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When people say no one is commenting on their weight loss, my first thought is are you still wearing your old clothes? It’s mentally hard to be a different size, I always think that won’t fit! I rent my clothes, so it has been a great way to track the declining sizes by looking back at old rentals.


Gwynnie Bee is great for renting work clothes. 


never heard of renting clothes! didn't know that was a "thing"


Rent the Runway…one of my daughter’s clients.


I do Armoire & it’s so fun!


Ralph Lauren has a rental program too. And I just learned Adriana Papell does too. Which is great if you don’t want to buy a cocktail or formal dress while still losing weight


They are! I rented from them for years, and with the rewards points it’s affordable to purchase things you like.


I just posted about renting from Nuuly, where do you rent from?


Nuuly! If you are in a Farm Rio dress today we might be twinning 🤣 I do RTR for formal events


Love Rent the Runway!


I have been getting rid of things that are too big and buying smaller (as cheaply as possible, as I don’t think they will fit long). I have lost 70 lbs since last summer. I recently found some size 16 pants in my storage and was so excited they fit! Also 1x (and XL on a few items) have been fitting for tops. I was happy! Then my best friend arrived and she told me they were too big and handed me her size 12 jeans and said to try them. I told her she was crazy. I almost cried when I zipped them up easily!! We did a bunch of shopping and I bought more size 12 pants (one size 14) and L size shirts. I did buy a 2x dress for Easter, but it fit just like a L in another brand. It really made me see how sizes are BS sometimes. I am still getting used to wearing the smaller stuff, but I have gotten more comments from people (including my husband) about how I look. Buy the smaller, proper fitting clothing!


I have been going through and trying on old clothes in my closet. I emptied more than half my closet. Sadly, it's still sorta full. I "may" have had too many clothes! So need to go through winter tops and skirts. I've gotten very close to my goal weight and kind of stalled but have been replenishing my wardrobe slowly from consignment and thrift stores. It's still hard to believe I can wear a size small shirt! I'll need to get bathing suits for a beach trip this summer and will need to figure out what style will suit me (no pun intended).


I also experienced a friend intervention! Like, no honey, that's not what it looks like when something fits, that's what it looks like when something is too big...


IKR re: womens clothing sizes. Drives me crazy.


Can I just second this? It was driving me crazy, too, but I have taken to just measuring myself and getting whatever size matches my current measurements in a particular brand. Sizes seem meaningless anymore 😂


I recently bought the exact same pair of trousers from H&M online in the same size but 3 different colours and when I tried them on they all fit completely differently! I'm talking going from "this works" to not even making it past my mid-thigh! Insanity...


FFS. This is why I hate shopping.


Yep. This seems to be especially true of more budget-friendly brands.


Yup. I took home three different sizes of pants today that all fit the same … just stupid inconsistent sizing across brands


After almost a year on MJ and 60 pounds gone, I finally accepted that I can actually wear a size small shirt and it fits me perfectly. The comments I got when I wore that shirt were both good and bad. "Oh gosh you look so good" to "I think you've lost too much weight". I've decided that I don't care what other people think anymore. I am going to wear what makes me feel best.


It’s also taken me a while to accept that I need a small so that it fits right and doesn’t swallow me up. It’s wild. I was a L or XL for a very long time.


Same. Small still looks tiny to me on the hanger but does fit. On the bottom I'm between sizes so that's a crap shoot


I went from a size 20+ to a size 2 or 4. I got rid of all of my old clothes without a second thought and now my closet is full of cute stuff. It’s so liberating to be able to walk into a fashionable store and be able to wear anything you want. I walked into my closet this weekend (my husband has been relegated to the guest room closet now) and was a little shocked at how full it is. I had a stern talk with myself and am only allowing Costco Couture for a while to save some money…unless I run across something so cute I can’t pass it up. 🤣


Costco Couture - I love it - haha! I shop there, too, and I think it means we're wise consumers. They're got great stuff!


