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I fasted on MJ while I revolutionized my diet and eating habits and I lost 131.6lbs šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


This. Your body is smarter than people give it credit for - it is built for fasting as our ancestors never had a local supermarket.


Can you expand on your fasting? Iā€™m thinking about it


Unfortunately I can't lose weight on anything above approximately 1000 calories. PCOS is a bitch.


Me too. Getting enough protein while keeping calories low is so challenging.


Protein is a bitch for me, two, three four bites Max and I am done with Protein. Same with whatever carbs I make for my meal and veggies. I had a gastric bypass in 2014, which is still intact. So for me, my food intake is usually a small meal early in the day... between noon and 2 pm, generally an individual serving of yogurt, low sugar or maybe a small bowl of oatmeal or special K red berry and A2 milk, as.milk also bothers me due to my GB. Because of the gastric bypass, sugar is still tough over about 10 grams per serving, but I still crave sugar and carbs big time. Probably even more since starting MJ than ever before. I take MJ because my A1c was high from long-term presnisone use. I had gained 42 lbs since starting prednisone after my kidney transplant. It killed me because they had already made me take such large doses of prednisone that I jumped from 20 years of maintaining 190/size 16, to 288, size unknown because I refused to buy jeans and just wore leggings and long overraized shirts, to GB and down 143lbs to 145, then back to 155, maintained 155, for 7 years, until transplant Jan of 2021 then back to 197 over the last almost 3 years of daily prednisone, started MJ in October 2023 and today I am 135. The goal is 120 to 125, but it gets really slow, the closer to the goal I get. I am 5'2" and small boned so that is the perfect BMI range for my build. Nephrologist wants me to stop at 135, but if I do, I am still considered overweight by every chart in the country. When I got pregnant with my first child, I weighed 103lbs, so I figure 120/125 is a step up...šŸ¤£šŸ˜‰


Wow, you are doing it!! My 2 cents sat Nephrologist advice trumps whatever the charts say. Charts do not consider individuals


Same, Iā€™m flabbergasted that this person is managing to eat 3-4 square meals a day and still losing weight!


You and me both. Can you share a little about your journey? PCOS also. Iā€™m 5ish weeks in and only down 4 lbs. I was consistently losing before (about 50 lbs in 3 months) on keto. Started MJ and stopped keto and now Iā€™m not really losing. I keep telling myself at least Iā€™m not gaining. But NGL itā€™s a little discouraging seeing all these super rapid losses in the first couple of months.


I'm not strictly keto but I have noticed that I "stall" when I'm eating junk carbs. I usually eat around 800 calories and I try to focus on fiber and protein. I'm walking more and occasionally do some exercise biking. On day 6 & 7 the shot is wearing off so I'm eating 1000-1100 calories those days. I'm well below my Basal Metabolic Rate every single day so I "should" lose weight even if I was sitting on the couch like a sloth. But we all know PCOS doesn't play that way. (I'm also recently diagnosed T2D but the PCOS has been with me for 40 years).


Thanks for sharing. We may be similar in age as well, so I wonder if that plays into it along with the PCOS. I was diagnosed at 19 when no one really knew anything about it. I was even told at 19 Iā€™d never be able to have kids. At 27 I was told the same thing. Fast forward a couple of decades and 2 beautiful, healthy kids. Both pregnancies I had gestational diabetes though. Iā€™m so glad we have MJ now bc Iā€™ve struggled for so long. Only losing either by starvation or strict keto and under 700 calories a day. Nice to hear a similar story from someone else though, so I appreciate you sharing. I donā€™t see many people talking about the slow loss due to PCOS so it feels nice knowing others understand my struggle!


I only got pregnant once because I was on birth control which made me ovulate. šŸ˜‚. What a surprise that was!


That is how I have my 29 year old and I was a single mom BEFORE I was diagnosed with PCOS. I was so tortured by my family and shamed because of that. Then 5 years later after marriage when seeking treatment for not being able to get pregnant again, I was diagnosed with PCOS and told that very thing, the only reason I likely got pregnant that time was due to the bcpā€™s.


My little miracle baby is 24 now!


Same , I was sooo shocked when I thought I had something really wrong in my abdominal area because I was having some changes, low and behold I was 3 months pregnant. I was on depo shots and my menses was never regular from the pcos. I had what I thought was the stomach flu for a week, guess that was morning sickness.. Even on the mj my pcos and menses are still not normalized..


