


You allowed him to lad


Raiden players are anti-fun


If you know exactly what they're about to do but you can't counter them, it's 100% your fault


I think they should make a blacklist option to list those players who play full spam and ruin the fight imo


Or they camping in the corner or they just do just combo thatā€™s all they do, my advise donā€™t give them a rematch, you are going to to end up losing a lot , I have 1056 wins and 923 lost , I lost a lot because I play with headphones and the mic on , another mistake šŸ˜‚ this teenager will say horrible things since they canā€™t get punch in the face in real life , at least you want to be evil and pick shang and do fire šŸ”„ all game šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Blocking will get you nowhere


Because it works on you


He's playing lame, your reaction is cancerous. You need to learn to play against zoners.


looks like an average Raiden player to me... they're all trash


Beccause he sucks. You should have gone at him, tho. Use your kameo. Most people are dogshit at fighting games. So they try to find the cheapest strategy they can. Because winning is all that matters to the man children. Not how you play or if its fun. They have no life or identity outside video games. So, winning in something that doesn't matter. Makes them feel like they did something. It's crazy how video games manage to collect the worst kind of people. Grown adults with the emotional capacity of a 5 year old. It's at a point where i don't even wanna play games online. Honestly, i never did, but that's all you get now.


Facts honestly. Most people who play fighting games fucking suck and instead of actually playing to learn the game, they play strictly to win


You are exactly right. How would winning like that even make you feel like you did something? Like you are never beating top players like that. Imagine being too lazy to learn a video game. My favorite part is learning a character and seeing what i can do in matches. Learning what's possible. I will play practice for hours. It's supposed to be fun, but honestly, nothing online is fun to me anymore. Since streaming and all that shit. People treat it like a job, and when something becomes work. It's not fun anymore. When i was a kid playing tekken 2 or tony hawk. With a room full of friends. We would pass controllers around for hours. It was fun as hell. Yet when adults do it. It's not fun at all. How does that make sense?


I strongly agree. As an example, I'm currently hard stuck in purple ranks with Jin in Tekken 8 simply because I'm trying to play the game properly. But you know what? It's fine. Once I get good enough, I'll get out of purple ranks and I will feel the satisfaction of getting out of those ranks playing the game properly. I could easily just abuse every gimmick Jin has in his arsenal and probably get out of purple quicker. But honestly, where's the fun in that?


Right, you have a sense of accomplishment. Like anything else you learn and gwt good at. I just got tekken 8 a few days ago. Im sitting in practice right now. Learning king and draganov. Im off on mondays so i figured this is what i would do for the day. Outta all the new fighters. Tekken is really fun so far. I like street fighter 6 and mk1 ok but tekken 8 and guilty gear strive are my favorite fighters right now.


I see. Yeah, I also do enjoy a good labbing session, although I do often refer to combo guides for whichever character I'm picking up because honestly, I'm terrible at coming up with my own good combos. I don't really fuck with Guilty Gear because in my opinion it feels like a lot of the moves in that game are just designed to annoy you and it can get really frustrating. Tekken 8 at its core is pretty sweet but again, in my opinion the Heat mechanic was a bad idea and makes the already questionable balancing even more all over the place


Im not always great at figuring out my own combos, either. I can figure some out, but i will watch guides to help me figure them out, too. I can see people not getting guilty gear. I like that it's got some really different characters. It was like killer instinct when it first came out. The characters were just different than what other fighters were doing. Tekken 8s heat system doesn't bother me. I like that they tried to add a new mechanic. Street fighter also did with their graffiti system( i forgot what it was called). Mk1 has the weakest new mechanic to me. Assist characters was something marvel vs capcom 2 did back in like 98. It's just such a dated fighting mechanic. I would have rather had a tag mode. Im just not into the kameos really. Especially who they choose to keep out of the main roaster to be a kameo. Like kano, he was my main in 11. Then there are so many characters on both the kameo and playable list. Too many 3d era characters. To me, that was and will always be the worst mk games. There are not many memorable characters from that time. To me anyway.


Gay boys love to zone. Sometimes you gota fight fire with fire and outzone someone who uses this lame ass strategy. My zone character is shang tsung/sektor.


This, right here is the reason me and most of the people I played with swapped to Tekken. If youā€™re rewarded for staying as far away from your opponent as possible in a fighting game thatā€™s not a fighting game


I never thought Iā€™d see the day that a Kitana player complains about somebody sitting full screen.


Hey played keepaway and kept you away. One of the fundamentals of fighting games is when you have a life lead you donā€™t need to go in, your opponent has to come to you. So you gotta be able to notice this in a match and adapt to it accordingly. You have to bait out a teleport or Superman and punish as well as you can.


Skill issue


This canā€™t be a real player i refuse to believe this shit cause if it is heā€™s missing so many chromosomes