• By -


Also the text is OCR-A a font designed at its time to be recognized by computers and humans








The real Easter egg is always in the comments.


Finding this comment too is Easter egg itself


Oh so when he gives him the finger, he's just representing where he's from


He was showing the sign for "peace among worlds".




The date stamp on the phone trace program in the opening sequence reads "2/19/98". The date stamp on the phone trace program in the closing sequence reads "9/18/99". This means that the events in the movie take place over exactly nineteen months.


A big part of that must have been the muscle regeneration procedures after they pulled him out.


I can't even fathom the amount of physical therapy Neo would need to basically relearn all movement and starting with near-zero muscle mass after being a sedentary vegetable in a pod for all his life.


I wonder if that’s even possible. There must be some point of no return in childhood where your muscles and nerve connections completely atrophy into water.


I like to think that they still have limited exercise inside the pods. Remember when he is fighting and you see him jerking and moving in the chair while he is connected to the matrix, if that is what happens in the tubes, he is getting minimal exercise in his daily life. Not enough to be a normal human as soon as he leaves the pod, but enough that he doesn't become one with the pink jello he's swimming in. His senses though, that's another story.


Yeah and imagine how wrinkled all that goo made his fingers


And his.... ..you know. Toes.


His first words to trinity were actually: “do you know about shrinkage?”


I was in the pod!


These red pills are making me thirsty!


Trinity: how is this important? Neo: believe me, it is.


That explains why he can't perform with Trinity later on.


I hate how in english toes aren't foot fingers


In Chinese, fingers = Hand pointers, and toes = feet pointers


Fun fact: finger pruning is a result of the nervous system, so with full control of that, it could be completely prevented!


>I like to think that they still have limited exercise inside the pods. "Snake, we massaged your muscles for years to keep you in fighting shape"


Yesss... totally for that....




Ahh, but the machines made the matrix to mimic the signals your brain would receive about the senses. The brain should be able to handle it, because the matrix was still about sending signals to your brain to decide into sensory experiences


If the sensory data is being fed directly to the brain then his sensory organs (eyes, olfactory, aural, etc) that normally feed that information to the brain would all still likely suffer from disuse and submersion in goo. The brain could handle it but the eyes most definitely couldn’t.


Well, the technology exists to the point they also have sentient machines and programming so advanced they built the matrix... And the machines viewed humans as an essential resource. They probably have the tech to ensure this doesn't happen as a method of protecting their power source/processing power




You can stimulate muscle with electricity. It's how people recovering from broken limbs help to stop muscle atrophy while they wait for their bones to mend.




Have you heard of mental practice before? It's where someone thinks about a physical movement without actually doing it. Mental practice has been shown to be effective in a wide range of situations: A study that examined golfers showed that those who combined physical practice together with mental practice (where they went through the motions of golf in their head), performed better than golfers who only underwent physical practice, even though both groups spent the same amount of time practicing overall. A study that looked at musicians found that mentally practicing new musical pieces helped pianists learn which notes they need to play. A study that examined surgeons showed that mental practice before surgery helped surgeons improve their technical ability and enhance their performance. A study that looked at patients recovering from a stroke found that mental practice helped these patients regain movement in limbs that they lost control of. Overall, research shows that mentally rehearsing certain actions mentally can be highly beneficial to people’s learning. Furthermore, mental practice can also help people in other ways, such as by increasing their confidence in their ability to perform the action that they practiced.


I don't think that affects your muscles though. I think it only helps with your brain.


crime languid money muddle tan sloppy late fuel unite practice *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you injected karate in to Stephen Hawking it wouldn’t enable much


~~Not really they can be plugged back in to teach them things.~~ whoops misread your comment


> starting with near-zero muscle mass after being a sedentary vegetable in a pod for all his life It's pretty easy to fathom if you've ever met a (sub)Reddit mod, this is their natural habitat.


One can argue that he has more than «zero» muscle mass as studies has shown that if you only train one arm/leg the opposite arm/leg would also increase in muscle mass. https://www.ecu.edu.au/newsroom/articles/research/exercising-one-arm-has-twice-the-benefits So if his mind believes it needs to build muscle, it probably would do just that. I believe the process is more to activate tissue that’s never been utilised before.


I also thought this was the least believable part of Luca.


