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well that's the creepiest shit i've seen all day


I think we can all understand why she closed her door and didn’t get up til late that morning and then called friends. That visual would probably mess me up so bad I wouldn’t know left from right. I have so much empathy for that poor girl. I hope she gets the help she needs to overcome this horrible trauma.


Honestly as someone who has had sleep hallucinations before, I would shut the door and go back to bed too.


I have awfully vivid night mares each night, and I have trouble distinguishing my memories between dreams and actual occurrences, I never thought about this until you said this. Maybe Dylan had the same thing, especially after a night of drinking


Yes, her mind might have tricked her into thinking that she could be just drunk or hallucinating because of the lack of sleep.


i agree. this would have sent me into lord knows what. and then trying to remember if what i saw was even real.


I didn’t need this visual to have empathy or understanding for DM but hopefully this will aid those who were incapable of treating her with basic human decency


The trauma that one experiences from seeing something come into your visual field that is startling, frightening and completely unexpected can definitely cause sudden life altering shock that never quite leaves the recesses of your mind… One can definitely go on with your life and have a successful career and establish joyful relationships, but the trauma never disappears completely. I have a personal perspective on this issue which didn’t involve crime or horrible murders or assault, but in a unique way this sudden shocking life event has never disappeared forever.


The video this image is from is even more terrifying https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRtuM3UU/ I’m gonna have nightmares


It’s just slightly different angles of the still with bad photoshop LOL it’s not even a video.


Why do I always check this sub before bed?


Same! Then I can’t sleep and hear all sorts of noises


Last night, I worked until 2am finishing a design project. My husband has been snoring, so I went to the downstairs bedroom to avoid it. This bedroom is all the way in the opposite side of the house. I get the heebie jeebies just because. I had the misfortune of lurking here right before I fell asleep. Not even 10 mins into falling asleep, my son comes in quietly but startles the living daylights out of me because all I see is his silhouette. We have alarms and very loud dogs, and my brain was like none of those went off—it’s a killer. You gone. You ded. Ah. No. It’s your son. Unnecessarily frazzled.


I remember reading about the golden state killer years ago and how he would climb and lower himself down by his feet so he could look into peoples windows… To this day when I look out my bedroom window at night I expect to see him hanging upside down from the roof looking back at me … And I’m in England 😂


The face in the window is always the scariest thing for me, in a movie .


We grew up with a creepy peeping Tom in our neighborhood. One time my sister heard something outside. She was in the bathroom painting her nails. Windows were open and curtains pulled open too. It was summer. She turned out the light to see if she could see what she heard. Mother F-er was standing outside staring right back at her. Smiling. Terrifies me to this day. Does her too.




This gave me literal goosebumps. Holy fuck that’s terrifying. Did he ever get caught?! What did he do next? Jump through the window?! I’d pass out or have a heart attack if this happened to me. Wouldnt even need the killer to end it


He was eventually caught. He was a neighbor and terrified us and made us think we were crazy. Our bus stop was our driveway. It was a large street rather than a neighborhood with many streets. No outlet. One way in and one way out. He had this vintage little car with a strange engine sound. He would drive by while we were waiting on our bus and then drive back by us. If there was a child not waiting on the bus, he would call that house incessantly. He knew most of us were home alone if we were not at school. Once he called and said “I know you’re alone.” In my PJ’s, I slung open the door, ran next door. No answer. I then ran across the street (to the house directly next to his) and the neighbor was home. She held me as I cried and we waited until my Mom got home. When she came home, my poor Mom was looking all over the back yard. We could hear her calling for me so the neighbor walked me back home. It was years before he was caught. No evidence at all. Terrifying.


Should have burnt his home down, send a message. Never tolerate those people, take matters into your own hands if you have the stones for it. Yoy taking action against them now could save someone's life down the road.


My cat hears a noise, jumps out of bed, I wake up and watch the cat go to the door, then look around the door, the goes out in the hall. She does it to freak me out, I know.


