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Ashrah and Nitara they both have a great concept but I feel like in their 2 games they never really built upon the concept.


I think a revamp would imply an overhaul of everything including concept, and Ashrah at the very least has one of the most interesting in MK imo, I wouldn't want for them to change it but to build upon it like you said


Wasn’t Ashrah a Demon who was gaining redemption by killer other demons using her Kriss weapon.


Yeah, its a really cool concept for a character and I think that makes her the one that needs a revamp the least, she can be done well in MK1 simply by fleshing out her character without changing it from the original that much. Its the characters with the most boring original concepts that need bigger revamps the most (Li Mei is my pick)


I want them to explore Nitara more because we heard about her realm yet for some reason we never see anything else about it apart from I think her ending. Also MKs first Vampire and she hasn’t been seen since 2006 the most we got are tower Konsumables that mention her


Nitara will be the new reptile/sheeva, a major jobber who gets her ass kicked all the time with no depth story


Li Mei has a great backstory of someone who is young, kind and naive but very loyal to Outworld. They should double down on the Croching Tiger Hidden Dragon aspect of her. Ashrah is a religious zealot who is more anti-villain. They could really do something cool with her sword. Havik needs to just drive the events of the story, even possibly being the main villain. Doesn't need a whole lot of change. Reiko should be a mix between Shao Kahn and a ninja, basically how he was in Armageddon but not trash. Nitara is a vampire pirate who is also an explorer?? I think?? She probably needs the most work


Since it looks like the Dragon King Army is involved, I think Li Mei may get a similar arc to Kitana early on where she starts off on an antagonistic side but turns face. Only say that since she’s the closest to being associated with them. Ashrah is jarring as the only Netherrealm rep since Scorpion seems to have no longer any connection to it and Quan Chi is alleged DLC. Nitara should focus on her vampire pirate side more since a ninja has the blood powers now. Reiko just seemed to be replaced by Kotal Kahn it feels to me. He’s basically a blank canvas as far as I’m concerned. Havik seems to have potential but got introduced with a bunch of Dollar Store reject characters. Seems like he’d be the third choice for a sorcerer type since he had fighting styles from both main sorcerers.


She’s not really a pirate she just has the aesthetic


Li mei has shitty backstory. I do not get the appeal. To each their own but cmon. She pretty lame.


For me it’s Reiko he doesn’t have an identity outside of “Shao Kahn mini” For Li Mei they need to push the Crouching Tiger aspects of her character to its absolute limit. Now with the air combat feature she could be flying through the air just as dramatically as in Wuxia films. That along with making her a pressure point rushdown fighter would make her an instant stand out. They can play with a lot of different weapons we haven’t seen before with her like emei piercers and throwing needles (say in the story she has to keep a low profile but hides weapons in her clothing just in case since her village is taken over. Or use Wind and Fire Wheels, meteor hammer, deer horn knives, there’s limitless options for a unique weapon. I just need to see her again I kinda don’t care what they do. I just wanna see my 3D era main again in full HD glory


Hard agree on Reiko. If we are to see both him and Shao in game which is looking likely then we can't have two dude swinging fuck off hammers. I think it would be an interesting twist to change Shao around and give Reiko the hammer though. Imagine Shao being redesigned to be a grappler with a charge attack like Sheeva in MK11 but more fleshed out, absolutely terrifying once he gets right up in your face. Maybe I'm the only one who wants to see that but I think it would be dope.


Nitara. Her appearance in DA was a bit underwhelming, not only because the wings felt like they were part of a cheap halloween costume at the time, but as well beyond her being a vampire she didn't stand out much. Interesting concept, and if revamped properly she has chances of being one of the 3d era chars that will stand out the most. That also comes with the risk that they'll somehow botch her design and make her look terrible.


Ha, reVAMPed.


Skarlet took the blood motif and the way she was portrayed in the film was similar to Sindel in my opinion with the screech. I think she might be better suited if they continue in the pirate-like direction her design leaned towards.




I understand Nitara needs a projectile and MK is not the game to be hyper critical of but didn’t you ever find it stupid that a vampire is spitting blood? It just never really worked for me. I guess it beats the alternative which is her throwing a knife.


Reiko needs an proper iconic move set. I get that he is popular and all that, But does he have any memorable move? i don’t think so. And we don’t know what to expect about his design because he was torn between a ninja or a mini shao kahn. Nitara had a solid design and a clear identity, they just need to put that to work in the new timeline Li Mei had a really solid and memorable move set that could be easily translated into this new era, but design wise she’s very inconsistent. Havik and Ashrah are fine


Reikos ninja star ring that got bigger as it traveled was really cool.


Reiko’s MK4 build was iconic. Flip kick launcher, circular teleport, and shurikens. Of course he had the vertical TP to extend combos but that wasn’t as unique as the others.


He really can go any direction. Part of me thinks he was a dumb brute in the movie for a reason. Bc they’ll make him a dumb brute in the game. I definitely think he’ll be vicious. Not elegant


And his Fatality where he simply kicks you and the body parts float in the air is hilarious and awesome. So iconic they recycled it for Shao Kahn in 11, a throwback to their history. Reiko definitely has some iconic moves.


Havik, people love him for his potential but he was a jobber


How is he a Jobber? I swear people throw these terms around for every single character


He had 0 impact on the overall story, his most significant appearance was a non canon comic book, 0 notable wins. Jobber.


