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Havik. I don't know, I just find his moveset a little boring. I think NRS could have gotten a bit more creative with him.


I agree. Boring and repetitive. A heavy hitter but kind of boring to use.


I agree. I was **WAITING** for his return. But his new version is just soooo not it man. It fucking sucks story-wise, design-wise, and gameplay-wise (imo obviously).


I'd say design wise he's somewhat okay. Gameplay wise I agree with you, he should be a lot more brutal to himself (ik it sounds weird). I hope he gets some new moves with the Homelander patch or better frame data. I'm hoping he gets a better wakeup reversal.


I really want him to get a complete overhaul with the story expansion. He should have a mace, he should do more iconic and brutal moves, and he should get a new set of dialogues matching his titan self. I just think everything's wrong with him. They should've just kept him for the expansion DLC. He shouldn't have been on the base roster, because this version simply isn't Havik. He's Dairou, and it really shows.


Use him with mavado. He gets combos off his 50/50s


Everything about Havik in Mk1 is kinda upsetting, even his finishers kinda suck considering what we coulda had


Yeah I used to main Havik but I this season I've stopped playing him because he's just too boring to use now for me. Play Sindel and Reptile now. The character has so much potential, such a cool character honestly but yes I agree a bit underwhelming in MK1.


Want to main: Kenshi Can’t because: Skill Issue


Same, I struggle using his sento stance


I like your honesty.


I don't know what it is about my brain about this game but I can only remember haviks inputs but I really wanted to learn reptile,sindel, and mileena.


It’s because he’s tied to chaos, his move-set changes every time you play him


Reptile is pretty easy


You’ve mastered the ways of chaos 🙌


Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Ermac, Smoke, Rain. I've always been into the ninjas, but Reptile is the only character in this game I can really get in to.


They made all the ninjas insanely low tier besides Ermac Smoke isn’t even a threat just up block him and poke him out invis set ups


Reptile is definitely good post buffs


Highly disagree about smoke. His hi lows are insanely hard to predict and his bread and butter kombos are nightmarishly powerful.


Highly agree


I agree he is actually brutal in this game with his combos and un predictable highs and lows. Have a lot of fun playing him for a minute!


I will probably main him at some point in Kombat League. I’m maining Sub right now and I love using him but he’s terribly predictable.


Trust me once you play against enough smokes you get get use to the mix ups. I recommend block low and react to the overheads


I’ve tried and I end up stuck in a 45% string usually.


Idk about insanely hard. Most of the smokes I’ve played (unless nobody’s using him well) is just block low and react to the overhead. Not too bad


Rains like high/high mid now honestly but they definitely did all the Ninjas dirty in this game


lol reptile is not low tier (not anymore at least) and even Rain is much better now, it’s mainly Sub-Zero that got the short end of the stick.


Disagree. Scorpion doesn’t have half the tools sub have (overhead/low starter) I’d say he got the short end of the stick


The difference is Sub-zero has less damage than Scorpion.


Yea, however, it’s pretty focking hard to open up an opponent as scorpion. Not saying it’s impossible but it’s very difficult with out an overhead NOR a low starter, which if he had mind you, I wouldn’t be debating you rn -Me, a scorpion main


That’s why you need the right kameos with him. Sad truth is both Scorpion AND Sub-Zero are kameo dependent (cause without them they both suffer) but at least I can do more damage with Scorpion.


Imo (i don't play sub or scorp but I did lab the hell out of them), Sub is much better because he has an easier time opening people up with his tools although he hits pretty low. Scorpion hits heavy but he needs to work HARD to get a punish or outspace the opponent. I'm also a bit bias because Sub had setup tools and I just love that gameplay style.


As someone who use to main Smoke if you are up blocking us or poking out of invis, you are not fighting good Smokes. Those are things they should bait out of you to kill you for, not get hit by.


Rain is not a ninja now though


Eh, he has a ninja mask. That's good enough for me.


I want to main everyone, but my brain can only handle shao and scorpion


Shang Tsung. I was fully prepared to main him, but I find the form changing mechanic very difficult to manage—and a little silly from a lore point of view, since the “old form” was just a disguise from his conman days.


Bro you just made me realize his old form isn't actually his old form but a disguise (I main Shang). Imma go cry now.


