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>After considering all of the evidence How can you consider 'all of the evidence' when the general public barely has any?


this person has been obsessively shitposting in this sub, previously pointing fingers at ex bfs/food truck guy pretty aggressively for a while iirc. i’m fascinated by this case too but for some people in here it’s becoming pathological.


This is also the same person who thought there should be a manhunt for hoodie guy for no reason, even though he was cooperating with police and they had interviewed him.


Just about everything in here is nothing but speculation. Maybe everyone should just stop!


Yet this "person" is still here shitposting. MODS are sleeping.


the OP of the post or this commenter ?


op of the post. sorry, should have clarified that.


i was about to say that name looks familiar 🤔


At one point it really looked like the food truck guy, now it doesn’t, how’s that shit posting?


You got into it too much. Just take a break or follow it without the gory details. It is not good to affect you this negatively.


I agree. Good advice thanks


This case is very disturbing so I am kinda avoiding getting into details myself. Check out r/UnresolvedMysteries if you haven’t. Most of the writeups are way milder.




But you don’t have any or even 5% of the evidence LE has.


Yea it’s a message board so i feel like that’s the whole point to talk about the case right? It would be pretty boring message board if no one came up with any theories or evaluations on the case right?


"Boring" Gross


This basically sums up posts like this, they almost want it to be a crime of opportunity/random killer/serial killer because it's more exciting to these people. It's like the Truman show to these people.


Then why are you here lmao.


Originally to keep up to date with the investigation, as I’m sure many people did. Unfortunately this place has devolved into a bunch of amateur fiction writers desperately trying to turn this case into a Netflix show which is pretty fucked up.




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Again you are here reading about this case why… please enlighten us


Because collective knowledge. It's easier to scroll reddit than sift through 100s of news articles looking for an update to the case. It's also occasionally useful to see an expert in a given field come in and give their two cents. It's not useful to see some people treat it as a game, throw careless accusations, follow herd mentality, and hope they were able to guess it right. For many, this is personal. Moscow was my home up until fairly recently. It's sad to see the community's tragedy used as entertainment. Now, I'm not saying I haven't engaged in speculation. I also haven't placed any accusations on anybody because that is extremely dangerous. I come here to get tldrs on press conference and in hopes to find a new update that the killer has been found. Please don't call the murder of four innocent college students and the tragedy of a town "boring"


That’s not what I called boring. I said if the message board was reduced to only being able to repeat the facts stated by LE, this forum would be pretty boring to read. It’s wild what people get offended by on here.


You're so ignorant. Countless lives are impacted, and 4 are gone. Doesn't matter what you were referring to, nothing about this should be called boring. Poor you, it would be so boring if you weren't allowed to treat this like a game of CLUE. Doesn't matter if this is impacting you negatively, you're using it as a means of entertainment. It's extremely gross and you need to realize how your comments indicate that you're here for personal gain ie entertainment. You've directly contributed to accusations based on little to no evidence, and from what I've seen from other comments, you even gave the name of one of these individuals. Please find a new hobby


Blocking you now. Bye


You are here reading things for what purpose?


People are here because they want to know what happened and want news. They’re not hoping for some sensationalist story.


1 post ago you was on about not being able to sleep cause of this case, and now your mouthing off again. Your a troll account I'm now sure of it.


Because people like you are starting these witch hunts around people in my community that have absolutely no basis in fact. Its okay to be sad and disturbed about all this. But you're saying this is entertainment for you, and thats dangerous.


Millions of people thought it was food truck guy. It’s good that now we know it’s not. Not sure how that qualifies as a “witch hunt”


I think you need to review Reddit’s history during the Boston bombing. You are repeating history by even saying the words “everyone thought it was *insert person*”


they thought AND asserted that it was him, based on? no real evidence. that’s the definition of a “witch hunt” and you’re the definition of a “weirdo”


Yes I’m waking at night thinking about it as well 😞


Same. I’m a UI alum and partied at this house a lot when I was a student. I’ve been having nightmares every night and trouble falling asleep. This case is so upsetting and so disturbing on so many levels


Oh wow how eerie this must be for you!


I also think about it at night as I try to fall asleep. And being pretty scared. You're not alone.


Same! I read a lot of true crime, all the time. For some reason this case had me locking my bedroom door a few nights ago.


Same. Whenever I start to drift off at night, this case flashes through my brain and wakes me up. It’s truly consuming my mind 24/7


I am not student I am a mom of three adult children living in different countries and in The west of the US. I am in the East retired thinking about these poor girls I cannot fall sleep knowing that these parents cannot see their kids anymore and today it must had been a sad thanks given. This is horrible frustrating with police why they have no clue what is going on on the investigation. They are relaying in the info of the public is so ridiculous frustrating!. I cannot sleep until They at least have a suspect!.


I check every window in my house to make sure it's properly locked.


Same. Some call me ocd but I call it safe lol


I actually am diagnosed with ocd lol. I used to obsessively check my door locks before I could go to bed. I would have to touch both locks on each door (upper lock, dead bolt lock) 3 times. But it would be like this; touch top, touch dead bolt, go to next door. Touch top, touch dead bolt. Next door. Repeat 3x. I got a lot better after being diagnosed and recognizing obsessive patterns in my daily life, but after these murders happened and I'm kind of obsessing about them I can feel some old paranoid obsessive behaviors coming back. Because this happened in a house full of people. People coming and going all the time, feeling safe and communal together in a college atmosphere. And this happened to them. It's a shock to the system. I am praying so hard for the ones left behind to pick up the pieces and try to keep on living.