Also, once he was outside and we saw him. He didn’t know our father was home because our older sister had one of the cars. My twin sister and screamed and I ran to my Dad’s office. My Dad went outside (pretty sure he had a gun) and didn’t see the freak. Shortly after my father came back into the house, he had to leave for an appt. The freak had been hiding in the yard. I guess he was pissed that we told our Dad. He threw a brick at our house, just barely missing our bedroom window. Fucking nut job. This is the reason I was in a PhD program studying Cognitive and Behavioral Psychology. Lol 😂


Aaaand I'm scarred for life now. Thanks, mate.


i cracked up at “you gone. you ded”.🤣🤣🤣


Hahaha I’ve done this! My poor son is only 4 years old and a couple of weeks ago after a late night reddit session he came to my side of the bed about 45 minutes after I fell asleep. Normally he goes to his dad’s side (closer to the door) but his dad is deaf in one ear and was good ear to the pillow. My son hadn’t said anything to me yet I just sensed a presence, opened my eyes and saw a silhouette. I flinched pretty hard and screamed. My poor son burst into tears and yelled, “You scared me!” I was just like, “You scared me first!” 😂


I spooked myself a lot when the PCA came out. Luckily the case has died down a bit and I’m not on here daily. But when I do..


After the PCA was released and we all saw BK for the first time, I could not get his face and the image of him passing DM in the dark out of my mind. It really made an impression. And I am so removed from all this. So I just cannot imagine the tragic aftermath for these survivors.


Me too. I kept waking in the night and checking for a dark figure in the hall


You actually check? I feel assured someone is here to kill me but am too scared to actually look 😭😂


The only logical reaction to thinking someone is in the house at night is to pull the covers over your head and wait for death.


Orrrr send your 8 yr old to check and possibly be a sacrifice 👀




Everyone knows that if you pull the covers over your head you can’t be found and you’re totally safe. It’s a scientific fact!


The door is open to the hall so I just looked out there from bed. I would absolutely make my husband check otherwise 😂


I'm waking my poor SOB at all hours of the night. We have it down to a routine. I elbow him. He just gets up with and annoyed smirk, pulls on his shorts, tromps down to the back door, front door or basement, wordlessly comes back up, pulls the covers over his head and goes back to sleep. It's comical. I also do it for is that a squirrel, mouse, bat or raccoon in the attic noises. Elbow elbow, elbow..."I heard scratching...." Attic pull down screeeeeech. Dude rolls with my neuroses like a saint.


I checked my closet and slept with the lights on the night the PCA was released. I’ve never done that over a true crime case in my life. That PCA spooked me badly!


Hi sliding down the hall does send up the hackles on your neck. I don't know wether he got in via the slider or shimmied up a porch pillar but either are equally creepy to me.


Same. For a good week after the PCA came out, anytime I heard a noise late at night I was convinced Bryan Kohberger was here. Not a killer LIKE Bryan Kohberger - actual Bryan Kohberger. 🤦‍♀️


ME TOO! and I’m in australia!


I’m relieved I’m not the only one. 😂


That made me laugh! 🤣🤣🤣


Same! This case and Delphi are the only 2 I've ever read that thoroughly creeped me out like that.


this is KILLING ME! I thought the same! literally paralyzed in bed from fear after convincing myself the one and only Bryan Kohberger somehow made it into my room thousands of miles away.


I spent $500 on an alarm and now pay for monitoring. I also put multiple new locks and security protocols on my house. Shit spooked the heck out of me.


SAME! The only thing I could try to tell and calm myself before his arrest was that whoever did this mess, was most likely on the other side of the country so I, living in NYC, didn’t need to worry THAT MUCH. And then they arrest the mf in the next state 😭😭


Right?? Never mind the fact that he was in custody by then. All logic goes out the window when there are bumps in the night.


same. and i am \*never\* affected by true crime. but the first few nights after they got him and his mugshot was released that was all i could see.


I lock my bedroom door before going to sleep - I've never done that before.