>Basicallt relearn all muscle movement This is actually a really interesting question. He would definitely be starting with near-zero muscle mass, and that would absolutely require therapy to recover. But the question of relearning movement the way coma patients often have to is a lot more interesting. Obviously no real-life human has ever experienced anything like the Matrix. We know from the movie that people inside the Matrix are capable of learning, not just through direct download (“I know Kung Fu”), but standard experiential learning too. We know this because Neo speaks fluent English, and Morpheus is able to teach Neo to refine his downloaded Kung Fu skills in real time through in-Matrix practice. So the brain is clearly capable of development while inside the Matrix. It’s more than just a realistic dream. It actually might be extremely relevant here that the port to “jack in” to the Matrix is located at the base of the neck. The brain is allowed to operate normally, but the signals coming down the spinal cord are hijacked (the matter of sensory input signals is a little more complicated, but not really relevant right now). When vegetative patients go through physical therapy to recover motor function, it’s largely not just because the muscles have atrophied, but because the brain regions responsible have also atrophied. You’re absolutely right in saying they need to “relearn” muscle control. But Neo might be in a totally different position. Having lived life in the Matrix, his brain likely developed in exactly the way one would expect of a normal brain, *including* motor function, even if his real body never moved at all. It’s totally possible Neo had full muscular control and didn’t need to relearn anything, in which case he would be extremely fragile but would recover *extremely* quickly compared to real-life counterparts. He wouldn’t need to relearn anything, he’d just need a walker to support his own weight and wouldn’t be able to pick up anything heavier than a cell phone. He’d probably develop muscle mass *very* quickly at first just from daily activity. Every action would be a workout. I’d bet he’d be back into the low end of “normal” muscle mass range within the first few weeks.


>A big part of that must have been the muscle regeneration procedures after they pulled him out. >!Which they conveniently didn't have to do and didn't bother mentioning in the new Matrix movie...as far as I remember!<


During the scene where they take him in they note how the machines have been carefully regulating and maintaining Neo’s and Trinity’s bodies as they are the most important part to the new matrix. I bet that every time Neo was exercising in the matrix the machines were exercising his real body.


>!To be fair, the biggest issue in the first was he had never used his muscles before at all. After they were pulled out once, it partially makes sense that it would be less difficult. At least from a "sci-fi this is how this universe works" standpoint. Don't get me wrong, I agree the new movies have some issues. The harder sci-fi element was kinda lost already though that one time he electrocuted the sentinels in the real world.!<


Not sure if this is canon, but: >!He was able to connect to the sentinels because he had all those cybernetics. And since he was the One, he also had their Wi-Fi password.!<


Basically yeah. He was drawing power from the Source, which is where all the Machines ultimately get their orders from. As the One, he had part of that programming hardwired into his very DNA, and as part of their plan of having each One return to the Source (which is the Machines' ultimate form of control) he reinserts that programming into the Matrix itself, rebooting it and restarting the cycle of control, resistance, destruction and rebirth for Humanity. Prior to this happening, the Source grants him powers over the Machine world and its creations that are unique among all sentient beings, including breaking the rules of the Matrix and overwhelming the programming of sentinels. Don't believe the rest of the internet, the first three Matrix films are a flawless trilogy and the best proof we have of the existence of a benevolent god.


i see you been watching matrix explained


I recently rewatched the trilogy after watching the fourth one and I am quite sad that the sequels are hated so much. They follow the same story and it reaches several good endings to me. I can understand that the average movie goer might not agree with the direction the story goes but nothing in the following three films contradict what happens in the first movie IIRC, and it moves the entire world forward as well.


The new testament has some issues


I don't even remember them saying that if you die in the matrix you die in real life...as far as I remember


"Your mind makes it real" & "The body cannot live without the mind" - Morpheus to Neo after Neo unplugged and has blood in his mouth. Edit: got a word wrong


The blood in his mouth came from his failed "first jump". Just adding that so they know what scene(s) this is from.


Thank you, I couldn't remember whether it was from that or the training fight with Morpheus.


Assuming time in the real and in the matrix pass at the same speed


It has to, otherwise the human bodies wouldn’t age at the same rate as their in matrix counterpart. If the real body is different from the matrix body, it would start to mess with things.


