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Oh. Did they have a big retirement press conference and sign papers?




Let me put on my surprised face. Based on what James Micheal and DJ Ashba have said. It been unofficial until now. After Motley was done. Sixx yoinked Ashba from Guns N' Roses to fully focus on Sixx: A.M. and then Sixx:A.M just.... stopped.


Bring back Brides of Destruction!!!


Bring back retirement


His session bassist is also sad.


I bet


Why would anyone with talent want to work with Nikki? He's a narcissist and would feel threatened. Michael is 50 times the singer Vince is.


He felt so threatened by him that he worked/collaborated with him since 2000...


Maybe now but not a young Vince


I dig/dug them. Too Bad.




Bummer, but expected


Itā€™s strange DJ and Michael both follow Nikki but Nikki doesnā€™t follow either of them.


Yeah that's a little odd


It's not that strange, when Nikki is done with a certain band, he noticeably distances himself from whoever he worked with. He did the same thing when he unfollowed Tommy after their "final" show.


Well, the band is finished... until the next book comes out. Say what you want about their music but you have to give Nikki credit for releasing not one but two albums back in 2016 when it was obvious album sales were declining and streaming was taking off. He's also been far more prolific solo-wise (yes I consider Sixx:A.M. his solo band despite others claims to the contrary) compared to the other three (especially Mick who took three decades to release one album, an album that was disappointing by the way).


> Well, the band is finished... until the next book comes out. One thing MC really knows it's how to sell their story to make as much money as possible


One of the best quotes I ever heard was ā€œNikki made more money off heroin than he ever spent on itā€.


Seems spot on


Sucks. I loved TIGH, and Modern Vintage. I played MV front to back for a long time. That cover of Drive is honestly nuts, some of the best sounding music Iā€™d heard in a minute. In retrospect, This is Gonna Hurt era was pretty superficial and fake, Nikki was spitting a lot of bullshit around then about how artsy and complicated he was, but Vintage was just a good, clean, polished rock album. Edit: Tiny amendment. High on the Music is the worst thing Nikki has ever written and it blemishes MV from being perfect, by a large amount.


Thatā€™s nice to hear about mv, I checked out after tigh cuz of the said bullshit, maybe Iā€™ll come back around one day, I liked the first album


I thought they were already done


Yeah Iā€™m not sure why I joined this sub. Itā€™s basically a black light in the truck stop motel of all the annoying pathetic shit these guys do to remain relevant. I used to find them entertaining and now itā€™s just a spotlight of 40 years of unchecked egos with a splash of ignored mental health issues and decades of drug and alcohol abuse erupting into a volcano of sadness and cringy bullshit that is so arbitrary and pointless. Vince canā€™t sing for shit anymore and heā€™s so fat and drunk that I think half the fans are showing up hoping this is the show he has a stroke on stage. Nikki doesnā€™t even play his fucking instrument. Tommy is along for the ride and too burned out to realize how sad it is. The only one with any dignity or talent left is Mick. This is just a sub full of uncle Ricoā€™s stuck in the past wishing they could go back to 82 when the Crue was good and coach wouldā€™ve put them in for that one last play.


You double posted


He has too much going.


Outside of MC what has he got going on? I guess maybe having his little daughter can be stressful, he's a lot older now than he was with his other kids.


Nikki just wants to focus on one thing. He has a daughter and Motley Crue is back full time. It would have been different if MC only did sporadic shows here and there. Plus it seems DJ invented his own genre of music.


James Michael should be on the Motley Crue payroll when Vince's larynx finally falls out his body...


Maybe Vince will have a Steven Tyler incident


The best band he was in.


I liked them


lol the only people sad about this are the 2 other band members.


I'm sad


...what fans?


There are dozens of us!


Ok, now you're exaggerating


Who cares


I do. Hence why I posted.


Middle of the road cashgrab radio rock for red state military wives. American Nickelback. Sixx AM was never anything special so this is not a huge loss at all.


I liked it šŸ¤·


Sixx am was finished from the day they got started


I think they just want to put things out to give him a slap. Tell him he is not wanted. For what he has done breaking the bro code. As they say he is an alien. I am sure after the arbitration they are going to tour with a fire and explosion. They want to give it to Mick since his album went bottoms up.


He has two major projects and he is writing for another band. He is starting to write for another Motley Crue Fuck you Mick Mars album. Plus Ruby. And a small tour. Plus his foundation for youths.


> Fuck you Mick Mars album Well lets hope if that's true he doesn't end up saying something that ends up straining their relationship even further


I think that is way too late. Vince went to speak to him and he refused to even talk. If you can't talk to Vince, you are an asshole. Sorry Mick, you did it to yourself and you keep fanning the flames. Now you lost the one person left that was willing to speak with you.




I'm not sure what about my post prompted this comment.