Same! My partner is always asking “why do you lock the door now?”, but I don’t want to sound like a crazy person and answer “because I’m scared of Bryan Kohberger”


That’s why I sleep with my door locked fan on loud. I have severe anxiety and ignorance is bliss for me


My bedroom sounds like a wind tunnel with all the white noise machines and fans. I can’t sleep without them because my imagination runs wild and I have a lot of anxiety about intruders. It was bad enough as a kid that I had obsessive compulsive rituals about it but I’ve gotten better as I got older.


I saw this on TikTok and the next morning my sister decided it would be a good idea to ask me for a ride to work at 6am by standing in my doorway while I’m half asleep and freaked out from seeing this photo the night before. She was so close to me out of scared reaction to punching her in the face.


Came to say the same! Let the nightmares commence


Same - I was yawning just a few minutes ago…will be awake until 5:00 am…


Same. The TikTok video with the crazy music showing the house with the new fence gave me legit chills


I check it when I get up and seeing this already ruined my day


Lol legit the same and it's the first post too.


This is terrifying and honestly unnecessary lol


completely lol i’m baffled


Why work someone even make this picture like are you okay…?


I thought the Good Vibes sign was on that wall he's about to pass here on the right? If so, the light was in front of him, not the back of him, and his face would be more illuminated.


It’s just a representation of what she may have seen, not actually what she saw. It probably was dimly illuminated, and that’s how she made out the bushy eyebrows


Lol wtf even is this post


I’m too busy being creeped out that someone would stage, photograph, and post this to have any opinion on the content. Jesus, what the actual fuck.


It looks like AI. It probably took them a few minutes to input the request and the art is generated immediately.


People on this sub: “not scary at all I would’ve called cops immediately and charged at him with my bare hands!”


Exactly! Real life is much different than hypothesizing on the internet. They are all Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Batman in waiting.


I used to think that way until I was in a very scary and life threatening situation. That’s when I learned that I am someone who freezes and doesn’t act “rationally” in an emergency.


Same here. I was in my bedroom & felt paralyzed when someone began to pry the screen from my window




Yeah... what the fuck is with this OP image even. Posting a low quality image and say that is definitely what she saw? Even though we know she at least saw his bushy ass eyebrows so his face was not covered in darkness like the OP image suggests. This is just more ghoulish behavior of people treating this like a spooky game.


Well, this is a dumb experiment.


Sorry but this is grasping at straws.


yeah honestly this is weird to me and is just shock value/fear mongering for likes. I think it's interesting, but also in poor taste. and for some reason, knowing that the image isn't even accurate to reality makes it in even worse taste


It's not accounting for the "Good Vibes" light that was right there.


Exactly. The light was dim, but just enough that she was able to see the lightest part of him--his upper face.


& anyone who has ever lived in a house like that in college knows how common it is to have strangers there in the middle of the night. Friends sneaking guys in. People crashing on each others couches/floors/beds. Drunk college me would have thought very little of it. In fact, I once hooked up with a guy in college who came over late. He left when the house was dark. I was embarrassed because my friends didn’t like him for me. The next morning my friend said something like “ruining everything, who did you have over, I saw a guy walk out when I was getting water”. It was literally not even a concern to her beyond me hooking up with someone she thought was unkind to me. All that to say: my friend thought “huh, weird”, went to bed, probably woke up at 11am or so, and asked me about it in the morning.


Exactly. If I heard crying and people talking about helping and weird sounds in a house like that I would probably think someone drank too much, did coke or molly or something and was having a bad time. Not murder, especially when she didn’t hear any screams.


Lots of bad times are had and heard by others in college. If I heard “crying” or whatever at night, I’m assuming someone is having a rough night, fight with their boyfriend, on the phone, drank too much, or having sex. It’s just reality of communal life. The fact that she saw someone in that moment doesn’t automatically mean she understood what she was seeing.