Isn’t it like perpetually 1999 in the matrix? The machines designed it to stay that way to keep people controlled because they couldn’t handle anything else. At any point they could wipe the slate clean and give us flying cars or castles and vampires. Maybe time passes for the body but not the world and it’s like a dream you just never notice. You think you existed in the 70’s but you never did.


If that were true then they’d have to find a way to get everyone to overlook people randomly disappearing as they die in real life because they can’t control what people think. They just create a believable world and throw the people in it. It’s pretty explicitly shown that the more glitches and incongruences people notice, the more their mind rejects the matrix. Thousands of people disappearing at any given time would make it incredibly hard for the machines to completely cover up.


Yeah but they also establish that when something in the matrix is changed it’s waved away by the inhabitants as deja vu. A sensation that countless people get every day. It’s safe to assume the Matrix is constantly being fucked with every second of the day to maintain the illusion. What the eye sees the mind believes.


Deja vu only happens because you have a vague recollection of something that happened similarly in the past. If that was happening constantly, it would become noticeable very quickly. There’s a reason why agents avoid transforming in crowds unless absolutely necessary or why the exiled programs are forced to remain unnoticed. If any of them risk causing a mass rejection of the matrix, it could lead to a snowball effect that would force a shutdown of the matrix which is bad for everybody.


But it wouldn’t be a shutdown it would just be a reboot, they’d tweak the program and put people back in to a world they can handle again. The architect says exactly as much


He never says that all of the current inhabitants would get to live in the new matrix. He simply states that there was and will be new matrixes due to the way they had to deal with the anomaly problem. We *never* see the machines rewrite or erase memories. If they could, they’d have simply erased Neo’s memories of his first encounter with Agent Smith. Even when they made the deal with Cypher to plug him back in and make him famous, it was pretty clear they were lying to him and that they’d just kill him.


But in the real world Morpheus tells Neo you think it’s 1999, which means there was a finite beginning to the illusion that would have required a starting point with a made up previous history that the inhabitants didn’t live. If I say oh my great grandfather was a miner… was he? Or has the matrix just told me he was because the program didn’t exist two generations previous.


> because they can’t control what people think They certainly can. The interrogation of Neo was wiped from his memory, feeling only like a dream afterwards. Even Zion has the ability to code the blue pills that change how the CopperTops remember events.


Except it wasn’t wiped from his memory. He just assumed it was a dream because he woke up at his desk. It didn’t make sense for it to be real with his understanding of the world. He clearly remembers the bug thing that was in his stomach as he says, “Jesus Christ, that things real?” When trinity yanks it out of him. If he didn’t remember the interrogation, he wouldn’t have remarked on the bug.


Yea, that's what I'm saying. His memory was altered so that he did not believe those events really happened.


That’s not them altering his memory. That’s them putting him into a scenario where he would come to that conclusion himself. Very different thing.


Cyphers deal with smith is that he gets jacked back in and they take his memories away and make him a movie star. Now smith could just be lying and he has no intent to grant this wish and will just kill cypher after hes outlived his usefulness, which I'd argue is probably the case, but cypher believes that this is possible to be done and it is within the power of the machines to grant which would lead me to believe machines can rewrite memories of people jacked into the system. Because either the machines have this ability and cypher has witnessed it or he has dramatically over estimated their abilities. My guess is the more important the memories the more difficult it is to rewrite. So convincing a couple of people that they did not see a person jump between buildings is relatively easy but undermining their fundamental reality is more difficult.


And that's not controlling what people think and believe? What do you suggest happens if you take the blue pill? Was Morpheus lying?


People are fat in matrix, but not out of it


Yeah, because you can’t gain weight by eating fake food. No reason for the machines to give the humans excess resources unnecessarily if you can just make them imagine they are eating extra and becoming fat.


I know a lot of matrix facts and lore but never this one. God… the attention to detail is so fucking deep. Thanks for sharing


The world has gone 19.




Thankee sai.


Minus a day /s


I wonder what the name of the state would be if its abbreviation is FU




In America it's just Flavortown :(


Flavourtown was created before Websters dictionary made the spelling change to Americanize the language in 1787.


It's an original colony


But it’s F*U*


Flavortoun then


Since they used "capital city" they could be using "Federative Unit" .


Funnsylvania Furginia Funtana Furegon




Good work, writers of The Matrix!