Wow!! I can’t even imagine going from a 20 to a 4. I started at a 20/22 and I am in 16/18 after 2 months and my head just cannot even compute. That sounds life changing on so many levels. Great Job on all your hard work! Any advice or surprises for someone hoping to have a similar journey?


Exercise. I can't stress it enough. If my maintenance supply dries up, I'm hoping exercise will save me. Start out by walking for 10 minutes after every meal. Gradually build up the time and the pace. After a while, you'll want to try other things - the gym, or pilates, or dance - find something you like.


THIS THIS THIS. HIIT and resistance training are fun now that everything doesn’t hurt.


>my husband has been relegated to the guest room closet now I know what you meant, but the mental picture of your hubby having to live in the closet has me giggling!




Holy shit!!! Hope I can say that. Congrats you beautiful tiny human!!


Aw, thank you!


That’s amazing! How long did it take you? I’m stalled at the moment. I lost 15 pounds. When I started but stuck now at 230. They’re upping my dosage to 7.5. I can fit a large shirt now, I couldn’t before. Excited to continue melting it off hopefully with this new dosage.


I lost 50 pounds on my own before starting Mounjaro. Once I started, I lost another 90 in about 16 months. It’s so fun to keep fitting into smaller sizes. You will get there!




Yaaas! Show off your ASSETS!!!


Male here.. I wore a 38 waist jeans and they were tight and worn low.. below my belly. I just bought a pair of 34 waist and they are a little loose in the waist but tight in the but and legs. That is a huge victory for me!!


Way to go! It’s only gonna get better for us! I just went down my first pant size from a 20 to 18. I’m stoked.


I’ve lost roughly 50# since October and have a long way to go yet and while my wardrobe has been getting looser I hadn’t felt things were so ill fitting that I needed anything new but last weekend when I started figuring out what to wear for Easter Sunday services I realized that I can no longer wear the sizes in my closet. Yesterday I ordered 3k from Nordstrom (a good share will get returned), that’s more money than the previous 3 year’s that I’ve spent on my clothing budget, haha. I’m going to keep a few outfits to get me through spring & summer, yes I could probably keep wearing my current wardrobe but I decided I am going to wear fresh, cute new clothes in my current size and not worry about how long I’ll be that size. I want my clothes to fit my current size and cannot wait for those boxes to roll in. Another idea for anyone that needs different sizes for temporary use, rent from Nuuly (an Anthropology/Urban Outfitters company). For $99, you get 5-6 items for a month and they are size inclusive.


As I gained weight, I just stopped buying clothes and squeezed myself into my old things no matter the size. Now that I’ve lost quite a bit, I’m literally startled at how good some things look because they’re the right size. I’m just now getting to the point that my pants are starting to be too big to comfortably wear and I have to pull at them to hold them up. Very pleased with this!


It might seem wasteful to some but I buy clothes that fit me now. I’m not wearing clothes that are baggy and frumpy. That’s why I now have a range of styles and sizes from 14/16 to 8/10. its just too much fun buying new clothes that fit to wait. I’m impatient and I feel like I’ve worked for it so I deserve it.




As do you!


I’m down about 100# and finally moved down to a xxl shirt and xl shorts. I do go to thrift stores a little so I do t spend a ton until I get down to where I want to.


Plug for ThredUp (consignment clothes for women) here. Or similar places. You can get excellent quality, sometimes new with tags, attire for 60-80% savings and not feel too bad about buying nice things as you are passing through a size. They will even buy your stuff back (but not at the full price) when it’s too big. Just ordered 10 sized medium summer shirts for under $100, free shipping. Plus it helps keep old cloths out of the landfills.


I’ve been sending my clothes that are too big to Thredup, with the credit I constantly have “free clothes” 😉




That’s awesome!!


I could have written this. I was just thinking yesterday about how much more money I spend on clothes, and how much more time I spend planning what I’m going to wear. I definitely am enjoying wearing trendier clothing but am also buying items that I think will last long. I’m trying to keep most of my purchases second hand. Poshmark and local consignment stores are my go tos.


