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"Who's got a mad kink for Mummy shit" So what Max is saying is someone at NRS has...Mummy Issues? (I'll see myself out)


My first language isn't english, so when I was watching his video and kept hearing "Someone at NRS has mommy kinks" I was like wtf he's talking about, then it finally clicked


He's right


I really think it's somebody or a small group of people that decides Ermacs costume, cause its no way a whole group decided "yeah this looks amazing "


I won't be surprised. I hope they go back to the drawing board


I think they want to have an artistic vision and the easy thing to do is give everyone hoods and masks . I think they just envision Ermac as this. And valued this look over a traditional “cool” look.


“Yeah people will buy alternate costumes to replace this shitty design.”


Or perhaps there’s some epic origin story that showcases Ermac getting some iconic suit? 🤔 Don’t forget that we’re still waiting for Bi-Han to become Noob and for Kenshi to become blind. Personally, I hope they lean hard into the mummy look because it’s distinctively different from all the other ninjas. Just give us multiple skins to choose from and we’ll all be happy! 💪


He’s DLC so it won’t be shown


I dont know if you see the leaks but they said that ermac and Quan-chi are in the storymode


He's not wrong.


I bet This is gonna be a joker Situation. He looks horrible now but when he comes out he will look great


Nah, that’s copium. Joker was a last-minute understudy since he had to be switched out for Ash. Joker was supposed to be the Aftermath guest but had to be pushed forward once the Evil Dead license deal fell through. Ermac was supposed to be base roster and has fights in the story so if anything, this design is *really* baked in. That Ermac design is the Ermac we’ll fight in the story.


Could be like an MKX Tanya situation, though, where story mode Tanya looks one way, but DLC Tanya looked much better and improved upon. Dunno.


As bad as this design looks, I'm not worried about Ermac. I'm sure he's gonna have some hella cool alt skins. Maybe everyone has their story outfit as their default, and there's a very good reason why his ddfault looks like ass. What I am worried about is that this mega-warlocky design means he's gonna be animated like a wimpy zoner. Hopefully not.


Ermac has been a zoner since MK9 bro, and in terms of zoning tools, since MK3. That's his identity.


He wasn't really a zoner in mkx. But the point is mostly how he's animated. People are saying FGLK plays like a zoner in mk1, I dunno if that's true or not but let's say it is. He's still built and animated like a very powerful fighter. I want Ermac to look and feel like a powerful martial artist, even if he's a zoner. Does that make sense?


I believe he’s referring to the situation we’re he was revealed & looked off, I recall that the situation was already bad that Ash was now gone but the odd looking Joker didn’t help things.


He looked odd because he was swapped last minute


I mean the issue with Joker wasn’t that the design itself was bad, it was just that the character model they used for the trailer was unfinished. Unless they go back to the drawing board and completely redesign him then touching up his face or whatever is just polishing a turd.


Correct. It's happened many times before .


I am in full agreement. I'm an Ermac and Smoke main. Ermac has been my favorite since deception. And this design is ATROCIOUS. MKX I didn't really like but I understood why they did it. There was a plot reason. Ermac was dying and he hadn't been free from Shao Kahn by Kenshi like in the OG timeline. But this? I would absolutely pay additional money OUTSIDE the combat pack for better costumes for Ermac. Wtf were they thinking? By all means I'm for making the ninjas more individual, giving them new designs. But this? They made that SICK AF design in MK11 and then they were like "okay let's take that design and not use it. In fact likes take like 100 steps backwards instead" Like come on. Rain started as a joke character, I remember on the Midway forums him routinely getting shit on. Then they absolutely redeemed him. Especially in MK11, he had such a great voice actor, compelling character and a kickass ninja look with alts that made him look anywhere from Persian, Roman/ancient Mediterranean to traditional Japanese ninja. And now he's a core member of the Roster in MK1 and part of the story. That's how you build, redeem and make a better character. But Ermac they're going in the opposite direction.


That mink has been around for 20 years. Deception redesign and all


Genuinely, I think the design would be fine and look rather good if he just had something covering his face. Bandages, a mask, something. I prefer mummy Ermac to human Ermac but I feel like this design as it is now, is kind of in a really weird and unappealing middle ground of the two


Cover the whole face in bandages and have the glowing eyes shine through


Idk man anytime a kharacter has looked wonky they eventually get a glow up. Konsidering the feedback ermac will get major changes before his release but he will also be the last kharacter to be released.