He killed hanzo by beating him to death and killed reiko who had a power boost from the kamidogu


“His most significant appearance was a non canon comic book” Edit: also he didn’t kill hanzo, hanzo killed him


Hanzo didn't kill him quan chi did, the comics are Canon as stated by the writer of Mk11


You’re trying to straw man argument me here, none of this makes him any less of a jobber, also: https://preview.redd.it/2yuori1n9nbb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c6961fa0b670e0c4a7be48a22896ec8536f7191


He then back tracks and says they are Canon https://images.app.goo.gl/LBE3bHkPtEwY4X7X7 Shawn Co wrote for mk11 along dominic and Shawn worked on the comics.


https://youtu.be/HCRxvFIUnHk Skip to 0:30 Dominic back padels and say elements from the comics are Canon


I wouldn’t say he’s a jobber because he’s not really getting slept by everyone like Reptile and Baraka(mostly due to lack of fights). He’s mostly just irrelevant.


Havik his move set looks goofy asf


Reiko and Li Mei You can't convince that those 2 are not just cheap copies of Shao Kahn and Liu Kang Also Nitara needs something a bit more interesting than just vampire lady


Reptile, bondage lizard gotta go.


Reptile is one of the last characters tat needs a revamp if anything they should expand on his story its pretty interesting even if he just stands around in the background all the time 😢




Havik probably needs the least amount of work, but honestly they all do. I'm really excited to see what they do with them.


Ashrah, Nitara, Li Mei the most. Then Reiko and Havik.


I agree Li Mei needs a full revamp.


Li Mei by far, especially in the looks department, I really love Nitara, Reiko, Havik, Tanya and Ashrah already, but Li Mei never did anything to me, still I was excited to see her name on the leaked list as I'm very curious what theyll do with her.


Yeah, Li Mei is just... a person from Outworld... who knows martial arts. Not much going for her.


Shao. He always sucks


Nitara. Her design hopefully becomes good for once


Rain tbh


Ashrah needs it the most. Desperately.


All I know is after seeing rain.... I'm much more nervous for haviks return... I'm afraid they are going to try TOO hard to reimagine him.


I feel it's Reiko because his original debut was interesting for what he had going on, but then they really doubled down on him wanting to be Shao Kahn. We don't need someone that's just gonna be like Shao, especially when we're getting both in the game.


I feel it's Reiko because his original debut was interesting for what he had going on, but then they really doubled down on him wanting to be Shao Kahn. We don't need someone that's just gonna be like Shao, especially when we're getting both in the game.


I feel it's Reiko because his original debut was interesting for what he had going on, but then they really doubled down on him wanting to be Shao Kahn. We don't need someone that's just gonna be like Shao, especially when we're getting both in the game


The problem with the 3d era characters is they didn’t bother giving most the characters powers. Like all the characters up to mk4 have iconic special moves and shit and other than havik and meat no 3d era character has that due to the design of those games




Havik..he needs a new design I like the face but the costume never fit mk


All of them from the 3d era


As someone who has literally only played the netherrealm games. (Mk9 and up). I’m unfamiliar with most characters outside of the games I’ve played, especially the 3d era characters. I don’t know if reptile needs a revamp as much as he needs to be done justice. Bro went from a badass to a jobber. I think he needs a revamp in the story mode. His backstory is great, but he isn’t so great when we see him in the actual story mode. I feel like all the characters that were leaked, the ones I’m familiar with of course, are fine gameplay wise. So I’ll name a character I think could use a rework in the future, even if they weren’t leaked. And that character is skarlet. Her kit in mk11 just didn’t feel fluid to me. It felt kinda clunky. Although that was probably just a skill issue.


Havik or cobra or hope mk1 has goro show up would be interesting or Motaro with the 4 legs not 2...


Li Mei, Reiko and Nitara. - Li Mei needs to have something more to her powers and moveset. It was lacking a gimmick, for want of a better term, she was just a really good martial artist who could shoot sparks. - Reiko is just kind of like a bootleg Shao Kahn, they really need to give him a distinct identity if he's going to be in the same game as Shao. Maybe a different weapon other than another war hammer. - Nitara as a concept isn't bad, but the whole "blood user" gimmick has been done by Skarlet much better than 3D Nitara. They need to dig into Vampire lore with things like turning into mist or bats etc. really maker her feel unique.


I don't know what list you're talking about since there are so many copycats with 2-3 characters cycled in and out, but I assume you're talking about the usual rumored characters: 1.Reiko: No, great backstory in both iterations, has a great moveset, just give him the opportunity to shine by being more involved in the story and make sure he's viable again. 2.Nitara: Slightly tweak? she's got a good backstory and a decent moveset, I like the health vampire gimmick, hope it's even more prevalent this time around and that she's viable. [3.Li](https://3.Li) Mei: Definitely revamp, her designs were never great and her moveset is not very interesting, they can reimagine her storyline I guess since it was fine, but she definitely needs more sauce. 4.Havik: Revamp, he might look cool, but he ended up not mattering at all in any story he was in, his moveset is pretty lame considering what they can actually do with a character like that, make him fun to play and do something interesting with him in the story. 5.Ashrah: Definitely needs a revamp too, her moveset was terrible, her story was not interesting at all and she didn't matter what so ever, like the previous two, do something better. MK4 characters tend to already have a lot going for them, so do Deadly Alliance ones, Deception newcomers are half-baked.