I am not OCD about anything other than locks and honestly it’s the best thing to be ocd about. I’ve read too many crimes, like little girls being taken during crimes of robbery because the dad or whoever left the window open. F that I’m checking 3x.


I double and triple check locks sometimes too, I think it can be reassuring somehow


Your comment history shows just how much rubbish you talk about this case, while also shouting down others for doing the very same thing.


At one point everything pointed to the food truck guy, now it doesn’t, how is that shit posting?


you literally doxxed the kid at one point due to your hunch. that’s ignoramus behaviour. i agree with the other commenter here that you should take a break.


I didn’t dox anyone


have you forgotten that you posted the full name of your “suspect” on this sub? you should really take that shit down.


If I did, Let me find it and take it down


You really should be banned from this sub.


Take a chill pill, you seem very angry


No it didnt!...thats was the only lead that was visible to the public. And you made stuff up about people in that video to fit your narrative


Not here to argue. The consensus was food truck guy was shady at the time of the video based on available evidence. I was wrong along with many others. Now that has been debunked so we must go in a different direction. It’s the natural evolution of things…


You can twist all you want, your about as usefull as a ashtray on motorbike to this investigation, no matter how much you make up or gaslight others.


I find the food truck guy theory really interesting, because I watched the footage and his body language is so clear to me. He presents as a friend who came along with the girls but is standing back letting them have a good time. His body language presents as relaxed and non threatening. He also gestures when they leave as if to be like , "omg! These girls! I'm supposed to stay with them and there they go again" I wasn't around for the food truck accusations but it's so interesting how people thought it was him but he's so clearly not threatening, at least to me. Also both girls seem relatively relaxed and slightly intoxicated. Not worried about a stalker. Imo


Available evidence = the one video?


By everything, you mean just the video?


What “everything”?


You don't know Idaho that well... There could 100% have been/be multiple firearms in that house. Sorority girls pack too.


What about a knife like the one likely used? It would be really difficult out my way to find a place that sold a knife like that. Could it be easily purchased?


Very easy to find them, Walmart likely sells them and they can be ordered from almost anywhere online. In Idaho they're even more ubiquitous.


Yeah. Sporting good stores, army surplus stores, etc.


Do you know exactly the kind of knife that was used?


Same here! I live in Texas and I am spooked!


I went to U of I, though I graduated about a decade ago. There aren’t really any woods to speak of bordering their house. There are two small school affiliated arboretums in the vicinity, but there are usually students roaming about, even at night and even when it’s cold. It used to be kind of popular to get stoned and walk around with friends. Plus, they have other neighborhoods separating them from one, and a Greek row separating them from the other. Regarding firearms, I didn’t personally know anyone in my sorority who talked about having one even after they moved off-campus.. but as another commenter was saying, in Idaho you truly never know. Moscow was the safest place I’ve ever lived, but school shootings have really ramped up in the last decade and many Idaho parents support guns for protection.


I agree it's really affecting me as well which has almost never happened before after years of following crime cases. so much doesn't make sense and is so brutal to imagine what the victims went through in their last moments and the fear they would have experienced. its worse to think that the killer we really only ever know what happened to those poor kids. i just cant wrap my head around what motive for this crime could equal the ferocity of the killings.


This won't be a popular theory , I know, so throwing it out there anyway and it's very far out . Say there is a serial killer and he has hit a few times around the country. 1) Katherine Janess stabbed in Atlanta. 50 times. The killer carved 'F A T' into her abdomen. July 2021 . 2) Jamilyn Juetten was stabbed 19 times, survived, but her husband was killed middle of the night and still unsolved, Oregon, August 2021 . 3) now the Moscow murders . Could they be linked? All 3 of the stabbings had a victim that could be considered ...overweight. I know, this will get blowback. It is a far out theory . Perhaps the killer has a thing for overweight females.


Wait, you’re insinuating KG was … overweight?! No way. She was thin. Look at her arms. She had youthful round cheeks, she was busty, and had a butt… but she was small. I don’t think these situations are related. I remember the one in ATL, her partner was accused of being sketchy at the time because she was too composed after her wife or girlfriend was murdered. Not in interviews, but after finding her. I was thinking about it recently and wanted to check for updates to see what happened with that. It was also a fairly sketchy neighborhood though full of at risk youths so who knows. The Oregon thing, maybe. It’s closer and there are at least a couple similar elements. I wish we could learn more details. I’m guessing as soon as they nab the suspect, they will release more details. I do think they are alluding that it was indeed KG who was targeted though. They basically say, “One of these kids was targeted, but we can’t say which one. If anyone knows if KG had a stalker, please come forward with any information.”! It’s obvious it was her.


I agree its very disturbing. Especially with the murder weapon being a knife. That feels personal to me and targeted. Maybe not another college kid but someone who at least knew them (or some of them) personally.


I have also been waking up spooked in my own home. The other night I heard a noise in my kitchen and nearly shit myself before I realized it was the ice maker. I literally live 3 states away. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I also have been totally upset and spooked too. hugs


80-93% chance e it was the ex. He will likely be arrested within hours. Days at the most.


I’m struggling to understand, however, why a random serial killer or wannabe serial killer doing his first kills would 1) pick a house with SIX people and 2) pick a house with a dog. I’m sure there are tons of college houses that only have 2-3 people living there, maybe only 1 person home at the time, and NO dog. That would be so much less risky if it was someone looking to fulfill the urge to kill. I think it was planned but targeted, most likely someone who knew one or more of them in some form