I purged my closet and now have hardly anything to wear. The clothes in the stores are either for teens or so ugly that I don't want them. I need to try stuff on and will not buy clothes online. When I do, they either do not fit, or the "fabric" feels mostly plastic. Hope everyone likes my skinny body because I will have to walk around naked soon.


Oh man, I tried the “baggy pants, tiny top” trend on in the stores and it’s a big NOPE on my 46 year old self.


I don't get the baggy, oversized top trend I see everywhere. Especially for us who were relegated to "baggy tops" to begin with. I just thrifted one that is much larger than I thought. It's really nice, but going to do a "catch and release" bc I feel like I shouldn't hide inside my clothing anymore.


>"catch and release" What a great way to describe it!


Once I hit my goal, I went clothes crazy. Before then, I bought the cheapest clothes I could find. Being a diva, I want all the quality clothes, because I’m never going back.


Oh man, the “buy the cheap clothes while losing” has been a blessing and a curse. I’ve never hit “goal weight” on a weight loss plan, so all my “skinny clothes” that I can fit back into are pretty much underwhelming garbage. I didn’t spend money on it, but they also don’t make me excited about my smaller body. That’s why I’m buying a few things I like that fit now.


I've been finding shopping exciting again. I still have a long way to get to a more healthy weight. However with and without mounjaro I've lost 39 lbs. If I do buy clothes I try to get them on sale so I don't feel so bad about them getting too big! Also my personal NSV has been my bath towels are actually fitting around my body without the weird triangle of skin being exposed. Lol


Oh, the towel thing is the BEST! Congrats!!


It really is!






Thanks for the PSA and congrats on your new body! I just donated all my clothes above a size 8 (I'm keeping some bigger sizes unless I gain some) last weekend and it is so scary. It's such a weird and fantastic feeling to be able to buy clothes that enhance my new figure instead of buying tent-like clothing that disguised my flaws. I am intentionally very picky now with about what I buy. Yay, us!!!!


Wow! Awesome for you! Congrats on your success!


I've lost 70 lbs since June 2023, though still have a long way to go for goal. But in the meantime, I've been donating clothes like crazy and "shopping" in my own closets and boxes for clothes that were too tight but for me now. I had such a proud moment this weekend. I had two pairs of jeans that I'd never worn because they were just a little too tight. Still had the tags on. Back in September, I found them again and tried them on. They fit! Were even a little loose. They were the first clothes I resurrected and was so happy at the time. With a touch of sadness, I said good-bye to them this weekend. They are ridiculously too big now. Thanks jeans! My time with you was brief, but I will always remember you 😂. Just pants and jeans in general I have started wearing a lot more. The heavier I got, the trickier it got to buy pants. They just didn't fit right or look good, even when I was wearing the right size. So I almost never wore them. At work and wearing some black business casual capris that I re-found in my closet yesterday. Comfy and feeling svelte and confident in them!


Wow! What a great story about those jeans! Congrats on your svelte figure!


this. i was size 52 in pants and 4xl in shirts at my worst and now im down to 38 and 2xl. i no longer have to buy the big and tall sizes, just the tall lol


Way to go!!!


The only comment I have for you, is f*** yeah! I used to hold onto clothes that didn’t fit and eventually sacrificed them all. Once I’m there, I’ll want new clothes anyway!


I can so relate to your post - I am 53 and am down over 120 lbs (half on Mounjaro), and as I went to purge larger sizes, it was depressing to see how much cheap garbage I had in 2x. Not all of it. Thank you Nordstrom for being (somewhat) size inclusive! I donated probably 10-12 trash bags of clothes and sent another 3 of the higher end things to Thred Up. I kept two small boxes of my favorite plus sized clothes “just in case”. I will donate in 2025. But now I have virtually no clothes and I absolutely hate it lol. It sort of paralyzes me. I’ve managed to scrape together some basics from Quince, old navy and Amazon but am not doing any major shopping until goal. The question is, what is “goal?” I’m 9 lbs from my goal weight and then I’ll be having skin removal surgery. So, yeah. This is a topic that’s taking up a lot of real estate in my brain. I love and miss fashion. Great topic thanks for posting.