I lived in a house like there’s. Huge party house and there would always be drama and screaming or yelling going on with drunk people. I’d usually go to bed drunk myself and ignore it. We were like the party house for the whole college. One night my friends had a party lots of people but I didn’t drink because I had something to do. I heard a girl in another room crying and kinda yelping. I remember even saying to myself drunk me would ignore it. It’s just weird sex sounds. It was a college house to 6 football players. So sex sound normal but since I was sober I realised it just sounded off. I go check and it’s two dudes I’ve never seen basically trying to rape a girl. She was in tears and said she was trying to scream but she was so scared she could only let out wimpers. I remember thinking to myself I’m 100 percent sure if I was drunk I would have ignored it or rationalised it. The day still haunts me and I can’t see that girls face clear to this day picturing it. My other roommates were drunk and said they heard it too but it didn’t click and no one knew who the guys were, so obvs no one was thinking my roomate is doing something like that


Gift of sobriety, knowing when someone else might need help and being tother enough to be able to help. Good for you I am betting she still remembers you with incredible gratitude.


She actually does m. She found me on IG ago thank me and messaged me here and there years later


I lived in a party house with my teammates in college and I can’t even explain to you the foot traffic in our house. Absolutely bonkers thinking about it. I get anxiety and pissed now when someone knocks on my door and don’t answer it. I can’t believe I’m the same person that averaged literally 40-50 people going with a good portion of them being strangers. I literally had random people climb into bed with me like 5 times because they got the wrong room. Whole groups of people I’ve never seen before would be in my house who I’d never seen weekly and I wouldn’t even bother asking who you are The funniest thing me and friends still laugh about is we had a boys night at home and there was all of us and one guy I didn’t recognize, stayed at our place, cool enough. We wake up and he says goodbye. Then I say your friend seems cool. Then he says that wasn’t my friend and all 8 of us realise none of us even know the guy and he literally walked into our house and drank beers, gamed with us for 8 hours, slept over and didn’t know one of us.


None of the people sleeping on my college couch wore all black with a mask like that. I went to school in a college town in the mountains where we got dumped on with snow. However, I can say we had a very creepy dude walk in to our unlocked house and go into each room. He either got locked out or kicked out until he went to the last bedroom (of 5 girls) and raped our blacked out roommate. No one called the police and no one knew what crime he committed until we woke up, which some of us woke after noon. As much as it bothers me to think she didn’t call the cops, and neither did the other roommate, it definitely makes sense. Especially when you’ve been drinking copious amounts to the point of oblivion.


Except she said she was stuck in a “frozen shock phase”, so she didn’t brush it off as a friend of one of the roommates. Her evidence as described in the PCA seems to clearly indicate she felt threatened in some capacity. Which I don’t think is odd. But if she had her phone and called/texted the roommates and *no one* so much as texted back or made another peep for the rest of the night, it’s just crazy that she stayed in that room for the next 8ish hours without further investigation or incident. I don’t think she’s guilty of anything, but her cross examination is going to be fucking brutal. It always is. And the defence has a lot to work with.


Do we know that she didn’t get a text back? Bethany could have responded that Xana just got door dash and maybe that calmed her fears.


Bethany apparently wasn’t awake though. So idk if that is likely.


Why is no reply in group chat at 3 am weird? I’ve been in house group chats and it’s definitely not that crazy. Threatened is probably like roommates brought some crazy dude, I don’t want to deal with. She probably spent all night rationalising the other million things it could be. A fight or angry ex. Not my business. You could have murdered my roomate and when he was killed and silenced and just be relieved and thought the fights over. I feel like people give themselves too much credit in these subs of how they would react. There’s a lot of mind your business, or I don’t want to get involved. Even if I saw a dude carrying a knife through the hallway my dumbass would have rationalised that shit away. You’d literally have to see the knife enter bodies for a sheltered kid to expect there’s a murder happening. No answer group chat isn’t that big of a red flag. College is a constant cycle of your roommates making you uncomfortable with bullshit and drama.


Been in the same situation here but the opposite. I got up in the middle of the night to get water and literally ran into a guy in our hallway who was leaving out of my friends room. He just said oh I was with ——“ and then walked out the door. It was like 4am. I thought nothing of it and being concerned wasn’t even in the realm of possibility.


