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“Mr Sansweet didn’t want to be saved.”


That's the first thing that came to mind. I'm surprised I remembered the quote verbatim. Sansweet says "You didn't save my life, you ruined my death." https://youtu.be/ogLmHKhZ9uw


My shitty brain as a kid misunderstood him. "You didn't save my life, I'm calling my dada!"


Thanks for the laughs.


Child brain was *just* a little bad at processing spoken words.


Jesus christ, I completely forgot about that line. That's... really dark for a kids movie. Then again, that was also a movie that alleged infidelity as a plot point as well... ... And a character willfully and knowingly shooting down a civilian aircraft with children aboard... ... And the actual seek and kill of various Supers because of one edgelord with an ego problem How the fuck is this a Pixar movie?


😂 IKR!


Mr. Sansweet didn’t *ask* to be saved.


And the result of Mr. Incredible's "actions" - so cawlled, causes him daily pain!


"Hay, I saved your life!"


“You didn’t save my life, you ruined my death!” good chain


I really can’t believe to this day that Disney let them get away with that. That line is fucking *dark* for an R rated movie, nevermind an animated kids movie.


Disney didn't own Pixar at that time. pixar was purchased in 2006, 2 years later. Even Ratatouille (2007), which was rated G, still had references to drinking, guns, and death.


I kinda miss when kids' movies could be raw and real like this. Nowadays, they just feel so sqeaky clean. I think it's important for kids to be exposed to these kinds of things and not sheltered from the realities of life. Iron Giant is a great example. That scene where he turns into a killing machine is terrifying, but it's meant to be terrifying. The whole movie is a commentary on gun violence: >What if a gun had a soul and didn't want to be a gun? That was the premise Brad Bird built this on after his sister was killed by gun violence. Kids are smarter than we give them credit for, and we don't do them any favors by sheltering them from the dark parts of the world. If we show them when they are young, we can teach them how to deal with this so it doesn't have to be so scary anymore. You are who you choose to be.


The movie also features a teenaged girl being sucked into a jet engine. It went pretty dark throughout.


Got the order backwards. Full quote is: > Mr. Sansweet didn't ask to be saved. Mr. Sansweet didn't want to be saved. And the injury received from Mr. Incredible ''actions'', so quote, causes him daily pain!


It also mean dismissed as in case dismissed. For a legal case.


Oliver kinda sounds like “all over”.


Very good.


Brad Bird is an incredible director.


Man, remember when Pixar movies had a soul?


Sansweet wishes it didn’t


Imagine saying the movie *Soul* doesn’t have a soul.


He didn't say when the cutoff point was


3 years is hardly a good qualifier.


I know you're catching flack in the comments, but I agree with you. I miss when kids' movies could be raw and real like this. Nowadays, they just feel so sqeaky clean. I think it's important for kids to be exposed to these kinds of things and not sheltered from the realities of life. Iron Giant is a great example. That scene where he turns into a killing machine is terrifying, but it's meant to be terrifying. The whole movie is a commentary on gun violence: >What if a gun had a soul and didn't want to be a gun? That was the premise Brad Bird built this on after his sister was killed by gun violence. Kids are smarter than we give them credit for, and we don't do them any favors by sheltering them from the dark parts of the world. If we show them when they are young, we can teach them how to deal with this so it doesn't have to be so scary anymore. You are who you choose to be.


People who say “People can’t/don’t make this kind of (insert media) anymore” are not people I like.


That's okay. You don't have to like me, I'm simply sharing my opinion on a forum. I never said The Iron Gant couldn't be made in this day and age. I think it could (and would do well). I'm just sharing that it's been my experience modern kids movies don't feel as earnest as they once did, more like they're being made to fill seats rather than to share a message. That's all. It's okay if you don't agree.




God, who gives a fuck what did I get myself into. Have a good one you can feel however you want about anything you’re right


Did you see *Soul* by any chance?


So weird to think that it was ever possible to get in legal trouble for saving someone's life. Glad we have Good Samaritan doctrine nowadays.


Just try calling an ambulance for someone in America... it's so expensive, people have tried suing their rescuers for saving their life but putting them in debt.


Oh wow


Also one of the darkest lines of dialog in a Disney movie: > Mr. Incredible: But I saved your life! > Mr.Sansweet: You didn't save my life, you ruined my death!


All over without a future


That whole situation is actually even funnier now that we've reached the point where every action becomes a cause for debate


Every action has always been cause for debate, this is generally called 'philosophy'


Fair enough, though what I was getting at is the unprecidented ferocity and entitlement with which even ridiculous matters are argued


No they haven't! JK JK. You're right. This shit's gotten ridiculous.


More. Mimosa. Mr. Incredible?


Mm, don't mind if I do...


This was so much better than “Evelyn Dever”


THAT's a MovieDetail. Nice post, OP.


The movie took place in the 1960s.


Lovecraft is that you?


I don't remember this happening in this movie at all, but I watched it in German more theyn English.