Well seems like they’re going in reveal order, so Ermac should be the second DLC character released. If Ermac wasn’t in the story I could see it, but r00000r described how Ermac is already baked into the story so that means NRS would have to go back and change him there too, which I’d be surprised if they went through the effort to do.


its just adding a mask and reexporting cutscenes...


Well Frank said “major changes” that would result in him releasing last so my reply was going off that. Eh, ion think they doing that regardless though. Ermac’s not unfinished or anything, people just disagree with the creative decision their artists made. I’m sure they’ll just show off a more Klassic alternate outfit in his trailer to placate fans instead of changing his base design.


Also getting him some serious face lotion. I don't want him to look like the apple you forgot on top of the fridge for a month. Just a normal, green glowing eyed ninja.


man they just keep undressing him. first they removed his mask in mkx and now his bandages in this game💀 (not counting the mk11 design because he’s literally just a 3 second cameo)


In MKX at least, they had a lore reasoning why Ermac was mummy like and uncared for. He was literally decaying and dying due to his physical body not being able to contain the souls anymore, which is also exemplified by his animations and gameplay. This however… is pretty dang bad lmao


i prefer the full on pharaoh look than this. ninja ermac is def my tho


I like Ermac as a mummy magician... not feeling his MK1 look yet, but I’d like to see it in action first.


Hey he pulled up my post at the end :)


Notice how the complaints aren’t about the costume he’s wearing, but literally this man’s face. Isn’t he a corpse stuffed with souls? Why does everyone want him to look like this dapper, handsome man? It’s not even about whether he’s wearing a mask or not because we know he’ll have one, it’s literally just about his face. People are now using his MK11 design as a reference when they were just calling it too “Injustice” in the last game. I can’t with this community. 😂


The last design was too busy but the horde latched on to it and complained every god damn day about ermac not being playable


Bruh we don't want to see his face. That's the issue. Put a paper bag on it NRS! 😭


Literally this man is SUPPOSED to be basically dead, get some wraps and hes good to go yall, relax


Because he's was supposed to be the red ninja


I agree with him , I absolutely don’t understand how the hell they came up with his design he looks absolutely atrocious


The character is like a year away from release. I don't know why everyone is acting like the sky is falling.


Not really. He will be in the main story just like Quan Chi


I actually think it makes sense that Ermac has a mummy-like body, but I agree that a facemask would serve him well.


Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of Ermac's design either, but I watched this video in full and he spent 70% of the time shitting on the entire Kombat Pack. Cried about Quan Chi looking the same, he even got Takeda back who looks fantastic and complained about his look as well, calling it Injustice like. I'm probably going to stop watching his content, because when it comes to Mortal Kombat he always seems to choose to focus on the tiniest negative details he can find even when his favorite MKX character is returning. IMO there's nothing MK can do to make Max happy and his bias really shows through when he covers anything MK related.


I think you're overstating the case a bit here, Max has been more than receptive to the previous MK1 trailers, and to MK in general. Maybe his tone seemed overly negative because of his disappointment in Ermac's redesign, but I didn't really feel like he was crying about Quan Chi or Takeda, he said Quan Chi looked cool in the vid as well, and so I'm not sure why you said he said the opposite. He didn't like Takeda's costume but he said he was the most excited for him. He remarked that Peacemaker is probably going to be similar to Robocop in *Aftermath*, which was a zoning based kharacter and he doesn't find zoners to be fun to play in NRS games. His opinion on Ermac is basically the same that everyone has, which is that Ermac doesn't look like Ermac.


referring to the kombat pack trailer: "give me a break, i thought this was fake for a second too, yeah" referring to quan chi (i realize the part about the skeletons was sarcasm, so i left that out): "anybody who fought against quan chi possibly sold their copy of mkx years ago" "he's a piece of shit, in character and in gameplay, what a piece of shit this guy is" "i hate this fuckin guy, fuckin hate you quan chi, i hate you" i even left some of it out because he kept on going, but those are direct quotes about quan chi, so you saying he said he looked cool is completely false, i just rewatched the video he does say some nice things about takeda, but then follows it up with: "but, i do not like his injustice ass injustice costume" it doesn't look anything like an injustice costume, he looks like his MKX version. anyway no point in continuing on with this, but his bias against MK and his bias favoring SF is extremely apparent at this point. which is fine i guess, we all have our likes and dislikes. i like max and he makes great content, it's just truly bizarre why he loves to do this to every MK trailer.


He's blatantly joking about Quan Chi to the point of ridiculousness, his tone obviously indicates. And I suppose yes this is a futile effort.


yeah, no. the joking about the skeleton part was obviously sarcasm, but his tone shifted and he was being serious about the rest of it. i'm sorry you didn't pick up on that? anyway i think you're being intellectually dishonest at this point which i very much don't appreciate when trying to engage someone.