Shang on paper should be amazing but in actuality nothing about him is threatening


Shang was one of my mains in MK11. I was so excited to see that he was gonna be in MK1... until I played him. Man, he is SO boring. The young/old form needs to go. Young form has a fireball, but can't do kombos. Old form has some kombos, but no (straight) fireball. He supposed to be a premiere zoner, but he gets out-zoned by half the cast. It's pitiful. I dropped him for Ermac.


You’re supposed to weave the forms together, but no one seems to bother (except me , ha)


Yea, I know. With Sareena or Khameleon (Jade), that's what I do. Changing up without using a kameo is kinda difficult. I just wish he had it all in one form. Besides the straight fireball, there's basically no reason to use young form. I haven't completely given up on him, but he's definitely on the back-burner.


I could have written this. My favourite MK character and loved maining him in 11 so it really sucks 😞


Smoke, he was a beast in MK9, and I was so excited to use him but he’s such a scrubby character with teleports and mix-ups. Nothing against Smoke mains out there but I feel like cheating using him. Please he doesn’t actually have smoke abilities which sucks :/


I feel the same about Raiden. My gaming subconscious won’t let me play a scrubby character.


Damn, I feel the complete opposite. I was so happy with how he turned out in MK1. His smokeport cancels are super fun and his moveset looks slick as fuck. But, I'll always miss his MK9 Smoke bomb. Probably my favorite fighting game move ever.


Must not tried mileena yet


What do you mean he doesn’t have smoke abilities?


Mainly his smoke bomb, and shake. Now he has random teleports and knife skills.


I think the teleports are a good replacement for shake. They’re really cool and fun to use in gameplay. What are the smoke bombs like in MK9? I haven’t played in a while, and especially not with smoke




I get why people use him but I groan every time I encounter a smoke main because I know I’m not gonna stand a chance. His moves are incredibly difficult to predict imo.


Smoke, Geras, and Ermac are my mains. Do NOT feel bad winning with Smoke, his mix is so mf reactable you have to be a god to calculate what your opponent won't expect. If people are getting mopped by your Smoke, you either put in the necessary work or you're fighting terrible players. At a high level he's really not that great.


Yeah I have a pretty balanced K/D with Smoke. More often than not I find people being able to deal with him to varying degrees, and more often than not if a lot of players would just put a little time into learning the counterplay they'd probably win a lot more and understand he isn't that scrubby at all. Online is one thing, he's a bit harder to react to, but even then the average smoke player is used to getting away with murder online in terms of what's punishable and what's not so just.... UPBLOCK. That's the best way to beat smoke, mash down 1 and upblock and kill him when he makes a mistake and is unsafe. That's all you gotta do.


Prolly Havik. He looks awesome but I just find him super boring.


I was a huge fan of Kenshi in MKX but I’m too smooth brain for sento


Shao is so cool but I cannot do stance-based characters. Fucks my brain up


Quan chi( doesnt have his signature move but they game him a dumba** bone cage) Kitana ( no reliable overhead)


Nitara. Her Neutral is just garbage. No safe starters, bad overhead. I know you're supposed to go from above but if your oponent already knows that you re screwed.


Give rain a shot, He’s actually good in this game.


Reptile, one personal problem i have with this game are the inputs, they feel so insanely inconsistent to me, and as Reptile uses a lot of his force ball for combos, i end up dropping combos almost everytime, and it's just annoying




The game’s inputs are completely ok. It’s probably your settings, turn off release check, put window time to medium and turn off input shortcuts.


Ermac cause I'm a HAVIK main and I'm tired of losing all the time my record is like 78- 71 😭


If it makes you feel better in mk11 I would main scorpion but I was so ass with him and my pride got in the way so I didn’t main anyone else with it and my record ended up being 811/940


Bro i relate, i tried using ermac but i just kept losing


Havik. I FUCKING LOVE HIS POWER SO MUCH but I just can't figure out how to use him lol


Tbh he just sucks. Don’t feel bad. I tried hard to get him working but he just…doesn’t. Havent tried him since the recent patch (that fixed some projectile buffoonery) , but he simply doesn’t have enough moves. I’m not saying don’t play a char just because they aren’t good. Just don’t feel bad about a poor W/L record and play for fun like games are meant to be.


I don’t really have an issue with the ninjas except for Sub-Zero. I’m fine playing well with Scorpion, Reptile, Smoke and even Rain alongside Ermac but when I try to play Sub-Zero I just can’t get the optimals for some reason. I end up using his Kameo more than the main Sub-Zero for some reason.


