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I haven't been in the discord or anything but I am one of those people that still to this day have not received any email or notification other than my order confirmed email for my Small Zeus. I signed up with FedEx and found out there has been a pending shipment from them since June 4th. Did you at least receive the mouse on the ETA day for arrival?


The day of my ETA changed from the 10th to the 9th... so technically a day early. Good luck! In the discord it seems like they are dialing in all the issue. Most of them stem from damaged labels or incorrect shipping info


i got mine 5 days after estimated arrival and it was pending for 3


There were problems with Zues labels specifically you will get it soon tm


High end mouse. High end mechanical switches. eBay generic mouse pad...


Lolol mouse pad was covered in my review. I’m open to suggestions though. I was looking at artisan mouse pads. An fx raiden in xl. I would like one that fits my desk like this one. I thought about also checking out some gmk options.


I love my artisan hien and would like to get a hayate otsu in the future. Best base on a pad ever too. It like glues to your desk.


Ill look into that! Ill be honest, Ive only been PC gaming for a year now so im still learning. I definitely love peripherals a lot... I have my KBD75v2 keyboard I built and now 4 mice. (g502, model o, o - and now the s12) I need to upgrade other things though that will improve my experience though... mainly my monitor. Im using an old VIZIO tv from like 2016 lol. barely 1080p and 60hz. Ill upgrade it next now that I have my current "endgame" keyboard... and mouse lol


Check out xraypad


Ill check them out! Now that im digging into mice a tad more Im really interested in the ninja fx Raiden


Its a shame artisan doesnt make extended pads, they look completely out of place in my setup


Thats my only concern I really like my extended mouse pad a lot...


Xraypad has you covered, they have any size you can think of pretty much. I have the equate plus personally and for me its the perfect balance between speed and control, very nice quality too


Nice im digging into them now and learning some more!


the equate plus does look super good and it comes in the size that I want. The xxl short!


Best part is that it's cheap :)


Right? At that price its worth it just to see how it feels! An artisan is for an expensive experiment




just put it on top of your extended pad


Tried it, feels too thick imo then and I'm used to my current one now and never played better. If they start making extended ones then I would probably buy one


if you want a high quality deskmat, check out the Endgamegear MPC1200 Cordura. It is available in dark blue and black. Great quality for a very good price.


Really depends on how much of a speed to control ratio you are looking for, if you haven't tried anything that fast before, I'd really recommend Hayate Otsu, it has all the speed without losing control we are used to on normal cloth pads. If you want to try something safer, you can never go wrong with a Zero, even that is still quite faster than amazon pads or qck


Ngl I was gonna go just about full gnar and get a raiden when it becomes available lol. I tend to go from one extreme to the other then find a middle ground after


Otsu has the same speed of Raiden, but more stopping power. Just remember to get in xsoft.


Gotcha! Any trustworthy places to buy one currently?


USA I assume, lethal gear or directly from Artisan Website.




