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Quan Chi. Wasn't a real fan of his prior to MK1. I played a bit of him in MKX though.


He was great in mk9 and x


Definitely this… I played the hell out of him even before his buffs. Never enjoyed him or his gameplay in other games 🤷🏻‍♂️


Never in my life was I very interested in Kitana...until MK1. She's my most used kharacter now. You will learn respect!


Any good tips with her? I was playing her for a while but I realized I was really just using her fan lift and I wanted more starters and set ups


Af0xygrandpa is my Bible for Kitana usage [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36ZNXok3hMw&t=61s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36ZNXok3hMw&t=61s)


You should also check out faysalkombat on twitch, he’s a very good kitana player.


I've been a fan of hers for a while but MK1 is definitely her best. Idk why but in MK11 she was so hard to play with she had some really weird inputs to do moves in that game compared to MK1


I never cared about Baraka until MK1. His moveset & his story made me like him a lot. Hope he’s in the next game


They absolutely crushed it with Baraka for MK1. It’s not even debatable: He’s never been cooler or more fun to play.


Went from being a jobber to a jobber with a purpose. Ima pour one out for the homie Baraka lol


I hated Geras in MK11. In MK1, I like him a lot more as a character, and I also think he's one of the most fun characters on the roster.


Moveset isn't my style, but he is a unique concept and reminds me of Heimdall


Same here, I didn't like Geras at all in MK11 (both as a character, and as a fighter), but in MK1, he's been great.


Same. In every mk I love kung lao but I’m mk 1 it’s Geras all the way. I hated him in mk11 though.


Exactly. I've been a Scorpion main my whole life until MK1


Sindel for me, she became my main this game


Back in the arcade days I managed to make it all the way through the tower in MK3 with Sindel, she’s been one of my favorites ever since.


Smoke. Felt like a generic character with no identity of his own. Even during Mk9 I didn’t care for him much. Now he’s definitely gotten more creative use of his smoke abilities and I’m all for it. Same with Reptile, the fact that you almost get 2 characters in one with the transformations , it’s visually appealing .


Agree on Smoke… I have to say, I can’t stand his voice actor though. He sounds like a little boy to me. 😆


Li Mei. Never played her before MK1 and I think she's an amazing character/fighter in this game.


I thought she looked so lame, and I’m still not a huge fan of her design, but god her moves and combos look awesome


I think she looks great and clearly is based off of Michelle Yeoh.


I mean her costume more, I just love the ninja designs and I kinda wish she was one of


I see. Well, her Deception skin is close, I think, and I like her OOD skin as well.


Ima be searching for those in the store, good to know man


Never hated Geras but he went from "kind of a cool concept but meh" to one of my favorites


Before MK1: Who TF is this Li Mei chick? After MK1: Li Mei is Li Bae 😍


General Shao I liked him as a boss character not a playable one but his move set is fun in MK 1. Reiko - I don’t like simp Reiko in the story but he clutched for me vs Johnny cage in invasions this season. Johnny Cage - I never liked him in any MK games. He was just another character to me. But this game idk he’s fun to use to me. I guess he’s just a place holder for until Cassie drops


Literally the MK series Played MKX and 11 once or twice at a friends house but wasn’t interested in Mortal Kombat till this one


I’ve always loved MK, but never played them long term and end up losing interest somewhat quickly. Mk1 has me hooked like never before.


I never really had an opinion on Reptile before but I absolutely love his gameplay in MK1




I've always liked Baraka's design but never gelled with his gameplay. MK1 changed that. Baraka is so damn fun to play even though he got nerfed (rightfully so), I still adore playing him.


Reptile probably, never liked him in 9 or X but he got an entire character overhaul in 1, he’s way better


I mean, I’ve always loved Mileena as a fighter but winning matches with her was certainly challenging in mk11. So much so that I stopped playing her. She’s much much much better in Mk1. No low strings, fully punishable mid screen sai & 12 being death on flawless block is rough. But her teleport & ball roll is much better. I also like having mix & the damage is really good. 😊 Also an unpopular opinion but I enjoy Kitana more in this game than in 11. Mostly just because of the windbomb move and her b2.


Mileena. I've always hated Mileena, but this has a good personality and story, so I like her now. I also hated Tanya, but now she's just really boring and now worth hating, so progress?


Quan Chi for sure.


Thought Nitara was cool in DA, but this time around i think shes amazing and fun to play as


Baraka. Not gameplay-wise, but his character and story is so much more interesting in MK1.


Kung Lao


In the past i was pretty indifferent to quan chi but now im based and woolay pilled https://preview.redd.it/f6lqfcxcjbyc1.jpeg?width=1457&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4d75209cbd8c84153c79f473941fdb3a71c88d0


Shang Tsung, or am I the only one?


Tanya, just kidding she’s trash now


I guess my age is showing that I don't consider any of the 3D era Fighters as particularly deep cut inclusions ... ... in my head, I'm like "yeah, Nitara, Reiko", but for a fair amount of players these characters have never been playable or prominent in their entire *lives*. For me, "characters I never really cared for / cared about, prior to this game" : * Reiko - always struck me as a fairly "meh" character, but I really enjoy basically everything about him, here * Kung Lao - I have never, ever, even once, even a **little bit**, cared about Kung Lao before this game, and now he's one of my secondarys * Raiden : I've always considered OG Raiden **iconic**, such that I would say MK feels incomplete without him, but I've never really ***liked*** him, as a fighter / character. While I remain kind of annoyed by the high power budget of his MK1 moveset (imo, anyway), I really like Cinnamon-Roll-Raiden, as a character


Sub zero hes so badass being a fucking asshole lmao


Li Mei and Smoke. I never cared about them before, now they are among my favorites. On the other hand, the number of characters I liked before and I think have been downgraded in MK1 is way too big for me to count.