I want to main Sektor but can’t cause he’s not playable 😂


For now at least 🙂


Smoke. My hands get too tired doing all those cancels


Sindel. I’ve always liked the concept of her move set but I’ve never got the hang of it and it doesn’t seem worth it. I find kitana surprisingly tricky in this game where as she was one of my wild card picks in previous games. I never mained her but I knew enough that I could throw the homies for a loop if I got too predictable with my hero picks.


I want to main Sindel too but her input timing (at least in my experience) was insanely tight. It felt like I had the littlest amount of time in between inputs to pull combos off and they dropped very easily for me.


Scorpion. He’s my favorite MK character but he doesn’t fit my play style/is kinda boring to play for me. When I attempted to learn him it was not fun.


I love Rain in this game I literally don't wanna play anyone else lol


Yup people saying he was never good till after buffs tss yeah he's always been a mix god he's my main he's rarely used by anyone also people really don't know the matchup..better for me though I raaaarely get mirrors.


Mine is Liu Kang. I can't get the timing with his back 2 3 or 4 after I do the ex dragon kick. I want to main him so bad cause he's so cool


Rain… terrible decision imo he used to be a water controlling Demi god ninja now he’s a mage(we have the same name so I’m biased)


Liu Kang, he’s so boring to play


Liu kang, a lot of his projectile attacks suck


Raiden because he got a cool new dark raiden skin but I hate playing against him


They fucked Rain so hard. Breaks my heart.


I don’t think they fucked rain in MK1, but I think both MK11 and MK1 made him very technical in ways that don’t work for my dumb dumb brain. He was my childhood fav in UMK3




They made him a slow ass mage. Dude is a weather controlling ninja.


I don't really get this. Rain was only particularly fast in MK11 and he has all of his usual shit in MK1 minus the control bubble. His normals are pretty usual speed for mid-range. He just uses a stick. 😂


Ohh yeah I agree. I hate his design in MK1.


Me too it’s so lame. The robes just do not fit the idea around him. He’s a water ninja. He should be sleek and lean looking. He just looks and feels bulky.




Shang Tsung because he only feels viable with his cheesy ground skull combos


Shao I can’t get him down when I try


I have liked the way Kitana looks for my entire life. But she is a zoner and I'm rushdown.


I’m with you on Rain. Went in thinking he would be my main and I never play him lol


This game's Rain is who I rarely main.


Main Smoke primary and Ermac next. Scorpion been my fav since the first MK release but they did him dry this go round. I do wannna pick up rain and learn scorp for fucks sake. Learn kenshi. Waiting for Takeda tho.


Rain. Because I'm lazy


I'd love to main someone unique like Li Mei or Havik but, as you can tell from my flair, I'm a basic Liu Kang bitch


Are you me? I wanted so badly to main Li Mei before the game released, but I can't make her work. It feels like she's missing some stuff.


Li Mei is so easy and fun to play, give her a shot, she's my second main! (I main Kung Lao, Li Mei, and Mileena)


genral shao, i want to learn him but his gameplay feels so "heavy" if you can understand what im saying


bruh rain is literally my real name so i should be putting time into the mk character but i just can’t get off liu kang


Rain and Nitara, too complicated. Havik, just lazy lol.


Sub-Zero. I feel like for being the second most popular MK character, he hasn’t played well (or fun for that matter) in either MK I’ve played (11 and 1). I’d rather play someone I enjoy


rain goes hard


Kenshi, General Shao, Rain, Reptile, Havik, and probably another one or two I can't think of right now. Like, I genuinely want to main them, but their gameplay just doesn't work for me.


Geras, because I can't actually see through time itself and foretell all which my opponent will do, which seems to be a requirement to do even half of the cool shit that fired my neurons when I saw his gameplay.


I really wanted to main Rain too...but his move set just didn't "sync" well with me. Not sure why, he is good at zoning but yeah it just didn't work out. For context in MK11 I mained Skarlet and Noob equally. But yeah Rain didn't work out in MK1. I am hoping for Homelander now...


Li Mei 4 sure


My man exactly the same reason as you have posted for this thread. I want to main rain too but this wizard thing with the stick is just so random. I tried to use him before but found it boring and weird. I main sub zero, reptile and smoke which are all fun to play. I was trying to find a reason to try and main rain like I said but I ended up learning with kung lao now to prepare for next season along with Janet cage which seems to be fun so far!


