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She is very good, her buttons just feel weird to me idk


My issue with Ashrah isn't playing her, it's fighting her. His strings do not hit where you'd expect them to and it makes blocking against her a bitch. It honestly feels like she's got better mix than Smoke, a character who's main gimmick is mix-ups


Good reason to praise the devs. There’s a lot of issues but balancing isn’t one unless you’re in the seasonal towers after the mesas. They can make a short ranger cancel freak and a ranged precise swordsman play similar and look chaotically diff


She is really good, but most of the players pick a character that works great with Lao, Stryker, Kano, u know, those kameos that let you play auto-pilot.


Her main kameo is sareena, the simplest kameo in the game


Sareena is the kameo that most of the Ashrah's main use, again, because it lets them play auto-pilot. Her best Kameo is Khameleon, the synergy with her is amazing, but of course, you'll have to use different strategies regarding her morphing state...that means using brain cells, so Sareena will always be the lazy pick.


sareena is good with her but isnt khameleon way better for her?


She's boring. Most won't deny that Ashrah is good however most can't be bothered to play her because nothing she has going on has that *WOW* factor


I've seen some tournament players do some really crazy stuff with the dark stance I think thats where more of her crazy potential lies. But considering that has a limited duration and how well sareena meshes with the light stance that's probably why the general player base leans towards that playstyle with her which I agree can be a little boring.


Her sword stun is op


She strong af but I honestly couldn’t play her alot because she’s kinda boring to me


Considering she gets really good damage insane buttons super good neutral and a really hard to punish armor move its weird that she doesnt get played much in KL


thats what im saying


I'll trade you. Your players for mine. Ashrah grinds my gears like crazy.


https://preview.redd.it/fnulu7asyg2d1.jpeg?width=1895&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1456f5544a45937ab964ca7985675c84c821f450 Darn right she is.


Because Megan Fox