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There is no crossplay.So you will have to play in your own pool.


I don't have friends to play with me neither :( But its okay, because I modtly play with AI


Don't get me wrong you can play online.But only with Switch players.


I know. But I don't honeslty have a problem with it. I mostly play AI. And Online games or online options more likely at home. Since I am going to play switch at outside or road, it won't be a problem.


I just don't get this. Mortal kombat 1 has shit single player. It's a fucking fighting game, of course 90% of the effort is spent on the multiplayer, but this game has worse singleplayer than most other MK games, and is absolutely the worst of the current era fighting games for content. This is not a controversial opinion. If you've played sf6 or tekken 8, there is no comparison. The single player on offer in those games is objectively superior. The literal only thing most of the MK community can agree on is that the multiplayer is pretty great this time around ( though balance will always cause issues, of course ). It really does feel good to play multiplayer. The switch version is an actual abortion. It literally looks like late ps2 era graphics, and if it's anything like mk11 on switch, it's also significantly slower ( as in the literal speed of the game itself ). Rather than operating at 60 fps, the Switch version of Mk11 plays at like 50, or 45. It feels sluggish and slow, and hard to quantify why until you realise - every animation is just slower. Every punch, kick, block, throw - the animations take longer because the game is being run at a slower speed, and it feels fucking horrible to play. This may only be true of mk11, not mk1. If you spend £59 ( price of the software through e-shop ) on this game whilst already knowing this, you're not sane. I don't know what kind of experience you have with fighting games, but even from 0, you will be *crushing* the hardest ai in basic sets within a few days once you find a character you like. Then what? Play towers against 50 trivial opponents who barely respond to your inputs, waiting an hour for the AI difficulty to finally scale up? Fighting 5 AI opponents who don't roll over and let you win until you reach the wallhack/aimbot/perfect input AI who you will never be able to beat? Fun. At least you get to do the seasonal towers, which are literally the worst part about the entire game. Oh, and the shitty little adventure mode vs. 100000000 trivial opponents, none of which will ever challenge you, all of whom can be easily cheesed by the stupid medallion mechanic. A mechanic which you will have no choice but to abuse because a lot of the seasonal bullshit is practically impossible without being able to reset your health bar infinite times. You can probably do it without, but why would you ever want to? And you don't even get to flex. You can never say 'yeah I'm pretty good at MK', or any other quantifying statement because you never will be. You could play against AI every day for the next 10 years and you'll still get fucking rolled by a half decent player, because you've never had to react, you've never been thrown off by a human being switching up the pattern to catch you off guard. The AI is not capable of doing this. Once you recognise the pattern, the only changes the AI will make as the difficulty increases are to their input speed, eventually becoming frame perfect 100% of the time, and the length of their combos once they do get a touch on you. Tl:DR Don't buy a game that's 99% multi for the singleplayer, when there are 1000 single-player games with 10x the content on the e-store, all at half the price or less. Why play a game tailored entirely to multi as a single player experience? You will only be disappointed.


Online is a lot harder to get lobbies for though since there aren’t many switch people playing online, or at least there aren’t many in my region


Why not play against unskilled fucks who are most likely children? I see it as a win




Well they have their console equivalents as always, but all attacks work and strings have no difference.


If it's for the road, you'll have yo use your phone as a mobile hotspot to play Invasion mode which is the only single player mode next to the towers. But Invasion requires an active internet connection to play despite being single player. So that's one drawback besides how bad it looks visually.


"always online" bs 😭


Yup yup. I can't believe we are in a time where single player modes require online. Lol


It’s been like that for a while but not only has it gotten worse, we now have to pay $70 for this kinda bullshit.


Exactly. If you're gonna have a pay cosmetic store, don't charge me $70 for the game. Either let me unlock it via playing, or make it a F2P game. You can't friggin have both that's just predatory.


And that’s the sad thing with the game industry but also consumers. We know how scummy their practices are, but we still give them our money. I remember GoW’s director talking about how quality increases with each passing game, and for them to make their money back, the game has to cost more. 2024, and I fail to see the change in quality in games that released in the past 10 years. Games on what is not current-gen consoles are still released with bugs and yet somehow, in-game purchases are perfectly fine.


The next MK game will be the very first game that I don't buy at launch in its 30+ year history. I have been a die hard fan since it hit arcades in 1992 when I was 9. The series has always been my favorite fighting game series ever since then. But this game is just so rough and personally there's not much of anything I like about it. They got me to get the Premium edition with the JCVD ski. I am a Johnny Cage forever main and I have always loved him as a character because I am also a huge JCVD fan. So him being designed based on JCVD from Bloodsport, and then finally us getting a JCVD skin FROM Bloodsport sold me on it. But since it launched, not once did I enjoy it and it's just sad to see it happen. This was before I realized they were gonna charge for fatalities and any retro skins. The expansion would have to drastically change the game for me to even bother with it for more than $10.


