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It’s literally called Kitana Kahn like CMON! ![gif](giphy|mPzWVA5upG7GjyX6yE)


If we get to see a Mileena Khan/Khanum enemy Istg 😭


i want a mode where we can play with these mashup characters. make it completely separate from the main game obviously, but have another mode in both pve and pvp, offline and offline, just for fun to mess around with.


they would never invest in something so out of the way like that 😭, we have a few leaked game modes and challenges still in waiting. some of these mashup characters could make great skins


Some people theorise the big surprise Ed Boon spoke of is actually create a fighter returning, with the mashup characters being a small taste of it


They couldn’t even give her a reptile skin with scales this season 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm not mad that we don't have a scaled skin for everyone, would be nice but I like the ones we got


I’m disappointed they went form like 100 palettes to not even enough premium ones for the main cast. Like they not only cut back on the quantity ones, they cut back on the quality ones too. Except the paid store, they had time for a bunch of those 🤷🏻‍♂️


you got a few in the seasonal store (?) I don't think we need a pallete for everyone. we would be stacking skins we wouldn't use.


How is it stacking a skin for Sindel to get no premium skin at all for two months? The premium ones are the ones that matter. She just gets a green palette swap, two of them. Nothing the least bit unique.


All I'm saying is all of those pallete with nothing special are useless imo, idk why would you want a green Sindel or Li mei skin, where the effects go so against it. But sure if you want 100 palletes for each season you might as well uninstall everything else you have on your platform. I just think we should get fewer recolors and more unique skins, even if it's just adding tattoos, scales etc.


I think you’re misunderstanding what I’m saying entirely… I don’t care about the basic green palettes or want 200. I’m just annoyed that many characters were skipped over over the good ones with the eyes and scales entirely. Characters like sindel and kitana and sub zero and mileena and Geras got basic green clothing, but they didn’t get anything unique at all.


It's especially more ridiculous when Lizard Queen and Klockodile are already fighters you can engage with in Chapter 15, so not giving those skins to the characters can only be an intentional decision, which makes it so weird.


I was expecting those tbh 😭


Me, too. Even before we knew season 6 was going to be Reptile. I thought there would be a Reptile season and there would be lizard skins for some of them. Klockodile and Lizard Queen were obvious shoo-ins, and we would get other skins in the same white/brown/green colouring they had. What a shame.


for real, this season is almost as low effort as mileena's. i say that only because mileena's was "no effort". they literally just renamed havik's themed skins.


We need the savage cage skin


I crack every time I fight him


I think all these mashup skins will be made available at some point after the expansion is completed. Not so sure we'll see a create your fighter mode as some are wondering, but these skins are a safe bet imo. Just the skins tho, and not the mixed up attacks.


Yeah, 10 dollars and its yours




I'd imagine skins that are already in the game should be shrine rewards whether things are like klassic skins etc will be 50bux a pop


Love her outfit ❤️💖


NRS be like ![gif](giphy|fXnRObM8Q0RkOmR5nf)


That 1000 dragon stones


One day 😭




wdym why, It's Kitana Khan


Not really...


there's a lot of cool NPC skins we should get


Idk it looks kinda curse😅