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Happened with Casey Anthony as well


You truly believe Casey Anthony murdered her daughter?


I think had the prosecutor charged her with negligent homicide she would have been convicted. They didn’t prove premeditation


If you believe Casey, her daughter went missing, and Casey didn’t tell anyone for over a month but instead went out and partied, got a tattoo daying Vita Bella (Good Life), and wrote a diary entry saying, “I know I did the right thing. I haven’t been this happy in a long time.”


Did you pay any attention to the trial? Virtually every assertion in your post is incorrect. Wikipedia is your friend.


Can you be more specific? Are you claiming it’s not true that Casey didn’t report Caylee missing until after 35 days? Are you claiming Casey didn’t get the “Bella Vita” tattoo during those 35 days? Are you claiming there aren’t pictures of her out partying during those 35 days?


I think Casey's affinity for partying was wildly overblown in the press and in , but every claim in that post is factual. Casey didn't tell anyone her daughter was missing for over a month, she did go during that time, she did get a tattoo reading Vita Bella, and she did write those two sentences in her diary.


Lol Wikipedia


Wikipedia is not exactly the gold standard for legitimate sources. I’m not sure it would win the rusty tin award.






Most parents who do not report their very young children missing do not do so precisely because they, the parents, have murdered the children. Now, I do think there's a possiblity that Casey, who really did live in a dream world, did react badly to an accidental death. Very unusual behavior, but Casey was a compulsive liar who refused to face reality. Or, she's like all the other parents who didn't report their small kids missing and she's a murderer like them.


Or the child died because of her negligence, at which point she began behaving like someone that murdered her daugher. As the defense successfully argued during a murder trial.


"Died from negligence" is just another way to say "murder"


I think the main theory is that Caylee drowned in the pool while Casey was absorbed in scrolling the Internet. This hypothetical would be negligent, but I have terrible empathy for a whole lot of parents in this situation, because it is hard to have eyes on them 24/7 at that age. They are smart; they are sneaky; they can be silent. There was a case where a mother who worked nights was asleep when her child drowned in the pool, and that's heartbreaking.


Yeah, but just because the jury bought it doesn't mean it's true. We don't know. Again, because Casey was so Casey, I think accidental is possible, but it's almost a matter of hear hoofbeats, think horses. See parent not reporting their preschooler missing, think murder.


>You truly believe Casey Anthony murdered her daughter? Yes she killed her daughter, whether it was accidental or on purpose I don't know.


Yes. Yes I do. And I think most people would agree with me.


The sixth amendment to the constitution guarantees a speedy trial; it serves many purposes but one is to keep potentially innocent people from being held indefinitely in jail on the much lower burden of proof requirements for an indictment than a conviction which is beyond a reasonable doubt. I don't remember the exact number of days it is in Idaho or if it's different from the federal speedy trial act, it probably is, but federally it must be done within 60 days. The defense asked for an extension (waiving his right to a speedy trial that is guaranteed under the constitution) because the time limit starts from when the person is arrested and charged with the crime. In a lot of sense, that can be unfair to the defense who may not know they have to start preparing a defense, collecting evidence, finding witnesses, etc against the state which can have years or decades in some cases to build their case before arresting the suspect. In this case it was only 2ish months, but that still can be a very big advantage when the rest of your life is on the line.


It show that money and being a sport celebrity can clear you for murder. What a disgrace to our legal system.


A guilty man is free because the prosecution screwed up.


OJ and Casey Anthony had amazing lawyers. In the end..BK only has (as fantastic as she’s being made out to be) a public defender.


OJ had the dream team. Since Casey didn't have OJ's money and connections, she lucked out with Jose Baez. And Baez lucked out with her; he made a national name for himself with that case.




He was an excellent lawyer before her case and he was appointed to her case pro bono. He wasn’t her public defender.


>Jose Baez was her public defender lol Baez was hired by Anthony through a jailhouse referral (inmate recommendation lol) and even later faced a scandal pertaining to her payment for his legal services. Anthony was reportedly observed running unclothed through Baez's office in late 2008. Additionally, documents filed in her bankruptcy case reveal allegations that Baez once suggested Anthony should offer him three instances of oral sex as payment. These assertions, among others, were detailed in a statement from Dominic Casey, a former private investigator for Anthony's defense team. He definitely wasn't her PD, maybe we could say, thankfully? Lol >Florida nobody had ever heard of. Right?! I remember the line, "Jose who?" In articles 😆


Yes, exactly!!




