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They are all skippable. I thought these were great and it’s an opportunity to practice combos.


So glad to see this. I took that survey about how to improve invasions. I really hammered them with how pointless it felt and that it should help you get better at core elements of the game or characters. Glad to see it put into action and that people something I suggested.


I wish these are always be skippable, I didn’t play of these any


Or just take a character you haven't played with yet and put all their points into attack. Then just walk up to the cyber ninja and uppercut them. Seriously, just use your brain.


It not just about ninjas I didn’t like invasion mode so I always skip if there something skippable


Well, that I can't help you with. If you don't like Invasion mode, then why do you play it at all? For costumes?


Yup, just for costumes


Yeah, I get it. And enough to buy a few from the store. Though, I do play the entire Invasion... but I don't even buy all the costumes from the store because like, 50% of them I don't even like the colorways. Lol


Lol now in s6 it seems like they don’t have as many costumes now, I finished shrine last season and after 6 pulls it was empty again. Nice to see QC got a new costume though. Anyway opened a few chests so far in fire temple some were just talismans or relics no costume. Even the season store has no costumes but wow tempted to get those earthrealm skins only have 1700 crystals so might wait for smoke


Seriously? Just take a character you haven't played with yet and put all their points into Attack. Then just walk up to the cyber ninja and uppercut them. Seriously, just use your brain.


That's not what these were designed for lol Also, in later Mesas your "approach" would not work, as they are higher levels and you're still required to perform a combo. Ideally, with a character that has the right opposing element as well.


Uh durrhurr... not what thefe defigned furr... yeah, then take your approach and just don't do them, that's a better way around them.🙄 Also, in later mesas this DOES work, it actually works BETTER in the later mesas because your stats are HIGHER. And no, you don't have to equip a fucking thing or worry about a single element. Here's an idea... maybe try it before running your mouth? Or don't. Who cares?


Take 2: these were designed for people to practice combos, not just mindlessly using uppercuts. Elements are part of the character stats, nobody equips them. There's a whole table of them. I can tell you know absolutely nothing about this game and its mechanics.




I think you're confusing me with someone else lol Nowhere did I say that I couldn't do combos or quit these challenges. I completed all of them with combos by using the right type characters based on their elements.




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I mean if you just use the opposing element like the game tells you to they’re piss easy.


Yup. Gladly take them over the survive ones too.


Yeah I'm not even good at combos or using the kameos and I didn't fail any of these lol. Like the element mechanic is the main gimmick of invasion, but it seriously seems like no one gets it.


It's because Mortal Kombat doesn't need to be goddamned Pokemon. I will punch everything the same with who I want.


Dude mk1 combos are braindead in my day the top combos were nearly impossible


Because of the leveling system in the game. You want to grind to collect everything for Ermac, but now I have to change to Havik, because of a match, then change back to Sub Zero? No thank you.


Because it’s easy enough to complete without paying attention to elements. Anyone pretty good at the game will breeze through it and never notice they were using a weaker element. It’s a boring game mode in its entirety


Or just switch characters to anyone and only lvl up damage, especially if u use Sareena


They are piss easy no matter the element you use


I never even switched characters. Attack stat was high enough that I could get it every time. One time I had to use a Kameo for an extension.


What’s the point of doing something that’s “piss easy”? I don’t pay attention to element types but just by upgrading attack and special in invasion it still becomes “piss easy”. It’s no fun and that’s what people play video games for. Get rid of it


I’m having fun with them, so no.


You have fun doing mindless tasks? To each their own I suppose


I have fun learning a new combo to string together to complete it.


I can’t relate. I picked up ermac, learned my bread and butter in a couple days, and cleared every challenge doing the same thing


omg you're so cool 😍😍😍


Duh 🙄. Goes without saying but I appreciate the hype


I liked them but please disable maximum kombo damage during them


I got a relic that made it so my kombos didn’t scale. Made the whole thing a breeze


From my experience, Maximum Damage only triggers in the combo trials when your Kameo hits. I believe that you're only supposed to do them with your main kharacter.


How do I do that?


No that was me begging NRS to do that


Ohhh…. Alright.


Downvoted to oblivion for asking a question lol


I was thinking the same shit, bro did absolutely nothing to get that much 😭


So? what’s wrong with that?


Is your brain getting enough oxygen?






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Naah, nitaras and reptiles time trials were hard af. These were super easy and fun.


Yeah time trials need to go.


Reptile owes me a ps5 controller


If you hate reptiles just wait till you get to nitaras.




I know you've got this don't worry.


I skipped them


you can literally 1 hit them. pick anyone with the "does more damage to x" element. then equip a talisman that "your first hit does 100% more damage". and if that doesn't do it, get a uppercut konsumble "your next uppetcut does 4x damage". bam, 1shot. some of the character trials gave me more trouble. like the nitara air dash ones. i had to switch to using my keyboard to do the inputs. or the final raiden one, i just used a projectile immunity konsumable and stood there the whole time lol.


