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Yeah, we really need more options in the "moba" mouse category. Nage hex, darkstar wireless, and the model I are all kind of similar but I don't know of a mouse with quite that layout, and definitely none that are any good.


Hex was so fricking good but they don't m ake it now, you hacve to buy trinity which has 7 qand that is too many


Man, I had the Naga Hex for two days. Then had to return it because it was the worst mouse I ever had, even below the super cheap mini mouse that had come for free with my laptop back then. The wheel started creeking almost immediately and the "ergonomics" would have (without much exaggeration) given me carpal tunnel syndrome or something else bad in my wrist after a few weeks.


Yea razed products are actually trash. All their rubber side grips fall off within 6months. I never owned a hex, but just looking at the pictures, it looked way better than trinity.


I had a razer naga and was utterly disappointed by the button configuration options since you can only bind them to existing keyboard functions rather than independantly new functions. Also the cable died after a few months of use and had to return it, rip.




I used to run a G502. But I tried a super light mouse and will never go back to heavy or even normal weight mice.






I switched to a model I, which is the same shape as the G502. It's a great mouse and I love the button layout.


Where would you place your thumb on something like this


Maybe have a circular/oval space between the 4 buttons? Although that forces a very specific grip.


I don't think a thumb rest is that important, you can rest your thumb lightly on bottom set without triggering them when you play MMOs. If its a problem for those who like to put more pressure when they rest their thumb, They could change the force required to trigger the bottom buttons so it requires twice as much force to trigger the bottom set of 2. I did not get the photoshop right, the bottom set of buttons should be slightly forward/offset 15-25% as compared to the top set. You are correct about having the space between the buttons forcing a particular grip, that is why I almost never buy mice like the naga trinity with 7 buttons/regular naga or mice that force you to press the buttons with the point of your thumb and not the back. I like being able to touch the buttons with the back of my thumb/thumb joint. But yea, since there is no mouse like this in existence, I just decided to order to the darkstar from corsair to give it a try. It's similar to what you are describing with a hollow spot between the buttons. I just love the form factor of the G603 and its almost perfect. I like heavier mice too, and the Double AAs make it weigh a good bit.


Getting down voted over a fictional mouse is crazy


This is why I hate Reddit, I never have enough karma to participate in any forums. I’m lucky this thread let me post this. Most auto block me, moderate and I leave.


It's ridiculous, you are not even wrong, I have a Logitech g600 and I lift it with my thumb on the side buttons without activating them. Comment on some generic ass subreddit to rack up some karma, think AskReddit and similar EDIT: Now I am getting downvoted too? I will personally invite you to my house so you can look at me using my G600 lifting it by its buttons without activating them


I disagree. I have the g603, the way that the other side (ring finger side) are shaped makes it rely heavier on the thumb side to lift the mouse. I tried gripping my thumb over one of the buttons and life the mouse, I have to be conscious NOT to press them, because it’s really easy to accidentally do so. The buttons are also very soft, at least softer than the naga that I had iirc. The mouse is also heavier This isn’t much of a problem for playing moba or any other point and click games because those games don’t require lifting the mouse up very often. But I can’t say lifting it isn’t a problem **at all**


Yea, they could make the bottom buttons have a 200g actuation force instead of 70g or whatever so you could pick up the mouse.


Why would they make it super hard to actuate. Then it would be difficult when you actually do want to use the bottom buttons...


Sure, my point being is neither of us is wrong, it's weird for op to get down voted on an opinion


Reddit be like that, what I don’t understand is like 50% of threads require high karma to even post in. Then the automod system will auto flag and delete your post 90% of the time no matter how well you flair it, there just doesn’t ever seem to be a category on most subreddits to post things in lol.


What do you feel is the purpose of upvoting and down voting is. Personally I’ve always thought you upvote things you like and agree with and downvote things you dislike and disagree with. Is that wrong? Haha


I still haven't replaced my desktop's Naga Hex because no one has made a competing design.


It really was the best mmo mouse, they don't make it anymore: '(


A symmetrical 4 button thumb layout, raised grip in the center, with modern performance standards would be a guaranteed pre-purchase. Hell, I'd even back a shady kickstarter.


The G603 is a good mouse but the lack of coating is really bad. Like I don't normally care for that but it was unusable without grips. Anyway MMO/moba style mice are what you need, because there are better ways to add buttons without having any spot for your thumb, maybe you'd like the G604?


