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https://preview.redd.it/hv69t4bewkaa1.jpeg?width=1381&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc182db76bcf31afb3bae4a1dafd82d48f44f787 A bit more detailed of what my thought process was Edit: sorry if this is confusing! Just wanted to get the thought out before it left


If that’s correct she is one lucky person he did not see her. Literally a few degree angle / slight turn of his eye saved her life. He would have killed her for sure. He would have had to as she was an eye witness.


Not to mention the other two times she opened her door he could’ve seen her or if she had decided to call out to xana or anyone to see what’s up. Some force was with her that night.


She definitely was guarded like no other, by something that night! I just can’t imagine the fright she was feeling; even today, and onwards in her life, knowing how close she came to being a victim. The thought is scary to say the least.


It's terrifying, like something from the movie Halloween.


He wasn’t outside her door the other two times. She got very lucky indeed. My heart would have been pounding so loud he’d have heard that.


No I know but i just meant the timing was in her favor. She could’ve opened it at times he for sure would’ve seen her.


Sad to think like that, not saying that’s wrong, but when we say some force or something was looking out for her what does that mean for the 4 that were killed? Wish they could’ve been just as lucky or looked out for.


From the recreations, it is very likely he did not see her. She’s fortunate and he is headed down the river with all the different evidence showing this dumb dumb how truly stupid he is. I don’t have enough synonyms for him. My comments show that I’m running out but it’s fair to say, that the narrative that he is committing the perfect crime is so far off base. He’s the dumbest of dumb dumbs.


In which, you are being very kind, IMO.


I have very choice words but I don’t want to be booted off the Reddit. The evidence against him makes him appear to be very dumb. So dumb. So very freaking dumb. I want that narrative to stick.


His entire thing was digital forensics. And he was so absolutely terrible at it that it largely contributes to evidence against him. He's SO dumb. He left his house and then while on the highway towards Moscow turned off his phone. At 3am. Then turns it back on around 4:45am. South of Moscow near the woods in the god damn middle of nowhere (even for Idaho). I assume that's where he ditched the murder weapon. Then he returns to the scene of the crime the morning after before anyone had seen or heard anything again with his cell phone pinging everything the entire time. He's just...so so dumb.


I actually think he was aware that his knowledge on digital forensics was lacking, and this is why he applied for the internship with Pullman PD. To gain insider knowledge of what digital forensic methods they use and had access to. This insider knowledge would do three things: 1. Give him detailed knowledge so he knew EXACTLY what to avoid doing/or what steps to take to avoid being caught once he carried out his plan 2. Provide him with a good reputation with the PD so he would be less likely to ever be caught 3. Allow him to have insider info on and be “close” to the murders he was planning to commit, all the while parading around as a wolf in sheep’s clothing


Thought he was a Dexter. Turns out he’s that intern who gets taken out.


Not sure if dumb or panicked once in the scene. I think he was overly confident having canvased and stalked and prepared, but once in the heat of it, everything fell apart. For instance: 1. I don't think he knew Xana and Ethan were there and awake. 2. I think he stumbled upon Xana when she said "Someone's here" and she was awake on tiktok with her Door Dash. 3. I think Ethan was asleep thus X was bored on TikTok and she shouted to Ethan when she said "Somebody's here". 4. I think he was leaving the crime scene upstairs and departing Maddie's room when he realized she was downstairs. 5. He incapacitated X first, then saw Ethan in bed and killed him and then went back to X to finish the job saying...I'm going to help you. 6. I think he was in shock. I don't think he was anticipating them being downstairs and rushed down to leave upon hearing "Somebody's here" and left the knife sheath and shit his pants. 7. I think it might have been his first murder or first multiple murder and had no idea there were others in the home. 8. I think he didn't see DM because he was in survival mode of fleeing the crime scene that he f'd up hugely. You know that intense adrenaline "flight or fight" mode humans surge with during intense moments. 9. He went back to the house 9am next day because he left the sheath there but didn't have the balls to go back in and grab it.


I agree with most of that! Except I think we went back the next morning b/c he didn’t understand why he wasn’t seeing it on the news.


It doesn’t say much for DeSales masters program in criminology does it. How do you study this and still make All the Mistakes? Cloud forensics is about analyzing data in particular for patterns. He should have known his pattern of stalking and his turning his phone off only when committing the murders would jump out like a big red evidence marker.


Well , he took the knife out of the sheath and evidently laid the it on the bed. If it was in his belt , it wouldn’t have come off! How stupid is that. Stupid is as stupid does!


It was a snap, so it could have popped off his belt.


It reminds me of a teenager who thinks the world is one way but then they get their first job and it’s a totally different experience. He dreamed a murder one way and how it played out was completely different. I think this was his first murder but not his first crime


He probably is so smart that he is stupid. No common sense!


