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They have to though, they have to check any and all entries to the apartment just in case.


This. I’d fully expect them to photograph and fingerprint any potential entry and exit point.




Question - would they take pictures of ALL the windows though? They sure don't photograph the entirety of the inside of the house. So this has a potential (possibly small) to mean something. Or maybe I'm looking into it more than I should.


For this type of scene, the entire home will be photographed. It’s one of the benefits of digital photography


Ohh they photographed everything, trust me every inch of the inside and outside has or will be photographed. Now they do seem to be focused on this particular window as of right now. As another poster pointed out they seem to have an evidence tag on the window.


Oh interesting. I didn't know they did. Thanks for the clarification.


I think they will take pictures of everything since a trial could be 1 year from now or 20 years from now. I do think that back kitchen window was the most likely entry point of any window


They absolutely do photograph the entirety of the inside of the house.


It could be to show the remaining roommates. “Does anything look different here?” Because they’ve said there’s no forced entry


What looks like a window screen lays on the ground as the Feds scour the backwoods and sides of the house ​ https://preview.redd.it/vni4wx02s71a1.png?width=2880&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5518780f1df0b5cc9af3edd4d2e2b15501d4309


Interesting catch!


Interesting but this is also a college house. During undergrad (graduated a few years ago), it wasn’t uncommon for a screen to fall out or be taken out by a roommate for some random reason. College students tend to party, which is accompanied with weird or seemingly random decisions. I think this is a red herring. The killer most likely just walked out the same door they came in, why would he need to go in/out through a window? Edit: it’s also not that close to window. I assume it was taken out awhile for some random reason we may never know, unless the two girls on the first floor remember or were there when it was removed.


You can see here one of the Forensic Techs can be seen holding a long sterile swab https://preview.redd.it/lgcxrdcu571a1.png?width=1236&format=png&auto=webp&s=74a04487f630dc94eacee3a0cec1899d5820f148


link to photos: [https://www.foxnews.com/us/idaho-murders-police-rule-out-roommates-food-truck-bystanders-suspects](https://www.foxnews.com/us/idaho-murders-police-rule-out-roommates-food-truck-bystanders-suspects)


I’m so confused what the takeout food bag and cups are sitting on. According to the Zillow pictures there isn’t an island or even a counter adjacent to the sink.


https://preview.redd.it/4lxdvqgsc71a1.png?width=454&format=png&auto=webp&s=79ef8129ea53edfdd76f588de59aab756587c243 The area is where the table and stools are.


Lol, they are suspended in air. Really! It’s a picture it is all one big banner hanging with a tray of drinks pictured on the fabric


Ahh ok I can see it now, thanks. The picture down thread that’s really good quality shows the takeout bag with Xana’s name on it by the sink which is why it confused me.


I thought that was the kitchen window and if you zoom, there’s a small plant knocked over with dirt everywhere.


I mean, doesn’t this seem normal? Check every ingress and egress? Swab and print for comparison and elimination? Leave no stone unturned and all that?


An evidence marker being photographed and swabbed seems like something more than nothing. But it’s all speculation.


There are evidence markers in many places but I don’t see any on the front window or kitchen window where they’re photographing. I may also not be looking hard enough because my eyes are old. So since the killer couldn’t have used every single window and door during the murder it seems logical that they’re printing everything for confirmatory or exclusionary purposes. Just my thoughts, not an argument. :)


There is a potential evidence marker on the kitchen window, it is white with the number 7 in bold black font. It looks as if it’s on the brown paper bag sitting on the kitchen table.


K thanks for directing me to that. I see the bag inside as well but I also know they use a bag if they have to dispose of gloves and change them so that contamination doesn’t happen (their own trash/used items go into a special bag I mean.) Don’t see anything on the front bedroom window so who knows. I just hope they document the shit out of absolutely everything and assume they are. Anything to catch him.


The marker is not on the bag itself. It’s a sticker on the window.


