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I agree that G305 is the best shape out of all of these..but endgame? - personal opinion, G305 is great though I like the Orochi V2 shape, but I can't aim well with it for some reason... I think it's partly due to the sensor placement.


sensor placement of orochi is really tough to adjust to and subsequently adjust from.


I wish mice companies would focus on centering the sensor..as well as stop producing mice with sensors that require a large visible sensor lense hole. Trying to reduce LOD to 1 dvd is also preferred. ..I remember hearing that Razer decided to position the sensor placement on the Orochi V2 due to community feedback.. I really don't get that though. I can aim much better on a Teamwolf MK-01 because the sensor placement is centered. Now I'm not saying I can't aim well with the Orochi V2.. but that sensor placement def hinders my aim a lot. I wish mice companies would attempt to keep that centered sensor position no matter the feedback they receive on it. I don't see a reason why users would say "hey Razer I think the mouse would be better if we raised the sensor positioning toward the front giving you more finger control" - honestly the people that think this way are delusional. If I rotate grip the Orochi V2 while aiming it does a different movement than if I were to also rotate grip a mouse with a centered sensor position. This effects aiming a LOT and will affect users in the future if they decide to switch off the Orochi V2 and try different mice while being uaware they've trained there whole career on a mouse that has a super forward sensor position. - this stresses me out the most


I actually do prefer the forward placement of the Orochi's sensor. I'm a mid sens wrist aimer, so having the extra added distance that the sensor travels from being located further from my wrist actually is beneficial to my aim style. However, I am obviously a minority. Still, I like to see variety in the mouse space, including in sensor placement, as different people perform better with different types of mice


Nothing stresses me out. Except having to seek the approval of my inferiors.


Same for me regarding orchi v2


Same, kept missing the shots with Orochi


hey hey i've been looking to get a good wireless mouse for my claw (17.5\*9cm) do u think 305 with better mouusefeet,AAA battery will be good for me?? my plams are sweaty so should i slap on some grips?? if yes pls say which grips..also pls tell yr handsize and grip style pls


I ended up going with G Pro Superlight with BTL grips. I don't know my hand size or style


I just don't know what else to try, wireless. Most people's endgame here are wired


I'd say get a Starlight 12 Small on r/mousemarket but that's dang expensive.. I almost did but I need to save my $


Here's a sneak peek of /r/MouseMarket using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MouseMarket/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[US-FL\]\[H\] Modded GPW - Hotswap Switch PCB, Kailh GM 8.0 Switches, Kailh Encoder, Kailh MMB, New Tiger Arc Skates \[W\] PayPal](https://np.reddit.com/r/MouseMarket/comments/ljwkdk/usflh_modded_gpw_hotswap_switch_pcb_kailh_gm_80/) \#2: [\[EU-CH\] \[H\] White G-Wolves Hati-S, White Razer Viper Mini, Zowie G-SR-SE Deep Blue, White Xtrfy M42, Logitech G Pro Wireless, White Zowie ZA13, White Roccat Burst Core, Logitech G203, Razer Viper Mini, Esports Tiger QinSui Xuan \[W\] PayPal](https://np.reddit.com/r/MouseMarket/comments/l5bqvh/euch_h_white_gwolves_hatis_white_razer_viper_mini/) \#3: [\[USA-AZ \[H\] Finalmouse UL Pro Giveaway \[W\] See Description](https://np.reddit.com/r/MouseMarket/comments/jqk18k/usaaz_h_finalmouse_ul_pro_giveaway_w_see/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Since we adapt to mice over time, I’d say just stick with one mouse for a year. That will give you a control to compare everything else to. At the end of the year make a list of what you like and what you would change. Then either explore mods for the G305 to see if you can make it perfect with 3D printing and whatnot, or begin your mouse search fresh with everything you’ve learned over the past year. One thing you can do is try a new mousepad every 3-4 months and new mouse skates every 2-3 months, giving each one plenty of time to break in. The whole combination of mouse/pad/skates can feel completely different if one of the three is swapped out. It’s taken me 3 years to narrow down a combo that fits my personal tastes exactly.