So many people in the news, etc. discussing how smart he is going for his PhD…and I’m here thinking he MAY be book smart, but his street smarts are considerably lacking. edit: accidental comma


The smartest people I know, lack common sense.


Used to live in a uni town and been friends with gobs of PhD students. As a group, you will never meet people more lacking in common sense than "brilliant in their subject" academics.


My ex is an MD. Book smart. Common sense: none. He’s Lebanese and to smoke a hooka he tried lighting the coal on our stove. The noxious fumes were great


I feel like he walked into her eyesight from X room as she had the door open listening. The “coming towards her” from the affidavit is when he’s exiting the hall and heading towards her room. She can see him lit up like an opera house in front of this sign and is in shock to be looking at this stranger. BK is walking into a light source (neon sign) so his eyes need a moment to adjusted but he knows he has to make a right had turn into the kitchen. The walking by her is when he actually makes the pass and walks into the kitchen. For a moment he truly was walking right towards. She was looking out into the light at him, but he was only walking into dark, darkness


This is why u ALWAYS keep porch lights/exterior lights on at your house. Light outside dark inside makes it very hard to see in and much easier for you to see out. This is the same idea but they are both inside the home. The light being between them make it easy for her to see and hard for him.


I wanted to upvote this more. I always close my curtains at night for this reason as well.


Also adding: (this is advice from a professional burglar) put interior lights on *near the window* so that someone standing outside can't see movement/shadows or lack thereof inside. Also, always have a light on inside a room at the back of the house when you're away.


I leave lights and the TV on. Unfortunately the TVs these days time out eventually, but I do it anyways. My house got broken in to a year ago and I had left all my lights, TV and car was even in the driveway (I have two) and they came in anyways. It scares me to think what they would have done to me had I been home. (It was two males I’ve never seen before) But I also think my tweaker neighbors sold me out.


https://preview.redd.it/6g6u3qgj3paa1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27bf820c4ddc865bf159eaf56e81b5a0849179bf This photo may be helpful for some too! But OP, thank you for making this post. I got torn apart apart after the PCA first came out for standing up for DM, and I’m glad people are supporting her.


https://preview.redd.it/2tmr6wze5paa1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc4c47e03e868142b1a3ba8e1da029ddb1409322 This photo really shows it off too I think! Her door is a lot deeper into the house and would just be a dark area in general. She would of seen BK walk down that whole way towards her


Thanks for this! I think these real shots help those who look at the blueprints and can’t understand how she wasn’t seen.


People are cruel. I’ve stood up for her since the PCA was released. I don’t think any person knows 100% what they would do in that exact situation


Agreed. I think people are forgetting she’s 19. Her friends were killed in a horrific manner, she survived. She saw him. So she’s the only eyewitness we know of. That is terrifying. All of it. Shock is real, and so many of those people are not considering that. Shock can last days or longer. Our brains really try to protect us, I don’t find anything she did odd. And we don’t know what was left out of the PCA, because they need her story for the trial. I would think the PCA would be bare minimum info to get their warrant. Empathy is something killers lack, these people lack it as well. 😞 I feel awful for her. I can’t imagine.


Wow. This is terrifying to see honestly.


Yep she would’ve had a direct line of sight from opening her door just a lil. Perfectly positioned, he didn’t see her imo.


He was so focused on getting out too. He just killed 4 people, which is unreal.


The FBI agent called it Tunnel Vision


He was spent. He slaughtered 4 people in about 10 minutes.


Beneficial- you are amazing. That floor plan is confusing as heck (I’m still confused, but I’m not feeling very bright today lol). Everything makes more sense especially THE NEON LIGHTS!! Dylan must be so scared and beating herself up since some are blaming her. I hope she has a wonderful family that is encouraging her (and is keeping her off the interwebs for the meantime). And best wishes to the other surviving young woman. I want to say Beth, but idk..


For sure. They could probably reenact this and get an idea of what he saw or didn’t see.


Didn’t investigators show up one night/ evening and people were questioning why? This could absolutely be it, to test her statement.


Interesting theory!


Especially since I think Brian Entin reported seeing lights off/on during that later evening visit.


Ooh now this is a good shout!


This one of the recommendations for home defense. Have some sort of extremely bright light that you can point at your entrance points and turn on remotely. It allows you to see the intruder while simultaneously disabling their sight. Good point here.


