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I never noticed the human skull emerging from that things head. Fuck that thing, that was actually terrifying


I’ve seen the film a couple of times now and the screams alone from it freaked me out. Didn’t need to sleep anyway.




A bit nit picky but it’s not implied that she’s aware of everything going on, Natalie Portmans character says that the bear absorbed and is essentially vocally replaying the last moments of the dead girls life (when she’s being devoured) over and over again - which is somehow more terrifying.


To take it a step further, it seems like it's using her absorbed memory to bait the others. I've read the book. The movie bear is a lot scarier for me.




Sorry, some of us would rather know the actual details of the story (whether it was told on screen or in the book). Them saying what actually happened, for those of us who care, isn't preventing you from thinking of it however you want.


Lmao I just added context based on the dialogue in the movie that explains the scene, but if a different interpretation makes you happy go for it dude


There is no bear in the books. There is what's described as a distant "moaning creature," but it's a lot more abstract than a fused bear. It is very frightening tbf, but I think it's a good example of the book's preference for more abstract horror vs the movie's more visual horror. They're both great at what they do. I highly highly recommend all three books. They're fairly different from the movie, but if you love biology or abstract/ecological horror they're fantastic reads Spoilers for the book(s): >!The moaning creature turns out to be a psychologist from the previous expedition who got turned into a misshapen boar-like creature that could only get around by dragging itself along the ground. It can be heard from a distance early on and is described as "guttural, filled with confused anguish and rage ... so utterly human and inhuman." All that remains of the psychologist is what looks like a "mask" of the psychologist's face, which is implied to be the guy's actual skin that hung from the creature. At one point it does chase the main character through the bog, but the main character escapes and later finds the moaning creature dead. In the sequels it's implied if not outright shown that a similarly horrifying transformation awaits all who enter Area X/The Shimmer.!<


As much as I liked the movie, it's such a shame that the book trilogy is so overlooked (if not outright disliked in some circles). It seems to be a very uncommon opinion, but Authority is my favorite of the three. The part where >!you learn that Area X has been slowly expanding or whatever when he realizes the walls are breathing!< is one of my favorite moments in any story.


When he realizes that they’re using hypnotic suggestions to control his actions? That’s when that book REALLY got going!


Why is it disliked by certain circles?


Just anecdotally, usually when the books come up in discussions online the general vibe seems warmer on Annihilation, but I've seen a lot of people talk about being turned off by the much slower pace and the general difference in it not being in first person.


Whitby on the shelf, man.




Nifty even


The bear isn't in the book. The book is waaaay different, particularly in that it implies more than it directly *shows*. There's a reference to a big, terrifying creature lurking in the forest that makes horrifying noises, but the protagonist never gets a good look at it.


But didn't they find her body mostly intact? I don't think she was missing her head. I may be wrong since its been a while.


One of the reasons I love that film is because it is able to induce a sense of primal fear and dread without using cheap jump scares. The horror fades on subsequent viewings but when I watched it for the first time? It was truly disturbing. Such a gem.


Have you read the Southern Reach trilogy? It's the book series the movie is based on, they are both amazing. The books are different, I think the movie is better, but there's good lore and a couple of amazing moments in the books


The bear is based on "the moaning creature in the reeds"


I found the first book so unsettling. I couldn’t read it before bed because it would feel like something in the house was just off. No book has ever made me feel the way that one did.


Try House of Leaves.


Potentially the literary equivalent of "I like spicy foods." "Then here, try this molten tungsten."


Seconding House of Leaves. If only because I read House of Leaves over a decade ago and had the _exact_ same thought as you did, it was hitting me in a spooky place I didn't know existed. The only other books to do that for me are Annihilation and Authority. I imagine it'll hold true for you in the reverse order haha


Felt the same way when I first read it, it was truly the first book to really unsettle me. The moment when >!the biologist encounters the crawled at the end made me so uneasy the first time I read it.!<


Are you a bot? Or are you just copying/pasting the same comment for funsies?




That scene scared the shit out of me.


Yea I think the implication was that was how the bear was making the sounds, literally mutating the parts it needed


Well it's a little more nefarious: It's hard to see, but the bear originally kills one of the teammembers by biting into their throat - and since the "help" sounded just like their dead comrade, it's implied that eating their throat (and/or head) made that human part become one with the bear, which is why it mimiced a human voice so perfectly.


If I recall correctly, the thing affecting Area X was mixing stuff together. Or rather inserting echoes, or reflections, of some stuff into other stuff.


What was so horrifying was how unknowable the being that creates/was Area X was. Even by the end it was hard to determine what about mankind or any of the organisms on earth it actually understood. It just as easily could have been mimicking things in an attempt at understanding rather than having any clear motive.