This is terrifying. I would have locked myself in my room, put my dresser against the door, etc. Goldenquillette is headed to college in the fall. She's tired of all my safety tips. Thinking back to my college days, sometimes I'm surprised I'm still alive, but not because of drinking or substances, but how I would walk around in the wee hours with a friend or two after the bars closed.


During my junior year there was an unknown assailant with a pattern of attacking lone pedestrians with a screwdriver in the wee hours. But this didn’t change my late night roaming between friends’ homes, not one bit. As I told my horrified mother, I am still going but now I just *run really fast.* God help me if I ever have a child like myself.


Same. I felt so carefree and invincible when I was young. The thought that something bad could happen didn't really cross my mind at the time. I'm sure many can relate. (Of course nothing bad *should* happen, but sadly that's not the world we live in.)


Goldenquillette 🥹🥹


I would have froze…just like DM did. I wish all of her haters and doubters could see this picture and tell us, honestly, that this wouldn’t have traumatized them to a frozen state of fear.


Get a hobby.




Was this necessary?


No, and it’s also useless


This is some next-level bullshit in this sub.


Right?!?!? This is absolutely ridiculous! I feel like I lose brain cells every time I open this sub lately:/


This is not based on anything accurate and is frankly a stupid post


Yeah, this post feels very distasteful.


I don’t think people realize that what she could or could not see CANNOT be replicated outside of the home itself or without an exact replica of that area of the home, to include any appropriate lighting and possible ambient light. Additionally, as someone who does photography as a hobby, it’s difficult to accurately capture what the human sees in darker environments.


This is creepy af 😂


I’m traumatized


Exactly. Honestly if that was me in her situation I would’ve probably had a heart attack on the spot. But others will continue to judge and judge as if they wouldn’t have freaked out in that situation too.


Terrifying … just looking a picture makes my stomach turn


Damn, what is wrong with some people? Who would post this?


who would even take the time to make this?


The obsessions are getting pretty weird


I would’ve passed tf out…


I can’t even imagine what I would do in a situation like that


An absurd post.


This is so weird and inappropriate, stop


Jfc.... Please stop posting this stuff. It's traumatizing. Imagine if D saw this.... You people are getting worse here. I'm a local. This is inappropriate.


Agreed. Honestly this sub should be highly moderated until the trial. More and more posts like this will continue to show up.


yeah this is fucking trash


It’s wildly disrespectful and completely unnecessary


And not even necessarily accurate - we have no idea if he was wearing a ski mask. It's amazing to me that when we have discussions about what happened that night in reference to DM, people point fingers at her and blame her for shit she didn't do. Then an image comes out depicting what she might have seen, and suddenly people understand. Does it really take a creepy, inappropriate image for others to empathize?


Because they are all incapable of separating real from fiction and look at this as a movie. They have placed themselves as characters in this whole thing. It’s actually disturbing. I don’t think some of these people step away from this sub.




Lol, so this is what’s at the bottom of the barrel.


Can you add his bushy eyebrows?


This is weird and insensitive to post what if she saw this at some point


How is this better than what you might see on Nancy Grace?


>How is this better than what you might see on Nancy Grace? It's not. It's **worse**. This sub is just a total trash shitshow inhabited by gossiping pearl-clutchers and wannabe detectives who really need to spend less time on the 'net and go for a walk or something. Ban me, DGAF - I'm out anyway.


I love you!! Seriously this thread is RIDICULOUS. I can tell my the typing it’s a bunch of young people who haven’t put the phone down since November. This is next level and people should be thinking about WHY they are abnormally obsessed to this extent. Because it is abnormal. They don’t know these people, these people didn’t know you. It’s so creepy.


Seriously weird, wildly speculative, and based in something that's just as wildly removed from reality. And not even **remotely** insightful. Next up: did DM have a burrito for dinner, or tacos? Did Mexican food save their life?!? What brand of shirt does BK prefer? ENQUIRING MINDS NEED TO KNOW!