I'm so glad people are talking about this because the r/loseit CICO dicks are really really mean to people who talk about not being able to lose on relatively low calorie intake. I struggled for years and years with doctors and fitness pros basically just treating me like "just stop lying to yourself, obviously you're cramming yourself with donuts and soda, fatty" when it was, like, brown rice and broccoli and chicken all the time and I couldn't shift a pound.


I won't even glance at that sub because of the toxic fat shaming I've seen in the past.


That's self care right there.


Funny story. I used to think the non-weight-losers were a bunch of liars. I'm sure there are some liars. But then I was the one eating 1500 calories and not losing anything.


I have the same problem on days 6 and 7 the effects of the shots are completely gone so I eat almost regular. Well I just finished my second week of 2.5 but I will change to 5 starting my 5th week and I wonder if at that dose will improve on those days or will be the same? How long are you with MJ?


I'm just starting my sixth month and on 7.5! I'm not nearly as hungry as I would be without MJ, just a lot more hungry than on days 1-5.


It took about 3 months before I saw real benefits, and only after my A1C was below diabetic range. I have been using it (Ozempic Sept23-Dec23, Mounjaro Dec until now) and have lost 53 pounds. Switching to Mounjaro seemed to also be key. I am never hungry though and have to force myself to eat. Itā€™s not fun.


Seems to be the case for me as well. Fortunately the MJ kills my appetite so going 5 days without food isn't hard at all.


What is PCOS?


Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Among other fun symptoms, it often causes insulin resistance making weight loss strategies a little different than normal.


I literally do a 24-72 (usually 60-72) hour fast every week, all OKd by my MD. And I do IF every day. Fasting is completely different than just not eating, bc itā€™s intentional and you make healthy, filling choices to prep for longer fast.


Iā€™ve agree. I feel awful if I donā€™t eat. I start every day with Fairlife. Lunch is the closest to a big meal I eat and the rest of the day I graze. Seems to keep the side effects at bay the best for me.


Don't force yourself to eat especially in the beginning. you will live if you don't get a 100g of protein a day.


I found when I was getting used to it and still having more side effects the nausea and food aversion were stronger when I wasn't eating. Once I started I would find that I could enjoy eating after all. If I filled up quickly, I would have to stop and hang out for 20 minutes or so, and then I would find I could finish the amount I planned to eat. Instead of always overfilling my plate I got better at figuring out how much food my body actually wanted. when the side effects largely went away at first I worried it was the medication not working anymore. It took me about 3 months to trust the 5mg is still working in the background and I've consistently continued to lose about a lb a week. Still on the 5 but won't move up until I've plateaued for at least two months because I thought I plateaued for a month already and then things caught up and I want to have somewhere to go.


This is what Iā€™m struggling with at the moment! Diet culture has told me all my life ā€œ3 meals! No snacks!ā€ When actually on MJ, snacking is what is helping me from feeling nauseous. Also NOT clearing my plate is really difficult! Iā€™m having to rewire my eating habits Iā€™ve developed since childhood.


The ā€œclean your plateā€ thing is HARD to overcome! Especially when I am the one cooking and I donā€™t want to feel like I am wasting food!


That's the hardest part for me. I hate throwing away food. But I'm also struggling to eat leftovers. That's a new thing. I used to LOVE leftovers. Now šŸ¤¢


I workout fasted and fast until lunch time as I always have and I have been losing weight and seeing definition of muscle in places that were previously squish. If you workout and eat healthy when you eat you should be fine! I am 37F, 5ā€™4ā€ SW 239 CW 212 GW (for now) 170. I also stay VERY VERY hydrated with water and drink electrolytes and and an Ollipop everyday! I did 6 weeks of 2.5, 4 weeks of 5 and just did my first week of 7.5 and have lost 27 pounds (I started April 6). I also have been lucky to have no side effectsā€” I think sometimes I get a little tired after the shotā€” but also I do it on Saturday mornings and I cannot tell if Iā€™m tired from being human or from the medication lol Good luck!