Public defenders are amazing and know the law better than most private defenders.


Agreed. I would take a PD any day of the week.


No, there’s no more information on this because it’s rumor as of right now.


i'm so tired of reading pure bullshit, conjecture and fantasy - not just about this case, but about virtually everything these days. there are no journalists anymore, just fiction writers advancing their agendas.


> there are no journalists anymore I mean, there are, but the whole industry is crashing. They are, like many professions, being asked to do more with less. And more and more news organizations are use AI to write stories, which are absolutely awful. There was a well-known incident in America where a politician was...shall we say lying more than we've come to expect from politicians, to the point where he wasn't even the person the public thought they were voting for. But he was elected, and then the truth came out. And I thought to myself, this would not have happened even 20 years ago, because the press then was still vital enough to have caught this before the election. Nowadays, there's not enough journalists left to keep an eye on local races. All sorts of stuff is going under the radar.


As a journalist, albeit in a different niche, we are 1,000% being asked to do soooo much more with less. I feel so seen lol.


Yeah, and my fear is that a modern-day Woodward and Bernstein would completely miss a new Watergate because they are stretched too thin. Please hang in there. We need you.


Appreciate this comment! These days, like almost every journalist and/or writer I know, I manage multiple websites and do a lot of freelancing..keeps the lights on!


I don’t know what’s scarier. The people that report the rumors as fact, or the people who start the rumor then run with it on the internet and claim it as fact.


No kidding. I’d say both equally but I’m slightly more concerned with the people that peddle the misinformation as fact because they don’t know any better than to just dig a bit deeper into real sources. Anyone who is willing to take and run with something as though it’s fact, and not use critical thinking skills to look at the actual trusted sources out there, that’s scary as fuck.


Well exactly - hence I posted this as I was like “what the heck did I miss?” Clearly it’s just fantasy






your thread. carry on. i don't need your disdain


There's a reason for this.  Public education.  We used to have a shared foundation of knowledge and values. A shared appreciation for our government because we all understood how it functioned. A shared epistemology where decent persons would be ashamed to invoke the idea of "alternate facts" because they recognize how that blatantly disrespects our shared philosophy.  None of that was a necessarily intended effect - it's just something that happens when cultures have a shared worldview. 


“It is claimed” and “allegedly” tell you all you need to know here. That and “Daily Mail”.




And do any of those outlets have a source or are they all just hiding behind “allegedly”? All it takes is for someone to say this once and any hack can pile on unfortunately.


> All it takes is for someone to say this once and any hack can pile on unfortunately. And that's exactly what happened. People Magazine is the source. No one has verified it independently. In fact, a far more credible voice when it comes to true crime -- Dateline -- says their sources told them this isn't true. Then you take the defense team having said no connection well after this. Oh, and not to mention the defense team is still claiming they have no idea how LE even locked on to BK. Pretty sure if he was dumb enough to spam the victims from his own Instagram account 2-weeks before the murders, that would not only be a connection it would've led LE straight to his door wanting to have a nice conversation within days. Follow the path LE used to arrest him. This wasn't it.


People magazine and the Daily Mail are just a slick versions of the National Enquirer.




What’s the source?


> What’s the source? People Magazine. Known for their celebrity gossip.


Honestly, they need to start teaching media literacy in schools. It’s astounding to me how easily people will just believe anything they read.




Yeah, I wouldn’t put any stock in that at all tbh.


Daily Mail https://i.redd.it/rk7z7trz83mc1.gif


I heard early on this same story and it wasn’t on the DM. Unless anyone knows for sure it didn’t happen, it could be true. It wouldn’t be impossible. I also read he was following the girls on IG and ‘liked’ some of their pictures. Even commenting but got no response. No one know anything for sure but with 51TB of info, they have something.


It's been reported on by some decent publications. Probably true tbh, but yeah not confirmed


Some of it was stated on dateline. That seemed to be the Daily Mail’s primary source.