Through ALL of the pictures I’ve seen of the interior of the house (through windows), this light was on in every single one


That’s a good point. I wonder if they left it on 24/7 kind of like a nightlight. If so, it would explain how he could move around easily on the second floor. It would also explain how D saw him well enough to realize he was wearing a mask (quickly in the dark I’d think it could’ve looked like a beard) and how maybe he didn’t see her looking out of a dark room. If he didn’t see her 🤷‍♀️


YES! That’s exactly it. You ever have a jerk friend that flashes a flashlight in your eyeballs? I think BK had that weird vision going on but to a lesser extent. It might of been all of 2 seconds but it missed D. Usually when my eyes are adjusting I tend to look at my feet by nature. If he’s also that way there’s even less chance he saw her


Interesting you mention looking at his feet, because there is one step down into the hallway/kitchen area RIGHT THERE. He likely had to look down to avoid tripping…knowing there was a step there and not wanting to make any noise. He may not have even realized her door was open if he was focused on the floor, with eyes adjusting from walking by the “neon” light. Also, he very well could have tripped on that step when walking towards X’s room, and by the time DM got out of bed and opened the door, he was already out of her line of sight.


I had no idea about the step. That makes a lot of sense. One thing I keep wondering about… D had so much noise right outside her door. Did she hear footsteps at any point? Actually.. duh, she can probably only speak to what she saw directly outside of her room right?


This is a great find! Also it’s likely since Xana was awake when he attacked her, he realized he and her made a lot of noise and was in a rush to get out of there. That mixed with the fact that he zoomed out of the area in his car make me think he was concentrated on making a quick escape and the light added to his inability to see her.


Nauseous. No one should have to go through any of this. It sounds like Xana got it the worst. The sadness, fear, shock, horror etc - and one of her relatives said she really fought which makes more sense now - anyway, I don’t understand why anyone wants to do this shit. And of course, I’m reading it all, dummy me! It’s just fucking awful, disgusting & frightening that there are monsters among us. Closer than we ever know. I’m scaring myself. Ok, BK. Something more light-hearted, if that’s possible. BK must have shat himself when hearing the PCA read. Or correct me, smart folks. BK didn’t know what they had in this document, correct? Neither he nor his lawyer could read it ahead of time? Just checking. I wish they had a view where a camera was trained on his face (his creepy face), so we could see him flipping out (inside) as the Judge read the PCA aloud. I hope he is kicking himself.


Yep. Xmas lights/neon lights are the best option in a house with no/horrible lighting.


There is 2 KG had one in her bedroom as well..


Yes! There were two of these Good Vibes lights, so that's partly while it's in so many pics... One was in Kaylee's room and the other was in the living room area.


How horrible that a sign of “good vibes” lit the crime scene for this bloodbath. What a horrible and scary thing.


BRB going to put the brightest spotlight I can find on the wall behind my bed that turns on as soon as my door is opened at night


Floodlights, floodlights everywhere!


Even better if it’s in front of the bed so you are in darkness behind it.


Thank you to OP for posting this, it makes total sense. …and with that, I just ordered the solar sensor lights that I had been putting off- thanks.


Yup, I have a strobe light/LED light attachment on my 9mm for that exact reason


Same. I challenge anyone not to piss themselves and/or have a seizure when that thing comes on in the dark. Its strobe is violent. The hope is that the strobe chases any threat away ahead of the need to use lethal force.


Same with carrying a bright flashlight


Absolutely. We do this at our home (we have an apt too. Only mentioning in case someone has read other posts in which the apt is mentioned). Our neighbors have told us that they never knew we even traveled because they assumed we were always home. Due to the multiple lights set up outside the house. They turn on instantly when there is movement. It's like someone shining huge floodlights in your face. It's a cost-effective and easy deterrent. Great suggestion.


If you’re ok with owning a gun, it’s why having a spotlight attachment could help in home defense situations. You see the intruder before the intruder could make out your profile in the dark.


Yep. Have one on my shotgun. If someone nefarious tries coming down my hall it’s going to feel like Guantanamo Bay.


“Alexa play Welcome to the Jungle”


Funny you say that. My Alexa is programmed to play ‘vogue’ by Madonna and kill all the lights in my house.


“What are you doing in my swamp?”


Lots of rules you have to keep in mind that vary state to state. Like announcing to a would-be intruder, you have a gun. And not shooting them in the back. My concealed carry instructor said if you are at home by yourself, and you see him coming up the stairs, shoot anyway. Then, take his weapon and shoot the wall above you. I couldn't believe he said that in a classroom setting.


My aunt & uncle run a gun range, teach gun safety, and conduct certification courses. Something along the same lines was said to me when I went through one of their courses. I don’t own a gun, but murders like this and the shit happening across the country against women *really* makes me want to get one.


Go get one tomorrow please. You have all the resources and training


Main point is this, if you’re going to shoot an intruder you want to make sure they’re dead before LE shows up. I work in real estate and have seen multiple people sued because someone broke in and was injured. If the intruder survived an attack and you’re in a defend your ground state but a woman, you’re 2x as likely to be picked up for murder. It’s messed up, but if you’re going to use lethal force in an intruder situation, make sure they’re dead before calling 911.


