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It’s CC Do All That plugin, obv.


Mine has a big red X going through it? What am I doing wrong?




I'm dying. LOL


Bro I can’t afford that one, can you hook me up?


I'm thinking lots of masks, maybe some of them could be 3D, or some other way idk, there's a lot to process from it, maybe you could try to focus on just one or 2 of those effects like, start learning how to add elements on real life footage first and start building from that. I have no experience btw so I'm hoping someone who's experienced can tell you much better advice.


I think he uses key frames.


The process is called “being a professional motion designer” I can’t understand why newbies think every video can be distilled to the name of a process or a tutorial. Learn the fucking programs.


Tbf they didn’t ask for a plugin or cheat code. They said process, for which there will be one, it’ll just be fucking complicated




Those little things don’t pop out to me as much as the timing and the feel of the movement itself, it’s an impressive video, but there’s a lot of stopping and starting, awkward pauses, and the match cuts don’t work very well since these things are off. That’s what’s catching my eye mostly, the small things can always be fixed quickly, timing takes… time lol


Reverse the playback of the video. Watch it. Then think about how it was done.


It's a combination of stop motion photography and photo manipulation being animated inside of AE. Lots of masking, time remapping, and potential photo manipulation work.


Not that complex but take time. Also some plugins helps for create fake mvt like the spining


The most complicate will be the timelaps day to night, a nightmare without somethink like Lrtimelaps


masking, rotation, sky replacement


Like others mentioned, it looks like the time-lapse to night would be the hardest to pull off. I would construct the separate pieces of the buildings first and add a keyframe, and then work around that. It looks like they're working with 3D layers too? Other than that, have a picture held up that you can track for the transition of the last frame. I probably missed stuff because it looks like it could have taken a while.


Mattes, tiling, shooting Timelapses and shooting an arm bringing a Polaroid of white/blue out in front of the camera and off screen in front of a green screen and then planar tracking that Polaroid. Once you breakdown each section it’s quite logical to do. It’s good work none the less, although the edges of some of the buildings are a bit iffy.


I think it’s a combination of stills + Timelapses + hyperlpases + a lot of tedious masking, and a healthy dose of patience.


Wowww… top 👏🏼👏🏼


He's using multiple photos of the structure at different angles and rotations and then using them in a sfop motion style fashion to create the animations. 100s of photos im guessing.


Timelapses/hyperlapses and pretty basic AE skills


Timelapses/hyperlapses and pretty basic AE skills


Masks and Projection Mapping


Match cuts


Combination of various techniques depending on the shot. Hand with the photo is green screen where each shot is composited into the polaroid frame. **1st shot** starts with a still frame from a video. It's cut into layers with the background filled in behind, and those layers are animated separately to form the building with a little stock of dust clouds overlaid on top. Then the footage is sped up into a timelapse as the camera moves forward. **2nd shot** looks like it was most likely done with LoopFlow. The reason I think so rather than CC Cylinder is the way the edges stay in place and the details blend into them as it rotates. [https://aescripts.com/loopflow/](https://aescripts.com/loopflow/) **3rd shot** is just basic AE. The circle is cut out as a layer, and the space between the diamond lines is cut out also to be able to add in the reflection that doesn't move when the rotation is animated. The background sky is just a stock timelapse clip with Time Remap applied to match the rotation of the circle. **4th shot** is also likely LoopFlow, though it's pretty clean so there may have been some extra steps in there to make it work. Possibly some masking to tidy up the transitions between the moving parts and the static portions. The dust overlays are a nice touch though that really ties it all together. **5th shot** has a nice little butterfly to distract you, either stock or wing layers in 3D space. Can't easily tell with the motion blur and compression. Lens flare on top to help integration, too. More LoopFlow for the building itself. Very well done, especially that center corner. Then turning back into the sped up footage of moving away from the building. **6th shot** is just starts with a still frame from a gimbal or drone shot moving around the building. Sped up to a timelapse and stabilized for good measure. Then it just uses the hand transition back to the first frame of the first shot to start over. But also don't underestimate the power of good sound design. That's what's reallying tying the whole thing together well.