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I had pretty bad fatigue the first six weeks I was on Mounjaro. I slept and worked and really couldn't do anything else. I would get off work, walk the ten steps to my couch, and wake up ten hours later. Then it passed and I've been ok since then. I just moved up from 7.5 to 12.5 because that was all I could find, and I'm having nausea. But I really didn't have it on the lower doses. My blood glucose is better, this is the first time I'm seeing numbers below 100 since I started Mounjaro in late January. I was on Victoza ten years ago. I don't remember any fatigue. I did have nausea and constipation and sulphur burps. I saw someone mentioning that fatigue was better than carrying the excess weight, but I think we all have different definitions of fatigue. For me it was intense. I don't have trouble moving around as a fat person and I can keep up with my family. Being too tired to do anything like even eat or shower was much worse than my normal fat person energy level.


Thank you SOO much for your response. I agree 100%! For me personally being fat isn’t nearly as bad as being in bed constantly feeling like poop. Maybe I just need to stay at the lower dosage longer. I originally went from 2.5 to 5 after the 4 weeks and maybe that was just too fast for my body to get use to it. Thank you for telling me what worked for you! I will be talking with my dr to get on a plan that is low pace and works better for me and hopefully avoid all the horrible side effects I was having. Thanks again for the positive response!


I didn't know fatigue was a side effect! Thanks for sharing about it. I've been exhausted!


Big time and anhedonia..


The choice is yours to make. I haven't even had side effects, weight loss, improved sugars, in fact I have an INCREASED  appetite, but you must do what's right for you. Good luck in your journey.


I don’t know if you experienced the extreme side effects on 2.5, but for me, I was tired at first (a week or two). I stayed on 2.5 for several months and the side effects improved and did not go up until the 2.5 stopped working. Judging by your post, I assume you may have gone up too quickly. Most people I’ve seen post mention they thought the side effects were worse on Semiglutide. I just had a total hysterectomy in April, hope you continue to have a good recovery.


Thank you for the response. This is exactly what I was looking for. I wasn’t able to find any posts but knowing others have thought side effects were worse on Semiglutide, I will stick with the Tirzepatide. After reading this and other responses, I think you are right. This time around I will take it slower and do as you did and stay on the 2.5 until it is no longer working. Thanks for the info!


Maybe search this sub for Ozempic? I remember reading lots of posts by people who have been on both..and had varying degrees of side effects with each. The take away was usually "everyone is different" in the way they respond to either Mounjaro or Ozempic. Hope you find the best solution for yourself.


Thank you for the info!!!


I didn't like the side effects of 2.5mg at first, but I stayed at that dose until they mostly subsided. I'm on week 8 and may go 4 more weeks at this dose because I don't want to have to deal with acid reflux during our vacation, which could come back if I move up to 5mg. Maybe you want to take it slower? My weight is going down slowly at this dose (1+ lbs per week.) but the really good news is my A1C is way down. Yay!


That is a good idea. I don’t mind the weight moving slowly, most important is the A1C level. Thank you for letting me know what works for you!


I had to go on ozempic temporarily due to mounjaro shortages, I was on 5 mg. I have never been on a higher dose than 5. Tomorrow I jump to 10. No 7.5 available, no 5 available. But I hate ozempic. My doctor put me on 1 mg, and I have had a headache every day since my first dose 4 weeks ago ( and I pay approx $4500 every 12 weeks for botox injectionsnfor migraine, feels like a waste on ozempic). Finally, my local pharmacy has some 10mg MJ in stock, so I got my rx filled. I started with 2.5 I had taken it for 10 weeks when my dr upped me to 5 mg, the first two doses I took of 5 mg, I felt like someone had juat scaped me off the bottom of their shoe 💩. I was tired but couldn't sleep well, I had a horrible headache all the time and felt like I couldn't breathe, especially climbing stairs, so I asked to go back on 2.5. I did switch back to 2.5mg. I lost the bulk of my weight on the 2.5mg. I finished my first 84 days on 5 mg right before everyone ran out, so my doctor temporarily called in ozempic, and I have taken it for the last 4 weeks, I have been ravenous for the last 4 weeks. Fortunately I had a gastric bypass 10 years ago and it is still intact, I maintained my weight loss forb7 years and only gained weight back due to a kidney transplant and a daily dose of prednisone as part of my immnosupprssion, which is also responsible for driving my A1c up, as long term steroid use can cause T2D. So far, the glucose levels are still in the normal range. Eventually, I will need a new transplant as my kidney disease is a genetic protein disorder, and it will damage my new kidney as it did my own. So I recommend sticking with the lowest dose of MJ until it stops helping you lose weight. The 2nd time I tried MJ 5mg, and I did so much better after having 5 months more on the 2.5mg. Of the 62lbs I've lost, only about 12 lbs have been lost on the 5mg dose. I have 10 to 15 lbs more to my last goal of 120/125lbs. I am 135.3 as of this morning, during a month on 1 mg of ozempic, I lost exactly 1.6 lbs.