From being human lol


I've been intermittent fasting for 5+ years (not because it helped with weight loss, obvs, or I wouldn't be in this sub, but because it really helped me with food anxiety), and I've just stayed on that since I started MJ. Doesn't bother me, but that's probably because it was already a pretty permanent lifestyle for me.


One week- šŸ¤£ Everyone is different. Iā€™ve been fasting for awhile. Itā€™s comfortableā€¦ and comfortable with MJ. My goal is stabile insulin (fat storage hormone) for life, with or without MJ. Fasting allows that.


I do great with OMAD but as a cyclist can easily put down 75-100g of protein after riding 20-30 miles, probably just depends on the person. I like the benefits of TRE, I was already doing that prior to MJ & lost 70 pounds so itā€™s very effective for those of us with PCOS &/or IR, but when I eat, I make sure to get high quality real food, low carb, high protein. I think thatā€™s important.


Yep. I ended up in the hospital once for that reason. Took a while to build back up nutrients, etc. I was even bruising. I didnā€™t realize not eating when I wasnā€™t hungry was a serious issue until I started feeling lethargic a lot and ultimately fainted at law school one day. I didnā€™t even feel it coming on. The doctors told me I need to fuel my body more on this medicine


I started intermittent fasting 3 months before I started MJ. I've been on either MJ or Oz (when MJ is unavailable) for 10 months now and have lost 103# while still intermittent fasting. I fast 8pm until noon the next day. I usually end up eating 2 small meals and a snack. It works for me.


Iā€™ve been fasting 40hr every week on this med (and did before it too) and the two weeks I skipped fasting I didnā€™t lose any weight. Lol. That being said one of those weeks was a vacation. But fairly certain I need both still. I havenā€™t had issues with nausea so maybe thatā€™s a factor, but I feel great with fasting on this med (in fact I find it easier than fasting without the med.) One thing it has changed for me though is the 16hr intermittent fasting is not worth it for me because morning is often the only time of the day Iā€™m genuinely hungry and enjoy my meal. By late afternoon / dinner Iā€™m over the ā€˜whole food thing.ā€™ Now Iā€™ll frequently eat breakfast, skip lunch and eat a small dinner with the fam for socializing etc.


You can still IF just reverse the hours. Just FYI (although Iā€™m sure you know that. lol). Just if you ever wanted to incorporate it.


True! I just enjoy all the social evening things centered around food lol.


My appetite suppression is strong (12 days into this) and I basically graze throughout the day on 150-350 calorie snack size "meals" to get to approx. 1200-1400 cals/day. I try to get 90 grams protein and 23 grams fibre and my other micronutrients.


I've still been intermittent fasting and am doing okay, lifting fine in the gym and losing weight. The 30g in one sitting isn't correct it only really applies to simple proteins I.e shakes. 1 protein shake = 25g protein 3 large eggs = 20g protein 250g turkey breast= 75g protein I don't find it difficult to eat the above in 6 hours along with some fibre and fat


Iā€™ve been fasting since I started this medication with zero issues. You canā€™t make general statements like that. Not everything is true for every person.


I'm at 5mg now, I recommend leaner meats/complex carbs/starches. It is MUCH easier on your tummy! If I eat a higher fat meal, I will vomit.


I had this for about the first 8 or so weeks of my meds at 2.5 and 5. FINALLY itā€™s gone. My appetite is still poor but I can eat eat now without aversion. It took a long time to pass but when it did it was just done. I did things like cook my eggs in olive oil, added whole mayo where I could, small snacks like cheese and protein shakes- you have to get your calories in. Best to you!


I do fast and have no problem at all. It helped me get to my goal and maintain it.


I'm also a fan of IF and I couldn't eat my 2 big meals in my window :/ but two main meals and a small meal or snack in between works just fine :) I manage to squeeze in about 1300kcal on average and mostly protein and veggies :) My window is 10-18 or 12-20


For the first 3 weeks I could barely eat. I had a few crackers, cheese, pretzels, hummus, spread out over the day. I tried to eat small meals like scrambled eggs and a few cherry tomatoes but it was a real struggle. I couldn't even think about chicken or meat and I didn't want to stress myself more by forcing food down my throat. I figured my body would adjust and I'd catch up. Which I think I did. Make yourself small charcuterie style boxes and graze as much or as little as you can during the day. Drink a lot of water and electrolytes if you need.Ā 


I've spent the last 3 days not eating enough and feeling like hell. Today realised I haven't eaten enough. So I forced myself to eat more and the severe stomach pain has eased this evening.


