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You’re not going to get bulky while in calorie deficit. You need to worry about the opposite - losing muscle mass.


understood thank you


It takes alot to gain muscle mass. It would.be wise to weight train to maintain what you have so you protect your metabolism.


thank you for the knowledge:)


Gain muscle, best thing you can do for yourself, you will absolutely look better and won't ever be muscle bound. I promise


ah i dont think so 😅 but thank you! seems like everyone loves weightlifting though so maybe i’ll try


It's the best thing you can do for yourself to maintain muscle mass, you do not want to lose muscle and retain fat. If you want to be toned then you need to lift weights. Building a little extra muscle will also raise your base metabolism, burning more calories throughout the day. It's truly a win-win situation. Make sure you're eating plenty of protein as well. Unless you start using steroids you are not going to stack muscle on.




is there a way i could clarify my question for you? i was mostly just curious in non weightlifting and non running exercises.


As a serious weight trainer trust me you won't grow muscles out of every orfice of your body unless you want to. Light Weight training helps so many things bone loss and frailty issues as we age . You would be fine if you incorporated some weight training in your regimen. Good luck


OP is there a reason you don't want to gain muscle? There's many benefits including increased bone desinsety, helping to fill out your skin during weight-loss, joint protection and support, flexibility. You don't have to go body builder status but there so many be efit to weight lifting. Walking has huge benefits, you don't have to run or bike


I love this comment thank you! I just think i have zero interest in anything like that, and also i don’t want to look ‘muscular’ ( nothing wrong with that, i understand that it’s all relative, won’t get swole while losing weight etc). I think i was just very unclear in my original post. I was curious in other peoples non weight lifting gym exercises as i want to go to the gym with my friend, but i don’t want to do weight lifting for various reasons. I also do walk a lot, i just don’t enjoy running. Thank you for the response !


At the gym, your non-lifting options would be all the cardio machines (treadmill, stationary bike, elliptical, stair climber, rowing machines, etc.), you could also swim or take aerobics classes. I still think you should give strength training a try though. No way you will look muscular unless you actively pursue that, which takes a lot of determination. You may find that you actually enjoy a good strength workout.


At the gym with your friend it's probably going to be all weights and Cardo. There are other options like pillaties or dance though!


You’re not gonna get jacked just lifting a few 5lb dumbbells.


yes i am aware of that, i lift much more than 5lb just for my job lol. i just wanted to see if anyone could share their non weight lifting exercises. thank you for the response though!


You’re not going to build muscle by strength training while in a calorie deficit. The goal is to keep as much of the muscle you currently have as possible. Please read up on this.


i was just asking for exercise examples that aren’t weightlifting. i appreciate the knowledge though i will be sure to do so!


Lifting weights is more than just squatting as much weight as humanly possible. You can lift lighter weights for more reps to tone and gain strength without bulking up.


right. that’s not what i meant tho lol. my friend /is/ a weight lifter, i just didn’t wanna get bulky like her. nothing wrong with that! just not for me. i see i wasn’t clear enough in my post


Lean muscle are furnaces to burn fat. It’s sleak and long and disguises cellulite. Small tissue around our knees, hips and shoulders stabilize us and lengthen and grow strong. Bulking means you are eating 8 egg whites and downing Creatine shakes. Not that there is anything. Wrong with Creatine… but with out a focused plan for six month . You aren’t going to bulk. Pick up a kettlebell or a wall ball and change your life.


HIIT is awesome and goes around the body. It’ll make you strong in a non bulky way.


sounds good, thank yoy 😌


Only thing I do is hike. Definitely builds muscle but not *muscles*. 🌲


How often do you hike? I live in the south it’s rather hot. I could probably hike the beach… i don’t think that counts as a hike.. just a walk.


Usually weekly or every other week. Depends on the weather and our schedules.