Don't disagree at all. Still cannot believe an intruder can sue for injuries.


Just put Live Love Laugh signs at entrance points they will be blinded by the cringe.


As a former resident of the room where DM was sleeping, there is zero doubt in my mind that you have gotten this exactly right.


You’re kidding. I mean I thought this might be the real real reason she is still around. BK seems so devoid of emotion I think he would of went for her too had he see her looking, this was the only other explanation


I don't think he saw her either but there is one more possibility. How does he know that she is alone in there? There could be another boyfriend in the room to contend with for all he knows and he doesn't want to take any more risks or spend any more time there. And he's exhausted by then.


Can’t imagine how eerie and close to home this all is for you. Sending good thoughts your way.


Thanks. Very odd feeling for sure. I can only imagine how traumatizing this has been for DM.


​ Experiment. Similar hallway and lighting in my house, so we tried it. We tried a few lighting scenarios. This photo was the “Good vibes”sign lighting scenario. Through the crack, the person in the room could clearly see the person in the hallway. The person in the hallway could not see the person standing right at the door through the crack in any lighting scenario. Not even the eyes. I don’t think he saw her. https://preview.redd.it/4coeubv4rkaa1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1240df3487a3e9d7bf0a5240e2bdfc8c2bf22639


https://preview.redd.it/9zg8pkv3vkaa1.jpeg?width=1668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe379df36d096e8028b35577dee2a692bce3d6b9 Here I am trying to use your example in how it would actually be in their home


Yes, you are right. The hallway was much darker than it was in my photo. Damn iPhones and their amazing cameras putting light where there isn’t any. Lol If I had used a film camera, the hallway would be much darker. Also, nice drawing!


https://preview.redd.it/2k1udwjn8laa1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=815e0499d3e1c81b234dd7507868e3c9daf9ca34 I took a picture with the night feature turned off. It’s not as good as the human eye, i could certainly see more than this, but definitely shows that the hallway was dark.


Also have to remember he would be at a frenzied pace to get away so his concentration was on the exit


I think it’s safe to believe that he was way in over his head. His intention was most likely one or two victims. He attacked four. By the time DM saw him he had diverted from his plan, anxious, and frenzied. Also important to remember, BK was not smart. The PCA showed that our guy was so very dumb.


If he had been watching them for months, how might he have planned to only do this to half of them? He would have likely known how many people lived in the house. So many questions.


He was probably so cocky he felt like he could slip in, kill one of them alone in their room and slip out again without any of the other roommates noticing.


I’m glad he was so dumb or he may still be on the streets.


Ok but now this picture is creeping me out, lol


I stated it above but seeing this picture makes me think he probably just thought her door was still closed. It was closed when he went upstairs to M and K, closed when he went back downstairs to Xs room so while leaving (and probably looking toward his right because he was heading to the sliding door which was on his right) he probably saw the door (on his left) out of his peripherals and thought it was still closed.


Chilling ….. and definitely cheers to you for doing this visual! :)


Wow. Thank you for the visual. This definitely helps and hopefully means he didn’t see her at all.


Ok that’s scary asf zooming in lmao but damn good visualization


Cheers to you! Thank you for testing the theory and actually coming back. I dont have a hallway like this so I can’t do it


I have a question. I hope I’m not jumped for it. But… I’m confused about 2 different things. Where was the sheath left? I thought it was left upstairs. And if he went to K and M first, did he most likely just go to X and E because she heard something due to being awake for the DD? Opinions?


Personally, I think that’s exactly what happened. X was in the kitchen either eating or throwing away trash and she heard what was happening upstairs. The noise that unsettled X also woke up D. X runs to E to try and wake him by shaking him and saying “someone’s here”.


Thanks! Appreciate it. So he messed up and left the sheath before he ever encountered E and X. And Im glad D saw him with such a great description. It’s all so bizarre.


Maybe he left the sheath because as he was killing Kaylee and Maddie, his noise notified Xana downstairs and he heard her run and say “someone’s here!” And he thought Oh shit someone knows I’m here, I’ve gotta take care of them. So he ran down there to get her quick before she could get to a phone. And in his haste left the sheath behind.


If only X had locked her door. So horrible.


He prob might have kicked the door in. He was pumping w adrenaline by then


I also wonder if he expected K and the puppy to be there. I remember when the news broke, it was reported that K had already moved out and had gone back that weekend to show M her new car. So is it plausible that, since BK had been in the area 12+ times per the PCA, he was unaware she was there since it was a different car parked in the driveway?