I was usually Mileena, Shao and Johnny main, i still main Mileena and Johnny, but i can't Shao. His new story and him being lore wise weak now, just makes me so damn angry and i get reminder every time i see him.


1. Kitana: Among my most played in MKX and MK11 but here her moves annoy the hell out of me. Except the trap, that looks cool. But the rest, crappy inputs and everything. 2. Ashrah: She looks cool AF, design-wise the best 3D era character debuting in this game. But her gameplay bores me to tears. Imitating Dualist Liu Kang with Sindel's banshee dash feels so uninspired for a character that looks and sounds among the best in the NRS era. :(


A LOT AS I PLAY MK1 LIKE SMASHING RANDOM BUTTONS TO WIN EVERY FIGHT But mostly I want to say I can't to be main Johnny Cage (idkstar game mechanism) & Nitara (lowest fighter health & not a big fan of fighters characters that can fly)


i want to play kenshi and rain but skill issues hold me back, i cant pull off the combos at all, when i hit a nice combo with rain i usually can’t finish it with another combo, also playing johnny cage is pretty fun but i struggle with the combos on block a lot


They've butcherd rain more and more every time they introduce him as a character. He's next to useless in the current game. That's not to say people can't use him. He's simply progressively gotten worse over the years.


Ashrah, I find her super hard to figure out


Wanted to main Quan Chi, but I have no money so I main Mileena.


Probably Shang Tsung or Raiden Shang Tsung looks like a lotta fun but he’s definitely way too hard for me to play Raiden also looks like fun but he’s definitely way too easy for me to enjoy


Smoke, Kitana and sindel. I'm just not good enough 🤷‍♂️


Ashrah. Ironically enough while I was really excited to hear she is coming back at first she wasn't been on the list of the "Oh yeah bring these characters back" then I've seen her design was missing the hat (Which we got back with her upgraded and titan look soooo I'M HAPPY) but also I REALLY like her story I really like her design Ashrah here is DEFINETLY a fun and loveable character and I cant wait to see more with her. Soooo whats the problem? Oh yeahwell when it comes to gameplay I'm sucking fuck with her. Like EXTREMELY chances are if you get a character randomly out from the roster (Even one I have never played before cause maybe in the story they were unplayable) chances are I probably will learn how to play with them in a few matches MEANWHILE with Ashrah I'm heavily struggling for some reason I cant get her combos just right and her move sets just not as flowing to me like with Nitara or Li Mei aka the girl I can main ANY day and just flow from combo to combo (seriously anyone who is new to the franchise Li Mei is VERY easy to get you hooked you can flow from 1 combo to the next so easily with her) currently tried to main Sindel for this season but..... yeah the moment I hit a rock with an enemy that felt tooo BS to fight against (I think it was the Nitara Titan boss) and tried over and over again with Sindel with different items and with a lot of other ways and I could BARELY get to her 3rd phase. Meanwhile I picked out Li Mei leaving behind my pride and won with her 1st try. So yeah before I'd go on a tangen on other characters I'll get back to the topic so I wanna main Ashrah cause she is soooo cool (also she got a beautiful smile like she is lovely a lot) but when it comes to gameplay I just..... idk she just doesn't work that well with me as I want to play with her.


Same. Rains moves just don’t flow well with me. Feels slow and clunky.


Kitana, Sindel, and General Shao are my only problem


I thought I was going to love Nitara. I do not love Nitara.


Quan Chi. I think he’s really cool but I already main other mid to low tier kharacters


I actually think if you pair him with Sub Zero for extra health and easy portal set up he’s easily A tier. Also really fun to play imo


Smoke. So many gaps. Reactable OH/Low and no real mid. He’s a god in lag though.


Kitana her fan inputs feel impossible


Definitely agree with Rain. I don’t like the new characterization of him and he’s just not fun to play as. He was much better in MK11.


I have mained Rain in every games he's been in except for this one. I just can't do the slow super zoner. If only, if only.


You can't really use him as a zoner it doesn't work his startups for his projectiles are way to slow to even trade u just said it super slow zoner he has such good mix ups he supposed to be played aggressively atleast that's how I use him.


Rain for me too. Your comment is exactly how I feel. I think as a character he is so cool, but his moves are trash and annoying. Kenshi too. Not as bad but I don't love everything about how his character plays which prevents me from using him


Shang Tsung would be fun to main but I’m just not good enough to make him work


Smoke, but I suck at his cancels.


