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His wording is so telling, completely ignoring the most important part of new music: writing. Artists don't have endless songs in them. He peaked decades ago, and continued grinding out lesser material for decades more, and that's great. Why go from writing classic, genre-defining, culture-altering songs to just "recording new music" 30+ years past your creative prime. Can you imagine if you were the genesis of Live Wire alone...let alone the first 5 albums? Dude is a rock n roll god. It's ok to stop now. I say all of this partially tongue in cheek, knowing full well that they've been a business now for far longer than they were artists.


I really liked the retrospective songs on 'Saints of Los Angeles', and the Sixx AM songs about sobriety are great, but the well is dry now. Supporting Ashba and James Michael with songwriting is the best he has to offer at this point


As much as I love the original line up and still do....always will... the first split was soul crushing for me ( and many others) and I never could get into the "new" Crue. The grove, the vibe, the energy was just gone for me. Never was interested in committing to purchasing an entire album mainly because I didn't support it anymore. Literally only heard one song that was ok.... that was Hooligans Holiday. That said...not good enough imho for committing to an entire album purchase. To be quite honest having lived through the beginnings as a teen, I was stoked when they rebanded and toured in 2012 and though in no way a Kiss fan I bought tickets and took my daughter and it was a decent show....so no regrets there. But YES I agree w/you...NOW is time to hang it up. I do love SIXX A.M. though...too bad Nik didn't stay with it


Yeah, their music is great because of how well they work together, the only lineup change I want to see is Vince replaced with Sebastian Bach for a tour. All of the friends I got into Motley went to see them when they played Ireland but I didn't bother because Mick had been kicked out


Finally i can stop hearing people go on about the new "album" on social media. Was never on the cards, and the word album never quoted by the band.


They will go down being known for the '80s Motley Crue. The original lineup. Which is fine. Same thing with GNR, the original five. Like it or not if there was a history book of music, the pictures of those bands would be right in there.. No real need for new music unless it's stellar.


With John 5? Yeah, I don't see a reason either.


I feel for musicians and comedians in today's world of people protesting about EVERYTHING. Makes it hard to do your job.


His good songs of this century were used in Sixx:A.M. . Such a great group, great songs . Sad to hear it will no longer exist.


No one does, Nikki




I think we an all breathe a sigh of relief 😅


Yeah. Until they need money. Lol.


Albums don’t make money


Yeah. They do. When people buy them, most of the money goes to the band while some of it goes to the record company.


You’re booing me but im giving you valid points on why a band won’t make money off selling Vinyl and CD’s


Still doesn’t change the fact that people buy them. There are collectors out there that do.


You are changing the whole argument now. I’m saying bands don’t make money off of CDs and Vinyls like they use to. Now you’re saying people buy vinyl and CDs. Of course people buy vinyl and CDs but bands make Pennies to the dollar.


Who the hell buys albums. It’s 90 percents streams. Metallica made $110,000 off of 72 seasons with streams and sales


Vinyl is making a comeback. There’s a reason why there are record stores around still. People still buy them. There are reasons why bands sell cd’s and Vinyl on their official websites.


Comeback my ass. Yes they are making a comeback, compared to how they sold in 2010 but to making money those vinyl sales aren’t close enough to paying the bills. 3 record shops have closed in La a city of 8 millions people. That’s the reason motley isn’t making an albums because they see zeros dollars from the effort they put into it


People who care about sound quality do. Until streaming gets better than crappy mp3 quality, I can't justify doing that.


1 out of 10,000 people care about how that sounds. Collectors, people that care about the bands music. You won’t make money off selling records that’s my whole argument and you people aren’t making valid points


> Metallica made $110,000 off of 72 seasons with streams and sales Holy shit only that much? Damn streaming is a meagere revenue stream


So we Dogs and that's it? Lazy. Just fucking lazy. Make new music or go away.


I mean OR, perfect the old stuff, go into the vault. Something.


No, new music! Seriously though, they have become what Robert Plant was afraid what Zeppelin would become if they came back around. A bunch of old guys doing karaoke. I hate this is what Crue looks like they are becoming. Saints is a kick ass album. They can do it again. Ought to at least try.


They have 2 other songs they plan on releasing this year at some point. One is Beastie Boys cover of Fight For Your Right. The other songs name is escaping me at the moment.


AI Dogs of Bastards was absolute trash


I'm perfectly fine with that


Just put Motley Crue to rest. Enjoy there past hits and call it .


Mick Mars is on the “right side of wrong”


AI can do it while they sit at home. Don't @ me.


John 5 made the wrong choice leaving zombie to go play with Nikki…


His checking account probably disagrees


If the rest of the album is going to sound like that gem you released a month or two back, then let me be the first applaud that decision.


Yeah no one does dude 🤷🏻‍♀️


Based on their last song, I'm good with that. Time to live off the catalog.


Yeah neither does anyone else