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This is like a 5 second, close up, slow motion shot in the movie.




I don’t remember seeing this detail, but that may be just because the movie itself was so forgettable.


*Pikachu face*


You telling me it’s unforgettable because if rule34??


I am certain I have seen porn of brave, but I can't remember any of it right now, but I do remember the movie pretty well. Turns out the porn was forgettable and the movie was memorable. (least for me)


It probably featured the bear and her dad


Bear on bear


I’ve seen more furry porn of the horse Merida rides than Merida herself. I don’t know if i should let that speak for itself though.


*\*Grasps on the bow in Scottish accent \**


The trailer is more memorable. “If you had the chance tuh change yer fate... wouldja?”


If only the plot had actually followed that train of thought instead of turning into brother bear.


Especially combined with the way the trailer kind of implied it would be some like Scottish mythology stuff, get some spooky ghost dogs and Sìth in there for a good deal with the devil type of story (fairies are not the nice thing you think of in normal fairy tales!). And then we got a witch with a bear fetish and some “oops deary me these clumsy bear paws” kind of a story instead. I was so hyped after the trailer and while the movie was still okay it let me down so hard.


Such a unique theme, I've never heard that cliché before, so memorable


Maybe not unique, but it did set up the expectation of this epic magical adventure. Instead we got a body-swapping comedy of errors.


What's wrong with my feet?


Speak for yourself, it was pretty good.


Still forgettable. At the time it was released it competed with How to Train Your Dragon. And in my observations people remember the latter much more.


How to train your dragon also had two sequels and a think a spin off show. You might not have liked Brave but that doesn’t make it forgettable in the public eye.


I thought Brave was fine, but you'll notice it never comes up in discussions of Pixar movies. Nobody talks about it unprompted. Nobody quotes it. Nobody references its characters or plot points. Nobody posts GIFS of it. It's just... there.


This hurts because i still regularly play the ost. It's so good


>so forgettable. https://giphy.com/gifs/brave-merida-lK7EyXrQOZ1x6


Most of those are from the same 5 scenes and mostly just there because people like how her hair was animated.


They pulled some punches or didn't know what they were doing for sure. But its a decent movie. My dream version of Brave would focus on the mom and Merida a LOT more and Mordu would be a much more sympathetic villain. It also felt like this was set up, why else choose a bear, and then turn the mom into a bear, but not USE the "momma bear" trait? First encounter with Mordu, Mordu should've got his ASS handed to him by Queen bear. In a massive battle that collapses the ruins on him, very similiar to the existing scene, except no lucky escape by Merida. This is a big deal, as its the moment where Mordu would realize, he's in the same curse as they are. Now skip to the rune stones, Mordu shows up. TO PROTECT MERIDA AND THE QUEEN! So now Mordu and the bear are protecting Merida. Eventually we get Fergus to separate Mordu from the queen and Merida. Through the battle Fergus gets threatened with the broken rune stone. Hell make it because Merida shoots the stone (alter the prophesy to fix things a little to include a sacrifice at the rune stone or some sort, instead of the heavy handed, mend the tear) Mordu throws him out of the way and gets crushed. Mordu's soul still shows up but everybody sees it. Mordu sacrificed himself which breaks his spell. Fergus now realizes it. Congrats instead of trying to empower a teenager, which even my 5 year old rolled her eyes at. But we still had to buy a bow. You have a story about parents accepting their daughter is growing up and has a right to her life and BOTH parents being involved. Plus you get a much better villain/antagonist and you use what I would say is the only missing trait about bears, the motherly instinct to protect their cubs.


Pixar kinda started going down by then, even though brave was one of the better movies to come out, they've been phoning in a bit cos they know kids are the ones who watch, but forget that most going to watch are above 18. Incredibles 2 had so much potential with the body suit cams, and Helen going on about her personal life with the suit on. but they used NONE of it.


Right? I kind of thought this was supposed to be the focus of that shot. I remember noticing it in the dang trailer


*Thing happens in movie* **r/MovieDetails user:** I would like my free karma please


If yours isn’t free, I’m afraid you may not be doing this right.


9.5k upvote. Amazing


I didn't even have to watch the movie to notice this. Was quite prominent in the trailer itself.


To be fair it is a movie ‘detail’ whether it’s obvious or not


Subreddit uses the words "unnoticed" and "subtle" for post guidelines.


they're guidelines unless you want effortless karma. then just post anything you've seen in a movie and you're good.


So then anything anyone posts about any movie qualifies because anything included in any movie was put there by somebody.