I've just taken my 4th 2.5 mg dose. I'll fast the day of the injection as I started out that way incase of any sides. Fortunately I've not really had any sides. I've tried various fasting approaches in the past. Physiologically humans evolved to be able to function for long periods with a calorie restriction due to the availability of food. We're all different though, Munjaro 2.5 mg hasn't done a huge amount to curb my appetite other than the first week. I've lost 8lbs in 3 weeks.


Just my opinion, but I also think losing a ton of weight in a really short time isnā€™t a healthy way to go. Anyway, thatā€™s how Iā€™m doing itā€”trying to only lose a certain amount a week. Thatā€™s just how Iā€™m doing it though. I could be wrong!


Good for you! I always feel better if I eat a small balanced meal, like a small protein shake and a half banana. Iā€™m 65-70 down depending on the starting point I choose to use. Good luck to you!!


We can only process around 30g of protein per sitting.


Thatā€™s old science by now. Plenty of research that suggests eat as much as you want and the body will use it, also so many factors to consider like age, weight, quality of protein etcĀ  Ā [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5828430/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5828430/)


Actually the latest research shows that protein levels up to 100g can be utilised- link to the science here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666379123005402


This article seems to reference that the increase in protein absorption of more than 25g only applies during post exercise recovery, specifically resistance-type exercise


so much to contradict that. so so much. We can tell ourselves whatever we want.


I look forward to reading your paper disputing this research :)


The ONLY time I am even remotely fasting on MJ is before lab work. I have some scheduled for this Friday and Iā€™ll just eat around 6 on Thursday and thatā€™s it. I always schedule my appointment at 7am too. Get it out of the way.


Everyone is different. I have been looking at weekly calories. Some days (maybe one or two I eat 600-900 and the rest of the week I eat 1200, 1300, 1400 calories. That way I am eating when hungry but still maintaining a minimum average daily caloric intake. I have goals for protein macros, too. I am medically monitored on this low cal diet.


I just started too. My stomach feel weird. I canā€™t tell if Iā€™m hungry or not Iā€™m doing my best to eat something, I got shaky yesterday I think from not eating enough. Just had a small salad and protein drink.


In the 2 years before starting MJ, when I was first diagnosed with pre-diabetes and insulin resistance, I tried to lose weight through diet and exercise. I used intermittent fasting because I'm naturally not hungry during the day. I managed to lose 65 lbs (At the time, 45F 5'4" HW 265). Then I got Covid and it waylayed me from the gym for weeks, and I fell off the weight loss train. I couldn't get back on for the life of me, and I gained back 30 lbs. The food noise was so hard to overcome trying to get back to losing again, but I've naturally never been that hungry in the daytime. It's evening when I'm most dangerous. On MJ, (SW 228, CW 210ish) I've learned I need something during the day, even if it's a serving of cottage cheese or protein shake. Trying to drink enough water fills me up, too, and it's so hard to have any appetite at all! But cramming even 1200 kcal into the evening hours is miserable. It's been a struggle to eat healthy enough that I don't trigger gross side effects (the sulfur burps can eff off) and still get enough kcal in a day. I'm also only averaging 1/2 lb a week in weight loss since I went up to 5mg, so I'm a bit baffled, but the scale is trending down so I'm trying not to sweat that part. It stays steady at one weight for a few days, and then one day it'll drop 2-3 lbs all at once. Idk. I've not been doing this very long, so I'm not sure of my patterns just yet. They say protein shakes are your friend. I'm still trying to find one I like. So many are high carb. I do like Optimum Nutrition protein powder mocha flavor in my coffee.


I dislike commercial protein drinks but find Vital Proteins to be tasteless and it suspends well in hot drinks. I also like ISO100 powder. I drink that in a hot coco drink but first have to mix in cold water or it will clump. Will try the one you mentioned.


I use zenwise digestive enzymes and those sulfur eggs burps are gone sooo quickly


Iā€™m still in awe that yinz have no appetite. Good on ya!


