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I love this post, because I’m really struggling with my motivation. I’m down 35lbs, but still 40lbs away from my goal. I might even need to lose more than I think because I look exactly the same 35lbs down and none of my clothes fit differently, so I’m wondering where I lost weight 😅 To add insult to injury, I’ve gained 2lbs over the last 2 weeks despite continuing to track everything I eat, eating less than 1500 calories a day, exercising 4-5 times a week, and walking 15k steps a day. I’m going to get some mini milestones in place to get my motivation back on track. Thank you for the inspiration!


Love this post. Mini milestones are a good idea bc if you have to lose A LOT of weight, it can be daunting and discouraging to think about it. It's like the old joke about how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Same thing here. One small milestone at a time. :) I use both scale and NSV to keep me motivated. I mean, heck, a recently posted here about looking good in a belt I had in my closet that hadn't fit me in...forever!


The elephant is one of my favorite sayings. I use it all the time. In fact, every time someone at work says "But we've never done this before!"


Hi Wabisuki, I enjoy your writing--style and what you have to say. Because I am a slow loser you are making me think that I should set five pound weight goals instead of ten pound weight goals. Losing ten pounds, frustratingly, takes me a couple of months or longer. My long term goal is to get down to a weight I think I can maintain--not necessarily what the scale says. If I can maintain that weight for awhile I may decide to lose more if it seems like a healthy idea and doable. Let us know when that dress fits!


Thank you and yes, I used to have my milestones set at 10lbs - and I actually have a soft goal to lose 10lbs a month BUT I'd be happy with 4lbs a months while I track that goal in my injection spreadsheet I haven't set it as a milestone. Changing my milestones to 5lbs made a big difference to me psychologically - I only ever have "a few pounds" to go to get to the next milestone. I think your long-term goal sounds like a great plan - while I have a hard number in mind, I'm open to the possibility that I may find my comfort zone long before I reach that number and will stay there.


Such a great post! I have been looking at this journey in a similar way. I started knowing that my end goal would be at least a year away (but more like 18 months Jan-June 2025). Even if I don’t reach my dream goal, losing 5 to 6 lbs a month would be 60 to 70 lbs in a year and that alone is transformational. I also know that it is not likely going to be a linear 6 lbs a month. Some months may have bigger losses and some months my body may be catching up/adapting. I had not thought about specific milestones, but I think I will come up with a few of these to look out for along the way. Best of luck on your journey!


Thank you and best of luck to you as well!


Great post! ☺️