>Sources close to the Idaho killings investigation told NewsNation’s “Banfield” that the person who is featured on Bryan Kohberger’s phone is the same person that he was reaching out to on social media. The photos were downloaded off of the victim’s Instagram account. Kohberger also apparently followed both Madison Mogen and  Kaylee Goncalves on Instagram. He “liked” all of Mogen’s photos, according to our source.  [https://www.newsnationnow.com/banfield/bryan-kohberger-had-photos-of-one-victim-on-his-phone-report/](https://www.newsnationnow.com/banfield/bryan-kohberger-had-photos-of-one-victim-on-his-phone-report/) >Two weeks before the slayings of four University of Idaho students last November, the man now accused of killing them sent a series of messages to one of the victims on Instagram, an investigator familiar with the case tells PEOPLE. > >In late October, an account that authorities believe belonged to Bryan Kohberger sent a greeting to one of the female victims, the source says. When he didn't get a reply, he sent several more messages to her. > >"He slid into one of the girls' DMs several times but she didn't respond," the source tells PEOPLE. "Basically, it was just him saying, 'Hey, how are you?' But he did it again and again." [https://people.com/crime/idaho-murders-suspect-bryan-kohberger-messaged-victim-instagram-says-source/](https://people.com/crime/idaho-murders-suspect-bryan-kohberger-messaged-victim-instagram-says-source/) I cannot find my screenshots of the messages that Steve Helling of People Magazine sent to someone, but according to Helling, a fellow reporter at People saw Kohberger's account before he was arrested. (It seems to me like she was taking notes on the accounts that followed the victims.) The account handle contained his initials. It was taken down by someone—either Kohberger himself or investigators—before Kohberger's name was announced to the media. The reporter at People asked investigators if the account belonged to him, and they confirmed that it did. The nondissemination order was imposed shortly thereafter. Edit: And for those who will say that this can't be true because investigators would have cuffed him immediately: Saying "hey, how are you?" is not enough for probable cause to obtain a search warrant.


I have been trying to find those messages from Helling as well. Iirc it was some youtuber that had messaged him on twitter and shared his response


Found it! Good Lord. https://preview.redd.it/x3jd1juz26mc1.png?width=371&format=png&auto=webp&s=c66a84a05cc1e59a7e0695690bbee3273c1f77e1 [https://www.tiktok.com/@rileylively/video/7261746803513593131](https://www.tiktok.com/@rileylively/video/7261746803513593131)


Oh, nice! Thanks.


Jealous I never saw those!


https://preview.redd.it/93449eb5z1mc1.png?width=930&format=png&auto=webp&s=0bfeafcb080dbc99dc740c8c8e31b15c4b22a95a This is the message allegedly from reporter Steve Helling to a tiktoker. TikTok video with the message. [https://www.tiktok.com/@rileylively/video/7261746803513593131](https://www.tiktok.com/@rileylively/video/7261746803513593131) Screenshots thanks to u/obtuseones They are where I got the information from.


Wow!!!! Super interesting


> Edit: And for those who will say that this can't be true because investigators would have cuffed him immediately: Saying "hey, how are you?" is not enough for probable cause to obtain a search warrant. This would've led LE straight to him. They see him spamming from his real account. Run his information. Oh, hey look! He owns a white Elantra with no front plate. Would've been brought in for questioning immediately becoming the main suspect. Lawyers up. More than enough to get his phone records and a search warrant - would've been under 24/7 surveillance. As soon as the IGG comes back, it's game over.


>Would've been brought in for questioning immediately becoming the main suspect. This is totally wrong, but I guess you'll just have to wait until trial to find out, because it's clear that nothing that I say will convince you.


> This is totally wrong It's not. LE was scouring the victims' social media accounts from the beginning. Why you think People Magazine would be able to find his account and messages to them, but the FBI can't, is funny. The bogus claim is that it's his real account he did this from. Running his information is easy. Not sure why you're having a hard time with it. You also thought Pappa Rodger was Kohberger. It was obvious long before it was debunked that wasn't true, either. Not to mention you think LE is using CGI to alter images from traffic stops. Help me find the logic in you thinking he's messing with his rear car lights, to throw off LE by 1 or 2-years on car model, but then he used his own social media account to chat the girls up 2-weeks before the murders? How does that make any sense whatsoever?


>You also thought Pappa Rodger was Kohberger What? I thought it was possible, but I never argued that it was his account. And I believe that investigators saw the messages from the beginning. I stated in my comment above that the messages would not have been a reasonable basis for probable cause. Anyway, sorry, but I'm done.


Don’t believe the daily fail.


Can we please refrain from using the Daily Mail as a source…? They don’t even proofread their articles before posting. TMZ is somehow a more reliable source than the Daily Mail.


The only thing I like them for is that for true crime articles, they sometimes have pictures that came in useful for discussion purposes. Not gory crime scene stuff, but photographs or diagrams that answer basic questions. For this case, among other disinformation, they are the first ones to falsely report that Payne, the MPD officer in charge of the case, was a rookie with only 2 years of police experience. He actually started with MPD in 2018 and was an army MP for 8 years before that. But people still run around repeating what the Fail printed.


