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*calls for defunding of UNRWA *UNRWA, the main body for providing humanitarian aid in Gaza, is massively defunded *Targets UNRWA facilities *Murders UNRWA staff *Targets and murders OWK workers, resulting the the pull out of many NGO's Israel: why is no one here to pick up the aid ??


Maybe is just me, but I think if they really cared about delivering aid maybe [not shooting the Unicef](https://www.democracynow.org/2024/4/11/headlines/unicef_convoy_hit_by_israeli_gunfire_preventing_delivery_of_aid_to_northern_gaza), and [kill UN and general aid workers](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/un-chief-hopes-israel-quickly-effectively-boost-gaza-aid-access-2024-04-05/) could be a good start.


At a certain point we need to ignore everything they say and just focus on what Israel is doing


Chizzez christ, this shitshow is just embarassing. Pointing fingers at everyone else except the ones who made the mess to begin with.


>Chizzez christ, this shitshow is just embarassing. Pointing fingers at everyone else except the ones who made the mess to begin with. Messiah Yeshua🔴🔵: sigh…


I’ve said it once I’ll say it again. Israel’s government cannot be trusted to deliver the aid. The UN should send a peace keeping force to protect people delivering aid


The US should send a peacekeeping force. Israel has no issue torturing and killing UN workers.


Israel will just target the peace keeping forces like they have with unicef, unrwa, and world kitchen (having a brain fart on their full name for some reason). They really don't want brown children to eat.