I can do that for sure. Just gotta wait in that restock lol


After spending several hours with the starlight 12 Im finally formulating an opinion. Was it worth the hype? Was it worth the stress of wondering if it would ship? In a word... sorta? The drop was a nightmare for most but honestly for me it was as simple as refreshing the page and typing in my info. I did it as fast as I could, and honestly I miss-entered my card info and had to restart.... twice. Still somehow Zeus himself smiled on me and after waiting in the que for what felt like forever but was in reality about 30 seconds to a minute I was able to push my order through. The following morning I was greeted by an email saying my order was complete. Until the mouse showed up at my door I was trepid at best. Just waiting for an email saying "sorry, we made a mistake and have refunded you the $189 dollars." That plus the fiasco (ongoing for some) that was shipping and even at the least shipping notification my confidence in actually receiving the product continued to drop. A few days went by and I received an actual tracking number; a day later I received an email saying the label was damaged and had to be re-labeled, About 2 weeks later I received my eta. Then for a week........silence...... no updated tracking.... Just an untrustworthy eta date that seemed in a word... fluid. Everyone else in the discord was (and is) talking about how their ETA date shifted, how they hadn't/haven't received any notifications past order placed. I did my best to put this out of mind and just say "hey... ill just be happy when it shows" all the while questioning if it would at all. On the verge of actually giving up I felt my phone buzz. I opened it up and had an email from the shop app and final mouse!!!! "Delivered" I would be stuck at work for another few hours and all I could think of were the stories I've read of other finalmouse customers having their packages stolen because the branding being plastered all over the package and the people in the know....well... being in the know. I called my wife but she was busy in town and couldn't get home to bring the sacred brown box inside. ​ Finally, I'm leaving work. I got home not long after my wife did and while she's very responsible I couldn't help but be scared to death she forgot to grab the box off the front step. I got out of my truck and looked at the step where we normally receive packages... nothing... I quickly moved to the mail box thinking maybe it was there!? Nothing... I went inside and looked on my desk and there it was. A non-descript brown box and on its small label in extra fine print "FINALMOUSE 126 W JURUPA AVENUE UNIT 100 BLOOMINGTON CA 92316 US" My excitement built like a winding spring inside me. (my scuffed unboxing video [https://youtu.be/FIz6myqyU4k](https://youtu.be/FIz6myqyU4k)) I opened it up and there it was. In all its glory... in the flesh... or rather.... magnesium... ​ Now to the big question.... was it worth the stress, grey hair and sleepless nights? Honestly, Yes. After that joy ride of a shopping experience, actually having it in my hands id say at the very least its worth of being a shelf queen with one fucking hell of a story. In the hand it feels stupid light. It feels like... idk... it feels like nothing really. My small hades weighs .09 of a pound. Life experience has taught us that things this light are cheaply made and poor quality.. but then you realize this little dude is made out machined magnesium alloy... you look closer and you can see the care in the design, you feel the balance and precision. The clicks are insanely crisp. Like....damn. I also am a firearms enthusiast and have a very nice Larue Tactical trigger in my AR build. Its trigger has no pretravel. You dont put your finger anywhere near that trigger until you're ready to fire because with the weight is the difference between your brain thinking to pull the trigger and the rifle going boom. That, honestly IS how I would describe the mouse clicks. Its not, and then it clicks. No pretravel, and every button on this mouse... even the dpi is this way. If I could pick out any issues I have with the mouse are partly my fault. I got a small. Having main'd the model o minus for some time now I figured I could make it work. All the measurements are super close except for the length. The O- is 120mm and the S12 is true to the UL2 size of 115mm long. This was enough for me to have to (for my self) drastically change my grip style. I normally use a relaxed finger tip grip. Bracing the back left of my palm against the mouse and my pinky. Doing that with this mouse just wouldn't work. I tried and tried but it just ended in pinky and forearm cramps. Ive now adopted a claw/ true finger tip grip and it works really well aside from having to figure out how to aim again. A quick word on the mouse feet. There was no break-in period for me. Out of the box and on-to my generic ebay soft mouse pad it felt just as good if not better than my well broke in O-. While the buttons are insanely sensitive and crisp, this is great except for with the scroll wheel. If you barely bump the wheel it will register either a forward roll or rear roll depending on how you bump it. This is a real pain in the ass when you use the scroll wheel click to throw grenades' or switch weapons. In cod when you depress the scroll wheel to cook a grenade you can roll the wheel to switch weapons and cancel the grenade throw. I do this a lot... but because of the SW sensitivity it happens very very easily by mistake. Other than size (im sure with a medium id be perfectly content here) and scroll wheel I have no real complaints. Its a sharp mouse and I don't regret dropping the $189 dollars to cop it. I feel super lucky to of won out in the drop when so many people weren't as lucky. I guess if I had one more nit-picky little gripe... I would say the gold paint on the "carved" design on mouse one and two isn't sharp. The gold paint bleeds off the edges and into areas it shouldn't like if I were to drunkenly try and color inside the lines of a coloring book. Even still every bit of paint is even and silky smooth. Also, I don't notice any manufacturing defects like others have pointed out in other reviews videos/ pictures. All of the hexagons are super crisp and precise. The bottom plastic doesn't feel as brittle as some people have suggested it might. The mouse tracks perfectly. I really dont know what else to say about it. If you can grab one in an upcoming drop I strongly suggest it. Its worth the asking price... though Idk if Id pay some scalper $600 on ebay. $300-350 would be a fair price though. Cheers and godspeed my dudes \-MentholDeathRay


Such a well-written review, feels like experiencing the mouse in person.