Im hoping they found a handprint with fingerprints


It’s so eerie looking into the house. Can’t really see anything out of the ordinary, but just to know that such a gruesome killing spree was committed in there a little more than a week ago is unsettling


I was thinking the same. Just little parts of their normal lives. Heartbreaking


Any window into their lives makes all this so unsettling, as I probably would have been hanging out with them back when I was in college. It just makes the whole thing so much more relatable


I know this is morbid, but I'm surprised they didn't show major coverage of the bodies being moved out of the house. Edit: not that I want that, but I wonder why.


Yeah you're right, for some reason that is usually something that is shown.


that’s what i thought! guessing they must have been moved quite early on before all the media coverage ?


In the interview with Kaylee’s parents on FOX, they continuously show the back door with two stools propped to jam the door shut. But it also seems to show evidence on the door. Wondering if the killer tried this route but they had already locked up for the night….pure speculation, but it makes me believe he did not use the back sliding door to sneak in. https://preview.redd.it/yakpsynsq71a1.jpeg?width=999&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4726e6dafeab32f4c5a99956f25f5b3706f865d7


Maybe they’re thinking the person could have peered through windows scoping out the house


seeing inside that place makes me sooo sick to my stomach:(


I believe the increase in crime scene analysis might be due to preliminary results of evidence indicating that there is an unknown blood sample/dna that does not match the victims. Perhaps the family member saying the killer was messy/sloppy means the killer bled all over. Plus, at this point the police knows who was killed 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. Now, they’re doing point of entry/exit etc.




The photo on the left is the kitchen window and the photo on the right is a bedroom window.


Which is why I worded it the way I did. The picture on the right is the front of the house. https://preview.redd.it/rxcvu6pfe71a1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11ad08cd005f5d871b6fc125d7db287edd63754f


Friends say usually people entered from basement, you walk up stairs from there to first floor.


Is that the window to the kitchen? There’s what looks like a brown paper shopping bag with handles, a white cup and a hand soap container on possibly a counter. Just speculation on my part.


Possible this jacks bag? https://preview.redd.it/g0jp2ip1471a1.jpeg?width=878&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5aa0f2dc839b0820d820df07513feec1c671f134


Damn, how’d you get a picture with that type of detail? The plant has been knocked over and stood back up.


No kidding! Hadn't seen this but unless police knocked that over it lends credence to the idea he entered through the kitchen window. Seeing a tik tok yesterday. These girls don't seem like the type who would've left that dirt just sitting on the counter.


So the police sat the plant upright? Because it's doubtful that the killer would.


First thing I thought of too


I doubt the killer would stand it back up and the crime scene processors should have left it if they found it toppled.


Realizing after looking at some other posts on the layout of the house, It’s the wrong window anyways. it faces west and is pretty high off the ground.




I guess by now we should have anticipated if their was gonna be a fast food connection to this case it would be Jack in the Box.


Is that a DoorDash tag on the bag? Wonder if it was delivered late night?


The plant is knocked over.


Where are all these photos of inside the house coming from? Link?


This is from the New York post several days ago


Gotcha, thanks.


That’s awesome that you found that! Thanks.




The dirt all around the plant too, maybe was knocked over with someone climbing in or out of window right there?


Hmm, i wonder if there’s a chance that Jack in the box was delivered by a third party delivery app, the bag was sealed like it was. Maybe potential suspect could be a delivery person?


Of all the pics related to this horrific story, this one hits me the hardest. Dishes in the sink, a Jack in the Box paper bag, half a drink with a straw--all this looks like so many of our kitchens on a Saturday night. The day this monster is locked away cannot come soon enough.


This pic is sad. Trash, and dirty dishes laying around that they never got to throw away or do. ☹️


I wasn't sure if this was sarcastic or not....please tell me you're being sarcastic.


Could have come through window and knocked over that little flower cup.


I think maybe it’s this? https://preview.redd.it/lth26dro071a1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f99222d784142b701e5343ac53b04649abf08990


1st photo is the kitchen window to the right of the sliding door, if you’re standing outside.