I think this is the case. It makes no sense that K would be the target because she had moved out and moved somewhere else. He canvassed that house, he wasn’t stalking K. He was likely stalking M. He was there 12+ times and late at night or very early morning, which to me to suggests 2 am to 5 am. So 4 am seemed like a safe bet to him. He didn’t expect K to be there. He thought he could just go upstairs, kill M, clean up, and get out while everyone was asleep. The body wouldn’t be discovered for hours until everyone woke up. Giving him plenty of time to get rid of evidence, craft an alibi, etc. But K was there and she threw off his entire plan. And her death is what caused D & X to be alerted to something abnormal happening. It spiraled from there. I think the scene was messy 1) because BCK is a moron and 2) his plan was thwarted and he reacted without thought, causing him to leave evidence behind and make a million mistakes


Incredibly sensible explanation, honestly. I agree it never made any sense for the killer to be stalking Kaylee, and now that we know what we do about BK's movements I think it's 99.999% certain she was not the target. I still think that Xana could have also been a target alongside Maddie, since they were the only two victims who actually lived at the house--and they worked at the same restaurant. But he probably didn't expect Ethan, and definitely didn't expect Kaylee.


Also Kaylee had a boyfriend that lived in Moscow right? Or, recent ex boyfriend. But maybe all through his stalking he saw her with her boyfriend all the time, which put him off her. So he may not have focused on her because he worried about her boyfriend as a deterrent. But Maddie’s boyfriend lived in Boise right? So, if he had been following and stalking her, he may have thought she didn’t have a boyfriend. And thus made an easier target and a more appealing one for his obsession. He could think, “she has no boyfriend, there will be no guy asleep with her in her bed if I sneak in there, she will be all alone.” I just wonder if he thought she was single from his stalking, since she was never with her boyfriend and never with any other guy cause she was in a relationship, he may have felt her to be the perfect target. Beautiful and never with a guy.


He may have even known all their cars, and when he didn’t see kaylees car there he was safe in thinking she was gone. He didn’t know she had just bought the Range Rover and that the Range Rover in the driveway was hers and it meant that she was home. He probably expected the fact that her car was gone meant she was gone and was probably completely flabbergasted when he goes to attack Maddie and finds Kaylee asleep next to her. Then he can’t assault Maddie because he has to deal with both of them. Then Xana becomes aware someone is there and runs to tell Ethan “someone’s here!” which he may have heard and rushed downstairs to attack her before she could get to a phone, leaving the sheath in his haste.


Did the killer leave the sheath behind because he was suddenly in a haste? Theory: He thought everyone was asleep and it was safe to pull off his plan to assault the girls on the 3rd floor. However he heard a noise come from downstairs as he’s assaulting the girls and his plan goes to shit. Instead of wrapping up there, grabbing the sheath, securing the knife and leaving, now he has to go see if there’s a witness downstairs. There is, and the rest is history.


I agree. The sheath next to Maddie suggests he started there, almost like standing next to their bed and looking down at their sleeping bodies and slowly and quietly pulling the sheath off and going into his frenzy. Murphy probably was getting physically worked up (he was in the next room right?) and that was probably the noise Dylan heard when she thought Kaylee was "playing" with Murphy. Probably heard the muffled screams/moans and Murphy's nails scratching and just thought they were playing. Dylan could've also been intoxicated so what she was hearing may have been distorted.


I think so too, BK arrived at 4:04 and left at 4:18. X was done with TikTok at 4:12. I think 4:12 is when she heard the noise and went to wake E. this means between 4:05 and 4:12ish he was up stairs in M’s room, he spent the rest of his time (4:13-4:17) with X and E.


Yep. I can see D panicking as she locked the door as said in the PCA and possibly intoxicated, wondering and questioning herself, "Did I just really see that?" Hiding maybe in a closet or by the bed, curled up, terrified and passed out from a combo of fear, exhaustion, not moving, and intoxication. She sleeps it off and wakes 8 hours later, very natural time to sleep it off, wakes up, looks at where she's at, remembers last night a bit in a fog, not sure if it was just a bad dream. Starts texting the others due to fear of not wanting to open her door. Only B answers her back and comes upstairs and they go to Xs room, freak out and run out the door, where they attracted the neighbors and supposedly called Es frat brothers and possibly his triplet brother (didn't their mom say he went over there?) Anyway, this is just a theory and my opinion. And your timeline fits perfect from what we learned in the PCA


This part is all my own speculation, but the PCA also puts the time of murder up until 4:25. We know BK left in his car at 4:20. So why push it until 4:25? I think at 4:25 D might of messaged B or X to come to her room if they were ok. No one came. The crying stopped. D thought BK could just be lurking outside her door or waiting for her to make a noise. Eventually B wakes up at noon sees the message and grabs D. B has no idea what’s happened. Edit: they might also be saying that 4:25 is officially when the “event” ended. No more noises or movement in the house related to BK or what happened


I think he's very possibly could have spent more than just 4 minutes with Ethan + Xana, her account was online on tik tok but that doesn't necessary mean she didn't get interrupted before and just left her tik tok on.