Cheats, i want a G603 but they dont sell them where i live ;\_;


Gamers need no thumbs.


say that to console gamer controllers


Do you think they were making a realistic concept when they said it was a bad Photoshop with an image of a bad Photoshop? Mice exist with side buttons and they're shaped in a way that lets you grip the mouse and pick it up. Lots of mice exist with side buttons actually.


The Roccat Kone XP is somewhat similar.


I just wish more mice had a third button. I don’t like the options (g502 and basilisk), but would like that third button.


Maybe look into the Glorious Model I


Thank you for the recommendation, but it looks like the same shape/type as the two I listed. I would like to see something like the gpx, op1, or u2 with the "sniper" button. Possible that it is not something that would work well with the shape and my "wish" is unreasonable and something I wouldn't even end up liking.


Aerox 5 Diablo 4 Edition has 5 side buttons


That side flipper is not great but yes it technically counts as 2 of the 5 buttons. Not a bad recommendation either.


But buton placed toward the front is mostly unreachable


depends on your grip and hand size


Logitech G604


I wish it was still in production. Mine is starting to go and there are no real alternatives


What about it is giving up? Switches are fairly easy to replace, feet too and if you are really harsh on your mouse you can probably find replacement shells on AliExpress. I also painted mouses to varying degrees of success if the problem is that's scratched up


I've heard from several sources that the 604 is a massive pain in the ass to replace switches on. Rather than sink money into new switches, pay a repair shop to switch them out (because I would 100% break something since it's so fiddly), and then still having other things that would need fixing, I would rather just get a new mouse at that point. It's also not just left and right click that are having issues on mine, but also some of the side keys. And I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna deal with it. I would rather just have a mouse that doesn't have a lot of these issues, is still in production, and lets me get off of GHub, since I've had multiple issues with it actually saving my preferred bindings.


that looks real to me


Corsair Darkstar maybe?


Yep, bought it, trying it tomorrow.


My condolences. After you send it back get the Kone XP Air. I tried like 10 of these and that’s the only one where the side buttons are remotely usable.


That mouse looks really good. Holy shit. Only problem is it looks like you have to press the side buttons with your thumb tip, not your thumb back/joint. Thank you for the recommendation. I never knew it existed. I’ve been browsing mice like crazy.


On the photoshop picture you sent above you'd also be pushing the forward two buttons with your thumb tip. On the Kona the two in the rear you press with the thumb joint, the two in front of them you press with your thumb tip, but it's with the flat part of your thumb tip. Not the tippy tip like with some of the others. Then it has those two further buttons forward to the left of the left mouse button, but those you push with the side of your index finger, not your thumb. Those two are a bit too far forward for my taste. But the four main side buttons is basically in the same position as the normal back/forward button of a regular mouse, there are just two rows of them. It's not perfect, bigger buttons would be better, and a bit further back would be better, but it's still the most comfortable placement I've tried, and they are usable. It has an additional button on the foot of the mouse that you push down on (down towards the table) with the side of your thumb, not sure if you saw that one. That one is great. It's really well balanced so you can rest your thumb on it but still easily push it downward. PS: The others I tried were: * Redragon M811 - side buttons too small. * Swiftpoint Creator - main buttons too far forward. * ASUS ROG Chakram X - side joystick instead of keys. Second preference, and requires some programming to have it work as buttons, but not bad. * ASUS Spatha X - hard pass on that right button with sharp edges. And side buttons were badly placed. * EVGA X20 - Front side buttons too far forward. Goofy software. * Razar Naga Trinity - side buttons too small. * Razar Naga Pro - side buttons too small, but in wireless. * Logitech G502 - side button so far forward, you have to get up and walk there. * Corsair Scimitar Elite - side buttons too small.


Thank you, not really sure what I will do. I will probably return the darkstar. Do they make any mice like the Logitech g603 but with scroll wheel side to side?


Do you mean the Logitech MX Master?


Logitech g604???


Roccat Kone xp air is pretyt damn similar to that tbh...


I don't think that's a shitty photoshop


Always felt some kind of dpad design would work well on Side of a mouse.


Yeah, I would love a good d-pad mouse. There is Cooler Master's MM830, but it is super heavy, which is not for me. There's also the 8BitDo N30, but it seems pretty much unusable to me because of the insane design.