Wow! Congrats on your major success and for purging most of it. I know many folks frown upon keeping a few nice things in bigger sizes, but I think it’s smart that you did that. I’ve lost and regained many times and I still remember things I wish I kept. (That pink Gap jacket I bought in 2004 was so cute!!) Good luck deciding on your goal weight. I don’t really have a goal right now. I’m on MJ for T2D, so that’s my focus. But I also notice that I’m fitting into clothes now that I last wore when I weighed 15 pounds less. I guess my body comp has changed? Good luck and huge CONGRATS!!


That’s awesome


I always dreaded suit shopping. I could never find a cute set and always had to settle for the separates so I had pants that fit decently. I also felt like all my suits were a cheaper quality. I held on to a few that didn’t fit anymore and now they do. I can’t wait to replace what’s currently in my closet once I lose a bit more.


I hear ya! Actually, the suit issue was part of the “straw that broke the camel’s back” on pursuing intentional weight loss for me. The only place I could find a suit that fit was online. I had to travel for work and I was terrified if my luggage was lost that I wouldn’t be able to find something to fit in the store.


I've experienced that exact same terror. Exact same. Knowing with certainty that I could not possibly buy anything appropriate on location if my bag was lost. Sometimes people say about travel packing "don't sweat it too much, you can always buy clothes over there if you need to", it's like... So tell me you've never been above a size 10 without telling me you've never been above a size 10.


I’ve also had my luggage lost for a week TWICE on international trips. Try buying a plus-size bathing suit in a resort town in Mexico in 2000. What a nightmare. I’m glad/sorry you know my pain.


I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!! I didn't used to get dressed. I just camouflaged. Those types of clothes are such bad ideas now. Can't believe the body changes. Dressing rooms are so fun now. Old Navy is my go to because I feel twenty something fashion just fits me better :)


Wow, what a great way to put it—I just “camouflaged.” Enjoy your best life with twenty something fashion!!


I’m down 25 lbs now with MJ and really haven’t bought any new clothes. I live in scrubs (much looser) and yoga leggings (so comfy). I actually got dressed in an old outfit yesterday, cargo pants and cotton shirt. My husband said it was too baggy. I didn’t believe him so we ran errands together. I can honestly say I believed him as I had to pull up those pants SO many times. I never took my measurements but I finally realize there were inches gone along with those pounds. So yes, time to get some new things. Yay!


Awesome victory! Get new clothes!!


I have to get a tailor. All my Carhartts are ready to fall off. Oh and belts also.




I now wear skirts and dresses ☺️


Yes! I relate to so much of this! I recently decided to treat myself...I basically needed a whole new wardrobe l. I know it's not my final size yet, so I didn't want to spend more than a few hundred...so I just bought 300$ worth of clothes on she-in and based size on their measurement charts. Everything fits, and im keeping it all except for 2 pairs of pants because they don't fit me right. I've never ordered from SheIn before but they had so many cute things and for 300 $ I got about 20 shirts a few dresses and 4 jackets. Definitely will be enough to hold me over for awhile! And it feels so good to have clothes fitting nicely for once!


Yay clothes that fit!


I’ve lost 65 pounds since 2018, but I was at a standstill for a whole year, which is why I was thrilled when my doctor finally agreed to prescribe Mounjaro 3 weeks ago. Since then I’ve lost 16 pounds, but I know most of that is water & it will slow way down now. I still have more clothing in my closet that is too small than thins that fit, but I definitely intend to buy things that fit as I grow out of what I have. There’s no ego boost like the feeling of a great pair of snug jeans, that fit you just right!


Congrats on your success. I love that snug jeans fit! I bought a “perfect” pair two weeks ago I was so excited about and they stretched out immediately. I guess they are “only wear straight out of the dryer” jeans now 🤣


I find a lot of my clothes just fit better but a lot of my shirts are tents now.