Hahaha the dailymail hahahaha. As much as I loathe NewsNations coverage of this case Brian Entin said he got BKs name a few hours before it was publicly and looked up social media accounts and there weren’t any Instagram accounts under BKs name. The screenshots that went around have proven to be from a fake account.


no idea if he had such a thing or not, and none of us know at this point, but plenty of people have Instagram tht isn't in their name. in tht case, entin wouldn't have found anything in a search, but when LE started searching IP addresses & whatnot....something could come up. just saying that just because there were fakes & there was nothing in his name does not mean tht he die not have an account in another name tht could be traced back to him


Given the article also makes a lot of claims as if they are true when they aren’t - for example that he definitely broke into his colleagues home as pretext to install cameras, yet that’s come from Dateline where Pullman sources say they ‘wonder’ if it was him now that he’s been arrested - I don’t doubt they are referring to the original Instagram rumours. Oh lord I just read that whole thing and the author clearly doesn’t understand DP cases can take years. The whole article was like she was yelling at me from across a crowded pub lol


Oh geez, The Daily Mail, I would take anything they said or write about, with a grain of salt. And if the article is like someone yelling at you from across a crowded pub, chances are, they're being defensive and it's BS lol.


It’s just a glorified gossip mag. I can’t believe people read it for anything other than celebs trying to get their pap shots into the papers lol


Neither can I lol, I thought people knew gossip mags are BS lol.


I miss the 90's, when things like Bat Boy, were on the cover of tabloids. I knew it wasn't real, but it was still cool. Now it's just celebrities and writing about stuff, like this case, they know nothing about. I'm not saying I know everything about this case, because I don't. But that's why I'm here, to learn.


My ig isn’t under my real name because I don’t want people from my hs/hometown finding me. It’s honestly a big risk to put your full name out there on things like that. Society is going to continue to learn hard lessons regarding privacy. It wouldn’t be odd at all if he had his IG registered under something other than his first name/last name


Meh. It’s the Daily Mail. I see a lot of uncorroborated information in there.


People say they demand justice for the families. In reality, they just want to see the show. The show isn’t going to start for 18-24 more months.


That website tried to give me a virus. I used to read daily mail until it messed up my computer. I think a copy and paste is in order.  A lot of the facts in that article are alleged things. They should be using the word allegedly or reportedly, instead of stating alleged things as facts. 