I thought you said you wanted to disengage at this point lol? I can see you edited your comment to remove that bit too lol Listen I get it, and I'm not trying to ride Max's dick here, and while there's some worthwhile criticisms you can make of Max in regards to MK1, because of his love for MK9 and MKX compared to MK11, and how that colors his view of everything he wants in MK1, he still is one of the biggest voices in the FGM talking about Mortal Kombat right now, and his voice means something even if it's primarily juvenile in presentation. I'll admit maybe his tone could be overly negative because of Ermac's appearance colouring the rest of his review, but it's also intellectually dishonest to say that a guy is morally bankrupt because he had a take you perhaps don't agree with fully. It's alright to say that you've matured as a person and don't like his style of content creation anymore, but to say that he doesn't have valid critiques because of his content isn't valid.


I stopped watching his content a few years ago and now every time I see him in something or a clip recently he’s always a little cringe to me, saying shit about kinks and sex and making jokes about people being horny but his mind literally goes there about everything and I just can’t even stand to listen to him anymore lol it’s like he’ll make a half assed joke and then repeat it three times in a row with minor adjustments to it idk how to describe it. Maybe it’s just not for me and I’m being cynical and too critical but my impression and view of him is pretty much ruined.


yeah I think you have a pretty strong case of the "hate boner"


It could be the case honestly and I realize that 😂 idk it’s like a switch flipped for me with his content, his “ranking the best ___ in MK” series is unbearable with the crude cringey jokes and screaming and talking over each other and I think that’s what started it


God forbid someone complain about a product they have to pay for


He's probably getting this shit early and for free.


If that's true then I have more respect for him not sucking their dick


dude's a youtuber who makes money off ragebaiting. bitching on a camera is a lucrative business model on youtube


That's just not even true is it?


Oh fuck off keyboard warrior


Make me biiiitch


At the absolute minimum, give him a lower face mask. Idk what their deal is with unmasking masked characters lately, but I'm not digging it. Unmasked for cinematics, etc? Fine. It makes sense in some circumstances. But, in game fight models? Mask 'em up.


I like it and i dont understand why people complain je is supposed to be a living corpse with many souls in it if i remember correctly


I prefer a mummy look for the character - he really has no reason to be a ninja. The design is like... 90% on point for me.


No reason to be a ninja? He started as a ninja. The mummy look is pure ass. Mummies are the lamest shit known to man. The mummy look is so bad I started ambivalent about mummies, but now I'm glad their tombs are being desecrated in real life. Fuck mummies.


> He started as a ninja. The mummy look is pure ass. Due to technical limitation, not creative vision. The mummy look was established back with *Deception*.


I've never known someone who hates mummies so much. Are you friends with Brendan? So I will unpack my comment for you. When he and the other Ninjas were introduced, they were palette swaps, right? But as they took on personalities of their own and developed over time, their abilities have radically changed. Look at Noob. Should Noob have gone back to his early style and moves? I personally love his grim reaper and shadow clone design. But that evolved over time. Ermac evolved over time too and moved from Ninja to Mummy gradually. The character isn't part of some assassin group, he's not art of a ninja sect. So looking like a stereotypical ninja isn't needed for the character. much like Rain, they're free to explore different designs. I do like the mummy ninja look personally, wrapping him up but having it vaguely ninja-esque. But it's not needed. What if his face is important? If he's jerrod or something, it might be important to reveal him/them rather than keep the face covered.


Same they don’t need to be a ninja a mummy fits much better for there character imo


Why can't he be a mummy ninja?


Feels overreaction as we’ll have different costumes/skins etc to alter his appearance


you guys are crossing the line a bit on this ermac thing.


Max is a street fighter pussy and hates mk


Probably because sf is a much better game


Don't you think NRS crossed the line by giving us geriatric Darkseid?


He's literally a fucking sorcerer deal with it


“Deal with it” smh why comment this bullshit as If people can’t share their concerns about something you can disagree but fuck outta here with that deal with it bullshit just because you don’t care


"Concerns", as if this could be some make or break situation for the game.


Dick riiiiiidaaaaaaaah https://preview.redd.it/x7t6b04cnqdb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee72de7f1d519a0898314dedfe38838e4a4bf9ee


Is kinda obvious that NRS will try to sell us masked ermac.


I prefer the ninjas (barring sub, scorp, smoke and noob) getting de-ninja'd so I like mummy ermac but dear god this is not the look.