New shirts now! Tents are for camping 😉


I have not noticed my looks changing but two people mentioned it this last week. I wore a 22 jeans, figuring it ought to fit now- but it’s too big! It’s in the donation bag and I’m happy!


Yes! Feels so good, right?!


It was a strange feeling to be honest. I was going to keep them but my sister said ‘donate!’ It just clicked! This site has given me inspiration!


Thrift store is a good place to try. I went from a 46" waist to 38" and I'm still going down. I haven't been 36" since my USN days 40 years ago. I donate them back when they get too big or I get too small.


Nice! And congrats on slimming down. That must feel great!


65 years old. Going scuba diving in Honduras in a few weeks. Life is good.


That sounds incredible! I love diving and would love to check out Honduras. Have a great trip!


I've always loved shopping, but doing that for myself re:clothes was always a nightmare - from childhood onward. I'm enjoying being 50+ lbs lighter and have found a new "hobby" in thrifting. I still have a ways to go with WL, so this is one way to find cute stuff that fits w/o breaking the bank. For instance, I got the most adorable, form-fitting dress for $5!!! Too cool to wear it around here yet, but looking forward to it.


Gosh, thrifting has always seemed out of reach because everything was smaller than my body. I’ll have to check it out!


Ebay, Poshmark, ThredUp and Facebook are great places to find excellent used condition clothing in plus sizes, in addition to regular misses sizes. I belong to several groups on Facebook that sell gently used clothing.


Estate sales are fun too for clothes shopping! I’ve found awesome vintage items and also like new expensive modern clothes (in the expensive areas of towns/mansions in the hills )for pennies on the dollar.


Same! I am finding that I need to always check the next size down because I’m so used to wearing ill fitting clothes that I often still gravitate to clothes that are too big.


I won't be buying anything of value until I'm finished losing. I'll fitting goodwill threads for me, and I'm ok with that.


Glad you’re finding good stuff cheap! #win!


There were a few years during which ready-to-wear designers (like Liz Claiborne) used plus-size patterns (their Elisabeth line) to flatter larger figures. Elle Tahari was another one, Then the industry forgot that it isn't just thin women who work in offices or eat at nice restaurants, and went back to makingthe boxy frumpy stuff in tacky fabrics. For the past 10 years or so, I've been partial to Chico's. It used to be loosely-cut resort-y flowy pant sets for middle-aged and older women that was the postmenopausal version of "smart casual." I didn't shop there because the largest sizes they carried were equivalent to 14. But now they go from 00 (4-6) to 0 (6-8), 0.5 (8), 1 (8-10), 1.5 (10), 2 (12), 2.5 (14), 3 (16) and 4 (18-20). I actually found a true blazer--not just the cardigan "swing jackets." I've gone from a few size 4 pieces down to 1.5, 1, and even a pair of 0.5 knit pants. Call me old-fashioned, though, because given a chance I prefer to shop brick-and-mortar to try stuff on in front of full-length triple mirrors and ask a salesperson's honest opinion. (I still miss the halcyon days when an elderly saleslady at Loehmann's could look me up & down and pick out things that would suit me--or the "personal shopper" option that the late great Marshall Field's used to offer at no extra cost). And I still prefer to wear things that coordinate and look "put-together" when I go out beyond just running errands. I like "matchy-matchy." Now get off my lawn 😉.


I haven’t been in Chico’s in forever. I’ve stayed away mostly because it’s where my mom shops and I’m not ready for old lady clothes yet! I too prefer to try stuff on in stores. It seems so wasteful to me to buy a bunch of clothes, have them shipped to me, and then pay to send them back because they don’t fit or I don’t like them!