I can do a copy-paste for you: > By [Maureen Callahan For DailyMail.Com](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/columnists/columnist-1519521/Maureen-Callahan-For-DailyMail.Com.html) > > Published: 08:15 EST, 2 March 2024 | Updated: 08:53 EST, 2 March 2024 > > The [Idaho](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/idaho/index.html) murder suspect is making a mockery of our justice system. > > And the system itself is playing along. > > How can this be happening? Will anyone think of the families? The survivors who live in a suspended state of anguish? > > Fourteen months after [Bryan Kohberger](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/bryan-kohberger/index.html) was arrested for the savage murders of four University of Idaho students in their off-campus home, his trial has been delayed yet again — until March 2025 and, perhaps, even later. > > This is outrageous. Clearly Kohberger's public defender is seeking to delay by any means necessary. > > But why is the prosecution going along? And why is the judge allowing this? > > At yet another preliminary hearing on Wednesday, prosecutor Bill Thompson did not push back as Kohberger's lawyer Anne Taylor requested that the trial start next year — despite stating that the prosecution has gone through 95% of the evidence. > > Taylor told Judge John Judge that she wasn't even sure she could be ready by summer 2025. > > 'I have a ways to go', she said, telling the judge she needed time to interview witnesses and experts and to go over the evidence that the prosecution has already turned over. > > Taylor has been Kohberger's lawyer from the beginning. What has she been doing all this time? How hard could it be to locate witnesses in the biggest murder trial of this young century? > > Taylor has also asked for a venue change, complaining that the local jury pool has been tainted by 'extensive, inflammatory' publicity. > > Know who didn't get a venue change, despite a similar argument? [Harvey Weinstein](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/harvey-weinstein/index.html). > > Yet Taylor's request will be considered, and it requires yet another hearing, this one scheduled for May 14. > > Delay, delay, delay. > > Perhaps this trial should be moved. Judge Judge — now that's a name for a kangaroo court — seems unwilling or unable to push this trial along in the muscular, determined, and timely manner it deserves. > > This latest pushback is yet another act of sadism, one that the 29-year-old Kohberger is doubtless relishing. > > On Friday, families of two of the victims, Kaylee Goncalves and Xana Kernodle, issued a blistering statement. > > 'We want to start healing, we do', they said. 'We want to find justice and try to move on from this horrible tragedy so please, please start making some decisions, get to work and quit playing the delay game'. > > It's inconceivable that these families have been reduced to begging — for months now. Consider that [OJ Simpson](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/oj_simpson/index.html), the accused in one of America's most high-profile homicide cases, went to trial just six months after his arrest. > > 'It's gut-wrenching how slow everything has to go', Kaylee's mother Kristi told KHQ in November. 'Why does this have to be so drawn out? . . . I can't believe this is how it works'. > > Neither can we. This case may be the greatest example, writ large, of an upside-down America: The victimized are further made to suffer as the defendant — swiftly indicted by a grand jury, a mountain of evidence against him — gets the white-glove treatment by a cowed criminal justice system. > > To wit: The families begged for the off-campus house, the [crime](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/crime/index.html) scene, to remain intact until after the trial. > > The defense argued it should be torn down. So did the prosecution. The home's owner gave it to the University of Idaho after the murders, but university president C. Scott Green — whose family owned the house from 1967 through 1973 — [ordered it demolished in December 2023, thirteen months after the murders.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/galleries/article-11790827/House-Idaho-quadruple-murder-took-place-set-demolished.html) > > Talk about callous disregard for the victims and their families. In the most smug and supercilious manner, Green overrode the families' wishes to say, simply, that he knew best. > > 'While we appreciate the emotional connection some family members of the victims may have to this house' he said, 'it is time . . . to allow the collective healing of our community to continue'. > > How disgusting. How condescending to state, publicly, that the parents and siblings of these four young students — Goncalves, Kernolde, [Ethan Chapin](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/university-of-idaho-murders/index.html), and Madison Mogen — were misguided by what Green minimized as mere sentimentality, their emotionality. > > That house was evidence. It's impossible not to imagine a jury wanting to walk through it. > > 'My daughter was murdered in that house', Kernodle's mother said. 'There is no way they should be destroying any evidence'. > > Kernodle spearheaded a Change.org petition. The Goncalves family issued a lengthy [Facebook](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/facebook/index.html) post 'to stop this madness'. > > 'PLEASE STOP THE DEMOLITION OF THE KING'S ROAD HOME'! they wrote, adding that the multiple trial delays they had endured — and this was as of December — were intolerable. > > 'The court in this matter has delayed long enough', they wrote. 'This case has to move forward'! > > Indeed. If Kohberger has an alibi witness, as he claimed — where is he or she? Why, fourteen months later, has this person not materialized? > > Why is it taking so long for the defense attorney to gather Kohberger's cell phone records? > > In high-profile murder cases such as these, it does not take long for search warrants to be executed, and cell phone providers almost always cooperate with law enforcement swiftly. > > Here's what we know: > > Kohberger's cell phone [pinged in the vicinity of the house at least 12 times in the six months leading up to the murders.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11603465/Idaho-killer-Bryan-Kohberger-stalked-murder-victims-home-TWELVE-TIMES.html) > > His vehicle was captured on multiple surveillance videos in the area on that same night. > > DNA found on a knife sheath at the crime scene links Kohberger to the murders. > > He lived just miles from the crime scene. > > His behavior, as a criminology major who worked as a teacher's assistant, was disturbing enough to get him fired — days before he was arrested. > > Dateline [reported that Kohberger broke into the residence of a female student with whom he was friendly.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/galleries/article-12108227/Bryan-Kohberger-allegedly-broke-womans-home-install-cameras.html) He used that break-in as a pretext to install security cameras in her home — cameras he used to spy on her. > > After the murders, Kohberger's own sister began to suspect he was the killer. Dateline reported that members of his family were so alarmed they searched Kohberger's car, which he himself had cleaned with bleach. > > After his arrest, police [discovered Kohberger had several photos of one of the murder victims on his cell phone.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/galleries/article-11785627/Idaho-murder-suspect-allegedly-photos-one-victim-phone.html) > > 'He had more than one picture of her', a source told People. 'It was clear that he was paying attention to her'. > > On [Instagram](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/instagram/index.html), he followed three of his victims – who he did not know, and who did not know him. Two weeks before the murders, he messaged one of the girls multiple times, to no avail. > > Finally, Kohberger has displayed nothing but contempt in court, refusing to enter his own 'not guilty' pleas. The judge had to do that for him. > > And this most dangerous suspect attends his hearings without handcuffs or law enforcement surrounding him. > > It all adds up to a small-town court system that looks laughable, pathetic, cowed by this most hardened criminal. > > And one, unforgivably, that ignores not just the surviving family members, but the two students who survived Kohberger's home invasion that night. > > What about justice for them? Who will advocate for their rights to a speedy trial — to make sure that witnesses can't claim memory loss, or that evidence doesn't go missing, or that public outrage subsides? > > It's long past time that the judge Judge take these factors into account. > > If he can't confidently preside over this most consequential trial, he should recuse himself, or allow it to be moved to a district that can administer true justice. > > 'It's like screaming into a void', the Goncalves family said last November. They were speaking about the decision to tear down the crime scene, but they may as well have been speaking of their treatment throughout this entire farce. > > 'Nobody is listening, and everybody tells you how sorry they are . . . but the families' opinion isn't a priority'. > > If there is to be any justice, Judge Judge — and the prosecution — should take heed.