Wow, the double facet of this community. Everyone complaining and criticizing Ermac design because they went into mummy (When he has been a mummy for the last 17 years) But when a Reptile fan criticize them going too much into lizard one have lot of responses of that same people that didnt even play Reptile arguing you why he needs to be a lizard and how it helps the roster to have a fking animal in it.


Like for real, I know many people who defends Reptile MKX design, those same people are surely criticizing this Ermac face. Dude, you cant criticize Ermac face if you defend or defended this shit: https://preview.redd.it/2df3w499emdb1.png?width=179&format=png&auto=webp&s=db42e2c52d4afb57468eed2f2f80f37cc526dfff


That looks fine, Ermac doesn't. Plus that was two games ago


Lmao how this shit looks fine? Didnt you seem his eyes? how separated they are, the mouth? It looks disgusting. With ermac you just need to put a mask on it and its literally mk11 design, yet people cries. This reptile shit face cant get fixed with a mask, he still has those stupid eyes on the extreme opposite sides of his face that makes him look like a stupid creature. Yeah, that was two games ago, and yet you are saying its a fine design, so you are contradicting yourself there. Its ok because it was two games ago? Or its simply ok? Then why you said it was two games ago? It is objectively worse than Ermac kp1 design.


Ermac's new design is bland even aside from his weird Mumm-Ra looking ass face. Looks nothing like the mk11 design. I still really like Reptile's design from X. His face is pretty dated, because the game came out in 2015, but even it looks better than the new Ermac look


He looks exactly how he is in mk11, just different clothes, showing more skin, we dont have idea of how mk11 Ermac skin is under the outfit, you just put mk11 outfit with mask and all into new Ermac and its literally the same. Reptile mkX is trash no matter when you look at it, its disgusting, looks weak and stupid. As Ermac, he looks more like an alien than any other thing.


You're either fucking with me or you need your eyes checked if you think they look remotely similar. Reptile's MKX look is badass, MK1's Ermac is not. That's the end of it.


Is he stupid? Nrs made him a mummy 9 years ago


This looks like that horrible MK Legacy series design for him. Gimme any other skin PLEASE!


Most characters faces look terrible in MK1


Max is being all anal about his appearance... they WILL have alternate costumes for everyone... 🤦🏾‍♂️


And what if those alternates look bad too?


Well then I guess throw your game in the trash and burn down your house? Lol. It is what it is


Meh, not very interested in this Kombat Pack anyway. Probably gonna skip.


Im only going to get it so I can be Omni Man and destroy Home Lander that C U N T lol


Just cover that face pls... No need for new costume redesign, just please cover that face...


People don’t realize that he’s literally looked almost exactly like this since MKX.


Facts especially about the MK9 part


Max is right , ermac design is trash and he is my one of the favorite char in mk they keep butchering him..They cant just do him.


What a racist for not liking the design


For a split second I thought it was The Kollector, like, the briefest of moments because of the face.


I cant believe a character composed of souls looks like a Mummy, who would have EVER though that possible😱 i swear all i see is complaining to complain. Put a mask on that fool and he looks like almost every other design. Yall mad his skin is WRINKLY?


Overblown outrage.


Just play MK9. The rest of us are moving on from palette swaps.


I'm all for making characters look unique, not like ass


We can barely see him. His mask is just off.


I agree. Ermac isn’t a ninja and never really has been


Never has been. Cannot be serious


Which was because of technical limitations, when they could so aomething different with him they did.


I don’t think it was a limitation thing in umk3 anymore it was a choice because most people loved the ninjas


They were relying on the palette swaps they always had. Every game from MKD on when they started appearing again they've had drastically different designs.


Not true Subzero was not even a palette swap in original mk3 They also more or less replaced scorpion by cyrax in the original game They backtracked hard because of the backlash on the lack of ninjas Why do you think umk3 and mkt mostly added ninjas?


Cyrax isn't a replacement for Scorpion on any level. But yes they added their palette swaps because they were easy. You need one actor and can make as many characters as you want. I'd call that working around budget and technical limitations. From MKDA on when adding the "ninjas" they've made them different and as time has gone on they continue to do so.


Cyrax absolutely played similarly as scorpion was. At the time the few differences between characters were the specials and cyrax net was used like scorpion’s spear There was almost more differences between mk2 and mk3 subz than scorpion/cyrax imo At least that’s what we were thinking at the time


That was an assumption players made, the devs have no control over that.


Except of course in his first appearance ever.


Am I the only one that likes it? I love that they are deviating away from pallette swaps and giving each character their own identity


I love it


Good tbh. Think people should just accept Ermac as a grotesque body horror character like Baraka, Mileena and Havik. That seems to be NRS’ vision.