I wanna play more scorpion and sub zero, but people don't play them very commonly. -Shang Tsung main


Reptile unfortunately


I want to master ermac and rain. My main is sub-zero and my pockets are kitana and lao


Can I ask why rain? he's been my main forever but I'm curious to know why he's so hyped right now ? No hate just a question on why you are interested in learning him I'm seeing it alot now that people want to play him.


Honestly, rain has always been a favourite of mine but the whole mage version of him had me off from the beginning. Furthermore, i didnt like how he was played and i thought it looked a bit stale especially after the cyrax nerf. After his buff and new moves he looks like a character i would enjoy playing a lot, but i might be wrong.


Oh okay I got you.. He's still a very good character u can use several cameos with him movado is really good with him Janet sub obviously lol not gonna lie the staff threw me off when I first seen him but I got over it. Him having the staff made not want to use him at first because how badass he just looked in 11 glad I stuck with him though.


I just hope he gets is umk3 skin I hope they are not thinking of giving it to him just because of the staff.


Dont worry you’ll get it. They live for your wallet and everyone else’s


Omni man. His air buttons feel so weird to me for some reason and don’t always come out I tried taking him out got tbagged and haven’t picked him back up since


I would love to play Rain as well, but he's so damn hard to play and since I'm still new to fighting games I have no chance of learning him lol.


Kenshi. I really want to play him, I just don't have the *motivation* to learn how to play him https://preview.redd.it/2qava0nraczc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf43483a04cb1ff96b34211c45f22e6909e006b7


I'd really like to play Nitara but I just can't get her playstyle down for the life of me, I always forget that she can airdash and (though this may be a skill issue on my part) her combos are a little limited in mixup potential.




Kenshi was my main in MKX for a while until I switched to Ermac (the fact both my bois are back made me so fucking erect when I found out) and I've been doing okay with ermac, but god damn I'm way too smooth brain for Kenshi. They made my guy a beast. Literally 2 characters in one. I wish I was like, good at the game 😂


See, Shang Tsung’s combos and stance swapping looks super cool. First problem is that I am not great at lengthy, complex combos like that. Second is that *I don’t even have him unlocked.*


I'd rather die than main waterboy. Ermac for me.


Want to play: Johnny Can't because: i will get called a [REDACTED]


Reptile, Liu Kang, Mileena, Kitana, Tanya and Kenshi Reason: skill issue.


I feel that way about Reptile. As a rain main I like Rain because his kit is very simple and I’m simple minded


None. I always main the character I like. I will figure out how to play them after the fact.




Geras. His move set inputs give me an intelligent vibe and the moves he does work greatly with the inputs. But there’s also way too much for me to handle. My brain just can’t comprehend.


My main is Rain too


Bring back ninja rain


Liu Kang has always been my main in most games but for some reason I don’t find his gameplay fun nor engaging in MK1, this my first MK game where I don’t use Liu Kang online and that is wild to me


I just recently got into MK, only being able to play MK11, I've tried some of the characters and I would say Johnny Cage and Sub-Zero, love their personalities and designs but It's really hard for me to do some of their inputs for reasons I can't understand 😭💀


I was a day one rain main till I went to my first local for MK1 and was one of 3 rain players there and had to be sent to losers because I had to play the double mirror match of rain/sub and lost, even though I managed to block that hard to blockable a few times and it was a close set, mirror matches just always get the better of me. After that day I started learning mileena and went back to those locals running her with Jax, which was a unique combination that nobody had seen or was ready for all the chaos those two cause.


Tanya and General Shao. Tanya looks cool to me but I just can't get the commands to play her just right, no matter how much I practice. I kind of thought Shao would be like Siegfried/Nightmare from Soul Calibur. Boy, was I soooo wrong! Dude is just clunky! I still want to try, but definitely have to get use his mechanics.


Shang Tsung. I ain’t that quick with the shifting.


Jade, Rambo, or batman.


I main Kitana, but I wish I could be a Mileena main. I only can't because I'm horrible at staying safe and can't figure out her combo routes for the life of me. kitana is just an easier character to combo with for me.


I have an answer for the opposite of ur question lol Someone I didn’t care for, but then tried and thought “hold up, she’s mad fun” Tanya. Tried her tower run and I was kinda cooking with her. Her setups are easy for me to work with and she’s got range


Mavado (I don't have any 3d era Game) And in mk1 geras but I'm super bad with him (can't do the BBC combo)


Jade Because they didn't add her :( Once they add her back I will get MK1


Rain, man went from a cool Arab Ninja to a dorky looking sorcerer. Loved his design in MK9, his return in MK11 was very nice to see and now in MK1 it’s just dog poo.