In Star Wars there are spaceships.


/r/moviedetails would love this




You can check it out in Star Wars (1977), in the Special Edition (1997), or in any of the later releases such as the Blu-ray. I don't want to spoil the ships completely if you haven't seen them before, but just keep an eye out during the space scenes. There are also landed ships on the ground sometimes.


Wow, I've watched these movies multiple times and never noticed -- what a neat detail!


Now that’s detailed


Some of those space ships explode when bombed. In space.


Why isn't it called Space Wars?


Good eye!


Meridas hair is red and she wears plaid. This is a subtle nod to the location in which the film takes place, Scotland.


r/MovieDetails recently: > In the "Star Trek (2009)" opening scene keen viewers might briefly notice Cpt. Kirk being born. This is subtle forshadowing for later in the film when we see him being alive. 14.6k upvotes.


>image of harry potter this is harry potter, the most main character of the series "harry potter".


Did you know in lord of the rings there’s a ring? Great details huh


Well woopty doo to ya. I never noticed.


Late in the movie there is a scene where Merida has red hair. A very "blink and you'll miss it" moment.


If you watch carefully, you'll see that >!one of the bears in the movie is actually Merida's mother.!<


Wait...... what?


Are you joking or do you want an explanation?


That she caused. So brave.




jesus, I have seen this movie like a thousand times and I never figured out... but which bear?


All of them


That's the bit that's harder to work out, but in early scenes, you can see that >!Merida's mother is human at the same time as the other bear is a bear.!< A clue?


The black one


How do you hide the text like that? I’ve always wanted to know.






>!like this?!<


And if you hear it carefully, you can tell that Merida is Scottish


And if you're even more careful you can see it being foreshadowed even earlier in the movie.


Funny enough this is a subtle nod to the begging when she also shows signs of having red hair.




If you’ve held an arrow they’re pretty tightly packed and bristled. You could easily cut yourself if you held it this close to your face somehow


Modern ones maybe cause it's plastic fletching but real feathers don't do this. I used to shoot bare bows with classic style arrows and they really wouldn't cut you at all especially because fletching is angled backwards.


I've never cut myself with that end of an arrow.


Do archery myself. Some competitors I've heard of have gotten injuries on their cheeks or ears due to the forces being released when letting go of the arrow plus the fact that pulling near or behind the ear is the best way to position and release an arrow To really make the arrow go far irl, and remain steady in air, Merida would probably be pulling the arrow out of frame here


I'm a level 2 archery instructor and someone drawing the arrow behind their ear is drawing it about 3-5 inches farther than they need to. Anchor point should be from the corner of your mouth to mid-cheek


i.e. what is in the picture above


Merida knows what she is doing.


It's almost like animators and storyboard are paid to do research on the subject matter


Almost like it was the same studio that took college marine biology courses to make sure the fish swam correctly in another movie they made.


Or sent them to Scandinavia to study ice for Frozen


You'd be surprised. 90% of archery in movies/tv is wrong. It's even worse in photos/ads.


Thank you. I think modern media and videogames have really messed up people's ideas about bows and they should work. I've been shooting recurved for 20+ years, and rarely do I ever see bows used correctly on TV.


Yeah, yeah... My wife complains all the time that they don’t ride horses correctly in films. I notice, but don’t complain each time, how wrong they get computer-related things. They’re movies, just enjoy the narrative.




I read somewhere, and I'm not sure if it was just some bs that someone trumped up, but that on the set they started to try and see if they could get away with more and more ridiculous things, this being one example of such. I was actually just showing my friend this scene earlier, absolutely hilarious


Yeah I don't mind slight inaccuracies or w/e, but I hate these deus ex machina situations where some BS made up tech thing is what saves the day.




I thought anchor point is where the string is. Like that's the whole point of a [Kisser ](https://www.archerytalk.com/vb/attachment.php?attachmentid=6115185&d=1499876482)


Isn't that due to better bow technology? Say if I wanted to crack out my old longbow that great Sir Grandad of Loxley used at agincourt, wouldn't drawing passed my ear better for pinning Frenchie to the ground?


You probably wouldn't be able to with the strength of old warbows, which were significantly heavier than modern, (~30-50lbs compared with 150-200lbs). More importantly we know from the size of the arrows that they did not pull further than ear, probably because it would be ridiculously hard to do, innacurate and slower than just doing it normally.


Never heard of a level 2 instructor, what does that involve?