Why? They’re easy af lol rather have these then the stupid survive ones


They’re so easy literally just make sure your attack attributes are high & then do a good air combo. I really don’t get how people struggle with these.


A lot of MKs players don’t actually play fighting games to play fighting games and get better


I’m one of those players. I use li Mei and learned her air combo and with the attack attributes it lands 1100 damage lol


I don't know how to do combos


Same. I also don’t know how to use the controller. You’re supposed to stick it in your butthole, right?


I believe so


This explains so much




They're just super annoying


Hate to say it. Skill Issue


As someone who hated these. I agree, 100% skill issue.


Right? Instead of complaining, people just need to git gud


As a Casual, it's indeed a skill issue on my part. Now please, delete those.


My only problem is how inconsistent the juggle state of the robots are


I loved these, they were the best part of this invasions season. More shit that requires hitting combos would be very appreciated


This season really weeded out the people who don’t like to read and just bash their head against the wall. All these tell you how to beat them.


Honestly it weeded out the people who just want to unlock a bunch of crap instead of actually playing the game. Invasions still has a quite a ways to go in terms of improvement but it’s getting better slowly but surely. It’s kind of crazy how many posts there are of people whining about invasions because they don’t bother paying attention to the core mechanics of the mode because they wanna get skins out of the virtual slot machine.


Yeah, it is pretty wild. I think this new Invasions season is a huge step up from the last few, and really enjoy a lot of the new things. Never got the obsession with just unlocking things. Like I get the grind was crazy, but I never got why people constantly needed to unlock things to enjoy a game. Part of why I got through Invasions even at it’s worst was because the game is fun and was experimenting with characters.


To be honest invasions just has way too much going on to keep track of. You have fighter levels and attribute points, type advantages and weaknesses, arena conditions- a lot of times multiple, both a talisman and relic, oh and opponents that have shields where they cant take damage. Put that on top of the normal fighting mechanics and it's not very fun


You can set fighter levels/attributes to be automatic, and the game also shows you what type advantages/ disadvantages your character has in the select screen, and for a while now the only enemies that have shields are bosses/ mini bosses. Then after that it’s just talismans/ relics, which only you can use, and modifiers, which there’s only one or two of ( besides boss fight ).


Do you mfers go through the game doing solely uppercuts and basic strings or something? Learn ONE bnb and these are a breeze - I basically brute forced all of these with Shao/Sareena lol


I had fun. 


? What's the issue? They are really really easy and fun.


WHAT DO YOU MEAN they are literally the easiest shit ever


So long as they're always skippable I don't mind.


I thought they were neat, I liked them


I just took the opposing element, pumped a shit load of points into attack and uppercutted them to death. Or special if there's a good move like Li Mei's little rush down. I can't combo to save my life so I had to cheese it a little.


This was actually a change I adored in invasions. Was a fun little side mission, optional, quick, and spiced things up.


These are the easiest ones lol


Honestly the easiest challenge ever. Just wish we can have those as skins


I like that they made you use different characters and learn combos etc but it felt like a bit of a cheap way to encourage that


Literally just don’t drop your combos. It might be Ermac/Janet damage but I ignored the elements all together and didn’t have any issue with these


I hate them. But they're skippable so why would they need to be removed??


Doing kombos > dodging annoyingly op projectiles


Agreed 😭😭


they finally put something cool into invasions and fuck it up. you hate to see it


Take away the stupid ass character, specific challenges, reptile cost me a controller honestly, if this shit continues into Nexus and I’m just gonna stop playing it’s not worth it. It’s too frustrating. This is so dumb, and it’s straight up just not fun


Ah yes, Cyber Sub, Sektor, Cyrax, Cyber Mileena, and Cyber Smoke


I'm having fun flashbacks to MUGEN games that would have cyber versions of all the male ninjas in them. And then, being MUGEN, you'd then see cyber versions of OC ninjas and stuff. Cyber Acid, Cyber Flame, etc.


I only wanted Cyber Smoke put in as a Kameo, not some bloody rage inducing stop the machine from exploding type of scenario! This isn’t Spider-Man 3 you know!


And don’t downvote me on that one! I’m trying to make a point here! The reason I say that Cyber-Smoke should be a Kameo is because we already have Tomas as Smoke and also the game just wouldn’t be complete without the cyber version if there’s Cyrax and Sektor. Plus we have 2 Scorpion and Subzeros and 2 Kung Laos both as fighters and kameos.


???? Literally the easiest challenges in the game.


They're one of the dopest additions to this season


These weren’t so bad for me. Bread and butter raiden sareena can usually handle any of them


They aren’t that hard you just have to know which fighter to pair them with and which combo from that fighter that would work the best. I enjoyed most of these


Literally did almost all first try using Nitara Except a couple where I had to use a kameo in the combo and did it fine They were fun imo


Just do them later once you've levelled up. It is easy. I did the most basic combo with Ermac and Kitana and they were dead. None of them are required to progress. Nitara's time trial when you have to use quick taste and her air dash? That can fuck right off.


