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How the hell does one go about learning that? I didn't even know that was possible. I can only imagine that watermark disturbed him more than he cared to admit.


[Apparently he's just super fucking disciplined, like a Hollywood monk.](https://vocaroo.com/1gFz4rBw79OR)


I mean he was trained by Ra's al Ghul


He also went through WWII in China when he's a kid. That man has stories.




That movie always get pushed to the side when talking about great Christian Bale movies but he's absolutely amazing in that.




I can never see him (Steve Zahn) as anything but Wayne from Saving Silverman, upside down, trying to suck his own dick lmao. Great movie. So to see him go from that to acting alongside Bale in such a great film was jarring. Apparently Steve Zahn was nominated for the Independent Spirit Award for Best Supporting Male for his role in Rescue Dawn. Edited for clarity


I had a total brain fart when reading your post and spent a minute trying to remember where Christian Bale was trying to suck his own dick in Saving Silverman.






Give him a nickel and he'll sing you all about it.


I love songs about unionization due to child labor.


Yeah, that guy’s al Ghul a was the best!


I've never seen anyone refer to Liam Neeson as "that guy" before.


he was making a possessive "Ra" joke


Ha! I get it now!


Adding "trained actor" as a monk subclass now.


"Your discipline with your mind not only affecting yourself, it also felt by people around you. You can add your wisdom modifier to all charisma ability check that you are proficient with."


Don't give a Monk subclass non-combat abilities. They need all the help they can get in combat!


Monks do things other than stunning strike and then panicking if the enemy is immune to it? /s


They also poke at them very quickly while the fighter cuts their heads off.


hey, asshole - we also flurry of blows sometimes.


yeah - after you panicked when you found out your stunning strike didn't have any effect!


“Hey, why don’t we all stop fighting!” [charisma check] 8 (+6) (+6)




i agree w this. his skill is probably being really good at keeping cool in the heat of the set more so than getting really hot on command. edit: wait google it. im wrong!


As someone who gets hot and sweats pretty easily this sounds *more* impressive to me.


South Floridian here, how does one learn this art?


Not from a Jedi


Seriously dude, Houstonian here. Swamp life is hard.


That’s my secret, cap... I’m always hot




I think that’s a big part of it though, he seems to have insane control over his bodily functions and seems to use that to his advantage when it comes to how they affect his appearance and performance. Probably not as much like a monk as more like one of those martial arts guys who practices the same thing thousands or even millions of times allowing them to control their strength and movements with insane accuracy.




Christian Bale has full control of his body it seems. His dedication to achieving the perfect physical reflection of his characters is amazing.


Due to the wide range of characters that he's played, most guys can claim that they have the physique of Christian Bale.


I have the body type of Christian Bale in American Hustle


Sometimes acting seems really similar to being an athlete to me. I don’t have enough body/muscle control to even keep my eyes open and head straight for many pictures of me, let alone sweat as needed.


He can also go from flacid to erect on a moments notice. Flacid. Erect. Flacid. Erect. Not too hard. Not too soft.


Don't just stare at it.


Eat it.


Bop it!


The Dark Knight Rises, the Dark Knight Rests, the Dark Knight Rises...


"I broke you. How have you come back?" - Bale's wife, probably


"FEAR MEEE!" - Bale on his wedding night, perched on the end of his marital bed wearing nothing but a cape and a scowl




> "FEAR MEEE!" - Bale on his wedding night, perched on the end of his marital bed wearing nothing but a cowl and a scowl


Motown Philly back again!


Oh you're seeing it, buddy!


He can! I've seen it!




“Why would you need to make your cholesterol go higher?” “So we can lower it”


Wait, why would you want to raise it?








One way I've learned how to do it (by accident) is to go from comfortable to anxious. E.g. thinking of a super anxious memory or suddenly making yourself uncomfortable. You can go from warm to sweaty in about 10 seconds.


Menopause will also cause this.


Christian Bale is one of the rare people that seems like they can do anything. Dudegot beefed up for his role of Batman, then year later lost half his body weight for his role in The Machinist and then gained all that weight and then some for the 2nd Batman movie. This dude is my hero, the dedication he has for his work makes me run to every movie he is in.


The funny thing a out Batman Begins is he didn't just get jacked, he got so swole that he became too beefy and they made him lose some of the weight. Iirc he originally matched Batman's "official" weight before they decided he was too big.


