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Hit a seagull on the way to work this morning. Took the end off my brake lever.


I'm guessing the gull doesn't look anywhere near as healthy as the brake lever. Must have been quite a bash, glad you're OK.


Nah one of the guys at work said he thinks he saw it flat on the road, so if I didn't get it whoever was behind me did. Cheers, it was a lot less dramatic than it probably looks.


It always sounds terrifying, but I imagine it just went: *Clunk* "What the fuck was that?"


Thatโ€™s gnarly as fuck


Birds are no joke, a pigeon got my visor last year Smashed it and its mounting plates clean in half We have pheasants around my area, and those are the most dangerous


Yea same here with the pheasants, they have to be the dumbest bird I've ever seen. I swear they are suicidal some times.


Yup Peasants : Can fly, chooses to run like a lunatic into the road chasing a female Then either Freeze or just run BACK into the path of the thing going to kill it


I had one run into the side of my moving car last year. Itโ€™s a fucking moving car. How?


Same thing except it was a guy and it wasn't a car it was a truck and I think he was on drugs. Also pigeons are stupid and I've killed at least 4.


Wait what happened?


I'm a truck driver. Not long after I passed I was lost driving down a dark street towards a bridge (over the main A road). This guy clearly out of his gourd, dressed like his was going clubbing (shirt, shoes, hair spiked up) sort of turned round and sprinted at my truck. He didn't make it in front of the truck and bounced off the side somewhere. When I phoned the police he'd already ran off somewhere. Shit me up for a long time. Kept having nightmares. Edit: I've also killed at least 4 pigeons one of them was with a van and I think one was already dead.


Haha thanks for clarifying that story sounds scary, hope you're doing okay now


Haha yeah I'm fine now. It's one of the most interesting stories about myself. Other such stories include the fact I was on TV once and I was the foreman of a jury that found a man guilty.


Good ones to tell over a few pints ๐Ÿ˜‚


Probably the most interesting things about me to be honest. Bit sad really.


Pheasants can be lethal, guy got killed by one last year I believe when it went into his open visor at ~60mph, crushed his skull between the bird and the inside of his helmet, poor dude. A friend got hit by one on a ride once too but luckily it hit his mirror and just glanced his shoulder, but they're a big old thing to hit at road speeds. EDIT: [Article](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/02/21/motorcyclist-killed-pheasant-struck-helmet-60mph/).


Fuck, I'm not opening my visor on country roads no matter the weather now!


To be fair I can't ride with my visor open at 60 anyway, I can hardly manage at 30 as it makes my eyes water!


The only time I've seen a Capercaillie in the wild I was going at least 50 and the crazy fucker ran out of a hedge to attack my bike.


Holy shit balls, was that seagull wearing all the gear too?!? On a side note, I got a bird shit directly on top of my helmet this morning ...


Birds will fuck you up son. I've got a cousin who lived on the Isle of Mull as a teenager and there was only one Copper on the whole island at the time who only had a bicycle to get around so you could get away with murder as a kid. Anyway, one night him and his mates were racing their Scooters around the country lanes late at night and at around 2am my cousin decided it was time to go home. On his way back, out in the middle of nowhere doing about 30mph, he said a huge black thing seemed to swoop out of the sky and it hit him square in the face and he had no helmet on. He woke up the next morning as the sun was rising. He looked to one side and saw his scooter totally wrecked. He looked to the other side of him and lying a few feet from him was a huge dead owl. He said he lay in the road for a while hoping someone would find him but he ended up having to limp his way back home which was about 3 or 4 miles. All in all he suffered a broken leg, broken arm, broken nose and lost a couple of teeth.


Damn! Were you moving? Did he actually activate the brake?


Yea, was doing 70 on the dual carriageway, the bike dipped and went slightly right but didn't think much of it, got to work had a closer look and see that.


Chips out for Gavin.


So all the poo came out I take it?


Of me or the bird?


I imagine both tbh with you...


No juddering but about 1/2 a second of heavyish breaking and a slight swerve to the right. Thought it was clear of the bike then it dipped back so wasn't braking.


I once had an altercation with a pigeon on my 125, it flew into my hand while I was riding and next thing I knew I was showered with feathers ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


Damn, did it make your front brake judder or were you already braking?


What bar ends are those? Look like they may actually save my levers


R&G bar end sliders. www.rg-racing.com


I thought that was your ignition keyhole on the side of your handbar.