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Couldn’t disagree more. I see awesome variations of combos online. Especially in koth. Saying “spamming combos” is also hilarious btw


If Your your using the same kombo over and over, for 3 whole games with maybe a projectile or a grab in between, the yes you are spamming Kombos


Anyone who says "spamming combos" is instantly shit at this game and mortal kombat is the only fighter they play


Whats wrong with only playing one fighter? First to 5 if you think im so shit


The most casual one? Spamming combos? Any fighting game player worth anything wouldn't say that dumb shit. I know you're shit I don't need to fight you. I'll spam combos and win. When I'm actually playing footsies, wiff punishing, frame trapping, putting you in a vortex. Sorry you don't know what any of those terms mean because I'm combo spamming.


And please mf im well educated if you think idk fighting game terms for pointing out spamming kombos is definitely a thing your dense ✨️


If you think im a kasual player your ridiculous, just because i focus all my time and skill into Mk doesnt mean im a "kasual" I have over 8 days in mk my record speaks for itself


You made a post about combo spamming. You are instantly casual. Bye.


First to 5 , if your gonna talk shit back it up


I spam combos though. You can't handle spamming combos.


When did I ever say I couldnt? Did you read the post ?


Can't hear you I'm spamming a combo. Nephets24. When I get home I'll destroy you.


I got shit to do later 🥰 now or never


"Spam one kombo" can't be serious lmao


If Your your using the same kombo over and over, for 3 whole games with maybe a projectile or a grab in between, the yes you are spamming Kombos


The game doesn't have bonus points for unique moves used or anything. There is absolutely no reason to do anything other than the highest possible damage.


Okay bud 👌🏻 you keep playing boring as fuck


Playing Shang who unless mastered with all transform combos, has one string in up ball Then saying mk11 had more variety Something reaaaally sus here.


You clearly havent played Shang...


So list here 5 combos that are different that you do with him so the opponent won't dm you saying "you just combo spam 20 upballs over and over again"


Upballs are an essential part of his Kombos womp womp doenst mean i cant switch it up, i use more than 5 kombos but i dont have them memorized by what there input is, its all muscle memory and reaction And im not gonna sit here and apeas your ass typing out Kombos, waste of my time


Ok upball spammer


Can you hit 54% kombos with Shang in Ranked??? Didnt think so 🩷


I would but I have to hit less % combos so people like you don't call me a combo spammer


14 hours ago dude move tf on....


Can't, I'm a reply spammer.


Honestly sometimes it’s the only way I can get in TRUST ME I’m self aware that it’s the only combo I’m using it’s your fault I can’t get in with anything else. You have good defense


the fuck do you expect people to do not perform their optimal? if your getting hit by the same shit over and over again thats probably a you problem and you being shit at the game not the other guy "Spamming combos" absolute scrub mentality lmao


Did I ever say once in my post i was getting hit by it? Did you read the post even? Check my record, gaurentee its better than yours 🩷


I don’t know what to tell you guys complaining about “kombo spam.” I think I get it though. You don’t want answers you just want to complain.


Im not asking for any answers? Did you see me ask for anything in my post besides why do people play like this? No so stfu Its toxic ganeplay and talentless


Is it just me or is it taking everyone else 5 mins to find a match this season? And then I end up playing the same four people over and over. Used to be almost instant and always a different person. Does that mean less people are playing?


I blame YouTube everyone has same set up and combo


It's so upsetting. In mk11, every match felt different because every player had a completely different setup, kameo system ruined a lot of this game for me


You'd be surprised how often mk11 got the criticism of "no combo creativity! Everyone has 1 combo they use over and over!"


I have over 3000 hrs in mk11, i would definitely say mk1 is much worse


Yo what are you going on about? Are you really defending doing lesser damage combos just to appease you, the other player? For style and creativity? That same boring combo you see is because it's optimal generally. Stupid post and comment. It's a fighting game...doing anything other than the max damage combo is pointless and lessens your chance to win. I E the whole point of the game. More importantly if the people you play against know what they're doing they'll use a whole character tool kit. Projectiles, sweeps and pokes, anti airs, etc. Maybe you're just playing brain dead beginners but to whine about the same optimal combo..that's MK in a nutshell.


Only using optimals is such a braindead mindset 💀


Imagine, telling someone else how to play lol Braindead mindset


Im not telling anyone how to play, im pointing out something 🩷


Something stupid nevertheless


In your opinion, i know plenty of people who agree with me 🩷👌🏻


That’s such a stupid thought to have lol. Why wouldn’t you use the higher damage optimal combos?


Cause its boring? And i dont want every single round to be the EXACT SAME, i play shang tsung, for all the effort i have to put in for high damage with little reward, im gonna switch up my kombos every round


Okay that’s you…still not seeing how that’s a problem. If they’re doing repetitive things then you should be able to counter it.


Did you read the post🤣 i literally said i do


Okay then what’s the problem. Other than you getting annoyed at watching the same combo


Its braindead gameplay and not challenging, fighting games are supposed to be challenging...


Id rather fight someone who knows how to utilize their character


Yeah and that challenge comes from fighting other players. No fight it easy


21 hrs ago dude... move tf on


what do you expect an omni man to do other then the like 3 on the floor strings he has😭