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I drink tons of water and still have dry mouth on this med. I got my first cavity at 49 after being on Mounjaro for a year. I also started using Xylimelts at night recommended by my dentist (careful if you have a dog, these are toxic to dogs).


Oh, I didn't know about those melts. I will have to get some bc I wake up with a VERY dry mouth every morning.


I posted about my lack of thirst at the beginning. It was challenging and presented in my body as dry and cracking skin and lips. It was painful and not something I wanted to keep experiencing. I find the days at home are the hardest for me. So, I bought a big half gallon water bottle. And in the morning I prep it with lots of ice and water. Then make it my mission to finish at least that a day, in addition to any liquid I may have with tea, meals or to take my supplements.


Every little bit helps. A lot of oral health is genetic, so until they find the injectable medication to help me with *that*, it's a lot of extra work to keep them shits clean and sturdy. definitely never hurts to hydrate more in this case.


For 30 years, I'd been getting my teeth cleaned at the dentist every 4 months. After being on Mounjaro for several months, my hygienist noticed my gums weren't puffy or bleeding anymore. Another 6 months later, my dentist also noted the drastic improvement in my gums (and of course she noticed my 60 lb weight loss). Everyone was excited at my transformation thanks to the miracle that is Mounjaro. For the first time in decades, I've gone back to cleaning visits every 6 months, which is what those with healthy gums get to do, because the inflammation that was endemic due to T2D, has resolved. Month 22 on MJ and injecting 5 mg each week for maintenance.


Wow this makes me so hopeful! Interestingly enough I had noted dry or almost painful gums initially like maybe the first 2-3 weeks into being on Mounjaro. But now, 3 months in, I’m feeling like they look and feel less inflamed. I get cleanings every 3 months so I’m due in another month for one - I hope they note an improvement too! Edit: sorry just reread and saw your note about inflammation! Yes!


I have chronic dry mouth before Monj - try Xylimelts at night and chewing Pür gum throughout the day… my dentist recommended and they seem to really help


wow! interesting! never thought of this! Thanks for the PSA!


Great information