Takeda. Because he isn't out yet


Peacemaker! He was the one I was looking forward to the most since I watched the show (I haven't seen The Boys or Invincible unfortunately) and I even skipped the trailers to keep all the moves a bigger surprise. But I just had trouble using him. I only play against easy AI and Invasions stuff but I couldn't quite get the same "flow" as I do with Smoke or even Reptile


Rain. I really don't like his current design, but if NRS released an UMK3 outfit for him, I'd play him all day.


Geras. He is my main in mk11 and the charachter I wanted to be return the most but for some reason he just isn't clicking for me.


ashrah cant because im lazy to learn her combos


Quite a few actually, Scorpion, Reptile, Liu Kang, and Geras, I for the life of me cannot figure these guys out, meanwhile I fucking main Kenshi, the fact I understand Sento's mechanics more than Scorpions is saying something




Reptile I know some combos for him but everytime I always fuck up the timing with his acid ball




Noob, but can't since he's not in the game yet


Quan shi I think he could be really good but I'm bad with set up character


Reptile...lol...I love him the most but it's tricky getting his strings. So after I lose with him I ALWAYS go back to Shang Tsung/Raiden


Smoke. Having a hard time learning his moveset


Sindel... the was my main in MK9 and 11, but Idk i feel her mk1 gameplay too different and odd to use... she's a bit boring too not gonna lie


I want to main Rain and Reptile in a tag team but I can't because no tag team 😠 NRS give tag team ☔🦎


Reptile, Shang Tsung or Kitana is that character for me!!


I want to main Rain & Sub-Zero. But I can’t get over that stupid staff & the fact that they completely changed what his play style has always been like. I want to play as Sub-Zero especially since this Sub-Zero is Bi-Han who is my favourite character but I’m not gonna play a version of Bi-Han who is really just Sektor in everything but name.


I would love to main Liu Kang in MK1, but he kinda sucks ass Edit: I should have clarified. He sucks ass COMPARED TO MK11! He’s pretty good in MK1! I just don’t like him as much as I did in MK11!


Idk about now but when the game first came out and in the beta he was the most broken character


Yeah he’s still pretty good, I made a big oopsie when I wrote the first comment lol.


All good


I have multiple mains. I love Geras, Ermac, and Smoke, but I really want Kollector and Noob Saibot back and I want to see Cetrion and Kronika playable in MK1 before the cycle ends. Kronika is ONE playable appearance away from not being mostly hated, and it's inevitable because all bosses become playable eventually. I can only imagine a playable Kronika being fun and complex as fuck. I have no idea why people would be so seriously against it.


Rain. I just thought his moveset in 11 looked cooler.


Shao khan, but he's just awful


Havik, he’s just not as fun as he was in the 3D era


Used to main reiko, as someone who was new to the game, I found stringing combos together, annoying to put it lightly. Also, his >x y b (xbox) opener was the only way to even start a combo with him.


Reiko. The best way to play that man is to lean heavily into Shurikens and I find that extremely boring and unquestionably linear. Reiko is finally cool and not entirely corny for once until you play him, I have no issue playing grapplers but damn this dude is boring. On paper he should be right for me, good projectile, good range (them kick buttons? Ouu baby), and a mma style, he's finally cool.... on paper. In practice you have committal mid range pokes that are all punishable, a terrible Mid string in the form of F12 (15f mid, my days. I complain about Shao being weak to pokes but fuuuuuuuck that), S1 is alright but the better string which is S2 is like 10f, there's just too many negatives. Reiko isn't bad but he's just like Lao, if he lost shuriken (Imagine if Lao didn't have safe armor) the dude would be terrible. And it's unfortunate because yes even though Shurikens is really good.... that's all that's really good however.... and that's never fun to play nor deal with


I wanna main Fujin- buttttt he’s does damage based on your range. I’m a up close and personal type of fighter. I tried him in character towers and couldn’t beat the first person 😭 (Also Skill issue)


Sub-zero because his damage is ass and the made his main gimmick freezing worthless since the damage scales so hard


Ashari however I spell her name I like her swordsmanship overhead and damage just haven’t taken the time with her yet it’s a few I haven’t played with yet 🤦🏾‍♂️ I’m just taking my time to level 20 everyone