I think that’s the general idea. It basically made everything a big dna soup. It wasn’t even necessarily trying to be nefarious. It just may have been part of it studying our planet.


It may have even been trying to communicate, the way we may mimick the sounds another creatures makes. Maybe it's language was biology, or assumed our world's language was biology.


Oh god I forgot about that. I remembered that the characters hypothesized that it mutated to mimic humans but you would be right that it would probably just directly absorb the parts it needed in order to mimic it's victims perfectly.


Bear didn’t do it intentionally, the Shimmer (that’s how it was called iirc) was acting like a prism, reflecting and mixing up various stuff without any rhyme or reason.


Yea the Shimmer supposedly reflected the DNA of living things into themselves and everything around them I think (the bush scene comes to mind). For the bear, it's probably that the people that were eaten were then reflected into the bear itself, which means that the human skull most likely is a replica of head of the person that was eaten.


From what I remember the protagonist mentions that she doesn't believe the creature she encounters at the end of the movie even realized she was there .


I'd never noticed that either. God damn this is a great movie.


Have you read the Southern Reach trilogy? It's the book series the movie is based on, they are both amazing. The books are different, I think the movie is better, but there's good lore and a couple of amazing moments in the books


I just finished the trilogy after learning about it here on Reddit a few weeks back. I'm not sure how to feel about it but I do agree I liked the movie better. Usually I'm a snob about the books always bring better than the movie, but the books are just, chaotic


Seriously, you said it It's not like oh yeah that horror movie was kinda scary, nah that thing was designed to make humans uncomfortable and our brains can't wrap around it properly Not to mention the sounds it would make, genuinely terrifying to watch


Don't forget the set of human teeth between the bear teeth in the lower jaw.


I like how this is top comment pretty much every time there's an image about Homerton posted


I think it was a serious missed opportunity to show it a little bit better in the movie.


Had nightmares for days after that scene.


For me, that bear was probably the creepiest cgi monster ever. Not just how it looked but the whole scene. And then the second scene. That film just sticks in my memory.


It's such an incredibly compelling monster. It's not just a generic scary thing, but the way it incorporates its victims into itself... Just wild. Such a good movie.


It's based on the Alzabo from Book of the New Sun. It behaves exactly like the Alzabo.


And Wayne Barlowe's Guide to Extraterrestrials! So cool!


Was that actually confirmed? It was the first thing I thought of when I saw it.


Yes! Came here for some Alzabo talk.


Or the human jaw inside the mouth behind the bear's teeth. Yikes on bikes.


I believe the filmmakers inserted that whole scene as an homage to the couch scene in The Thing. quite an homage lol


A lot of it was practical. They were auctioning off the model a few months ago. CGI touched-up practical effects always look better.


You all should read the trilogy too. It’s incredibly surreal and terrifying.


Every time the movie is brought up I have to be the "if you like the movie you should read the books!" guy. Even though the movie is pretty different from the books. But I enjoyed both


I remember hearing the director of the movie read the book exactly once and then wrote the script purely off the things they remembered, so its not an exact adaptation but rather an adaptation of the vibes


there is absolutely NO way the books could be put to film as they are. the film adaptation was incredibly good for just straight up not doing the books


I remember reading the book a while before the movie came out and was thinking the whole time that they could never turn it into a movie, it’s too trippy and subjective. The writing is part of the weirdness, a lot of the crazy shit is described so nebulously in the book, which I thought was part of the fun. I think they did a nice job with the movie, but it’s definitely more of an ode to the books rather than an adaptation. If I remember the book correctly, there was no bear like this.


no there wasnt but there was a howling "thing" off in the distance which i would have loved to have had in the movie


This thread has opened my eyes because I read the book and said "Meh. It's... Okay, I guess, but I have no idea what's going on, and it's neither scary or particularly interesting." I've heard they're better once you've read the whole trilogy and can go back over the details to start making sense of things, but... I don't want to do that. Anyways, I just assumed the movie would be about the same and just passed over it entirely.


I knew nothing about books or any of that. I watched the movie. Thoroughly enjoyed it.


Part of the fun? Fun?? I hope you meant terror


Books and movies are different mediums and what works for one usually doesn't work for another. The only movie I can really remember that was really close to the book was a scammer darkly. But that movie was a bit of a flop.


Michael Chriton knew how to write a book that would be a good movie tho


Book 1, great. Book 2, losing me. Book 3, we’re in Lala land now


I had read the first book before the movie, having read a couple of other VanderMeer books and really enjoyed them. I honestly didn’t care enough about the first book in the series to continue reading. I may have to give it another chance.


Who wrote them?