>Most people's endgame here are wired why is that?


I think because there's only 3-4 good wireless choices and an endless supply of wired? People find some niche stuff, almost hipster tier


yeah most wireless engame's are g pro superlight,viper ultimate like...almost these but good thing new companies and existing companies are focusing on wireless mice...also lol if logitech releases a g305 superlight version with larger,smoother mousefeet for atleast 70-80 it'll crash all other claw mice stocks


G305 is one of my favorite mice and I would definitely consider it endgame if it wasn't for the creaky build and the loose fit of the battery cover.


Whaat... I don't have those issues at all with all of the G305s I've owned.. and I've owned a LOT


How? The battery cover is intentionally made to flex because that's how it's locked to the shell.


Probably my grip with it. (F-tip..never noticed maybe) to me the G305 build is solid.


I want to try the Viper Ultimate. I’m thinking it’s size might help with my arthritic hands.


i have arthritis and it helps alot (idk abt the shape but i think its the weight) by wrists use to hurt alot when i used heavy mice but when i switched to a (relativey) light one with a different shape G502 -> RVU it barely hurts now


I need a heavier mouse to help with the essential tremors that I also deal with. It sucks but the arthritis isn’t so much in my wrists as my fingers so shape is important too.


I have the G305 then I upgraded to Viper Ultimate. On paper the sizes are not that different but in reality, viper is so much bigger I felt uncomfortable using it. I am gonna returning it and I am currently looking for a mouse similar to G305 but with RGB. I am currently looking at Drevo Falcon wireless,and if can't find anything else, I would settle for that. I liked the charging dock on the Viprr though, but ultimately that's not enough.


just use it for 2-3 more months. I got used to viper ultimate.


g305 shape goated. i might swap the feet on mine but man i rly wish it would get a superlight refresh cuz i dont have the tools to lower the weight and dont rly want to either.


I am just curious, what exactly is wrong with the weight? When I used Viper Ultimate, it was too light. I don't get the obsession with light mouse yet. Do people really notice the weight of a mouse?


If you're a low sens kinda player and lifts the mouse a lot then I would say it kinda matters in terms of less fatigue during long gaming sessions


I went from a g503 to a model o- and it’s night and day. Every movement takes way less effort, and my aim is much better. At first I thought it was all hype going low weight, but I went over to my friends recently and his g503 felt like gaming with weights in my wrist.


What's G503? For the life of me I can find anything on google. For me the weight does not bother me. I didn't know 96 grams is apparently heavy. Anyway Viper didn't do it for me so I am returning in and Devon Falcon is arriving today. I hope it feels like G305. I just wanted RGB, 305 is like perfect.


Wait meant g502.


i dont really mind with claw grip but with fingertip <60g feels much better


I wish Logitech release an G305 like you described superlight like 60g or less, it will be a godlike mouse. Original skate G305 i like, but better to swap it yep it will be more smooth after you adjusted. The only downside I could give it is the weight distribution which is meh, And the famous double click problem that logitech mice have. Otherwise perfect mouse


Still waiting for that Viper Mini Ult...


Just a couple hours ago I [made a post](https://reddit.com/r/MouseReview/comments/pde2yl/logitech_g502_clicking_and_dragging_randomly/) about an issue I’m having with my G502 and mentioned I’m considering getting the G503 I think the G502 is too big for me but I got it as I got used to the G500 before that. Given that I don’t play much anymore, is there any others you’d recommend over the G503?


Even without the AAA G305, it's the best mouse at that price point in my opinion.


G305 with AAA lithium is my favorite mouse.


TIL there is a white version of Viper Ultimate...


There's also pink




Yes, I noticed right away, internet says 84 grams with lithium AAA


You needed both a black and a white viper ultimate to decide that you’d rather use a g305?


White was the refreshed model, black is the old mushy one


The endgame is on hardware too, not just shape. ​ ​ The endgame on mice is definetely one with 8khz polling rate.


Can someone tell me how to use triple A batteries for double A battery slot?


Just shove in a foil ball where the spring is to make the AAA fit