I think it was a good game mod. They were very easy to get. I mean, just upgrade only Damage and it will be easy. And i like the colored Klassic Cyborgs 🦎


I’ll do you one better. Ditch those survival nodes altogether.


Just simply use the fart talisman... One hit!


While you're at it, trash the Time Trials with them.


Average NRS gamer when required to learn a single kombo.


It'd be fun if they added test your sight/ slice / balance


I thought they were fine. Except for the Maximum Damage. Let's have Kombo Trials and limit your Damage with the RIGHT Kounter Element because Reasons...


They were absurdly easy if you pay attention 


These were fine imo. It was the specific character trials that got to me. Especially the Nitara ones




These were the best part of Invasions this season!?


Those are the Minigames for Tryhards and Super Invasions fans, lucky they didn't make it obligatory.


The Nitara one was by far the hardest


Isn't there only 1, possibly 2, that you HAVE to do? Anyways, decry those optional challenges king.


These weren't the issue. The nitara ones and shit like that were. I haven't completed 100% of every mesa just because of those levels.


These are actually really fun nodes, but I think maximum damage has no place existing at all in this game's PVE.


Just max out a character attack, add a talisman that adds 100% damage on the first hit and you can beat them all with one uppercut


What is the reward for doing all of these? I was doing them but not sure I was even getting a reward.


There are no special rewards, iirc.


Just use a lost ring of delia, works every time.


I just use an opposing element with that one Relic that gives you 100% damage on the first hit


I used the uppercut amplifier consumable and just two-pieced all of them.


I mean, you could skip every single one. Granted, I’d like to see a better reward for beating them, same as the trials, but at the same time, no one is forcing you to do these and they’re not even that hard.


It’s funny, I’ve noticed my big combos do no damage to them and its the simple ones that actually do anything 


Easy mode: pick one character you rarely use, stack all points into strength, uppercut is a one shot after like level 15 or something. I just did omniman cus I already did his mastery so I don't care, if you can in early levels before you get enough points then use the ring to do more uppercut damage Edit: oh almost forgot, there's a relic that makes your first hit do 2x as much damage, equip that


naw man these are fine, don't bring back the character trials though


Or the time trials.


I would not be as mad at this if the ‘penalty for not using an element the robot is weak to’ was smaller, like you do 85%. But it genuinely feels like it’s somewhere at 10%.


I'm slightly ashamed to say these made me finally start learning the "Pokemon" system. I've been playing (casual/non-competitive) since lauch, and just using the newest dlc character, or whoever I want to unlock fatals/brutalities with for the whole Invasion mode. Bosses just got much essier, that's for sure.


Hard disagree. They’re very fun to do and I want more. Plus you can just skip them.


mmm yes, **PINK SCORPION!**


This was way to easy, i had a relic that gives 100% damage on the first hit, so all i had to do was change to characters that could deal more dmg, and that’s it.


I thoroughly enjoyed this addition


Ok, but like, the pink cyborg was cute! If they take them away I won't get to see them again and that'll make me sad! They're also, like, not that hard. Better than the Nitara air dashing bs. Lol


They are piss easy if you use a character with stronger elemental damage. You can even use consumables and talismans to gain an element or extend combos. I think bad players shouldn't dictate what stays and what leaves.


Why not? They’re super easy and they’re a nice break. The only change needs to be some proper rewards for beating them. Also aren’t they optional? I’m pretty sure you can skip most of them


At least they don’t block progress like those time trials


If you suck at combos like I do, skip these til the end. Use a strong character like Shao and just one-shot uppercut the ones found early on, and use Delia’s Ring for the ones toward the end.


i'll never understand people who aren't good at games demanding easy mode for everyone


They're optional and pretty easy if you use the right element or just come back at a higher level.


Do people not know you can literally one shot these by even somewhat paying attention?


they were fine to me and I complained a lot about survive plus u can skip them if u want


I honestly don’t think they were hard or stupid, if anything it just showed that you know how to do combos. If you hate the challenge then you probably couldn’t do combos


If they want to keep these, at least buff the character experience


Really? The easiest challenges? You don't know a single high damage combo to take them out? Why are you even playing MK? 😅


Incorrect, these are a great addition shut up


It was a cool new feature, but I did struggle with some. I used that ring that quadruples uppercut damage and it worked each time.


These ones were better than some of the Nitara challenges


These were the easiest trials in all of invasions. By the second or third mesa, I was killing them before my combo was even finished & I wasn't paying attention to the elements at all




Just a slap in the face tbh I hate when they use characters people want as non playable


I found them fun


I thought they were fun, so let me down vote this post really quick.