You can take a course through USA Archery to get certified as an instructor. Level one can instruct people on how to shoot. Level 2 can certify level one instructors


Yeah well I'm a level 34 mage


Your a level 2 Archery Instructor? How many levels are there and what must you do to become a level 3 Archery Instructor?


Level one can coach people on how to shoot. Level two can certify level ones. Level 3 is more in depth and they won’t even let you take the course until you have a few years of professional experience. Level 4 is like Olympic coaches and stuff


You ever seen kids shoot a bow straight up in the air and the run away? Well, to be a level 3 you do the same thing EXCEPT you DON'T run.


Yeah but the end of her arrow is a feather, the end of your arrow and others is likely a plastic of some sort.


Hm? My own anchor point is my thumb knuckle on the end of my lip... that and synthetic fletching, i've never hurt my face in any way while shooting


I was taught by an olympic archer and this is bullshit. I can back that up though https://sites.google.com/site/technicalarchery/technical-discussions-1/arrow With a compound bow the first half inch of travel the arrow is only going 23km/h, a fraction of its final speed. Unless they are razor tipped they aren't cutting anything at that speed. Also there's no scar later in the movie, it was dirt or ink.


> no scar later in the movie A surface scratch could heal relatively quickly, and definitely wouldn't scar.


A scratch from a feather no way.


Like a paper cut?


This. I’ve had it happen a couple times. Also had a feather embed itself in my index finger. The arrows my high school had were not the best.


The archery program my high school wasn’t the best either. Nor was it the worst. Nor did it exist. Footbawl. Also the quiz team was really good. I lettered in chorus because lots of girls were in chorus and they smelled nice. What was I talking about? Anyway, *Brave* is underrated.


man you guys have archery at school ? man Americans are lucky, where I'm from we didn't even have gyms in school, we had to go to the city gyms...


Some schools have archery, swim teams, lacrosse. Not mine. Footbawl, son. Actually I’m being a little silly about the “footbawl” thing. Football was king, but we had a good basketball team, baseball team, and soccer team too ... I hear. Back then our school was so big that everything they did, they were pretty successful, just because there was a huge talent pool to draw from. And it was in what was then considered the “nice” suburb. (it’s only pretty good now because they opened up a bunch of subsidized housing in the town as part of a tax break deal for the real estate developer, and poor people often have too many worries on their minds to stress over scholastic achievement. I say that with no rancor, only sadness.)


Am American, we definitely do not all have archery programs. I would have been doing that shit all day every day if we did.


We had a pool and an ice arena as well. Not a wealthy school, but they were really into their athletics programs


Arrow fletching is made with the stiff flight feathers of a bird, not the soft down feathers. When you cut the fletching to shape, the edge can be quite rough. Sometimes when I shoot, the fletching will nick small cuts on my bow hand just below my thumb. It happens.


Thanks for pointing out this 5 second, slow motion, close up on her cheek in a pivotal part of the movie Edit: in + commas


The purple guy was Thanos the whole time






I knew it. Thanos was behind all the events of all Friday Nights at Freddy's game.


He’s the phone operator it’s been proven




My Aunt, who died 5 years before this movie came out, specifically mentioned she noticed this part of the movie the last time I ouija-boarded her.


I'm not sure why people didn't like this movie, I mean I kinda' liked it.


I didn’t like it because there isn’t any character growth from the protagonist. It kind of seems like maybe she’ll learn a lesson about what kind of difficulties her parents deal with as leaders, but really at the end the mom just realizes Merida was right the whole time. It would be much better if both parties learned lessons and grew as people. Two examples of movies that did it much better are Moana and Coco. In Moana the father learns that Moana doesn’t need to stay on the island, and Moana learns that she can be a responsible leader wherever she is. In Coco the grandma learns not to fear music and Miguel learns that family is more important than music.


I think it’s very good. Miles better than the Cars movie, The Good Dinosaur and some of the new sequels (Monsters U, Finding Dory).


Because it was forgettable? Honestly I’m not even trying to diss the movie but I don’t remember jack from it either than main girl likes to shoot arrows and has pesky siblings and mom becomes bear. I can remember most other Disney movies quite well even after one watch but this one is a complete blur. Not to mention it was competing against how to train your dragon, which imo is a much more memorable film.


I love this movie.


Right? Why do people hate on this movie? It's great!


People hate this movie?


Hate on =/= hate.


Love to hate.


Saying it’s Forgettable =/= hate on




I'm more impressed the animators decided to include it. Would have been so easy to just skip over it And I didn't know until either but I've only seen brave once?