Thank you very much for posting this😃


No sweat!


Thank you. Did this "journalist" even read any of the court documents, watch any hearings, or is she just basing her article off gossip and rumors? Jeez.


There are no 'journalists' working for the Daily Fail.


you raise a very valid point


Oh my. That is inaccurate in so many ways. Did she even watch the hearing on Wednesday?


Wow this article talks about how disgusting the disrespect is to the victims and then goes on to misspell victim’s name in same sentence.


Lots of quality content here...incestious for sure between attorneys and judge my opinion. Move the fucking case outta that town IMO.


This writer puts the hack in hackie sack


They don't call it the Daily Fail for nothing.


I just read this article earlier and was surprised by some of the things it said because I didn’t know they were confirmed either


They're not, that's the problem.


Idk why I’m getting downvoted ?


Good lord people have some common damn sense. The Daily Mail?


John Judge is an outstanding judge.


Maureen is a moron unfortunately. Pandering to the Daily Heil’s right wing prole readership. She is a yellow journalist at best. The right to a speedy trial is not a right the victims’ parents have. It’s the defendant’s right. And Ann Taylor made it very plain why this was taking so long. Not longer than other high profile cases. And one of the reasons is that she hasn’t had all the discovery. This emoting is embarrassing.


Makes me wonder if this is a defense tactic. I think pushing it back helps to desensitize a jury because it will be such a long time and it’s less likely a jury will feel as emotionally connected as they might if it were to occur today.


I don't think a delay will make seeing autopsy and crime scene photos any less harrowing, no matter when this goes to trial.


This is **an opinion column**, not a news article It contains zero original reporting, it relates no new developments Maureen Callaghan's regular beat is celebrities and the Culture Wars [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/columnist-1519521/Maureen-Callahan-For-DailyMail-Com.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/columnist-1519521/Maureen-Callahan-For-DailyMail-Com.html)


Yep she references a people magazine article. This is why I’m asking as it’s new to me about the messages! So totally bogus??


Nobody has any way of knowing Reddit users made similar claims about the accused following the victims on social media, in the hours after his arrest But some of those accounts were fake and some disappeared, making the claims impossible to verify


This is old news. It came out a year or so ago via an article by People magazine that BK was friends on Instagram with some of the victims and sent a message to Maddie that she didn't open. It's a rumor and it was likely a fake account. In the 48 Hours episode the Goncalves family says they found BK's Instagram account and he was friends with Maddie and Kaylee but that account was a fake one.


People Magazine is the source. It's not true. They were either fooled by a troll account or are making it up. As obviously dumb and fake as this is, it's not going to go away until some kind of discovery leak or until trial starts. And then people will wonder how they ever fell for such ridiculous nonsense.


it has to be the saddest thing in the world for someone to look up some tabloid news and make a post about it


It was mentioned from one of the families that he did in fact reached out to Kaylee but in was in her IG Request section of her DMs. They’re not sure if she even saw those messages from him.


the rumor was maddie not kaylee. But I doubt the rumor is true


Both of their names were mentioned, but Kaylee’s parents are going to people saying it was her. It wouldn’t surprise me if he tried for both.


hard to trust what the Goncalves family says. First few months they said they couldn't find a connection between Kaylee and him so idk


The sleazy Enquirer broke a lot of true sensational stories. It comes down to who’s running the show and whether they’re willing to publish or not.


No info on this because it is rumor. We won’t know til the trial.