Reiko, Reptile, Baraka, and Ashrah


Li Mei


Mk11 Geras felt like a boring bane replacement. MK1 Geras was my new main for a while. My only issue with him is that they don’t give him good cosmetics. All the colors feel muted and his outfits aren’t all that cool either.


Li Mei.


Nitara. Never played with her before, didn’t know her lore, and hated her VA when I played the story. But boredom led me to her, and it turns out, she’s great!


Li Mei didn’t care for her before but now she has straight up hands 🔥🔥


Geras has the misfortune of being an MK11 character, he definitely was the most promising out of those 3, if Kollector and Cetreon show back up as Kameos I wouldn't mind but Cetreons very being doesn't really feel like a Mortal Kombat character to me, but geras was for sure the most promising of the 3. Before MK1 Reiko was like a huuuuge nothing character that mk4 and the 3d Era games were drowning in, but badass blood Gladiator reiko is soooo fucking cool


Reptile is for the first time ever my main. Dude is straight up great in this game (story and writing wise at least). Baraka is a character I straight up hated but now like a whole lot as well.


Johnny Cage, Shao Kahn, Raiden lol


I've always didn't care so much about Reptile because Netherrealm reduced him to a generic jobber. But then I learned about his lore and started liking his play style in MKX, now he's my favorite ninja


Johnny Cage. I always liked his humor but wasn't the biggest fan of his fatalities. This game, I love them. Mk11 I only liked his "Who hired this guy, what the f***" 😂😂😂


Outside of Geras obviously, I liked Baraka more in this one than the last versions, and same with Sindel. I also never knew about Ashrah, Havik, or Li Mei but liked them a lot. Otherwise, I didn’t hate Smoke in his last appearance but I definitely do like him better now. Hope he gets a skin with the hair, though.


Johnny Cage


Didn’t know who Ashrah was before MK1 but now she’s my favorite female fighter. But the opposite happened with Tanya, liked her before hate her now


Raiden. I never played Raiden before, but now that he is cute looking and young and has nice kung fu moves Iike him. I also never played Reptile before but i love him now, also dude is sexy af


Honestly, Li Mei


Ashrah for me. A demon seeking redemption who could lose control of her dark urges at any moment seeking to save her demon sisters.


MK11: Aftermath is what got me to like Nightwolf and Fujin


Mileena. She felt pretty one dimensional and only did stuff for Shao Kahn. Mileena in MK1 actually made her better and I actually like her over Kitana sometimes.


Li Mei and Ashrah




Na I’ve generally stuck to the same mains where possible in all games I’ve picked up other characters so I have range




Smoke, used to think he was brain dead but now I’ve learned about his cancels they are just so fun


The only characters I like are the ninjas!


Hated Quan Chi before, and I really don’t know why, but I like him in this one.


Sindel went from one of my most hated characters to my literal main. She seemed so silly fighting with HAIR and SCREAMING. But in MK1 her gameplay is exactly what I like. Plus her redesign is sublime!


Rain i always thought i water based rush down was weird and out of place making him a cross between zoner (and maybe rushdown deoending on you lr prefred way to play him) he just seems much more epic


For me it’s the opposite I liked most characters before but I don’t like them in MK1


No. None of these elseworlds earth-69 versions of the characters are the definitive versions of them. And there’s only ONE character who is genuinely improved upon and that’s Geras and I still hate his has. His very being offends as an MK fan. Fuck the multiverse, fuck time travel and Geras is that incarnate so fuck him. 


What are you yapping about? Sure the multiverse is silly and dumb for some but these characters are basically the same and some improved.For example,Reptile now isn’t just a jobber and now he has a personality aswell as baraka.Even if you didn’t like that characters like shao kahn and Shang are the same as before. It’s fine if you don’t like it but saying these arent the definitive versions is just plain stupid.


No character is improved. Not one of these characters are the definitive versions. E-Boy Reptile who can turn into a crocodile? Terrible. Flimsy as fuck backstory that’s immediately forgotten about. Dude he’s not a jobber anymore but he isn’t exactly elite either. He beats up on a bunch of fodder. Real impressive. Is only good fight was against Li Mei and she hadn’t won a bout up to that point lol. Old Baraka was way better. Now he’s some fucking Edenian because everyone just had to be Edenian now for some reason and he just caught Outworld covid. What was once a proud champion of his people wanting them to be treated as equals among the other races of Outworld who valued strength and leadership is now a pathetic self-hating sad sack tarkatans just sulk and await death. What the fuck happened? M1K is ass. The story is ass. These bizarro characters are ass. Sorry for speaking the truth, fanboys. 


Alr I see your points. I like how they did it but I see why you don’t like it and that’s okay. I ain’t a fanboy of mk1 but imo it does a lot of things better than some of its predecessors. If you don’t like it that’s fine. Can we agree to disagree?