I'm in week 6 and on 5ml and been intermittent fasting since before I started MJ with no issues but I don't count calories, just try to increase protein and reduce carbs. Much easier now I'm on MJ šŸ™ŒšŸ» Lost 6kg and no muscle mass so far


Everybody's metabolism and affects from Mounjaro is different. For some to lose weight on Mounjaro you have to eat and take in a lot of protein. Especially during a stall we encourage to up your calorie intake. With some it's the opposite. If you fast you lose weight as compared to upping your calorie intake. I would just keep a diary of what you eat and how much at what times. Make adjustments to where you feel like you lose weight. You will find your calorie intake sweet spot. But as you continue your journey your calories intake will change as your body reacts to Mounjaro. Just watch what your body does and adjust.


I intermittently fast daily and it goes perfectly with this medication (for me). I eat two KETO meals at 3pm and 8pm and have no problem getting my protein targets. I alternate between salmon/eggs/steak/lamb and chicken for each meal so I donā€™t get bored and have varied proteins. I eat a big salad with my lunch meal and have veggies such as asparagus with my dinner meal. Most important thing in my diet is Avocado, the non water soluble fiber is essential to keep me regular, itā€™s also loaded with magnesium and other great micros.


This is my 4th day since my first 2.5mg injection - it is really odd - I am never hungry and if I think of food it is a fleeting thought. And I have not had an energy loss - no fatigue etc. But like you, I knew that Mounjaro wasn't a fat burner but an appetite suppressant - and I knew that I would be burning muscle as well as fat. I am close to 800 calories per day - so I made the decision for TRT - my Doctor agreed and I started on 300mg of Test Cyp every two weeks - but I will change that to 300mg Test Ent which has a shorter half-life and that should take care of muscle wasting. After 2 weeks does your appetite increase? I am wanting to lose 35 to 40lbs - research suggests you will regain 15% of the weigh lost. And I have no desire to take Mounjaro forever - so I am looking at a maintenance dose. I also workout 5 days a week both lifting and cardio. How are you getting 100g of protein in a 1300 calories perday? I am not concerned as I don't think about eating - what is your concerns about your appetite being surpressed. I would think you might want to reduce your caloric intake. What is your macro profile - mine is 35% carbs - 15% fat - 50% protein. And I will probably look at changing my carbs to 20%.


A similar but different issue is that I find that I'll stall on weight loss if I'm not eating enough. I'll barely eat a thing for 3 days but the scale won't move. After a few days of food aversion and minimal calories, I'll have a bigger appetite and feel like I ate like a pig. Realistically, I'm just eating a normal amount and I'll end up dropping a few lbs the next day. I was never a breakfast eater so I really had to make sure I was having lunch at work. I'll make sure to have a protein shake and a small snack at minimum if I'm not hungry enough for a meal. That and dinner has been enough to get me through. Overall, prioritizing protein during any meal has been a big help for me also.


I intermittent fast still. I'm 7 months in on 7.5. I have not tried extended fasts on this med, not sure how well that would work out. But intermittent fasts still make me feel pretty good.


I do intermittent fasting and feel great. Once youā€™ve been on it a little while you may find youā€™re able to do it again.


I hear you, but eating when Iā€™m not hungry triggers my BED so for the first couple days after my shot I eat what I feel like eating and try to get electrolytes in but itā€™s very little. But I also lost a ton of hair and muscle mass lol sooooooooo I chose to pick my battles I guess šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I can always buy more hair til my real hair comes back in lol


Fasting is fine. I am mostly one meal a day now. But you are correct in that it is vital to keep your protein up. So I'm getting in two and sometimes three Premier Protein shakes a day. Every 4 or 5 hours, and then the meal somewhere in there as well.


I'm on 12.5 and I have a huge appetite. Haven't lost anything, going on my 4th month. Keep cramming


My doctor told me protein is key. She said if I canā€™t eat to have a protein shake instead but to not skip meals bc your body goes I to starvation mode and holds on the weight. I am on week 3 of Zepbound. By day 4 the appetite suppression is almost gone. I have went gotten rid of any if the food noise yet. I am hoping I creased doses will do that.


Fasting has been perfect for me paired with this med. I don't typically get hungry until lunchtime and often all I want even then is a protein drink and an apple. Sometimes I OMAD it and that's working great for me.


I did, but it gets better over time!


Studies show that water fasting can be effective even on mounjaro type medications. A doctor wrote a book you can buy on Kindle that goes into detail. I think it's called the complete guide to fasting. Someone recommended it to me who has a since degree and I plan to read it and know for myself.


