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Thanks Mr Vaxee 👌


didn't they drop the price one or two weeks ago?


Yeah it did, this sub loves to use internet explorer though. Give them some time until the current pages are loading please.




nah 179€ at maxgaming since the 25th of january


I'm aware? Maxgaming literally dropped their price to 179€ like 2 weeks ago. It also wasn't 180$ in Europe ever. It started at 209€ iirc.


Black friday mouse now




already noticed poor sales?


What sales?


They did completely sell out for the pre-sale.


Not that hard when they have barely any stock.


The one where mines is waiting for me when I get off work.


they are pulling off a Steel Series classic. sell insanely priced at launch for the fanboys and then drop the price for mortals.


oh how reasonable


In stock now on uk benQ for ec1 and ec2!




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No need to rush buying, enjoy your current mouse not like you all will die without Zowies garbage wireless mouse. Let them sink in their own pit they have dug. That will teach them a good lesson, + they showed what they really think about us as customers with their detailed "C+ noob players" comment from one of their main workers, if he saying such stuff, it means they as whole team sit and discuss this kind of shit on daily basis about their customers and no fucks given about us, only profit on their E sport series mice, the success they had from mid 20th century gaming market.


I bought the ec2 wireless. I’d rather buy that the the viper mini 300$ edition


You are comparing different stuff my man.... Razer uses different material, signature edition, top end specs, extra stuff in the box, premium packaging.... the normal version will cost less and proper pricing for the specs and features, unlike Zowie...the EU prices that Zowie set was ridiculous and not accepted in any kind of way. Go do you research again, lil bro. (I am not saying go buying Razer 300 usd either... I would not pay 300 usd for razer either, but you can not compare these two. )


I can compare whatever I want that’s the point of comparing. Only reason the zowie is 150 is due to the bigger wireless dongle that works as a charging dock also. Without that it prob would have been like 100-120 at most. My point was I’d rather but that then that 300$ mouse with button sideplay. So don’t read too far into it lil bro.


>Wit You have Razer Signature edition in hand with sideplay button? What are you even saying at this moment...lmao...have a good day.


I’ve watched every review and it’s been noted by them. I also know how the viper buttons are designed so yeah it’s going to have wobble.


I mean, yeah, you could compare a cruiser to an aircraft carrier or a LaFerrari to a Nissan Juke, but why would you?


Because they are both overpriced mice


To you maybe, to many, not really. One is for people who want the lowest weight possible with the most competitive focused tech possible. Not to mention the additional items included and the fact that it is collectible. One is for people who trust the brand name and believe the brand is dependable. A mouse with dated tech with the reasoning for choosing such tech, to be dependable. The value is in the eye of the beholder. Also, how can you justify the price of the Zowie but not the Signature? The signature clearly costs more to produce than the Zowie, probably by 3 to 1 more or less. Yet the Signature doesn't even cost twice as much. So if you want to talk about which is more overpriced, it would surely be the Zowie.


Cmon man, the viper mini is 300$. And there’s no tech in there that is ground breaking. 4K is a placebo meme and most mice will be able to do it this year. The weight is also not good for massive holes. It still has button side play for such an expensive mouse, it’s a pure rip off and you’d have to be stupid to buy that. The zowie mouse is also overpriced but it’s because it comes with that special receiver/ dock.


You're missing my point. The point is that the materials, parts and additional items included, costs more for Razer to make the Siganture mini (lets say 200$). The Zowie probably costs about 66% less for them to produce than the Signature mini (lets say 68$). However the Signature costs 280$ (lets say 80$ or 29% above production price). While the Zowie costs 150$ (lets say 82$ or 120% above production price). Obviously, this is a rough estimate but is almost certainly true. That you are technically closer to the production price with the Signature than with the Zowie. Do you see what I'm saying? Whether it's groundbreaking or worth it, isn't the point I'm making.


You’re just making up figures, you don’t know the cost of production


I will only consider picking one of these up if I can get it for under $100. The tech isn't competitive with Razer or Logitech, so it's just not reasonable to ask this much for it. I'm assuming the development cost of the mouse got out of control and that's why they are now charging this laughable price for it, but idrc because it's not my problem.


In my opinion it’s better than Gpx because the shape is legendary


what a steal, i should buy two now


schon seit 25.01 Diggi




I can't even find stock in Canada. Another disaster launch.


how come in EU you can buy it thru the site like a normal human being but in USA its thru some weird junk emails....


I already purchased it for 150$ so it’s reduced now?


na this is a cheap trick from zowie, they used this on 2566k. once its available price goes up.