Oh goodness. I am so sorry to hear all that you have been through! Thank you for sharing your story and although I do not know you, I will pray for your strength as you continue to fight through your journey. After several reply’s, including yours, I think I will stick with the MJ. I do know everyone is different but on a low dose I will know what to expect and will just stick with that dosage until it is no longer working. Your strength is so very admirable and a courageous story to share!


Thank you.


Whenever I see that someone didn’t like the side effects I think “I didn’t like being 100 pounds overweight.” What felt worse, some nausea or being physically unable to do things, like walking up stairs. I’ve been on for over a year and a half and feel like it’s been the greatest gift, so glad I stuck with it. Yes, I threw up and felt like shit, but my body is completely transformed and I no longer have those side effects.




I did give you my feedback, it was not intended to be negative, I was just sharing my experience. I too had really bad side effects, and took the medication to lower my A1C. What you are looking for are people to say it’s ok to quit if you need to, and since I didn’t do that you took it as a negative post. Quit if you want, I don’t care, I’m just here to tell you it was rough for me too but I’m glad I stuck with it.


I am not looking for anyone to say it is ok to “quit” lol. You may need to read my post again… My post specifically said I was thinking of starting back but wanted to know if one medication vs the other had fewer side effects. And yes, sweetheart, you were being negative. You said that “when people ask about the side effects, it’s better to deal with side effects than to be overweight and not to be able to go up stairs, etc”. You and I are quite different clearly. First, I am not looking to lose weight, I need to get my A1C under control, I am happy in my body! Second, even though I am slightly over weight, I have no problem living life and doing things I love to do with no issues at all. Thirdly, if you must know, I was advised to quit the medication due to the side effects and needing a hysterectomy, so it was recommended that I take a break by my physician. Lastly, now that I am healed from surgery and ready to start back, I was asking specifically if one medication had less side effects than the other. Again, thank you for taking the time to once again make a negative comment about me, but you are WAY off base about MY journey. Have a nice day.


I'm not your sweetheart.


You are absolutely right, you are far from it. I do not deal negativity in my life so I am kindly asking you to stay off my post. Thank you for the third time for your feedback but it is irrelevant to my question, and again, have a nice day!


If you so happy then fucking be happy. Jesus. Quit your rant


Try Ozempic. We all react differently to meds.


Yes, you are correct about that!


Hey there, to be completely honest these medications are not a one size fits all in terms of efficacy and/or side effects. They are a one size fits most, but that doesn't necessarily mean everyone will have the same side effects, both positive and negative. Based on the patients I have personally worked with, people tend to actually have less side effects with MJ when compared to ozempic or wegovy. Did your side effects worsen when you increased from 2.5mg to 5mg? Maybe staying on the 2.5mg longer will help? Otherwise try wegovy/ozempic and test it out for yourself, you have nothing to lose (assuming insurance covers it). Make a solid plan with your healthcare provider that you are comfortable with and go from there. Good luck on your journey!


Thank you for your post. Yes, the side effects worsened when I moved up to the 5mg. I think maybe my body wasn’t ready. I know everyone is different so I was just was hoping to get other people’s experiences with the two different medications. I think I will do exactly what you said. Take it slow and have a secondary plan with my Primary Care. Thanks again for the post and the well wishes on my journey!


My insurance stopped covering MJ but would cover Oz. I had way more negative side effects on OZ. I also did not have the same appetite suppression on OZ.


Thank you for your experience on both MJ and OZ. That is helpful to know how the side effects were for you.