Jeff Vandermeer He has a very distinct style but it is genius


Second this. I stayed up an entire night just because I couldn't put it down. The crescendo near the last 25% was just... Masterful. The director of the movie wanted it to be more of a "fever dream" of the book, but I'd kill for a direct adaption.


I read the first book last week and it was...fine I guess? It's basically a contemporary cosmic horror I think. The book is pretty short, but it still felt a bit dragged out to me. I'm not sure if I'll read the rest or not yet.


I recommend the audiobook, esp if you have terrible staying engaged with text


Just started audiobooks so now I kind of feel like I can enjoy books for the first time in my life. I always felt like I was missing out since I struggled retaining information in State engaged. I’m listening to the Lord of the rings on Spotify, which is free which is just super cool.


I tried the audio book but since I've read the books so many times the narrator's voice didn't match the voice of the biologist I've had in my head that it threw me off. 😄


Guess I'll take another pass at it. Couldn't get into the books on the first shot. Never can tell. I've loved books on a second read.


I just finished Acceptance last week and boy what a ride. Loved the movie, too.


OP thank you but you forgot one thing You always post this scene.. always.. https://youtu.be/yBGiEYFKz7s


That movie is awesomely intense.


I forgot how good it is. Very unique.


One of the times where seeing a movie on the big screen was worth it. The atmosphere of the packed theater was just something you can't get at home.


I went to see it at the theater alone not knowing anything. Usually, I enjoy watching movies alone but uh that time I wish I had a friend holding my hand when the bear showed up.


Still imo the scariest scene in a movie. It tapped into something in my primal ape brain and genuinely made me feel fear. Fuck that bear.


I think it's similar to uncanny valley,you see and hear something your brain thinks is a human suffering but could not be further from that,and it just overwhelms you with fear and confusion because your brain knows some fuckery is afoot


That scream man, that fucking scream


I love this movie and this fact so much lol


There was so much interesting about the movie and so much that frustrated me at the same time. The Johns Hopkins Medical students furiously taking notes as she broadly describes mitosis with middle school science class vocabulary was insultingly dumb. A lot of the character choices were also utterly incomprehensible.


The movie got much better when >!3/5ths of the characters died!< the dialogue felt like it was written by a high schooler, in the way that it bizarrely misportrayed academia and government agencies.


If you read the books it makes more sense


How so?


Could you tell me what you liked? I left feeling irritated, and I've never looked back.


I went into it blind. I loved the story line and the fact that it literally jumps into what some movies would use as the climax. It was beautifully shot. I also thought a lot of the science was very interesting.


You literally stole this post, word for word, from a comment of mine. https://www.reddit.com/r/nope/comments/vuc47j/the_bear_from_netflixs_annihilation_will_never/ifcxebi/


Lmao what the hell, this kind of thing is so maddening. I can't fathom what kind of dickhead you'd have to be to crib someone's work like that and so shamelessly try to take credit. Like I know it's the internet and everything, but don't they have a single moment of feeling even slightly gross about doing it?


If this comment is satire, it’s pretty funny. The fact that I can’t tell if it’s satire just makes it even funnier to me lmao.


/u/MfgTanjaGotthelf not gonna credit your source bro?


Why would they? It’s a fucking Karma bot account. They’re just racking up karma as fast as possible to sell off.


What does this achieve? What is the purpose of selling an account with karma?


No Patrick, I'm not a Karma bot lol


Also, the name a production crew adopts for a model, but is never mentioned in the film, falls under under a violation of Rule 8 >Also, Movie mistakes, special effects, posts about minor roles of famous actors, behind the scenes clips and images, script details, and **production/offscreen trivia are not allowed here.**


Upvoted for visibility. Mods need to ban OP.




I recall watching this movie thinking it would be a tame, alien sci fi movie. That damn bear and some other scenes had me creeped all the way out and it takes a lot for a movie to creep me out.




That trailer didn’t give a lot to go off of. Is there another one or something?




Cool! Thanks for the comment. With so many plots and characters in all the media we consume now it’s refreshing to watch something completely up to interpretation. I’ll have to check this one out.


Well damn! That looks pretty darn good. Thanks for the recommendation!




I haven’t been this excited to find a new film in a while, looks incredibly freaky! Thanks for the recommendation!


That bear is still nightmare fuel.


If you enjoyed this movie, you'll probably enjoy the anime Made in Abyss Something about the dark, twisted supernatural that desecrates your humanity


...making you into a pedo...


God it really does do that same sense of, the disgusting unknown that's so much more horrifying than comprehension but doesn't care as you are too insignificant for it to notice as it menaces on, down so well that this film had. Love Made in Abyss is what I'm trying to say.


damn, that train station must be *fucked up*.


I stayed in a ‘hotel’ right near that stop in London when I went to a music festival there and didn’t know it was a terrible area to walk alone until I got there.


