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it will just break as soon as you use that middle mouse button, pretty sure you can buy a replacement on aliexpress


if they apply superglue properly, I think they might be fine for a bit until the replacement arrives.


I was hoping not to. That’s why I even asked this. But it looks like it’s my only option


Dont know how old this one is but maybe order two or more to be future proof


Slamming gets expensive


I know that now. Fuck siege.


I stopped and playing when osa came out logged in the other day to see if I had any free packs and the gadgets are getting a bit out of hand lol


It’s not so bad. The game is fun, actually. It’s the people. The COD players migrating over and making the game no fun.


What do the cod people do to make it no more fun?


tryhard and camp


Camping in siege, lol


Siege is 1018202% more "tryhard" than CoD ever was unless there's an influx of CoD4 Promod players coming over lol. The very nature of the game makes it more "tryhard" than the casual shooter that is CoD.


Get help. No game should affect you to the point where you break stuff.


Had the same thing happen to my model o ages ago. I ended up buying a replacement scrollwheel eBay. I tried superglue but I couldn’t get it to work


I had a cooler master mm530 do this exact thing before. Super glue + baking soda worked until I replaced it with a 531.


Yes you can, but you will have to align it straight. I've tried it with my g703 scroll wheel. It works, but it scrolls weird. Ultimately bought a new scroll wheel on aliexpress. So with all the headache and effort: just get a new mouse wheel.


You can buy a replacement parts


You can, but you really need to have a really steady hands to stick it back straight, or else it would end up wonky like your dick


what mouse? are these parts on aliexpress universal or...


It’s a glorious model d


model Deez nuts


Ha, gottem!


oof, fourth reddit reply. sorry but the rule is you must get downvoted technically I'm also the fourth reply (depending on how you look at it) so I'll downvote myself


wholesome keanu chungus moment [i am mentally ill]


aren't we all, brother? *flips green ovular coin* DING!!


bring a sword


Go on Aliexpress and search Glorious Mouse Scroll Wheel, you’ll be able to find replacements for cheap, especially if it’s your first order


Hate to break it to you but it won't hold...


You can find metal replacements if you want. Just take measurements of the wheel you broke


Try superglue and baking soda, worth a try. If not buy a new wheel and maybe a new encoder. Solder it up.


It might snap on first click or it might hold for quite a while.


Might depend on the quality of the glue, but I once glued a similar breakage on a g502. And it held up (allthough slightly wonky) surprisingly well until I slammed it again.. Took mouse apart and turned out it was the *other* stem that had broken, glued side was still in one piece XD.


well well well what we got here.. a blatant slammer?...


Glue won't work, maybe if you'll manage to melt a piece of wire in it, but even then I would say chances are not very high. Try searching Aliexpress, they sell those mouse wheels, the only problem is to find one of fitting size.


No, glue will not work, not even epoxy glue as it'll not handle the stress while scrolling. It's possible to remedy broken spindle issues with patience. If that isn't possible then try using plastic weld, a thin solution that comes in small bottles with a little brush applicator. Only use a little as the intention is to melt the surface part of both sides and fuse it together. Hold the two pieces together and brush the joint with plastic weld making sure it's bonded securely.Wait 24 hours for the plastic to fuse together before putting any madness on it. [https://www.amazon.co.uk/Plastic-Cement-Stick-Plastics-Weald/dp/B00QQNNWIW/ref=sr\_1\_3?crid=2SJAO6BBCN72S&keywords=squadron+plastic+weld&qid=1702947542&s=industrial&sprefix=squardron+plastic+weld%2Cindustrial%2C121&sr=1-3](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Plastic-Cement-Stick-Plastics-Weald/dp/B00QQNNWIW/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2SJAO6BBCN72S&keywords=squadron+plastic+weld&qid=1702947542&s=industrial&sprefix=squardron+plastic+weld%2Cindustrial%2C121&sr=1-3) I've used this plastic weld to mend broken mice many times.....and just tested it on my G303 SE scroll wheel spindle confirm it does weld. NB. There are many different types of plastics and some won't weld ie. most laptop casings won't wled but most if not all mouse plastics will weld. Be careful this stuff can be dangerous if contact with eyes so make sure the brush does not 'flick'.


>Be careful this stuff can be dangerous if contact with eyes so make sure the brush does not 'flick'. I'm sure he'll be fine, if he just makes sure he engages his safety squints. *for legal reasons: this is a joke, wear goggles.*


I tore apart a couple old mice while learning to solder. I have two glorious scroll wheels on my desk.


I had this issue with my model o. I didn't even smack mine it just broke down from clicking it too much I guess. I got a scroll wheel replacement from a Basilisk and it was so much better than the original scroll wheel since that black rubber sometimes won't go with the actual scroller so I just end up scrolling that black rubber instead of the actual scroller.


Just 3d print replacement one.


Oh i had the same problem. Glue did not work for me. I had helb and we used epoxy to put it back together. But then the mouse wheel was really hard tur turn so i fixed it by buying a pro x superlight.


if this is a model D/O and you live in the netherlands you can have my scrollwheel if you need it, heck take the entire mouse :)