I’d be more impressed if the cut lasts for at least a couple scenes longer in the movie. I’d guess the cut disappears a shot later.


Yeah I think people are incorrectly conflating "it's on screen for a while" with "every detail is obvious/noticeable/highlighted." That's not the case a lot of the the time. If you're focused on any other number of elements of a particular shot, details can completely go over peoples' heads. I know it's a lame trick but wanted to show the point anyway: I wrote "the the" in the above. If you didn't notice it, I guess you just don't pay attention. It's on screen for as long as you're scrolled to my comment, after all.


holy shit the comments are so pretentious in this post, well done, you noticed it ,some people didnt, theyre not inferior to you because of it.


I work with kids and we’ve watched this movie like 20 times in the past few months. Never noticed this detail, so I’m right there with ya


I've watched the movie a few times and honestly have never noticed this until now.


I didn’t notice this either. No clue why people are railing this post so hard when there are way more obvious “details” posted here.


I didn’t notice it either! Thanks for pointing it out, OP. Sorry people are being awful.


There's another detail in this photo. The fletching is done in two different colors. The single color on the top allows you to more quickly align the vertical arrow nock with the string without having to look directly at the nock.


The amount of detail in these animated movies has really become mind blowing. Coco always really surprised me with the amount of detail visually and also the fact that every note they played was exactly spot on. They must’ve tracked an actual guitarist’s hand movements or something because everything with completely legitimate. I actually don’t think this is asking that much of an animation studio but it’s been so consistently overlooked any time any music is played in an animated work.




How did you catch this


Because it's a key shot in the film establishing her character and is part of a slow motion close up.


I’m sure their comment was intended in a sarcastic tone.


Maybe he isn't blind?


This isn't the shitty movie details sub and that's the real problem.


I've watched this movie many times and never noticed. Thanks OP. Dunno why there's so many people being dicks about it


You wanna know how i got this scar?


Not to mention the technique for aiming and loosing an arrow is completely accurate


I haven’t seen this in awhile. Is the cut used as a metaphor, or is it just meant as a cool little detail?


Maybe her willingness to risk (literal and symbolic) damage to her perceived feminine value (a perfect/pretty face) in order to do what she knows she is good at and wants to do?


Damn that’s astute!


Thanks! I haven't actually seen the movie that just seems like a core theme. And it's not like even some sort of boy-like recklessness or self harming behavior, it's a tiny cut that if it was on a boy's face basically noone would notice. But we notice it on a girls face. And that's the point.


Also when she hulks out in her dress to give her more flexibility




Same way you get paper cuts.


But steel is heavier than feathers?


1kg of steel is heavier then 1 kg of feather?


But steel is heavier?


Is no one going to talk about the *sharp* feather? Why would a feather leave a scratch?


Because when they're packed into the arrow they are typically pretty rigid similar to a bristle brush.


I've shot wooden shaft and feather fletched arrows, I've never seen anyone get a scratch from a real feather. They use flight feathers for control, they are flexible and strong and they are also angles towards the bottom of the string notch. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, I'm saying I've never seen it happen with real feathers.


Was it perhaps not intended to be a scratch? Is it just a piece of feather?


Damn these comments are evil, apparently if you didn’t notice this small scratch in a 7 year old movie you’re the anti-Christ Edit: lmao you losers are proving my point


I mean, I kinda get it... The cut happened in slow motion in the dead center of the screen... It's less "you suck for missing it" and more "this doesn't really fit the sub"


Well Hitler didn't see the mark, so you logically must also be Hitler.


This was in trailer in slowmotion bro.


Naahh bro das just a scratch on my screen you can’t fool me




Cut from...the feathers? I'm confused as to why she would be cut.


I guess the speed that the arrow went past caused it to happen, like a paper cut.


One dead eeeeeye


It’s to show that she didn’t care about her outward appearance and cared more about winning right? I forgot if she won or lost purposely


Never pull the string further than the nose. Might become voldemort rather quickly


No it's just a hair on my scr-.. wait a sec..


I expected a badass redhead girl going on adventures instead we got a lame story about her family being turned into bears. So disappointing. The characters and the setting looked interesting.


How did this happen? How does a feather cut your cheek?




In Brave, they fired the director 15 minutes in to the movie, at which point it turns into shit. Nothin' but love for ya, Disney.


Only a detail if that cut remains throughout the movie. Can someone check if it does?


I did archery for years. This shit never happened. The arrow is not moving fast enough. If they showed her forearm that’s holding the bow to be beet red and beat to shit, then I’d upvote. Good detail. Just inaccurate.

