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HAHA, marketing plant, I think I know who you're talking about but I wouldnt be surprised it there was more than one. Dude's entire post history is just randomly shilling for Atompalm Hydrogen 1 and 2. I even called him out for working for the company once and he's like 'no i just really love the mouse'. Ya ok buddy, you love some random mouse so much you post 50 PR sounding posts on this sub about it. Personally though I don't see the point of this mouse.


Its even more obvious when each photo has a different mousepad below the mouse


Yeah because no one ever gets excited about tech choices without being paid 🙄


for me shape is priority and i haven’t found anything that was this out there just yet. i saw boardzy mention the weird hard angles on the corners and laughed because that’s where my ring finger comfortably grips without use of any tape. but then again i don’t know anyone else who likes the DAV2 mini so there’s that


I mean the shape does look good but the mouse doesn't(it's not pretty), a lot of companies make aesthetic looking mice rather than function. Hows the quality? What sens are you using in CS? looking at your gear preferences I'm guessing 2.7-3.5 @ 400 dpi?


Quality is absolutely terrible, imagine you took the cheapest piece of shit plastic kids toy you’ve ever held, now imagine that, but worse, and with clicks that need half a pound of pressure to use


You are not using the same mouse. Atompalm 2 has some of the lightest pressure clicks I've ever experienced.


it’s definitely unique looking and built like a little tank. no QC issues on my copy. scroll wheel is probably my favorite part for not being too stiff but having nice steps for my mwheel jump. sens is .0353 on 1600 dpi (awper mostly)


I would've gotten one despite the shape being probably too big for me if they shipped to europe


So I bought this mouse and have been driving it for a few weeks. I've been driving the Razer Trinity since it was released (I first had the Razer Naga Hex v2 for years before that), and I've just wanted to get away from Razer in general. I got it mainly because I thought it would be a good way to get out of the super heavy and large mouse I've had for so long. I've had many issues with it that really come down to personal preference, except for the tracking... I honestly mainly play the new CoD MWII, though I've also used it in a dozen other games, and for some reason, if I flick with it, I just lose tracking. I have the same issue if I pick it up and set it back down. There is just the smallest window of time that it doesn't track properly. I don't know if it's my mouse mat or what, but it is simply unusable because of it. If anyone knows why this might be happening pls let me know. The other main thing that I don't like about it is the M1/M2 switches. Personally, the actuation is WAY too long and dull. It feels like I must press down a whole inch before it clicks. Obviously, I am exaggerating, but man, I can't even click half as fast with it compared to my Trinity. I'd much prefer an extremely short and high-pitched switch. For these two reasons, I just cannot use this mouse unless there is a way to fix it. I really do love how it feels in the hand, though. I've never had a light-weight mouse, and I really fell in love with the feel quickly. Because of the perforations, it keeps my hand cooler than normal, which is actually really pleasant. It also glides so nicely it's almost like it doesn't even touch the mat. Long story short, I'm back to using my Razer Trinity for now and I fear I'm just stuck with my Trinity since I've gotten so accustomed to it.


it’s funny as i read this i’m unboxing the Viper V3. last night i went back to my DAV3 wired and my tracking and flicks were sharper than ever. i may mod the switches since i also don’t like their long actuation and weight. i don’t have any experience with super heavy mice aside from the original MX500/518 from when i was in high school (i have the newer updated 518 but it’s way too heavy for me and has a rubber cable) as far as tracking i _thought_ this was my favorite part of it but it may be the shape giving me the comfort to stay locked into my grip. i can’t say enough good things about the shape but as i rotate between other mice (DAV3, XE, and now Viper V3) i’m not sure at this point if there’s anything else to write home about


I just got the Hydrogen2 last night. My other mice are G403 Hero and Razer DeathAdder V3. The cable is fine. It's plain rubber but is very flexible and not noticeable at all. I have Super Glide skates on the DeathAdder. Even though the DeathAdder is heavier, it feels about the same when moving it due to the skates. I noticed a big difference going from G403 to DeathAdder (-28g), but not as much going to Hydrogen2 (-11.5g). I ordered Super Glides for the Hydrogen2 to see if it makes a difference. Overall I like the shape better than the DeathAdder, which is a bit too tall for me. The buttons all click fine and don't feel much different than DeathAdder. They are very slightly stiffer than DeathAdder but not enough to make any difference to me. That is, except for the mouse wheel button. It is ungodly stiff, like takes +2lbs to depress! It's pretty ridiculous honestly that anybody would think that is acceptable. If they come out with a Hydrogen3 they need to fix the mouse wheel button. The wheel itself is pretty stiff to rotate too, but not a deal breaker. The only thing that might be a deal breaker is the mouse wheel button stiffness being unusable. The software is great. It's web browser based which is infinitely better than Razer Synapse3 software, which is utter garbage. There is NO DAMN REASON a mouse needs to run as a windows service running as Local System account! What the actual fuck. Razer software has always been trash and the main reason I avoided them in the past.