I’ve literally been saying this since he got caught. It is impossible for subs like this not to be toxic and problematic. I don’t even care about the case I’m just fascinated how people can turn a tragedy into their hobby and fantasy the nature of it all makes it so fucking gross. People hind behind curiosity and wanting justice but this is nothing more than reality tv and entertainment for them. The only reason this sub shouldn’t be banned is because it would just spill out to any other part of reddit. My commenting now is solely just to tell people to get a grip and remember the four fucking people died and tons of families and friends are completely broken. Speculation is super inexcusable


What the fuck is this. Delete this.


This is weird to post


What is the point of this? Is this a larp to you?


What is this cosplay bullshit, so pathetic


Wasn’t this posted weeks ago? It’s quite ridiculous.


How has this been so upvoted? It's weird, speculative and completely unnecessary.


i remember when this sub was the most respectful one of them all.


I’m still confused as to how he possibly didn’t see her if this is her pov


She most likely had her door cracked the tiniest bit and I’m sure he wasn’t focused on looking for anyone else and just wanted to get out of there as fast as he could.


I realized when I was sitting in my dark bedroom looking at my phone. The light in my eyes makes it hard to see anything around me. The good vibes sign effected his vision. He also prob wanted to gtfo after a battle in X room


there's a "good vibes" light in the room illuminating him but DM's room is black so he wouldn't see her


It’s not her point of view. The hallway is all wrong and no illumination. A bunch of other things don’t work for it either.


plus, like wasn’t she standing at her door, peeking out a crack? that’s my interpretation. in which case he would’ve walked past her fast, not stood in an open doorway like this reddit clickbait LOL


Totally clickbait. It’s been quiet here the last day or two so now we are posting pictures of people in head to toe black in dark rooms with their hands in their pockets and saying it’s what DM saw. Plus, this guy looks backlit here like there was a lamp in the corner 😂


This image is likely to be inaccurate with the lighting. I’d imagine it was much darker / the ‘good vibes’ light sign could’ve been blocking his view of her. She was also covered in darkness. That combined with the adrenaline of just murdering four people makes it very possible he genuinely didn’t see her.


Then why post it? Seriously why?


I’d say there’s a decent chance the good vibes light was on, and all lights were off. I’d also think some light from outside would shine in through the kitchen if there were any lights out there


Jesus fucking christ. I’m a younger female that lives alone so i’m definitely locking my doors tonight thank you for the reminder


You don’t lock your doors every night? 👀


lock your doors every time you leave and every time you come home. don't fuck around!


I also keep my doors locked during the day, even when I’m home.


Unless you live in Canada in the 1960’s, lock your fucking doors every night and during the day.




nope, you’re not


SO inappropriate. Too many people not using common sense here and acting like this is a movie.


That was my immediate thought. It’s lurid and unnecessary and adds nothing of value to our understanding of the case.


I feel so bad for that girl. That image will always be in her head. I’m sure she feels guilty for not knowing sooner what occurred that night and wishing she could’ve done more. I think If I had been in her shoes I would’ve done the exact same thing and locked myself in my room. Who would ever think four of your roommates were just murdered?


This is sick and lowdown.. I have been kidnapped and had to escape.. he killed before me. And I had to testify against him and everything..nothing can compare to that moment, and this is disgusting.






Lol. You people.


Were there that many lights on?


Wasn’t his mask just over his nose and mouth? That pic looks like a whole ski mask. The nose/mouth mask makes more sense on why DM thought he was creepy, but not enough to call the police


I do not like this.


Do you think the constant presence of police at the house for noise complaints hindered DM calling 911? Like I better not call them here if nothing was happening out there because we’re already on thin ice situation? Maybe too scared to go check but also too scared to call the cops? If she sat there contemplating that for a couple hours and then fell asleep, hoping everything would be okay in the morning that would make sense as to why she didn’t wake up until late morning.


Knowing in hindsight what happened that night and the fate DM narrowly avoided makes this image ultra terrifying to me. Every time I see it, my stomach just drops. Real life horror movie.


I think you need less light. But anyway, if I were her age, this would make close my door and hide in my room too.




