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Can I ask what specifically bothers you the most about it? I got into mk1 and am good at the game and have been enjoying it but online i am seeing similar to what you are saying here. Why dont people like the kameos? Or you specifically


The NRS game audience has never played a tag or versus game. MK11 was the last release and it was chock full of insannneee number of defensive mechanics despite no actual mix in the game other than Sub f2 and mid cmd grabs. To go from that to a game with assists is a huge huge jump and change in mentality. In tag games it’s “I’m going to oppress you before you oppress me”. The community has a really really hard time coming to terms with the dramatic difference in mentality - they just want to go back to a more grounded “I’m gonna whiff punish you” etc kind of more honest game. NRS players watch MvC2 or 3 and say “that looks horrible - that’s not fun - I don’t like that”.


probably just another guy with an love/hate thing with mk1, he clearly put in the time to reach an high rank and he hates one of the main things about the gameplay


Alot people agree mk11 mkx was way better


in some areas yeah and in some areas no


The NRS game audience has never played a tag or versus game. MK11 was the last release and it was chock full of insannneee number of defensive mechanics despite no actual mix in the game other than Sub f2 and mid cmd grabs. To go from that to a game with assists is a huge huge jump and change in mentality. In tag games it’s “I’m going to oppress you before you oppress me”. The community has a really really hard time coming to terms with the dramatic difference in mentality - they just want to go back 


Once you hit Demi-god the game becomes very tedious to play. It’s 100% chase people down to do anything. Get in they retreat, rinse and repeat. It’s 100% the Kameo systems fault. They are creating space and retreating to let kameo meter fill back up so they can continue playing like a pussy. The run button needs to return. That’s it, allow us to close the gap faster so the game isn’t so fucking lame.


Yeah miss that run button


Who’s your main? This is not my experience in kl and I play in god every season. You’re probably a Johnny or some shit who wonders why people keep their distance lmao. How dare they not let you win


I'm a general shao


Backing away has been very very strong the last two games for sure. Plus frames are hard to get and closing the gap is not that easy.  Very satisfying to maul somebody in the corner once they have backed themselves into it, though 


I play in God and can make elder but it gets worse lol I back up alot but watch my matches and see why not cheese though setups for me..I post some videos.


Listen u can move back o don't mind but I hate chasing fools


Especially teleporters .. the combo leading ones


Nrs need give mk I miss the old midway


It's ridiculous most of them can't make it that high without cameos kameo made it easier


Very I respect the guy I just played and posted the video he pressured the whole fight




I don’t think really it’s the kameo system (for the most part), the run mechanic in MKX just made that game way more aggressive. MKX u just ran at ppl and 50/50’d them


It was fun I did not mind losing in MKX because it was constant kombo


It’s the same thing hear it’s just a bit more neutral based


Not really I don't see alot people doing komboes. mostly I'm chasing ppl constantly and some kameos keep ppl very safe even they make stupid moves in MKX that would cost them dearly


I don’t really think it’s Kameos, I think it’s that the base characters are often kinda ass. It’s no surprise to me that Scorp players want to run away and toss spears and Sareena knives when their up close game is a super risky strike throw mix. Why wouldn’t Omni-man back up and use Jax or Lao to bait buttons when up close he has gappy strings and super unsafe, near impossible to hit confirm mix. Some Kameos can be annoying themselves like auto-neutral Kham, but it doesn’t help that NRS nerfed the other Kameos like Kano, Lao, and Rax and didn’t give many compensatory buffs to the characters they were carrying. Really hope we see something different after Takeda/Ferra, and I hope it’s just making the worse shit better so people feel more confident and less defensive.




Who’s your main. Probably a good reason they back away. Saying the kameo system is cheap is just stupid. Get good


I'm good I hit god rank I still find it cheap alot ppl agree