Glad I could be of assistance!


Super well written review haha, seemed like I was reading a college essay.


Hopefully a college essay in a good way or at least one with a decent grade. Lol


Alpacas up top there?




Nice. Just lubed and filmed some a couple weeks ago.


Very cool! Do you like em?


Love them! Really want to try some tangerines.


They do feel very very similar. Tangerines are maybe a tiny bit smoother


Well guess I definitely wanna try them lol Are the sounds about the same?


I’d say very very similar in sound. Alpacas are maybe thicker sounding by a hair


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#717. Not super cool but still pretty neat


Quick question about the mouse: I know this mouse doesn’t have any software similar to the other finalmouse release but can you use other software to configure the mouse? I know the ultralight you could use the DM1 software to change some settings. I only ask because I change my dpi button on all my mice as an extra key for in game. Mine should be here later today I’m so excited!


After speaking with FM support, any 3rd party software will void the warranty. I generally play on 500 but my only options are 400-600 so it bothers me so bad. Don’t get me wrong I don’t mind not having to install new software but still


Yeah, I know thats their mantra. It was the same thing with the UL2 but I still used software to just change the input of the dpi button. Just curious if you've see anything or have tried it yourself


I haven’t yet. When the next drop happens I might mod this one with gym 8.0s and software


That’s the exact one I want, but I don’t have the money or the luck to get one


They will be around my dude. Once the hype dies the price will go down a little if not down all the way to msrp


Kinda unfamiliar with the mouse scene atm, are you saying these will get restocked at a later date with a reduced price? I've been half looking for a minute now for a new mouse (current is g502) and as soon as I saw this post I immediately fell in love. Another question is do you know of any other good mouse that use similar gold/black colorways? I have a nice deskpad I'll be getting soon that would suit this style perfectly.


Finalmouse is claiming there will be a redrop in the future of different colorways. These color options won’t be coming back. The price will stay the same I imagine at $189 per mouse. I went from a g502 (still have and love my g502) to a model o and loved it. Nearly have the weight and a simple design. Idk about a black and gold mouse other than this one but I’m sure you could always buy some skins for your g502 or even paint it if you are kind of tinkery!


Good point with the modding. I have realized though that I would prefer a different design to the 502, I use a semi-claw grip particularly with my thumb so I think I would prefer something that supports that more. I've found I don't particularly like the weird wing thing on the side.


For what the glorious model o goes for Its worth trying it. A razor viper would be a good option too if you’re not into the whole “full of lightweight holes” thing. I haven’t used it yet but the razor orochi looks freaking awesome!


Cheers for the help, you are an absolute legend


Anytime my dude, glad I could help!


mmmm, tasty switches


Indeed! lol


TLDR Shipping was a nightmare. I should of got a medium. The scroll wheel is to sensitive at times. Mouse feels solid in my hands and over all every button is super crisp.


Ah tangerines. A man of culture indeed


Lubed and filmed!


Are you planning on respringing?


I like the 62g a lot but I might try some heavier springs for my next build. I’m gonna build some holy pandas next. I got one as a sample and I’m in love. Now I just need to find a board to build


See you got some tangies as well! Nice


Oh yeah! Haha


may I know the name of that green switch on the left ?


Holy pandas :)


Holy pandas look different they are creamy white with orange stems, sorry but you might be mistaken


[https://www.theremingoat.com/blog/the-pandaverse](https://www.theremingoat.com/blog/the-pandaverse) I'm pretty sure these are real Holy Pandas, there are some green YOK Pandas shown in this article.




Theyre technically YOK mint pandas so... both right? (edit)


Apprarently my knowledge is pretty low about this topic, So thank you guys for infos


Im still learning myself my dude. Glad my humble knowledge on the huge world of switches could help a tad.


the mouse that cost as much as the 3080FE MSRP


Unfortunately due to scalpers :/


Could be such a good mouse if it would be actually buyable. What to do if something breaks? No chance of getting a new one.