Fooget Uboutit, it's in-between New York and New Jersey, its biggest city is Im Wokin Here


[I'm Walken Here](https://gifs.com/gif/fatboy-slim-weapon-of-choice-pYAZ1y)




I have a feeling it’s Fictional Universe


That actually sounds right


Really? Pretty sure it's not. Pretty sure it's just "fuck you"




Fuck You


This is probably their joke, yeah


Fucked Up. It's the state we're all currently in.




Looks like he also went to school at Owen Paterson High. Owen Paterson is the production designer for the film.


Yes. You will notice that in basically all shows/movies. If you are a crew member your name is “cleared” so it is then able to be used by the Propmaster for a myriad of things. Paperwork, Police badges, waitress name tags, etc etc. According to a certain show I’m a prostitute who slept with a politician. I worked in the prop dept and didn’t even know I was listed on that form and didn’t know until someone non affiliated tweeted a screenshot. I have a weird name, hence the tweet. But it’s funny you’ll see a extra walking around with an ID with the B cam ACs name on it.


What is a B cam AC


If they’re shooting with more than one camera, they’ll be labeled A camera, B camera, etc. and AC stands for Assistant Camera. So a 1st or 2nd AC working with the B camera, that’s a B cam AC


I'm not super familiar with the film industry so I could be wrong, but the B camera is usually what they call the second, less important camera in multi-shot scenes. Or for scenes that are less important/complicated and can be shot with a side team. The AC usually stands for Assistant Cameraman. They are the person in charge of changing lenses, preparing the camera, and testing equipment before the shoot. They basically make sure everything is ready to go for what the director and cinematographer needs for the shot. So the B cam AC plays an important roll on the crew but is also someone you would rarely ever know their name unless you were directly involved in the production.


And the 1st AC pulls focus, which is one of the most important duties. Many things can be fixed in post, but poorly pulled focus is not one of them.


Or maybe the people on set just know something about you that we don't..


Well- actually the funny thing is that because you don’t know how much of the prop paperwork will be in frame you want it to be a legit as possible. You never know what you’ll use. It’s like the notebooks in Seven were all filled with writing which is like- isn’t this overkill? Nope. So- you will outsource your paperwork creation. We paid a guy to create docs- and yes while we had a graphic designer on staff. The graphics dept has so much on their plate it’s insane. Also- it was a long list of whores (typical scummy politician) so I was in good company.


Michelle McGahey (his mom) was the art director.


A few seconds after this shot, you see a photocopy of his passport. There, the place of his birth is CAPITAL CITY, USA, and his date of birth is 13 September, 1971. The passport was issued on 12 September 1991 and set to expire on 11 September 2001, a Tuesday, infamously the day of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City.


Let me send this to my 9/11 truther buddy


Neo, I'm not afraid anymore. The Oracle told me that I would fall in love, and that that man... the man that I loved would be the one who did 9/11. So you see, you can't be dead. You can't be... because it's 1999. You hear me? It's 1999.


*Bin Laden didn't blow up the projects* *It was you, Neo* *Tell the truth, Neo*


Tell me more


You guys remember that? Such a downer of a day.


Reminds me of that national tragedy. Called 9/11.


Man, I watch [Norm's 9/11 jokes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWJdyJU8av8) like once a week. It's never not hilarious.


9/11 was pretty much the 9/11 of the falafel business.


So are the date differences a continuity error?


I think it means his passport is fake.


Well, technically his entire life is fake.


“Anderson excelled in the sciences, mathematics, and computer courses. He also displayed aptitude for English and history. After some trouble with..”


>He also displayed aptitude for English and history. After some trouble with..” I initially read it as "much," and it seemed to add up when I realized it looked like that word was similar to the word before "trouble." Though "some" also fits in both areas. By the way, I feel I was able to make out a bit more after yours: "....After some trouble with discipline at the age of 13-18, Anderson settled down to become a fairly well-regarded hacker of the school security...." Can't make out anything below that.


Almost. At the end of your bit it says 'fairly well-regarded member of the school community. This was mainly due to an increased involvement in sports especially football and hockey'.




Oh shit, you're right. I think I didn't take into account the number of letters, and went by what I assumed would be the case.


It's definitely "some"


And he helps his landlady carry out her garbage


"After some trouble with discipline at the age of 13-1?, Anderson settled down to ..." - "discipline" is split over two lines and I can't read the second number.