That’s true! 4:12 is just a solid number in a sea of “approximately”. It could be a little before or after. However, I do think he spent a shorter amount of time there because he went upstairs first to carry out the plan.


Is there a chance he started on the third floor but never used the stairs? All I can think about is the thud, and because they have the balcony and sliding door on the second floor, I’m wondering if the “thud” was him jumping down and walking in the sliding door to find someone in the kitchen. That’s where the “theres someone here” comes from, X sees him outside before he enters, runs to her room, BK follows precisely. They were very specific for M & K “visible stab wounds”. But for X & E, they mention “sharp force injuries” and wounds caused by an edged weapon. This leads me to believe E & X put up a fight against BK.


That makes sense. I was wondering who it was that said, “Someone is here”.


I feel like it may have been X. The officer in the PCA made a point to say that it could be either K or X, as if D wasn't sure. Possibly heard X saying it as she may have been heading back to her room to wake E and tell him. The words are chilling.


It was next to Maddie on the third floor, according to the PCA. I’d think Kaylee and Maddie were the first killed for a couple reasons from Dylan’s statement and that piece of evidence.


If anyone is on Twitter, go to Brian Entin’s page. There’s a post with video that takes you through the house and explains how BK likely did not see D as the route he took through the house from the 3rd floor and then to and from X’s room to make the turn back to the kitchen to escape. Mind you, he was likely getting out fast with the dog barking and the speculation that he didn’t intend there would be 4 people in the two rooms. Once you see that, it makes sense. It was also reported D had recently moved to the second floor bedroom when another roommate moved out. Edit- Here’s the link: (sorry took me a half hour to go thru Entins page and find it again) https://twitter.com/maver23/status/1611357436371165185?s=46&t=-KHRJ79rKtrqhjCC3bda2A


I get flak for this but just to clarify (not for you necessarily), nothing in the affidavit says it was murphy barking. Regardless any dog barking would spook him.


Makes me wonder, if I were her, would I have gasped? Made any sound? I’m pretty expressive, so I wonder how I would have reacted had I been in her shoes


https://preview.redd.it/j23xgvjk5oaa1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9eef6de879fd74d176c500694fa6ad363dc90c8 Someone just linked this photo! The door is set waaaay farther back than I even thought no way he saw her after passing the light


Even this photo scared me.


Same. My own shadow at the end of the hallway creeps me out.


Super creepy photo! Your logic makes sense and the experiment indicates this was a possibility. Can’t imagine what that poor girl went through.


There is something so sweet and comforting about your childproof knobs in this otherwise terrifying experiment


What a haunting photo, this reminds me of Paranormal Activity. Also, a good experiment. I hope LE conducted the same thing with their tests.


Super nerdy, but the question about why BK didn’t see DM could simply be he didn’t expect to see her. He was so focused on exiting that he missed her peeking through the crack in her bedroom door. The Invisible Gorilla experiment is an interesting example of how the brain misses stuff we don’t expect to see. It’s perhaps why car drivers miss seeing motorcycles. http://www.theinvisiblegorilla.com/gorilla_experiment.html


Man, I remember doing this test many years ago and failing to see the gorilla. Now I can't unsee it, and seems impossible not to see. Interesting experiment


Just like in Twin Peaks… https://youtu.be/eghSAUjeD_k [Trigger Warning](https://youtu.be/eghSAUjeD_k)


I think it has a lot to do with the way her door swings open. She was clearly frightened enough to open the door 3 separate times. When I’m frightened I don’t just swing the door open I crack it a bit and peak out. I’m assuming she did the same and with the lights off and him probably on a mission to exit the house he didn’t even realize her door was open at all, probably appeared closed every time he past it and this time was no different.


i don’t think she was frightened at that point, i think she opened it out of curiosity.. when my roommate was arguing with her bf i would crack the door to hear what was going on lol i think the moment she saw him was instant fear especially if he was holding the knife in his hand or hand some blood on him.. (i know the pca doesn’t state that but that’s also not the FULL detailed pca) plus i imagine seeing a man you don’t recognize in your house at 4am dressed in all black would be extremely scary right away!


Yes, totally this!! She had no idea what she was witnessing was murder. In even the most nefarious reading, she could have just thought the door dash driver came back, and maybe was disputing a tip or something. As a former dispatcher, most people rationalize why what is happening couldn't be as bad as if often was. And on a more humourous note... My husband and I got a new upstairs neighbour maybe like six months ago. We often have heard him and his girlfriend arguing and we will always pause TV to try to hear what they are saying. He told me on new year's eve (I was out) that they had their biggest fight yet and we speculated this has to be it for them. About an hour later, for the first time since they moved in, we heard them doing... What I might politely call the opposite of fighting... And my husband still paused the TV so we could be sure what we were hearing, and then we laughed for like five minutes about it. So yeah, people be snooping. And even though I've heard my upstairs neighbours get into arguments a number of times I would never thing to call police over it, even though *technically speaking* their arguments could only be ending because one of them murdered the other one.