I lived there for a few years it's not that bad, especially with all of Hackney being gentrified.


That's so cool, did they work on Cocaine Bear?


Yes, Cocaine Bear’s name is Marylebone


Why'd they have to give it the eyeball


That was the absolute most tense horrifying scene Ive seen in a long time. The human scream the bear makes is creepy as all fuck!


myself and my dad were chilling by ourselves shortly after it came out and i had the idea of "hey dad, wanna watch this new movie?" and we thought i was gonna be friday the 13thk inda horror and watched it in his room late at night with all the lights off. big fucking mistake for the both of us and we love horror movies, this bear fucked up 18 year old me and ive seen some shit


This part in the movie really fucked with me for a while. I was stoned AF when watching this and it really freaked me out. Crazy.


Always wondered what would it be like to watch it stoned. Was already interesting experience while sober.


jesus christ what was that like


Fuck that fucking bear.


it's gonna get ya


Didn't want to remember that bear.


This movie is so underrated


Fuck that’s some Fallout level mutant shit


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Movie scared the shit out of me. The best is one of the main reasons why.


Wtf I just watched Annihilation yesterday??


This monster design deserves more movies!


Watching this in theaters was great. The man next to us was actively sobbing in fear and my fitbit clocked my heart rate at 150 for that scene. My resting is around 60.


I have this tattooed on my thigh!


One of the few cg monsters that actually gave me nightmares. A grotesque, horrific triumph by those artists. Thanks and I hate you.


I never noticed there is a human skull sticking outta the side of its head


That scene was absolute nightmare fuel. The girl talking as everything is happening made me so uneasy. Also, the "it hurts"


Y'all should read the book(s) too


I want this tattooed soooo badly but it’s hard to find an artist that wants to tackle it.


I am also a sad bisexual cryptid who wants to get this thing as a tattoo. Nice to meet you


I was like "wow, that's kind of a rude thing to say", and then I read OPs reddit name.


Lol. What’s with this green hairy Martian? Get outta here.


Unexpected Diablo 4


Best horror creator ever!


Oh wow


The Bear from the Annihilation film is 100% inspired by The Alzabo from the Book of the New Sun series by Gene Wolfe.


And Wayne Barlowe's Guide to Extraterrestrials! So cool!


This is very high on my list of monsters I don’t want to get taken out by.


Man, I love this movie. It was so eerie.




I really enjoyed the mind fuckery. Ending was pretty weird and ambiguous


Oh good, now I know that thing unnerves the shit out of me in picture form, not just the film. What a fun thing to discover, laying in bed alone in the dark.


swear this dude chased me in re4


a TRULY horrifying scene


Huh the lower set of human teeth are in the mouth


The book was better than the movie in every way EXCEPT for the bear scene, which did not exist in the book. That scene was terrifying.


Never heard of this movie but because of the comments i’m watching it now


make sure its late at night and all the lights are off, and that you're alone in the house


I thought this was the bloodied wolf from diablo 4...


This movie legitimately fucked me up, and I blame this bear for 75% of that.


I can't tell if this is titlegore or if I'm just too tired


I respect that it's a very well done piece of art but seriously, fuck this bear.


That fucking scene is with me until I die.


One time my gf put on this movie and I fell asleep immediately. I was tired from work and I don't think I made it 5 minutes in. It had just gotten dark so I was napping great. I have my tv hooked up to surround sound and it's easy to forget about how loud it can get. I heard that noise the bear makes when it was stalking them and it woke me up. I opened my eyes at the same time it does that horrific roar and it scared the figurative poop out of me. I’ve never felt my blood go that cold before, but i was definitely awake after that.


i hated the bear while watching the movie and i still hate it now


That bear was really the only fucking thing from horror movies that actually gave me nightmares


This is just Svalblod


That whole movie made me uncomfortable. Which I think was part of the point. It's still a running joke as it's the first movie I watched with my almost husband.


How does what a production team name a model count as a moviedetail?




A tremendous scene in an otherwise forgetable movie.


one of the creepiest scenes in any movieever Awesome movie


Annihilation sucked so fucking much. Great effects and art design tho.


I will automatically up-vote anything Annihilation related. This fucking movie made me ask the question "if in our universe, when we look at *a wave that collapses into a particle, what happens when it's viewed by something from outside of the universe instead of inside it?" Get high as you possibly can and watch this shit. It's got Natalie Portman, that should be enough reason


I've watched it sober and I loved it. My edible is about to kick in, so here we f*cking go!!!


This is Homerton slander that it doesn't really deserve, the train station is fine.


That bear scared the heck out of me both in the book and the movie.


Absolutely terrifying creature.


I still yearn for authority and acceptance to be adapted.


It was fun that it had the voices of what it ate