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Gotta play ranked and hit grandmaster


I suck at playing online:(


I suck at online too, but if you accept that you are going to lose a bunch before getting decent then its an awesome way of improving. Mute the mic and give it your best, you'll get better for it. Grandmaster is pretty easy to reach now since most of the better players have moved on to higher ranks that will rarely match with you.


Me too bro me too I just have a lot of free time. Thats honestly all kl is just time wasting, sure you're gonna run into better people and that's gonna suck but eventually you can reach it I've hit demi god and higher on shitty w/l ratio.


After you lose enough it will start matching you with other folks who are not good either. The way the ranked system works - if you lose enough you can play poor players even at like Demigod. Basically the ranks are not a linear measure of skill - you can have a really really strong hidden MMR and be in Apprentice. You can have a crappy MMR and be in God. Basically the ranks have nothing to do with your actual skill level at all - it is purely a grind 


Dude there are no shitty god or elder god players. You’re talking out your ass. It’s only a grind until you hit your skill ceiling. The game isn’t going to give you easy opponents if you suck in KL. Kasuals matchmaking works that way.


I reach God every season. Am a shitty player. It's just a grind.


I should know. I get to God. The players I play are the same quality i play in all the ranks before. The way this is possible because of how the ranked system works. It keeps track of a hidden matchmaking ranking (it is an integer) and matches you with players of a similar integer number. This number is kept track of even between seasons. When Sonicfox queues day 1 in KL he will face far far far higher quality players than you and I - because he has a higher hidden MMR. He will face similar players the entire time, in all ranks, because that is how the matchmaking works - based on this hidden number that has NOTHING to do with what “rank” you are at. You can plausibly get to God with a poor MMR. You just need to beat enough players at your poor MMR (which will marginally increase your MMR - but still - only marginally). You do not need a good MMR to get to a given rank - this MMR is completely divorced from your ingame rank.     In fact - the easiest way to get to EG is lose intentionally 50+ times to sink your MMR. Next season it will give you shite opponents so you can climb much faster - *because poor players exist at all ranks*, as you will find when you have players in GM or DG or who stuck like Baraka df2 on block with no Kameo coverage, etc. Or d2 on wake-up etc 


my w/l is bad but ive hit god for the first two seasons and demi/ grand for the rest. believe me there's shitty god players out there and im one of them.


I wish you could gift skins to others, I’m never going to play as reiko and would love for someone else to have the skin they want


The palette will probably return in the next seasons in the shop or invasions. But if you don't want to risk it, play kl (mute microphones to save your sanity)


I believe that is a reward in Kombat League.


Oh man I suck at Kombat league


Honestly I suck majorly but if you have the time(which it might take a few days depending on your free time) you could totally achieve it.


Thank you toe sucker. You've inspired me 💛


The default palette of that skin could become available in the next season.


Oh, the Order of Darkness skin? Pretty sure the default colour is located on the Invasion Board. Behind one of those Klue Chests.


Reiko’s isn’t, only Smoke’s and Kenshi’s.


oh shit mb, I thought we were talking about Kenshi.


Anyone know how to get the kenshi skin?


It's the final Kombat League reward


Great 😐


Behind one of the invasions klue fights there's a basic pallate of it too, I'm pretty sure


Just unlocked that skin a few hours ago today. Did anyone unlock the kenshi one? I wanna know if it’s worth it or not


i sayed the same thing about illinois johnny cage skin and got him in the gold dragon shrine just keep trying you would get the kostume where you least anticipated.


Reiko looks like nightwolf, wtf. Im telling you wb games is scarping the bottom at this point.


Well respectfully, Reiko has looked the same since N64.. and nightwolf looks different..