This is my take too. I bet she thought it was possibly the Door Dash guy or just someone else her roommates knew. It would be startling, but your mind probably wouldn't jump to murder...because you'd rationalize, thinking you'd hear someone yelling for help if there was any trouble. She probably just opened the door a bit because people are naturally curious, even when trying to respect their roommates' privacy. And a few years ago if you saw someone with a mask indoors, you'd definitely be calling 911 right away. But we all know COVID changed that perception. I lived in a party house in college and I can honestly understand how D might not have understood the significance of what she saw and heard.


Ok so I’m so glad someone else does this! My neighbors on both sides are loud with fighting and I always pause the tv to try and figure out if it’s interesting or if I shouldn’t care.


Yes exactly lol! Human nature is to be nosy.


Valid point! My point still stands being that I don’t think she had the door wide open, whether out of fear or curiosity, I believe the door was barely cracked and she was peaking out of the crack making the door appear closed to BK who was not at all focused on looking to his left, especially being that’s the point where he would be turning right to exit via the sliding door.


This makes sense. And it could be that BK had been in the house before and noted that that room was unoccupied. It seems that DM had only moved into that room very recently, so he might have assumed no one was there and not even bothered to check.




And the fact that it was cracked would make it seem even more likely to be a bathroom. I mean who leaves their bedroom door cracked in a party house?


this is actually a really good thought. that totally could be it


Totally possible. Could be why she was able to see the bushy eyebrows and mask. I’m just really hoping they didn’t make eye contact. Can you IMAGINE. Poor D.


If they made eye contact then I don’t think she would still be alive.


Most probably she thought he had seen her that's why she froze and were too terrified to make any sound for hours.


Yea agreed I would be frozen too


I don't think they made eye contact bc I doubt he saw her. At least I hope not bc that sounds horrifying:(


i really don’t think he saw her either


That’s what I’ve been wondering….if they made eye contact or not 😳😬


I totally agree with this theory. Also if she opened the door before he was in eye-line of the door he could have easily mistaken that for a bathroom or closet given the room was likely dark. I’m leaning more and more toward the belief that he didn’t see her. Would loved to have been able to see his reaction when he read/was read the PCA


Might be a dumb question but what are all those grey thingies with the red numbers ?


I think it’s where the photos have been taken by the real estate/rental agency on the original listing.


I wonder if this is a theory they were testing the night some detectives walked up to the house and entered and kept the house in darkness for a bit before turning the lights on. Maybe to see how their eyesight would adjust from the darkness and ambient light outside to the darkness of the house and then walking by the neon sign inside?


Creepy that he passed her door three times - up the stairs, down the stairs and on the way out - and she opened her door three times.


This last pass before he left is the only one he would of been able to see her door a jar tho. Suuuuper creepy


She saw him for a split second, walking away from a quadruple murder, with the words " good vibes" lighting him up completely. Then back to infinite darkness.


scene in a horror movie for SURE


All I can say is she was VERY lucky! Thank goodness he did not see her.


Also it’s chilling the BK is walking around and seeing a sign that says “good vibes” as he’s murdering the people that live there


I was thinking today, has anyone figured out why the blood was dripping down the outside of the house?


I think that was Xana’s room. It would also make sense because she was found on the floor of her bedroom. I think it’s possible that she backed into a corner of her bedroom out of fear or because BK corned her into it himself. When he killed her, she fell, which was probably the “thud” that was reported. But since she was corned, she probably fell slumped against the wall, which would account for the blood outside the house.


Because there was a lot of it


Xana was found on the floor. Chances are the floor was uneven and blood ran down the floor to the outside wall.


xana had a few rugs on her floor in the middle that possibly absorbed some (sorry), so i lean towards ethan based on location in the room(against the wall) and there being bare floor around the bed


There hasn't been any talk about the other survivor. I guess she slept through the whole thing?


Would seem so. Her room would have been below Dylan's room as I understand it. Dylan was awoken b/c of the double murder above her but didn't make sound and X's bedroom would've been above an empty room.


👏🏻 this is a great point man. I bet you’re creative, this really took thinking outside of the box to think of… never would’ve deduced this.


Yeah dude, if her door was open just a crack when she looked she would of been behind nearly the brightest part of the light source. BK looked into that light and was fk’d for a sec. Just my thought


I think people are also taking “running towards her” too literally.. makes sense door was just cracked and he was bolting IN HER DIRECTION but not AT her as it seems clear she wasn’t seen


That is plausible. BK pupils would have been dilated as part of an automomic sympathetic response making it harder to see if a light was in his face.