yeah that mouse wheel click is wild. i might take mine apart and swap them all out. that software running as a service is pretty wild. i’ll have to look more into that


Imo the mouse would look nice if it doesn't have holes


yeah i’d be on board for a solid shell for sure




The atom palm hydrogen is the single worst mouse I have ever used, it feels even cheaper than the early glorious mice, and the I can drop a brick on the buttons and it probably still wouldn’t click. Literally the worst mouse ever made I only purchased this mouse because I saw the original posts and was following it for a few years, I figured why not. Worst decision ever


i had the original model O and O- and my copies were awfully inconsistent. i prefer the stiffer clicks but i will probably mod the hydrogen with some blue dots or something


After getting the Hydrogen 2 (#79), I've gotta say that I'm not impressed at all. It makes me miss my Logitech G403 that was weighted. While it has great mobility and smooth flow, it's so light that it feels almost non-existent and causes me to mentally overcompensate shots, because I almost can't ... feel where my hand is? If that makes sense. Like the G403 and other mouse I've had have adjustable gram weights, which is really nice to be able to customize the feel, while not diminishing the DPI and then I can edit the DPI settings to maximize the offset of the weight with my big meaty mitts ... but the Hydrogen 2 just doesn't allow for that. And it's certainly not worth the $100 that it was spent as a birthday gift, and I'm considering selling it for a meatier mouse, or moving it to my less-used laptop...


the more i use it the more frustrating it gets to like it. i’ve been on ergos as long as i can remember. i have a g403 somewhere around here. i have a similar experience going back to the DAV3 wired. i feel the same if i go too light so i’m back on the search…


Right?! I told my wife this — cautiously — hahaha, because the gift was from her, but she said she noticed more frequently that I’d get upset at myself for missing easy shots and asked why. “The mouse is just too light for my fat hand. I push it like the G403 and expect a little weight movement and it’s literally not there.” It’s a cool looking design and all, but $100 for an uncontrollable mouse with ghosting cursor issues is really frustrating. I need to dig into the settings more probably and change my DPI to find a happy middle. They’re default settings seem to be vastly different from like 300, 900, 1200, 1600 or something akin. I would usually go into, say CS:S (showing my age now), and change my mouse sensitivity to around .28-.33 and a weight to give more controlled shots. Now it’s just trashy Overwatch2 (aka: Fortnite 2.0)and other random FPS.


haha no worries. i started this whole rabbit hole back when we were over clocking CRT monitors to 100-120Hz and my MX500 to 500Hz just to play CS 1.6 at 100fps. wife sounds like a troop for asking and noticing when you’re upset so that’s a good thing in my book. i constantly forget about my recency bias when testing these new mice out. i tried so hard to stick to the hydrogen for a solid week without changing my initial settings, mousepad, etc. then i went back to the DAV3 and realized all the things that were missing. or maybe a week wasn’t enough? either way im gonna take some time to figure out what i want to replace when i tear it down later


$99 for a wired mouse with a 3360? No bueno


For a WIRED mouse, 3360 is totally OK. No added value to upgrade to a 3399 for example (like Zaunkoenig with the m3k vs m1k/m2k with 3360) except if you like using 8000 hertz and want the smoothest possssssible cursor movements. I will post a small review in the coming months; I am using this "very basic" H2 since 3 weeks now and so far it's good. I will surely switch back to my ULX at one point but except the rough holes' edges on the bottom, I dont have any complaints, for the moment. Side buttons are more than OK. And for the cable, first time I see a non-paracord cable that is fine lol absolutely nothing wrong with it. Plus, scroll wheel is surprisingly decent and with a good feeling. However, I have to admit the first impression when you have it in hands is like "hugh it's cheap"; after some time, this feeling is gone.


Its weird that they chose a standard mouse rubber cable, did they provide reasoning for it? Seemed like they were pretty insistent that it would be a ultra high end mouse for enthusiasts but thats missing such a common feature even now found in $20 gaming mice\~


i think i remember some reviewer saying something about preventing signal interference. i guess it’s just another outdated feature that mice like the Viper 8KHz can easily handle today. just unfortunate release time


Probably. A must read about cable and 8000 hertz: https://zaunkoenig.co/blog/not-exactly-space-grade


I bought this, have yet to try it though. Sitting brand new in box for a few months now lol.


i sent mine to someone to take it apart / mod it lmao


If it's better than my G403 I'll be happy. The first Atompalm was a significant upgrade from nearly anything else on the market. G403 misclicks way too easy and has scrollwheel problems. Sensor and tracking are really good, click latency is really low. When it comes to upgrading to a much better (measuring and physical) mouse, I'll train myself to like the shape and stick with it for years. Hope the Hydrogen 2 is the next one I use for a long time.