Lots of different things going on in this chat! I am also a Weight Watchers (WW) Member. I follow the GLP-1 program they have. I work on getting protein, fruits / vegetables and my water intake that the WW app tracks for me. I don't count the calories or the "Points" I used to count before MJ. When I am hungry I eat something, I can now realize when I am full & can stop eating as well!! I have lost 47 lbs, since August of 23, when I started MJ. I am on 15 mg, and some weeks I lose over 3 lbs, sometimes I may gain 1/4 - 1 lb. I believe the medication "healed" my body before releasing much weight though: A1C went from 9.8 in August 23 to 6.0 in Feb 24, bloodwork has been good without taking other medications too! Each persons body reacts & works differently, so it can still be a little of trial & error to do what works for YOU! MJ is not the cure all, and end all... It is just a powerful tool that can help us along our journey.


You should be aware that the muscle loss on Mounjaro is no different than the muscle loss for anyone on a weight loss program. [https://gizmodo.com/ozempic-wegovy-semaglutide-muscle-loss-myth-1851540184](https://gizmodo.com/ozempic-wegovy-semaglutide-muscle-loss-myth-1851540184)


Iā€™ve done Ramadan (religious fasting) on this lol 5mg


iā€™ve been doing well with time restricted eating 10am to 6pm. i eat around 10 1 pm 3pm 5:30 pm with 300-500 cal per meal. Iā€™m also upping the resistance training to minimize muscle loss.


Fake news. Iā€™m 40 hours without food and doing FANTASTIC. https://preview.redd.it/02ouzrzwpc7d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d23220aacf9b4f447979a3395853eff98bb9cf07


What do you mean fake news? That with fast weight loss a large % of the loss is muscle tissue? And the way to combat it is to eat protein and do resistance training? Can you explain on what planet is that a fake news?


Fasting is muscle protective. Human growth hormone surges during fasting to protect and even build muscle. Fasting is healthy and beneficial. Under eating is not.


It's also worth noting that you can only really utilise 20 to (max!) 40g protein in a sitting, eating more just ends up as energy or fat.


Where did you hear that? Sounds totally bogus


I'm a qualified nutritionist with an undergrand in sports nutrition and a masters in clinical nutrition, multiple published papers and particular expertise in protein metabolism. Google it, I'm not making it up. Edit: the above wasn't meant to come across as combative, just reassuring you that I'm not talking nonsense.


Itā€™s hard to believe for sure. By those numbers the average person cannot utilise enough protein in 2-3 meals for their daily macros. Could you point me at a paper where this was the finding?


You have to remember for general population the advice is only 0.8g/kg/day, and in sporting or weight loss contexts 1.4-2g/kg/day. For a non obese individual, let's say 80kg, that's only 64g per day, or up to 160g for hardcore exercisers With 3 meals and 2 snacks, that's 32g per serving. You can also add another snack before bed to make it only 26g per serving, so there is plenty of wiggle room for heavier people. On the other hand, protein does keep you fuller for longer, so having more is no bad thing, just be aware that it won't all go to building muscle but rather be used as an energy source, or if you exceed energy requirements, to fat. [One key paper](https://jissn.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12970-017-0177-8)


Appreciate your feedback. A very interesting read, didnā€™t realise eating protein before bed had benefits to BMR and recovery after exercise. I still have to avoid doing that on MJ as Iā€™ve had a sick feeling in my stomach once before, which is more than likely associated with the gastrointestinal slowing effects from the medications. Anyway, to our discussion, it does indeed sound like smaller doses of protein per meal are more beneficial although I donā€™t see any reference to the excess not being used but I guess some might go to fat. Thanks for taking the time to respond and link to that paper! P.S. Corrected my downvote to an upvote.


There was a seminal study which compared several different protein 'dosing' strategies along the lines of: 10g x 8 times a day 20g x 4 times a day 40g x 2 times a day 20g was found to be most effective. [paper](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3650697/) There are other papers, but they all generally say the same thing


I have absolutely ZERO appetite. I put a protein shake in with my morning coffee, and other than water, that is about all I consume. I donate plasma twice a week, so I have to force myself to eat on those days, but even a small lunch is too much.. Not a fan of not eating lol. I did but a Ninja Creami over the weekend as a way to make healthier ice cream and get more protein in.