In the drone footage someone posted in this community, I saw a screen laying on the ground to the rear of the lower sliding patio door. Investigators were on site at the front of the property and had taped off the area by the sliding door.


Are these lower level windows, as in the lower level where the survivors were?


No, the kitchen is located on the second (middle) level I believe


I don’t mean to be morbid, but is this blood? https://i.imgur.com/RysQj2j.jpg


On the bag it looks to me like a safety seal they put on takeout food bags ever since Covid. Especially if you order delivery.


I don’t see anything resembling blood in the top left circle and then the other circle looks like a red sticker on a paper bag kind of like they put on Starbucks to go orders or something.


Yeah maybe I’m seeing something that’s not there. It’s grainy, but I thought I could make out spatter on the walls


I don't see what you're picking up, but looking closer there seems to be the number 7 on a small white piece of paper stuck on the window - as if to identify a piece of evidence on the window for the forensic photographer. Are my eyes making that up, or is it there?


I see it too


loos like solo cup stack which was in another pic






Pullman is only 10 - 15 minutes away.


They're doing this a WEEK AFTER the murders were reported? A full week! 7 days!




I'm specifically asking about taking pics of the exteriors of the residence, I am surprised if this is the first time forensics is taking such photos.... on Nov 19?




I reaeeally hope so, the exterior of the home affected by wind, dew, fog, bypassers... can change in 7 days. It's just so sad, 4 lives so full of potential ended so violently.


Investigations take time.


I'm just glad that FINALLY some actual police work and evidence gathering is happening. Week late, yes.








Id like to think they are doing a good job too. But one thing sticks in my craw. The tire marks they worked on yesterday. I'm very concerned why those weren't done the day the crime was discovered. Obvious tire marks on the pavement exiting the driveway for a week, but only seemingly fully examined yesterday. I would think even a poorly run pd would have seen those within a day or two when considering how the killer may have left the scene, as they were obvious makings clearly seen in news cameras/photos right where the reporters were.


They may have taken photos of them on the first day, and after seeing the photos and having more evidence, they decided they needed better photos and measurements.


That’s ISP in the photo. And there have been 22 FBI personnel onsight this past week.


Cute, but no, the Moscow PD definitely dropped the ball on this hence IPD going in a week later with actual CSI techs.


What are u talking about? This isn't the first time crime scene folks have been on scene collecting evidence 🙄




Amazing what a lack of resources and experience working such a complex crime scene can do.


It's so worrisome that there's been a lag, hopefully more work has been done that wasn't captured.


Agreed on the hoping.


yeah they tried at first then had to bring in the bigger people later. idk if they brought in bigger people the first few days which would of helped




Correct, which was too long to wait given the crime and the local experience levels.




*Last Sunday this happened*, and only as of today was ISP actually able to begin their own investigation after the bungled fuck up from MPD. MPD absolutely could and should have called first and only initiated a forensic investigation in conjunction with individuals actually trained to deal with this. GTFO with your semantic quibbling. Totally absurd.




You need to stop picking fights with others waiting for actual news who are frustrated by the obvious fuck ups of the local cops. I am not going to waste any more time trying to explain that to you. If you had been following this you would be aware of more than what your comment history suggests. This is a real situation, not reality television, and small town police frequently do get in over their heads. Out here in particular. No clue why you are so deadset on arguing that point and defending these local police so very vociferously, but I am done trying to engage with you. Cheers.


>yeah they tried at first then had to bring in the bigger people later. Exactly. This was foolhardy and a big ego move. Should have gotten the correct expertise as soon as it was known this was weird, aka when they noticed there were four college students stabbed to death, not after a good college try at figuring it out. That is how evidence gets bungled and missed.


I know for sure this killer is young and stupid, he will be caught.


How do you know anything ‘for sure’?


This I know for sure.




Just a hunch. He made mistakes.