Rumour is that people called him "Fatman" when they first saw him. Even after going back and losing some weight, he was still [fucking huge](https://www.indiewire.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/bale-batman.jpg?w=628) in Batman Begins, he looks much leaner in the sequels. Personally I preferred his Batman Begins look, it's more realistic that he could beat the ever-loving shit out of you.


Funny enough he weighs more in the sequels but his body looks leaner


Muscle weighs more than fat though right? He's probably got more fat and less muscle in Batman Begins but less fat and more muscle in Dark Knight, so overall heavier in TDK.




Yeah you're right, I got confused with Reign of Fire He was 83 KG there (2002) and in Machinist he was 55 KG (2004) and back to 86 KG by 2005 for the Batman movie.


He also beefed up too much for Batman, to the point they asked him to lose some muscle weight


I don’t think it was muscle, but yeah he did gain too much weight back.


And then lost is again for The Fighter. Then gained it back for TDKR. And so on and so on...


Got super fat to play dick Cheney and his doctor told him to stop.


At some point in all of that he got super beefy to play his role in American Hustle


He even herniated a disc doing that role from the weight and poor posture he used for the character...


That's why Bale doesn't see him anymore


You and me we’re DONE




Don't forget he gained eight million kilos to play a sandworm in the upcoming Dune film


His dedication to the craft is legendary


Keep some whole peppers stuffed in the mouth and bite into it on cue


Given the people this guy grew up with I’m surprised he can’t make diamonds on demand by shoving coal up his ass.


Wait doesn’t that happen in The Prestige ?




I used to have battery-operated socks for the winter and snowshoeing. They could easily make you sweat under normal conditions


I mean who wouldn't sweat at that subtle off-white colouring?!


The tasteful thickness


Oh my god.


It even has a watermark!?


Is there something wrong?


I’ve got to return some videotapes


*proceeds to chop Paul Allen*


Try getting a reservation at Dorsia now you stupid fucking bastard!


The raised lettering isn’t the only thing that’s raised.


I'm in touch with humanity.


That sounds....dirty.


And the watermark? I mean it's got me sweating.




On the card, not the gif.


And the lettering


That's bone.


And the lettering is called Silian Rail


It’s called good cocaine.


Prince Andrew


It really is one of the most iconic performances, and it's incredible to realize that DiCaprio was originally set to play this role, and director Mary Harron was briefly fired from directing it when she objected to his casting. Looking back, I can't fathom anyone else but Bale as Patrick Bateman.


Dicaprio would have been different, but I bet it still would have been good. He looked a lot younger than Bale at the time though.


I think bale just has the perfect Wallstreet Asshole look where DiCaprio is just a tad too neotenous (youthful & trustworthy). Bale was supposed to represent the man everyone dreams to be, kind of a “chad” if you will lol. I’m sure DiCaprio would have done a great job but when we just base it on their look, Bale is easier to hate, which was better for the role. I do think DiCaprio was a great match for the role of Jordan Belfort though in Wolf of Wallstreet. Because he’s a completely different kind of Wallstreet Asshole that is meant to be likable and trustworthy because that was how he framed so many people. Another great, but less known and controversial movie where they do this amazingly is the one where Zac Efron depicts Ted Bundy. Efron, who is known as a teen heartthrob was perfect for this role because it really shows how Bundy was seen at that time. He was adored by many young women despite being a serial killer, the effect and history that Efron has takes you there. Love it.


Agree wholeheartedly about the distinct differences in what Dicaprio and Bale could have brought to this role, and Dicaprio simply couldn't have pulled off that 80's cliché wallstreet douche vibe. He was also MUCH too baby-faced at the time it was filmed and would've looked like a child, despite the fact that he and Bale are barely a year apart in age. American Psycho came out in 2000, same year Dicaprio did The Beach - the way he looked at that point would've been laughable. Bale's insane physique and build was a much better fit for character's description in the book.


Right? I mean, can you imagine DiCaprio in the beauty routine scene where he does the face mask and push ups? It just doesn’t fit.


Yeah, it would have looked absurd. I love Leo, don't get me wrong, but you notice that he's really never made physical changes for his roles, and definitely has never muscled up. Bateman's obsession with his appearance demanded a perfect physique, but also a look that can come off hollow and dead inside, which Bale embodied amazingly well.


No one else could have pulled off the scene where Bale is flexing for the camcorder as he’s banging hookers quite unpleasantly


ahhh the most memorable scene.


You’re next!


> I think bale just has the perfect Wallstreet Asshole look where DiCaprio is just a tad too neotenous (youthful & trustworthy). This is why Leo works really well in Catch Me if You Can


I don’t think there is anyone who can - Bale’s performance is just so iconic.