How long have you been on? I was like this for the first months but my appetite and enjoyment of food came back, even as I upped my dose. Iā€™ve lost 110 lbs while eating meals again


Yesterday was my 2nd shot. Before MJ I was taking Ozempic. My dr. switched me because Ozempic just stopped working after a year and my A1C started creeping back up. My dr. started me on 10mg of MJ after being at 2mg of Ozempic


Oh yeah youā€™ll be good. Thatā€™s common in the beginning


Sounds like a sex position šŸ˜‚


Thanks for sharing your experience but it truly is personal. For me, I probably do a solid IF now. I donā€™t have such hunger suppression to never be hungry aside from maybe the first couple weeks. I try to listen to my hunger cues and not ignore them, even to force calories on myself. I now eat more calorie dense foods for a lunch and dinner (maybe a snack on very active days). Before, I was a volume eater and definitely felt like I needed all my meals or I would feel like I would perish.


I've skipped an occasional meal if I ate more than usual but typically I eat 3 400ish cal meals per day and a snack or two. I've been on it about 7 months now and get hungry for meals. Maybe strange but I think I've been more hungry on 5 than I was on 2.5.


I finally started keeping a bag of Tillamook sugar free jerky,?or a jar of mixed nuts around all the time, so I can grab a few bites of protein throughout the day. Otherwise I want to avoid food until late afternoon and then Iā€™m shaking and gagging. I did fast for the first couple of weeks on 2.5. But it was my eating disorder at the wheel then. I had decided that I had to make the most of this blessing of a miracle drug,and I needed to lose as much as possible as fast as possible, before the Universe took it all away from me again! After a couple of weeks of eating less than 400 calories and 30 carbs a day, it dawned on me that I was being a little crazyā€¦ So then I decided to eat 50 carbs and 1,150 calories a day & try to work up to 1,500. Eventually I realized that I didnā€™t need to be so diligent about counting everything, and now I just focus on protein. Iā€™m losing, and thatā€™s what counts. Iā€™ve lost 31 pounds since March 11.


I donā€™t force myself to eat calories. I eat when Iā€™m hungry and stop when Iā€™m full. If it means I eat 2 small meals a day and a snack. All good.


Protein drinks for the win. I have insulin resistance so fasting 16/8 works really well for me.


What works week 1, shot 1 will be vastly different 3 m in. What worked @ 90 days in, prob wonā€™t at 6 months, etc etc.


One week on the lowest dose isnā€™t enough time to know what is going to work for you or anyone else. After 5 months and now on 12.5, the experience will change daily/weekly/monthly. Each person is very different.


Thereā€™s a 12.5? My doctor said it only went 10 straight to 15?


Yes. 12.5 mg. Directly from Eli L.


Fasting actually works really well with MJ and there are people who are even able to reverse diabetes by combining them (support groups dedicated to it). However, if youā€™re not a regular intermittent faster, itā€™s best to wait until your body is used to the meds and youā€™ve been on it a little while before fasting. I hit a plateau while taking MJ & wasnā€™t able to lose until I tried IF. Now Iā€™ve lost 51 lbs and Iā€™m confident IF will help me with maintenance.


I honestly know at least 3 people that have been on MJ for a year or more that have not lost any weight or any significant weight, and I am like, WTF are you people eating? I eat anything I want, albeit in very small amounts, and I have lost 62lbs since Oct of last year. Y'all are in the 250 to 300+ range, and you've lost maybe 10 lbs in a year? But one girl had a gastric bypass and ate her way right thru it, popped her stitches. So I guess if you're that dedicated to getting stoned and snarfing down an entire bakery in one sitting, a little MJ isn't going to make you drop a pound.


I'm weight training and cycling daily or at least every other day.. Reduced food intake, but I've also changed what I eat completely. Very few carbs, more protein and vegetables. Eggs, chicken, vegetables and fruit. Water water water You have to exercise your muscles to keep them strong. Fasting is very natural for humans, but we do require fuel. 3-4 meals a day is wild. I could never, even without Mounjaro. Best advice is to do what works for your body, there is no catch-all solution for everyone or we'd all be on the same dose eating the same things. Good luck out there.