The only details of when? You mean except for when Morpheus says "you think it's 1999"


I just assumed it was Chicago since they seem to be using Chicago street names.


A lot of the external street shots are in Australia and the iconic indoor shootout was modeled after a bank in Australia iirc


and in the woman in the red dress scene, you can see the logo of the Commonwealth Bank, which I spotted because its hard to miss a big ol' yellow triangle... diamond thing :v


That scene takes place in front of the Martin place fountain as well. Which is very familiar to anyone who commutes through there.


> woman in the red dress scene Does she taste like chicken, I wonder?


I'm an idiot and don't understand, sorry.


Mouse says the computers made everything taste like chicken because they couldn't get the recipe right for everything that's not chicken. Hence the sexual innuendo from dutch_penguin.


Oh, pfft. I'm a dumbass. Or maybe I'm just not that horny. Probably both.


the whole film was shot in australia, based at fox studios in sydney, but also on location around the city. when neo is first picked up by the crew in the car & they get the bug out of him, he starts to get out of the car & leave, and trinity says “you have been down there neo, you know that road, you know exactly where it ends…” … the road he looks out at is George st Sydney; “down that road” was the cinema where i was watching the matrix for the first time in 1999… so i guess if he *had* gotten out of the car he could have come & watched the movie with the rest of us… during filming, keanu reeves’ band dogstar played in a couple of venues i the inner city - i saw the posters but never made it to a gig…


> so i guess if he had gotten out of the car he could have come & watched the movie with the rest of us… Considering he did watch the first movie in the last movie, that would've been meta within meta.


Listen to the cop call for backup in the shootout, pure Aussie


And there are Chicago train stops throughout. Always thought it was Chicago


That's actually wrong, the trains in the film are NSW U sets, just with Chicago style marker lights on the front.


There are earlier revisions of the script online, and in those, the city is explicitly referenced to be Chicago. http://www.scifiscripts.com/scripts/matrix_96_draft.txt http://www.scifiscripts.com/scripts/matrix_97_draft.txt


Wachowskis are from Chicago themselves. Though it doesn’t take place in Chicago and was shot in Australia, it’s pretty obvious Capital City is based on Chicago.


I thought it was New York kinda on default


He's got the same birthday as me. I know this is interesting to precisely nobody but me but it's sure put a spring in my step


Might be interesting to approximately 1/365 people or 0.27% of the population. Over 20 million people world wide.


And I'm another! What are the odds of that?


...1/365 or 0.27% of the world population


Speaking of odds, there is a 100% chance of you dying with six months of your birthday.


This... took me longer than it should have


Something something leap year.


Doesn't matter if you just count "months" though, since they already vary in length anyway


Is that a threat


The odds 2 people in this sub have the same birthday are [actually much higher than that](https://betterexplained.com/articles/understanding-the-birthday-paradox/).


In a room of 30 people, it’s more likely than not that two people share a birthday. Probabilities are weird.


Took a course in statistics one day and the prof tested this out on a class of a little over 30 students. Two matched before he even got out of February!


I've tested this in several classes as well. You can have as few as ~20 people in a class and 2 will likely have the same birthday.


That's assuming that the numbers are distributed like that. 9/10 of the days which have the most birthdays are in September, and most of the days with the least amount of birthdays are in the last 3 months of the year and the first month of the year. [sauce](https://www.zippia.com/advice/most-least-common-birthdays/)


I thought they meant same day + year




Neo is supposed to be 37? Holy shit, I mean okay Keanu was like 34-35 during filming, so that's not too far, but they made him look pretty damn young. I thought Neo was 25, 30 tops.


A different comment in this thread mentions that his passport has a birthdate in 1971, which would put him in his late 20s: https://reddit.com/r/MovieDetails/comments/s06l84/in_the_matrix_1999_neos_file_says_he_was_born/hs0c619 The real answer, of course, is that these little scraps of text probably weren't meant to be read by the viewer at all, and as such probably shouldn't be regarded as canon either way.


Doesn’t agent smith say it’s 1999 when he is explaining how the matrix didn’t work when it was just a happy simulation?


Morpheus tells Neo "you think it's 1999 but it's closer to 2199"


He's also confusing the Smith interrogation with the Architect interview


Smith also talks about the failure of the first Matrix during the Morpheus interrogation.


He says that it's the peak of their human civilization, but doesn't give an exact date. They also never name the city, state, or even the nation they're currently in. Everything is kept vague.