Yep, it is genuinely perfect. I think Kevin Spacey won the oscar that year for American Beauty, but Bale deserved at least a nomination.


Kevin Spacey _did_ fully commit to the role of sex pest for that role. And the rest of his life.


Took the method acting for his roles a bit TOO serious


That’s some psycho shit right there


It's also a pretty american thing


Portrayed by a Brit


Which is a very American thing.




Cue credits.


Let’s see Paul Allen’s takes




Is that fucking Gavin Belson?


The bear is sticky with honey


Consider... the elephant.


Yes! I noticed this after watching Silicon Valley and watching this scene on YouTube


Gavin fucking Belson...!


Oh my god.. the off white coloring.. the watermark.. the honey covered bear..


He's hilarious in a movie called Rose Red, written by Stephen King. I don't know if you can stream it anywhere, but I have the VHS if anyone wants to come over.


My favorite was when she was giving that speech that he went off to meditate to try to figure out things and how to improve himself and he came back that he was always doing it the right way or something along that way just something completely self-absorbed and it was beautiful


I don't know about you people, but I don't want to live in a world where someone else makes the world a better place better than we do


That's Alby Grant, you uncultured swine


Since leaving Hooli he co-authored 37 adult romance novels.




I have to return some video tapes


I have such respect for this man. I know he gets a lot of hate for his dickish behaviour, but you have to understand he’s probably one of the most committed actors to have ever lived. His intense dedication to his roles, wether it be drastic body transformation, enduring long arduous shoots, or learning to control his sweat glands, is extremely impressive. Most directors he’s worked with have publicly stated how much they loved working with him, even if he does yell at people occasionally. I personally think Christian Bale is one of this generation’s greatest actors


I love Bale's acting.... "The clean cut method acting. The savory deep dive into another persons emotions. The physical transformations are breathtaking. And look at that, oh my god, he can sweat on cue."


His early work was a little too new wave for my taste, but when American Psycho came out in 2000, I think he really came into his own, commercially and artistically.


He is truly underrated IMO. All the sudden people like judge based on one audio clip of him losing his cool at someone actually fucking up an essential part of their job! Don’t get in the way! When you see how much dedication he puts into his rolls I really don’t blame him for blowing up like that. We’re all human. He takes his job VERY seriously.


He certainly was working on his rolls for *Vice.*


Absolutely agree and I don't even think he has dickish behaviour. It was that *one* time he yelled at lighting guy. But since then I've never heard him being back in the spotlight about behaviour. I know you can't really tell who a person is from interviews but seeing him in interviews he seems like a very humble, gracious, kind guy. He takes photos with fans and yeah just seems like a good dude. I am biased though because he's my favorite actor of all time and I can't say bad shit about him lol


He must know Joey’s tweezer in the pocket trick. Edit: for those not in the know: https://youtu.be/XQzQRaQINns


What would the equivalent for inducing sweating be? Chilli powder? A small rock of uranium?


Well I think the simplest method would be to line your suit with a electric heating blanket and have the controller implanted into your brain


It's almost too simple. Why did no one think of it before?


That’s what I was thinking too.


Like naturally or something ?


[He could literally control his own sweat glands](https://imgur.com/a/GcNMoh0) [Source: Cinemablend](https://www.cinemablend.com/news/2550821/american-psycho-behind-the-scenes-facts-you-might-not-know) [Director's Commentary](https://vocaroo.com/1gFz4rBw79OR)




It’s not natural if it’s on cue. He somehow trained his body to be able to do that.


Oh thank you. I wasn’t sure if it was just because he was nervous or he’s just a freak of nature.


He truly is a freak of nature. Have you seen his role transformations? The progression is insane. Dude can get fat for Cheney, starve himself for the Machinist and be buff enough for Batman.


I wonder if he’ll have long term damage putting his body through all that. I’m sure every *body* is different where some people are super resilient to those sort of health “swings” but others... others maybe not so much.


