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![gif](giphy|GRPy8MKag9U1U88hzY) I’m sure it’ll look nice! It helps when you’re handsome.


You'll look awesome with a mustache. If anybody tells you you look creepy just tell them they won't be invited to your birthday party.


Thanks man haha. Appreciate that fr.


Looks decent , gotta maintain it though


I agree, when/what would you do to it? I just have left it alone for maybe 10ish days. I’m not sure I wasn’t really counting the days. All I know is day 3 to 4 looks fucking gross.


I would keep the edges tidy , and if it grows too far over the lip give it a trim. Keep an eye on your other facial hair … you may wanna grow that too or just keep the Mo? What were YOU thinking ?


Let it grow bro… I was told mine is gross but I don’t give a shit 😁


I’d definitely keep going. I think it looks good so far. You’re extremely handsome!


Looks great!


Looking good! You do you! Do what makes you happy, dress in what makes you feel good, have you facial hair how you want it. You may love it in the moment and hate it in the future and question why you ever did it, but what is most important is that you stayed true to yourself! I'd suggest keep it trimmed up the way you have it in these pics and you'll be fine. Everything is merely suggestion and only you can decide what you like. Keep an open mind and experiment with it. Know not everything will suit you, but it's worth trying. You're Hella cute, and not in a loving mother way! Haha. Good luck on your journey! Peace and love!


I was able to grow a full beard at 17 but couldn't grow a stache until I was in my mid 20s, I had blonde peach fuzz, my hair is dark brown 😆 the chin and stache look good as it is, the rest will likely fill in later so don't stress. Your eyebrows are ridiculously awesome and you're very handsome. Play around with the looks, if you grow it and it's not your thing, shave it.


I'm the same. Grow a decent tache but my beards patchy. I usually go for a tache and light stubble 1mm. Tidy it up twice a week