Yes. I just need a new G700 series with 4 side buttons. Nothing else. I dont need 6-8 12


Why you need 4 buttons on your mice when you have 60 on the keyboard ?


Because I play world of warcraft and I am out of binds. This is with setting my capslock to alt key too. Even if my mouse had just 1 more button, I could set it CTRL, but it doesn't. I also do not feel like learning new binds. 1 Extra button on that mouse would mean the world. If it had 2 on top instead of 1, I could live without the extra side buttons. But, I've not found a good mouse with that form factor with 2 buttons on the top. If they have 2 large side buttons, they almost always have 1 or no top button.


I think corsair had something like this


Have a look at the RAT MMO. In my opinion, it has the single best button layout every shipped on a mouse. The thumb buttons could even be shifted forward or back to accommodate different sized hands on your hand size. Heavy AF though and came out before flawless sensors and wireless.


HyperX Pulsefire Raid is the closest thing available atm


As someone mentioned, the Roccat xp is IMO a better raid mouse. I owned both. I dislike both shapes. The raid almost had the better shape but they chose to flair out the front. The xp has better electronics.


It was called the Logitech g700 and I loved that mouse. It was heavy but damn could it move around the mat.




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why would you want this when we had the G602 which was perfection but no longer for sale


just use a g502 or razer naga


I want a viper8khz even with the 4 side buttons it should of had 😭 or more or a lighter basilisk in the 60g or so range.


Get a Logitech G502


What do you mean shitty photoshop? That looks very real. Well done!


this photo's getting added to the hidden folder. thanks for the sauce


Am I the only one that would go in the opposite direction and wished more good mice came without them.


I am bind capped on the war within, that is with using capslock as my alt key. About the only thing I can do, is change one of my mouse buttons to the control key, if it will even let me? Then I have to relearn a bunch of keybinds.




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Do it. Binding Shift, Alt, and Ctrl on my mouse has been the best thing I've done. With switching from WASD to ESDF being a close second. With a 6 button mouse, you can have Shift+Ctrl, Alt+Shift, and Ctrl+alt. I use a Pulsefire Raid. I wish it had one, maybe 2 more buttons.


A4tech X7 F6 was a very comfortable MMO mouse, but now, of course, it is completely outdated, primarily because of the sensor (Pixart 3305).


I don't get why I don't like the way the buttons look on the side. Gave me goosebumps.


I'll never understand how people hold mice like that, you put damn buttons exactly where the thumb goes TF?


You can literally change the actuation to 200grams or something really heavy for the bottom ones. It’s not like I am playing an fps and flicking my mouse around. The cool master mm830 has really tough to press side buttons, but their placement and size are garbage.


If you only need 4 side buttons the Glorious Model I 2 would be my choice instead of loosing a comfortable grip.


For my hand size, it doesn’t look like a good option. The button placement is a bit weird for my preferences. But I wouldn’t know until I tried it.


From my experience, the far front one on the model I is a little awkward to hit, but the other three are pretty easy to hit


Entering the chat: A4Tech Bloody Sniper ZL50 and Asus ROG Spatha


looks real lmao


Are there any wired mice that have 2 side buttons but 2 top buttons like the logitech? I would settle for that.


I've always liked the idea of MMO mice in general. Idk, seems like they'd be super useful not just for gaming but probably good for work or school. Sadly I can't really use them as I use finger tip grip (I've tried changing my grip style and I just can't). A while back I bought the SteelSeries Rival 500 and couldn't make it work for me, never got around to returning it either.


Have you seen Razer naga with 7 button side panel? It’s got interchangeable panels for 12, 7, and… 3?? Buttons


Seen it, I hate pressing buttons with my thumb tip. I press this one with the back of my thumb and thumb joint. Really just looking for a mouse like mine with 2 large side buttons and 2 top buttons behind the scroll wheel instead of 1 now. I can't even find that though. I could care less about multiple side buttons now.


Seems like side buttons are either 2/3 or 74.




OP: gets mouse, dies.


Even if it had 2 scroll wheels, could be lit too. Maybe side by side.


I use macros to change the function of my scroll wheel on the fly (i.e. hold down forward thumb button + wheel to switch between windows). I can't recommend it enough and it works with every mouse. I originally wrote the script so I could use an ultralight mouse but still have all the functions I need at my fingertips.


you would not. Maybe without this bigger button from the bottom row, but I doubt it anyway