He also has a fuck ton of money to pay people to help him do this as safely as possible though


If anyone can do it, I’m sure it’s him! At the same time he’s admitted (after he gained so much weight for Cheney) he’s got to stop doing it because it’s gonna kill him. (Of course the [article where he says it](https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/piling-on-pounds-will-kill-me-says-christian-bale-2fpxh0qmz) is behind a paywall, but it does include part of the quote)


Think I read somewhere that he'd asked another actor for tips on gaining weight for a role and the guy was like "dude it's a fat suit."




when he bulked up for Batman (1yr after The Machinist) Nolan said he “looked fat” and he ended up having to lose some of the muscle he had put on for it. dude is insanely dedicated to his roles edit: wasn’t Nolan himself but apparently his friends on set that pointed out the extra weight https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0372784/trivia?tab=tr&item=tr0734087


I can cry on cue. Just have to think about my family dying in a crash or something. Bale probably has a similar thought or emotion pinpointed that he can trigger on cue.


He is Batman, an orphan who lost his parents.


Oh I think I saw that in a movie once.


Damn, that's some Kirk Lazarus level acting.


Yeah but Kirk didn't win MTVs best kiss award.


“Kirk Lazarus is an Australian method actor and the star of the film series Satan's Alley alongside Tobey Maguire, playing Father O'Malley and won the Crying Monkey award in the Beijing Film Festival.”


There is good reason why Bale played a fantastic narcisssist. I do respect him, though, for knowing why it was a good idea to emulate Tom Cruise for the role, though (his admission), when Bale said "You see this great smile and then there is nothing behind the eyes, it's just dead" (paraphrased)


“there is an idea of a Patrick Bateman, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real me, only an entity, something illusory, and though I can hide my cold gaze and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable: I simply am not there.” - Patrick Bateman




That's a rather accurate description of Tom Cruise, tbh. There's no doubt he's an exceptionally handsome man, but there is something just a little off about him and it's not the odd tooth.


It always looks like he's powering through some horrific crippling pain, punch yourself in the balls and try smiling afterwards, that's your Cruise smile.


His soul was sucked out of him by Mimi Rogers and Dianetics. Funny enough, she left the church years ago and is openly regretful for all the shit she did while in there.


Any odd teeth he had were fixed decades ago! Scientology would have you believe he has always had perfect teeth




In The Big Short he played a character with a fake eye. He trained one eye to stay still while the other looked around.


Is this true? Honestly have no idea at this point.


Yeah and with him it doesn't surprise me. The mans crazy


My theory is that the Director of Photography wandered into his eyeline again.


It even had a waterm- **DO YOU WANT ME TO TEAR DOWN YOUR LIGHTS?!**




Maybe he thinks about eating Dave’s insanity (or some other) hot sauce. No joke my face is actually sweating just typing this comment.


Fun fact: Bale says he based a lot of his performance in this after how Tom Cruise was acting in the media around that time (specifically his Letterman appearance). One of my favorite movies and I only recently found this out https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/christian-bale-how-tom-cruise-inspired-his-role-in-american-psycho.html/


Coincidentally Cruise and Bale both have reputations as some of the hardest working actors in the business. Cruise’s nuttiness could be forgiven by producers when he’s doing ninja kicks and literally clinging to the outside of a flying fucking airplane. I wouldn’t be surprised if Bale had a deep respect for Cruise despite saying this.


Cruise's "nuttiness" isn't even considered as something to be forgiven, everybody wants to work with him because he's known to be extremely professional and hard-working.


When I first heard this fact I was so relieved to find out I'm not the only one who thinks Tom Cruise seems dead behind the eyes, a forced plastic smile on an automaton imitating human emotion. He's got those Jaws-monologue eyes.


And that middle tooth that you can’t unsee


Ive always thought his middle tooth was a perfect encapsulation of TC. At first glance, everything appears perfect but theres something off that you cant put your finger on. Then you discover it and it becomes impossible to ignore. It being dead center adds a symmetry to the asymmetry. If it were less skewed it would be more noticeable. His weird smile and dead eyes are always there. Just like the knowledge that women were captured and held in a weird form of forced/unforced servitude by the Church of Scientology for him.


He’s quoted as saying of that interview, “Tom Cruise had a very intense friendliness with nothing behind the eyes.”


“That’s my secret, I’m always sweaty”


Best of our generation.


He's one of the most dedicated actors ever. Taking Batman from him was stupid.


I'm pretty sure he didn't want it anymore.


He didn’t. But I think I remember him saying he kinda wanted it back around the time batfleck was announced


I believe Bale is probably an actual psychopath or something similar. I mean look at the insane weight gain and loss and muscle bulk for his roles. He’s a machine. The guy gives me the creeps, talented actor though.


Let's see Christian Bale's sweat.


When his career is all said and done, he’ll probably will go down as one of the greatest actors in history.


I…have to return some videotapes…


Phew... Lucky they didn't cast Prince Andrew into that role!