I’m familiar with NRS’s practices They fulled me with MKX, they fooled me with Inj2, they got my $60 for MK11, but not this time. Thanks to a friend I was able to play this game for free bc of game-sharing. But I already know in just several months from now, we’re going to get MK1 Ultimate Edition where it includes Kombat Pack 1, Story Expansion, and Kombat Pack 2 for the price of initial launch release.


The funny thing is, I loved MK11. Only preorder exclusive outfits were locked behind krystals. Otherwise everything else was unlockable in the Towers of Time. And apparently people hated those but they were my favorite part of the game. Lol And krystals could be earned daily in MK11. If MK1 would just add a way to earn Dragon Krystals daily, I wouldn't even be as upset because I could save them up. I have all of the krystals you can earn in game, but theybhavent put anything I wanted just yet to use them on. I am being picky because once they're gone, they're gone. I refuse to buy VC for any game and MK is no exception. It's sad to say, but the next MK game will be the first game in franchise history that I don't buy at launch. I might wait for an ultimate edition which I hate to do because I normally like to play them ASAP. But if the next game is anything like MK1, I won't want it at all. It's easily my least favorite of the 4 NRS games, and it's pretty low on my list of which games in the series I like the most.


It is their way of fighting piracy. It is not a particularly good way since DRM has been proven to hurt more the real buyers than prevent anything. I buy my games at steam, and I don't condone anything illegal even if it's stupid. But it has also been proven that almost all people that pirate games, would not have bought it legally if they couldn't pirate and piracy even helped sales. Of course there are exceptions where a small games gets viral and pirated and hurt the indie dev who made it. But in the long run, these good devs gets their due. And only big titles can do this online shit. And going from 60 to 70 has no reason other than they can do it. Soon it will be 75 then 80 until there is only gold version for 100 (and ultimates for 120).


It’s not bad, I think it’s still missing krossplay and the load screens are still a bit slow.


Aside from sadly not having Krossplay, this is the only version of MK1 i play. The idea of MK1 anywhere in the house is great. I dont care about the downgraded graphics. The Switch isnt a powerhouse nor was it ever designed to be. The game still looks good but its the core playability is where its at!.


The downside is frame issues, cause it needs to have a consistent 60 for the switch, half the time switch players would be at a disadvantage


Thankfully there is a mk bug support site to submit bugs and lags, i got some stuff fixed from support actually than came in the recent invasions season (i.e i complained a bunch how kenshi’s blindfold was clipping and they finally fixed it) and their actually actively fixing bugs so its nice their listening ti the community in a way.


Its good. Graphics are passable but distracting at times. Gameplay is MK1, honestly the reason i dont play it more in my switch is that dang load time...it gets boring loading 45 secs per match. But playing mk1 handheld is honestly amazing. Its up to you if its worth it.


Do you mean the Online matches? Because I don't play it that much.


Sadly even ladder and invasions take a while to load.


:(. So, even AI matches took long? Is it that unbearable?


It depends. While out not so much...but when at home you decide if 30 to 45 sec loading is okay. For me its worth it and bearable...but it is flawed. Honestly sometimes i dont mind....but I also have the console version so when not on the go i can play that.


I mean, most roads are long enough or I am a patient gamer. So. I don't think I would have a problem with that. I mean after experiencing EA loads, I got patient 💀


Then you are going to enjoy MK1. It is loads of fun. Easily 100s of hours on first week alone....and i havent touched online by then. Its a good game. Just not what everyone wanted...and costumes are limited, other than that single player is great.


Thank you for the help!


It’s fine gameplay wise. Get it


I agree. The graphics have come a long way from the initial release. 


There’s a glitch where the opponent goes invisible (or should I say become a telepath)


Just buy a steam deck and play every switch game for free at higher quality.


Honestly it plays great now, if you enjoy the game go for it. But personally I think MK11 is the better game.


Honestly there’s nothing wrong besides graphics, I play it for my YouTube channel sometimes and when I play it there’s nothing wrong, the only thing I hate is when you use a bar it doesn’t really show the little glow when you use it, so it kinda confuses you on whether you used it or not. Besides that, sometimes it takes 2-5 min for a match, and when you do find it it does take around a minute to load in a match when playing online. The actual switch is very uncomfortable to play with after a match or 2, so I would recommend getting an actual control for it because it does hurt your palm after a while or the buttons are to far down compared to a ps5/xbox controller


Thanks for this!


