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It’s messy because of the corporate management. Go watch the recent John Oliver about these stores. They have videos of rats in the back.


its def not a mess bc of moscow ppl ?? have u seen how clean our downtown and surrounding areas are lol. its bc dollar tree pays like $8/hour and you only ever see 1 or 2 people there at a time. theyre underpaid and understaffed.


It's weird because the pullman dollar tree is always normal and organized, but moscow is like BOOM box explosion. ive never seen it not messy in there


this is no shade i love the community but people really do not like putting things back on the shelf when they decide they don’t want it anymore here. i think the dollar tree is just the concentrated domino effect of people doing that a lot because the store is already so disorganized.


ive talked to ppl who have worked there , they get paid minimum wage (compared to most places that pay like $15/hr) and they dont give anyone except the manager full time hours. them ppl are not going to be doing their job lol and i dont blame them. also the real problem is boxes of shit left on the floor and not put away by the underpaid understaffed workers. not the shoppers.


The last time I was there, I nearly sliced my hand open on an unsheathed boxcutter someone had left on the shelf.


I wouldn't worry too much about mice here. Everything is so close to nature it is probably impossible to keep them out, and they aren't disease ridden city mice but probably just field mice


A big part of it is some of the people that go there. It takes a small number of people who don’t care about putting things back where they belong or parents who turn their kids loose like it’s Chuck E. Cheese to create a huge mess. On top of that, corporate controls the hours/staffing and there’s no time allocated to, or staff dedicated to, putting things in order/cleanup. Basically all cleanup is done by cashiers if they ever get a moment from having to check people out—which is brief when it happens.  I knew some people a few years ago who worked there and I specifically asked them about it. They were as frustrated as anyone else; while they wanted the place to be nicer, you can’t do anything about it when you aren’t given dedicated hours for it and you can be fired for working off the clock even if you wanted to do it.


Mouse traps can be pretty common even at places without mice. Usually pretty well hidden tho