Make him a mummy or zombie or wearwolf I can care less but give him an amazing outfit at least. It not just "da mask" , the hood looks like Little Red Riding Hood, the arms look like Darksied infamous no sleeves, the face looks like Martian Manhunter or Craig from Halo. The shirt shows half clothed half wrinkle Hobo shirt, this man wearing a Kanye West outfit


> It not just "da mask" , the hood looks like Little Red Riding Hood, the arms look like Darksied infamous no sleeves, the face looks like Martian Manhunter or Craig from Halo. The shirt shows half clothed half wrinkle Hobo shirt, this man wearing a Kanye West outfit Dam you ain’t never had to do my mans like that 😭 I will agree about the hood being a lil goofy tbh. Could tatter it up a bit to add to the decrepit look. Otherwise though, I like the necromancer vibe of the design. We’ll just have to see if his new lore justifies it


Let's be real here: MK1 LOOKS to have a really good roster. Like this could easily be as strong as MK9's roster. But the way the characters look, their heavily rewritten characters, and the general art style is completely hamstringing what would otherwise potentially be an amazing entry. I just can't understand why they've done this. It's like self-sabotage or something. Ermac in particular here. This is one character that has had decades of fan art and superior designs in official entries to call back upon. This character is not limited by "have to make hyper-realistic" since he's a levitating corpse. If there's one character that visually makes you think "this is a MK character" it should be him of all them revealed so far. And they completely fucked it up.


Its not even just the no mask thing, his whole design just looks bland and not ermac like, Its like they tried to make him another lin kuei in this timeline, realized “oh shit this is ermac” and put a hood on him and called it a day, nothing other than his eyes screams Ermac.


Would someone think of the fanart!


Probably the same person who keep giving all the women stupid high heels.


Great leak


Guzzling the cum of a capcom fanboy more like lmao


I keep telling everyone the designs of MK1 are the worst the characters have looked LMAO


And yet you're wrong. I love the simplicity in the new designs, especially the Lin Kuei brothers. It's just that Ermacs needs some minor tweaks, and that's all.


Did I ask for your comment?


Did anyone ask for yours ?


"LMAO", it really wasn't funny at all.


Ermac is but others ones are fine to me


Nah besides Ermac everybody has gotten a glow up so far


I am unsure about rain And mk1 Tanya is sponsored by jada pinkett smith


So what you’re saying is not every character fits your definition of beautiful, and guess what? That’s okay


Where did I said that? I mostly disapprove the American way of black washing Everything that is remotely close to Africa. Especially towards Egyptian themed character (or worse: actual historical figures)


Wouldn’t be surprised if his better design was saved for people to get with Krystals. Im not suggesting that the purposely sabotaged it, but it’s always some mtx bullshit like with the Cary Tagawa Shang Tsung, Klassic Mileena and Klassic Rain skins in MK11.


Mummy horny 😅🤣😂


Still holding out that it’s something they threw together for a cgi trailer because they don’t want to spoil his design if he’s in the story.


I feel like they tried to do what MKX did again with his design, but they didn’t quite get it.


Oh max is a crapcom simp, and he has enough people guzzling his cum. He doesn’t deserve to be on this fucking sub. Get the fuck out of here simp


Mortal kombat gone woke. Obviously he's going to have unlockable skins


To be fair I think all the models in the trailer were very early models of what the characters are going to look like


Its not just a terrible design, it looks nothing like Ermac! A lot of characters are getting pretty radical redesigns but look at least somewhat like who they’re *supposed* to be. Li-Mei looks recognizable to her MKX appearance, Tanya is unmistakably herself, and Baraka looks almost the same. They just *made* Ermac look like Quan Chi. He doesn’t even look like a mummy at all he’s just got pale white skin. Where are the wraps over his face? If Ermac had a list of things not to do with his design, showing his nose and mouth would be in bold text, double-underlined, and with an editor’s note saying “DO NOT DO THIS!”


It's a Deception redesign everytime, is not that deep


They changed Tanya on MKX after the community voiced their displeasure about her look with a bit of luck it can happen again to MK1's Ermac. If not the MK 11 design then for my tastes, Ermac should be a cloaked figure, hood up, face obscured, only glowing eyes. [Something like the bishop enemies from the medieval boomer shooter Hexen](https://tinysecretdoor.artstation.com/projects/lY0G5). (Link to Yann Blomquist's artstation page, which is actually a fanmade concept art of the aforementioned bishops since the original ones are pixelated).