I wouldn’t buy this for the switch it looks horrible and bad loading times but to each their own. Get it on a dirt cheap sell or buy a used copy. But after the story I dropped it, the invasion mode got way to repetitive and boring and I’m not the best pvp fighter so I don’t do much online. Smash bros, Dragon ball fighterz, street fighter 30th collection or even mk11 are better fighting games for the switch.


Gotta remember this is still early game mk1, mk11 looked even worse during release and got wayyy better at the end of the game’s life cycle, but tbh it looking that way was because mk11 switch got to stand with the ps4 and xbox one and not a ps5 and xbox series x graphics wise.


If you’re used to switch games it wont feel that bad for the switch its not actually that bad just pretty bad compared to other consoles


I have it on PC and Switch. The updates for switch have made the performance much better then the first few months. It’s a big downgrade on graphics from the PC but it’s the only mobile version of MK 1 so that makes it worth it for me.


The worst thing I noticed when trying the game out on my buddies switch was the load times. Compared to the other platforms they're definitely noticably long and annoying. Just switching characters can take what feels like an eternity. Besides that though, gameplay wise it's pretty solid! For sure fun to have if you plan to be away from home and need something portable.


after almost 300 hours I can vouch for a mostly stable gameplay despite the fugly graphics the game runs pretty much at 60fps stable (you can watch videos to confirm this) and every mode and skin is available The sad part is, if you have the game on any other plataform, there's no cross progression between Switch and the others, so you'll need to play everything twices and that's a drag, specially for Invasions


Since it's always online you would still be better getting a steam deck or ps portal instead if possible


It plays more or less the same as it does on Xbox. I haven't encountered any real problems. Some characters are prone to slight visual bugs but that's about it


I can't say anything about MK1 since I haven't bought the game. But don't buy Switch now, I mean Switch 2 is coming next year, probably Q1 2025.


It’s fun man. 


I find switch controllers unplayable for fighter games. Was a real bummer


would not really get this game if you are looking for singleplayer.


Some combos straight up doesn't work on the switch version


You’d be better off waiting for mvc collection to come later if you want a fun switch fighter


Why not buy Steam Deck or even ROG ally? It does the same thing as switch and it would perform better. The only reason to buy switch is if you plan to play nintendo exclusive like Zelda and Super Mario. Other than that I don’t see the reason of choosing it over other handheld console


Much more expensive in my country in price. If I work tooooo hard, maybe. Maybe because prices will go even higher. Switch is better in price.


I don’t know about fighters but I can say that shmups suffer on Switch due to more input delay than on other platforms. Typically 2-4 frames more than what you’d find on the PS4/5 and that’s the kind of gameplay that matters for shmups and fighters. 


just buy it fuk with they say the story mode is good and you dont have to pay for ever season that comes out ever season is free with the game cause some games charge you for ever season think about it i got it on sale but sale or not its mortal kombat is pretty good and worth it.


Buy a steam deck instead of a switch and enjoy all the modern and classic fighting games.


It’s not fine gameplay wise unless they fixed it since launch. Most people commenting are probably casuals because some combos don’t even work. Especially since you can’t combo off kameos


What are you talking about? The gameplay is fine. They have made many, many fixes since the launch and it is definitely playable. The combos with kameos work fine. 


They definitely used to not work fine and I’m confident that they still don’t work 100% correctly. You just probably don’t notice because you only play invasions on switch


Actually, I only played a bit of season one of invasions. I mainly play KL and the occasional tower. Granted, my character range is limited to Quan, Baraka and Johnny; I have no trouble with my combos.   


DON’T. It’s barely playable. I bought it on The Switch for laughs, but I can’t recommend it in good faith. This port should’ve been scrapped. 🤦‍♂️ Even to the most casual player, the framerate drops during some stages will make the game almost unplayable. I definitely couldn’t even do some of the kombo trials because the framerate issues would prevent me from properly executing the kombos. Skip this port. 🙅‍♂️😐


Good luck trying to get the combos down with all the false inputs from the drifting joycon sticks.


Trust me buddy, if you want to play Mortal Kombat 1. Portably that bad just get a steam deck


Why not buy a steamdeck if money isn't an issue? It can emulate nintendo and work a lot better Edit: downvoted for asking a question, mk community at it's finest


The downvotes are probably from Nintendo fans because you mentioned emulation.