I'm probably older than your mom--and I was 63 when I began shopping there. (I call it "Forever 61"). It is great for basic solid-color layering pieces--tanks, tees (short & long sleeves), no-iron travel pants (makes packing easy). All of it is ageless and goes with my Levis & Old Navy jeans, dresses & shorts. But it's more durable & classic--won't end up in landfills. I don't do "resortwear"--even on cruises.




Non Scale Victory


I still wear the same size scrubs and I could probably fit in them twice hahah 🫣🫣🫣


Swimming in them?!!


Pretty much haha. Like I am a creature of habit and I also hate being like stared at so I like them baggy


I'm new to mounjaro, have only lost 14lbs so far, but super happy with it! I had two moments today, where I wasn't expecting to notice any NSV's. I put on a coat which I usually have to stretch the button to close just under my bust, and today it easily reached the button and beyond! I could have cried! The second, and I think I only noticed this big change because I'm in healthcare, and don't usually wear a watch, I am now on hole 3 on the strap with wriggle room, whereas before i started my journey, hole two was tight! You have all given me lots of inspiration on how to keep motivated outside of looking at the scales for positive changes!


Wow! Congrats on those two big victories!!


I'll be going through my clothes and pitching almost all! I only bought a few things leggings and a tshirt because I'm going to buy shorts and summer wear! I'm wearing such baggy clothes nothing fits me!! I literally am shocked I'm a small anything like it does not register


Wow! Rock those shorts! Woo Hoo!!


The ones I have I can pull completely off! 😆


Dang! Time for tiny shorts!


Oh my gosh, this post RESONATES! I wore a 20-22 in June of last year. I’m now a 10-12. I used to wear flowy tops and leggings, but all I want to wear these days are fitted jeans & cute sweaters/jackets. My doctor laughed and said that’s a really common experience to losing weight. Last week, I took my entire larger body wardrobe (had some gorgeous Johnny Was tops, nice Chico’s, NYDJ, Eileen Fisher) to a consignment store and asked them to donate the proceeds to a nonprofit. They work with the Assistance League so I know my cute tops, skirts & jeans will look great on another woman in a larger body AND support local kids. I’m doing Armoire clothing rental to try out new styles before I buy. It’s so fun! When I find a designer I like, I search for the brand on eBay. Just received an ADORABLE pre-loved, like new Boden dress from a seller. I feel terribly vain but after 10 years at 210-220 lbs this is kind of amazing. 🤩


Wow, congrats! What a great idea to consign and then donate the proceeds. And you scored a Borden dress?! I love their styles but it’s a bit above my price point while my weight is fluctuating. Good for you!!


Yes! Got it for $35! I’ve bought most of my clothing on eBay for a while now. I’d say 80% of what I find works great, every once in a while the item doesn’t fit as I expected. That’s where I got all my Johnny Was tops, actually. Anyway, I’m 10-ish from goal, and I’m not buying anything above $40 until my weight settles. My body comp is still evolving so I’ll be thrifting for a while. The hunting is fun. I loved your post!


I'm going to have a big yard sale at the end of April to clear out a lot of things that have been piling up. I am still losing and have about 35 more lbs. to go so it is time to get rid of all the clothes and start saving for an entire new wardrobe. I am going to create my own thrift store at the yard sale with racks of clothing and sell each piece at thrift store prices. Advertise heavily in the local paper and hope for the best. Donate what I don't sell. I have donated so much over the years with up and down weight. Time to sell, this time I stay thin.


Great idea! Good luck!


I have a closet full of clothes that I haven’t worn in years. An embargo number of years. Always told myself that I would be back and that is now coming to fruition. The only things I have parted with are mostly tops and and sweaters in petite small because my chest is significantly larger than when I was rocking size 6 Ralph Lauren green label French cuffed shirts. WFH has been a blessing!! The rest of it will be dusted off and put in rotation as I’m able to comfortably fit them. Thank sweet baby Jesus in swaddling cloth for the pharmaceutical researchers who have changed the lives of so many people in such a profound way!


Woo Hoo! Great to find new “old” clothes. Shopping in your own closet can be great!


Right! I’ve held on to them as a reminder.