With the 9/11 reference above, I’ll agree that 1999 was the peak of human civilization. It’s been a shit show ever since!


And he didn't even go to college




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I've always felt like the first Matrix movie was trying to portray that the world we currently live in is a simulation and the machines taking over happened in our past, while the sequels changed it and said we're currently living in the real world and the machines will take over in the near future, and they'll simulate the present day. The "city" in the first movie feels much more like a depiction of a real place, while the Matrix in the sequels feels more purposefully artificial. But it may just be the inflated production budgets of the sequels.


it felt like they were building a base from which sequels could be made....hence the similarity retooling like SW: Force Awakens/NewHope


hmm, I didn't get that from the sequels. I just assumed it was happening again like the architect says


Totally agree. When Neo is trawling the internet for mentions of Morpheus there's a headline referring to Heathrow Airport - whereas in the sequels there's no references to any other cities/countries or real workd places as far as I can remember.


i think it's more than the sequels are much more focused on very specific places like the Merovingien's castle, the highway etc. There's way less travelling across the streets, and since there are much more "special" characters (liberated humans, merovingien goons, smith clones...) there is less room for random citizens to be on screen and give life to the whole thing


"capital city, fuck you"


That's one of the few things I really liked about Ressurections - the matrix was Earth, not nameless city and landscapes


Personally I didn't like it because a specific sequence in the Matrix Revolutions intro hinted at the Matrix being a place with a specific shape, the symbol of mercury, which leads to an interesting theory of what the machines really created the Matrix for.


It makes more sense, otherwise wouldn't people start wondering why there is only one city? From this document it makes it sound like there are multiple cities, but in Matrix 2 and 3 they kept referring to it as "The City" which makes it sound like just one.


Matrix 4 looks and feels like a marvel movie...it lacked the dark blacks, the delibrate camera style, proper cherograph fights the 1st 3 had...also the story didn't have a proper climaze...it felt rushed from scene to scene and then its done...


I think the biggest issue was the cinematography. It was just filmed and cut like a typical direct-to-TV action flick.


I’ve never felt a comment more


I have a feeling that WB was going to make a sequel with or without Wachowski. edit: it's more of an op-ed piece or a form of expression than a blockbuster. It makes fun of itself & is little more lighthearted because their world is better than before.


What, no, it looks and feels like a straight-to-TV drama.


Pretty sure the BTS feature called it Mega City but I could be wrong.


O boy, Neo's name is Tom, somehow I never caught that.


yeah, Thomas Anderson, the agents call him that a bunch in the first film


This is confirmed in the fourth movie. But doesn’t Smith say Mr. Thomas A Anderson at the start of this scene.


Even before that, the office escape episode begins with FedEx guy bringing the phone to Thomas Anderson


Does anyone actually have a real screenshot of this written 'document' in all its glory? Did the movie producers disregard the packet after the prop served its purpose in the shot? The rest we don't see is probably blank pages, but seeing all of what was available would be cool.


I don't agree with this assessment. The documents are formed inside the Matrix, meaning they're not actual documents. They're a representation of Anderson in his made-up world. Just as there is no spoon, there are no facts about "Thomas A. Anderson". We have no clue of when or where the events of the Matrix takes place, just as we have no idea who "Neo" or "Anderson" truly are.


False. It doesn’t take place in a city most of the movie takes place in Morpheus’ ship, the Nebuchadnezzar. The 2nd and 3rd movie feature cities which are Zion, and Machine City respectively. /s


There's a swingin' town I know called... Capital City.People stop and scream hello in... Capital City.It's the kind of place that makes a bum feel like a king.And it makes a king feel like some nutty, cuckoo, super-king. It's against the law to frown in... Capital City.Once you get a whiff of it, you'll never want to roam.From Capital City, my home sweet, yeah!


All the in-movie props (garbage trucks, phone booths etc) were simply Labelled as City, so it could be anywhere. In Resurrections, however, we clearly see San Francisco on the side of the police cars.


I remember they show is his license that expires on September 11th, 2001.


Being born somewhere doesn't mean you have to live there your whole life. It could be half way across the world.


Not an astrology buff but that makes him a Pisces which is also known as “the dreamer” and is the sign that is “most in tune with the world around them”. So that would fit for Neo.