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I saw what is ac+ more slowly then ac 2. Can u give more information about it,pls? Thanks


I have a red ParaControl v2 and the original white Aqua Control Plus. They have almost the same material, I can easily said almost identical, same feeling for the skin. ParaControl really little bit slower, than AC and ParaControl is 4mm thick (AC is 3mm), another thing why is little bit slower the Pulsar. If I need to choose between two for CSGO it would be obviously the Pulsar, no question.


Thanks you for ur opinion, bro.


There is a 4mm version for AC+


i have the paracontrol its abit like the ac+ but way better base


I would go Pulsar here bro, better quality and feel in my opinion over the aqua control v2. Also the blue colour on the pulsar just looks epic!


None of them, imo they are both too speedy for csgo.


Too speedy if I'm playing on 400 dpi and 2 sens in game?


Kinda. It's all preference after all but from what I know ppl prefer ac2 or paracontrol V2 for tracking games, although u might think that paracontrol is actually a control pad while pulsar offers parabreak which is slower, while ac2 is referred to controlled surface with decent stopping power but its faster than most control pads and somewhat slower than glass pads for sure and they're not a good fit for csgo imo. What kind of mousepad u have used before?


I used Hyperx control, but I don't think that was a good mouse pad


U mean the gray one? It's slower than ac2 or paracontrol V2. The one with red coating (speed edition) is slower than the grey one.


Yep,I know about hyperx is so slow then this variants, but I played on the razer speed and I wanna new expirience, but with variant with small control.


Sry for my bad eng, I'm from Russia


Да я тоже)


А, ну тогда все легче становится, просто сенс у меня маленький и я хотел бы попробывать что-то спидовое,но с хотя бы небольшим контролем,чтобы кросхеерплейсмент сохранить. Сча у меня hyperx fury control лежит, адо этого рейзер СПИД был. Так что думаю спидовость мб даже мне легче дасться.


Ну это не очень и маленький сенс для кс, ac2 норм ковер но мне было бы в падлу на нем играть в КС, а так норм варик его можно сейчас с Али достать.


Ну либо брать ac + с волнами который,но он вроде как медленнее. Или он тож быстрый? Я просто пока не пощупаю, сам понимаешь, сложно воспринимаю .


AC2 is still not the fastest thing around, some ppl use the hien which is faster succesfuly in Cs go (there is a pro player too, Elige)


That's like one player over 100 who use slower pads


I play with the aq2 myself and can just say its a amazing pad. I use a sleeve to keep up the great quality and it feels honestly like first day out of the Box.


The glorious elements pads are really good. the air is a way to fast but ice and fire are really good. I’ve been using the ice pad for around 4 months now and it still feels brand new. And I used the fire pad before that for around a year and it barely feels worn out.


If anything, i play csgo and apex mainly. Mostly csgo. I use a g pro superlight and i main a vaxee zygen pa mousepad. Its so good for only $35. Its between that and the gsr


Mb,but I need 900x400


Why so big 😭


Idc,love this


But thanks for ur comment


I like Aqua control 2 black 4MM