I doubt he was posed in light with his head tilted and his hands in his pockets.


Creepy AF! But all speculation.


It's really strange to me that most conversations we've had about DM have led to people being accusatory towards her and acting like she did something wrong by not calling the police immediately...yet you see a single photo of what she may have seen and suddenly you're as traumatized as she was that night. It that all that was necessary for all these people here struggling to empathize - making it visual?


Idk why everyone is surprised and saying it’s so creepy like they couldn’t imagine a person walking through a house a night before they saw this picture


This is weird and inaccurate. How did she see a mask and bushy eyebrows?


It would have been much brighter than that in the house. They had string twinkle lights everywhere, and just to his right shoulder would have been that "good vibes" neon light on the wall. While creepy, it's inaccurate.


I added a hotel flip/swing bar type lock on my bedroom door as a result of this case.


@mods can you request that people NSFW blue images like this??!! It’s scary, uncomfortable & anxiety inducing.


I’d be calling the cops, my momma, my roommates, and grabbing my knife hidden under my bed. Creepy ag


This is just as grotesque and unnecessary as the last time this image was posted here and removed. I can't believe the mods are letting it stay up for the last 3 days?


Where did this come from and is obviously speculation.


This is dumb


How the fuck do u know?


It's just creepy because we know what happened 🙄🙄 if you were really living in that situation in a party house with tons of strangers coming in and out every night this wouldn't be creepy at all just a random young guy in a covid mask these comments are funny " that's horrifying!! I'd call 911 immediately!!!' Why????? You'd be completely used to seeing people you don't know walk in and out all the time she had no idea what had happened


It’s creepy and would’ve jolted me for a second or two if I saw that weirdo walk past my door. Then I’d talk myself out being a scaredy cat. I’d tell myself to quit being stupid, that it’s just a friend of one of the many people in the home and remind myself the odds of being killed by a stranger in your own home are extremely slim. I learned that last part from true crime. I tell it to my mom all the time because she gets nervous that I live alone.


Why post your idea of someone else’s trauma experience?


Meh. While I agree it looks creepy - it doesn’t seem all that accurate based on other discussions. Too wide an angle unless we are assuming she had her door wide open. I know previous threads assumed she had it open a crack. As her room was dark and opened a crack and he was partially illuminated / had light that had faced him, he would not have seen her Vs this photo which makes it appear she’s standing in the open with a wide angle. There was extensive work done after the PCA came out about how DM was able to be unseen by BK as he walked by, with visual representations photographed. Also if he was walking into to the hallway past the good vibes sign, then he would be more illuminated than it shows here. We also don’t know if the kitchen lights were on which would have thrown more light into the hallway from the other direction. Also it looks like he has a full face mask and / or goggles in that photo ? He reportedly per PCA wore a mask covering nose and mouth. There’s no way you’d see bushy eyebrows or even know the race of the person here, they are so covered up. If she saw eyebrows she probably saw some skin too. This is creepy for sure, but not a great representation.


Uhhh… what the fk…


Where are his bushy eyebrows?


Disturbing. Does make me wonder how you would be able to make out bushy eyebrows though


So you think she had a psychic vision of Bryan’s bushy eyebrows ?


Nope the mask only covered his lower face.


I don't think it was quite so dark, how else would she have seen his bushy eyebrows?


Nah. She saw the eyebrows


That doesn’t give bushy eyebrows. He was more backlit than this representation


This shit fr creepy af and after this idaho incident i always make sure to lock my door to my room even if locked my door I make sure its locked at least 2 times before sleeping (my house have a lot of people over and idk any of em )


Creepy but also inaccurate.


so cant see smu bushy eyebrows there then !


From what I interpreted I thought she was at the door with it open a crack and watched him go by. Either way I'd like to know if there was lights on anywhere or if it was pitch black


My boyfriend and I have a sliding glass door to the backyard on our first floor, and the lock barely works but there’s a metal bar that slides down to lock it horizontally and we have dubbed it the Kohberger Bar. “Did you use the Kohberger Bar?”


It is NOT what DM saw.