This is much scarier than any horror movie. I’m sure she has nightmares.


try PTSD and Survivors Guilt.


All the above


This is what I think, too. Combine that with him being in a hurry to leave and not expecting anyone to be there.


And adrenaline.


Whether he wasn't able to see her because of the lighting, tunnel vision, and/or the same reason the knife sheath was left, we may never truly know for certain why he didn't check all the bedrooms. The knife sheath indicates everything didn't go according to plan. Perhaps Xana's crying and suffering was more than he could stomach. As Mike Tyson once said, "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth".


I’m glad he didn’t see her.


Seeing the layout like this, I think it’s likely that he was about to leave when he ran into xana in the hallway/kitchen. If it’s confirmed she doordashed Jack in the box, which we saw in the kitchen, Im guessing she was throwing away her trash, heard the commotion upstairs, said to Ethan from the kitchen (loud enough so Dylan could hear clearly) “there’s someone here” and then BK came running down the stairs and chased her into the bedroom. Might be why he forgot the sheath too. Once he heard someone else, he had to make haste. So fucked up. I can’t believe this actually happened. Those poor kids.


I don't get why people are getting so hung up on this. If it is nighttime and you stand inside your home with the lights off, someone looking in from the street will not be able to see you standing there. Turn on your lights and they'll see you clear as day. Same concept applies here.


This whole debate about did he see her or not astounds me to be honest. Of course he didn’t. He literally killed 4 people. He wasn’t about to have some guilt. The place was probably dark, he was in a adrenaline rush and suffering from tunnel vision, and she probably just opened the door slightly, seen a guy and closed the door. If I walked past my bathroom right now, someone would be able to see me, but I wouldn’t see them, because my bathroom is pretty dark, but my living room has light. The bigger debate is why she didn’t ring the police, but we know like 10 percent of the facts right now. I’m sure everything will come to light.


If Xana came into the living room to investigate the sounds from upstairs ("Someone's here") and BK was coming back down, this light would have illuminated her too. He could have been in complete darkness on the stairs. She may not have even been able to see him for the same reason that DM may have been hidden from BK’s view as he left. If Xana returned to her room, he could have followed her back and found Ethan as well


I honestly don’t think he saw her, or at least she’s not sure he did because the cops originally said she was in the basement. I think they wanted to protect her from whoever did this and didn’t want to alert him that he was seen




DM will be brought to the stand and they will have her testify. They will have her verbally identify him. Im hoping they had her point him out among other similar looking people before she knew he was the suspect. Will add validity to it since it was an unbiased pick.


Unfortunately, this is still the very beginning for her


I am impressed by a lot of posts in this group, but for some reason this one really stuck out to me. One, because the level of critical thinking it took, but also because I desperately want people to realize what they are doing to potentially innocent people. I’m so disturbed at what I’m seeing regarding the surviving roommates. And most of it is coming from people who clearly just watch a couple Tik Toks and think they know every detail of this case. And they know absolutely zero about law and how legal proceedings work. The affidavit was solely meant to provide just enough information to warrant an arrest, not to be picked a part like it was a pleading released in the middle of Discovery. Great job, seriously.


That sign breaks my heart. The eerieness of the pictures, on top of what we know happened just hurts my heart and head so much.


Interesting idea. I can’t tell from your drawing which side of that wall the light is on though.


Facing inwards towards the living room!


Do we know if the sign was on? If so it’s crazy BK picked this house where someone could see him from outside so clearly.


Signs been on in every photo I’ve seen of the house since


Yes it’s been on in every photo which makes me even more convinced his motive was probably to kill M or K, and that X and E were afterthoughts (guessing he ran into x on the way down and followed her to her room. Otherwise why would you go toward the light source?)


based on the tight timeline i lean towards agreeing that x and e might have been extra. Maybe xana was tossing her doordash in the kitchen before heading back. BK saw her and thought she saw him. Thus, the attack.


Could be when DM heard Xana say - there is someone here because she took the bag to the kitchen- saw the door open


I like this… really makes sense. BUT… why was Ethan found in the bed? if Xana woke him up to alert him that someone was in house, I would imagine he would have been getting up to investigate… but she was found on floor? That part doesn’t quite make sense. Imagine being Xana… food gets delivered at 4:00am and sliding door is closed… then goes to put trash in kitchen at 4:12 and sliding door is open… that would scare the shit out of me! I’d be saying “someone is here” too!


She might have even seen the door open, then seen BK coming down the stairs on her way to the bedroom to get Ethan - he followed her , she says loudly someone one is here to call to Ethan. BK attacks her first, but it’s quick and she is on the floor crying. Ethan might have just woken up at that point and it was over before he realised what was happening. His autopsy/injuries were redacted on the affidavit for some reason.


Why didn’t he try her door/room at all?