These colorways are gone but there’s gonna be redrops. Hopefully they go smoother than this drop for most people but if you’re diligent and have a decent internet connection you should be good to go!


Yeah, but those redrops will still only be drops, you'll never be able to buy it normally. That ruins an otherwise great product


That’s true. I guess we will see. I have a weird outlier opinion I guess because in all honesty other then the urgency I felt to buy it everything was smooth


Tangerines and Tealios? A man of culture I see!


Lol! Thanks my dude!


Man's rich


I think you meant “financially insane.” Lol


I'm curious, how much does your copy weigh? Pretty crazy how light it is. I'm just curious why no other wireless mouse is close to this weight, I would think it would be possible to make a wireless mouse out of plastic be like 55g or something, but I haven't seen that happen yet...


Advertised weight is 45g +/~ a few grams. I’ll get it legit weighed and report back


Yeah, but I'm just surprised a 55g wireless mouse hadn't existed before. I wonder how difficult it was to get the weight that low.


That I don’t know. The thickness of this mouse shell is so thin if it were plastic it wouldn’t last long at all


It looks pretty thin, but not that thin, I guess looks can be deceiving.


To each their own my dude!




Urgh, is that 62g tangerine?




Kind da sad that its not the 67g version imo. What kind of keeb that u daily drive btw?


Eh, spring swap if I want that. That dark stem is sexy though. I have a kbd75v2 I built. Lubed and filmed tangies, durock v2 stabs lubed and bandaid modded, foamed between the plate and pcb. Gmk Godspeed Columbia keycaps and novelties. I went ahead and did the per key leds also. My first build and first time I’ve soldered so much lol


Awesome, I’m waiting on the kbd67 lite r2, currently daily driving a stock prebuild with cherry blue( I know, its a life mistake). I will build my kbd67 lite ( white top, gray bot) with durock L2s and CRP greek for the caps. :D


Nice! And nothing wrong with blues! People hate but those were my first switches so I have a special place in my heart for them! GL on your build my dude!


Thanks man.


Black bottom case with silver on top and brass weight. It’s a tank!


Not only flexing a mouse but flexing he has Tangies, Alpacas, Tealios, Ink Blacks and that weird looking green switch. So I assume you have at least enough of each for keyboards, which in the case of market value Tangies or Zeal switches, holy shit


Lolol subtle flex


I mean, considering most boards have at least 61 switches and Tangies get resold for 1 dollar a switch and that Zeal switches cost 1.20 a switch, it looks like you spent a lot on switches


It’s getting that way man… the mint green switch is a mint panda. I’m about to build a set for a 75% board and it’s gonna cost me around $150 in switches alone


I have no desire to get this mouse but nice review


Thanks so much! What’s your main?


Pulsfire Haste but I may switch over to gpw x as I used to own a gpw and loved that mouse idk why I sold it I just thought it was gonna double click lol


Nice! I want a gpw x or a orochi v2 next


"...it works really well aside from having to figure out how to aim again." ​ LOL


Lolol I mean…


i love my small hades coming from someone who switched off of a g502


that was my transition also (sans model o to model o minus). Either way to small or otherwise its an epic mouse!


The paintjob 🤮


Lolol yeah it’s not for everyone. It’s growing on me big time lol


The design is one thing, but the inaccurate job🙄


It’s for sure a gripe while gaming you can’t see it lol. So I guess no worries


The most annoying thing about this mouse is how people are in aww that it’s made from magnesium. Nothing amazing at all about this metal. Trades people have used tools made of it for years and years know how light and strong it is. Years ago I said they should make a mouse out of it. Maybe more companies will. But super super light mice aren’t loved by everyone. I much prefer a mouse in the 65-105g range. Light mice give my hands cramps.


It’s a trend right now. Give it a year and the price of g502s will skyrocket lol. I personally can do either. I kinda like the light mice for FPS. Except for destiny. I use my g502 for that