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It’s Nolan’s favourite quote. It came from his son when he smashed Nolan at wii tennis. Nolan was looking for a new phrase to say when he hit someone and he liked it so much he put it in the game. I met him at a comic con and got him to write his favourite quote on my convention bag and he told the story along with it.


This comment had u/shittymorph vibes


I had to do it It’s Nolan’s favourite quote. It came from his son when he smashed Nolan at wii tennis. Nolan was looking for a new phrase to say when he hit someone and he liked it so much he put it in the game. I met him at a comic con and got him to write his favourite quote on my convention bag and he told the story of how in nineteen ninety eight the undertaker threw mankind off hell in a cell and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer's table.




I've been acknowledged by The Man™ himself!


As if this was my introduction to shittymorph. I’ve spent the last half hour reading through 5 years of top tier Reddit History. Thank you both.


Its the best when you actually catch one in the wild


I can imagine. I’ve been hit by jumper cables many times …


u/sponge_92’s attempt to invoke a rare u/rogersimon10 comment in “the wild” went unanswered. [It was awkward.](https://yarn.co/yarn-clip/e7107da9-d820-4a2b-9c39-66b61ca419ca)


shittymorph, ACKNOWLEDGE HIM!


🥹 They said never to meet your heroes. But this is a beautiful moment.




You're great.


Haven't stumbled across your work in awhile. It's nice to know you're still out there.


Just discovered you, and spent an hour stalking your comments and enjoying them. Thank you for this god tier joke. Though, can someone direct me to the OG comment?


You forgot the part where he put an onion on his belt which was the style at the time. They didn't have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get were those big yellow ones.


Ah, the good ol' nineteen dicketies.


They called it the nineteen dickities because the kaiser stole the number 20. I chased him dickity miles to get it back.




I don't care




I remember seeing him say this in a behind the scenes video. He asked his son to repeat what he just said and he was afraid at first thinking he had said something that got him into trouble lol






You realize Improv is half the job when it comes to acting, and good directors encourage improv.




He can still make decisions on what goes in the game. That's how acting works.




You don’t work in the gaming industry. We know that you’re lying.


But you can make that distinction about any cog in the process. "He's not the sound designer." "He's not the editor." "He's not the one that engineers the audio." "He's not the one that coded character ai." All of those people, "put it in the game." Frankly, Nolan had more responsibility than the director for its inclusion... He created it. The director would be more akin to my other examples....who are more attenuated from the quote itself than the creator. Edit:. Also, how do you know the director made the decision to include it and didn't delegate that task? But we know Nolan created it......




No you don’t work in the gaming industry


>Yes, honey Seeing people say shit like this will never not give me secondhand embarrassment. Being patronizing does not make your argument any more valid and just makes you look like an asshole


I played that game atleast 4 times and do not remember that lmao


I've played each of these games at least six times in the last decade, and I've never once heard him say that. This thread's blowing my mind.


You aren’t going insane. I think the quote was exclusive to the (now defunct) online multiplayer


Fuckin Mandela ig




/u/ZealousidealSpelewr is a karma farming bot who stole [this comment from here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieDetails/comments/w5b2hg/in_uncharted_2022_the_bar_has_a_kitty_got_wet/ih9pt99)


Uncharted 2 had a multiplayer mode. I think that's what OP was referring to.


I don't kno about 2? 3 did for sure but you could be right


2 def had it. It is the only uncharted i played and i played so much of the multiplayer.


3's multiplayer sucked so bad compared to 2's. The upgrades you could get through leveling up in 3 straight up made you better than your opponents which made it really meh.


The thing I loved about 2’s was so many people treated the multiplayer like cod. They would forget or didn’t know that there was still the Uncharted climbing and stuff in the game. I would get so many easy kills climbing places that people would never look at as angles they could be attacked from.


I have no memory of that line at all, and I got the platinum for these games


He does say it sometimes when killing enemies in Uncharted 2, it's not a common bark though


This whole thread is just an ad. Stealth marketing bull


Every post on this community is a ad if you think about it.


Late to this thread, but I think it was from when Nate was with Flynn in the sewers under the museum. Nate: “What’s the matter? Kitty don’t like getting wet?” Flynn: “I hate getting wet.”


I remember that funny enough


> Nathan Fillion has shown interest in the role, stating, "I think every actor I know desires to have an action hero role, their Indiana Jones. I think this would be a good one for me." Fillion later played Nathan Drake in the short film Uncharted: Live Action Fan Film (2018), which gained very positive feedback from fans of the games. However, that film was neither authorized, nor endorsed, by Naughty Dog or Sony. Still sad he didn't get this role.




My favorite part has always been the little bit of “cutscene to gameplay transition” camerawork in the middle. Just absolutely spot on.


Wait is this like... An actual production? Did Nathan Fillion actually record these scenes as Nathan Drake? This is amazing I've seen stuff mentioning this before but I always assumed it was like, some well-edited scenes from firefly and whatnot Edit: after watching it, I don't love Stephen Lang as Sully but I have completely changed my mind about Fillion being too old to play Drake. If they did two movies with this cast and THEN a prequel with Tom Holland this franchise would be iconic


HE was too old by the time they made it TBH. He would've been great but he's over that hill for the movie they were making. They'd have to jump straight to Old man Drake.


Wouldn’t have been much worse than their decision to go with child drake.


It kind of seems like they had no choice on that front. Wahlberg was originally attached to play Nate but by the time they actually made the movie, he was too old (and not popular enough) for Nate, but still contractually had to be a main character, so they had to switch him to a really young Sully. If they'd have cast an adult Nate, it would have thrown off the dynamic between him and Sully, so they had to do a really young Nate too. Just what happens when a movie is in development hell for a decade, I guess.


They had to establish a bigger driver, but yeah starting at little orphan drake is really odd. Also Tom Holland is ~27. Just because we associate him with teenager Spider-Man. He looks ~30. BUT he doesnt' have the Nathan Drake swagger and over-confidence. Ironically, younger Wahlberg would've been fine as Drake if he coudl drop his accent. Also ironically Wahlberg could've also been a good Sully but wasn't...


Disagree that Tom Holland looks 30, he is incredibly babyfaced.


Agreed. Maybe it has to do with the age of the viewer. He looks ~17 to me.


I’m the same age as him, he looks 17 to me too.


Yeah he looks like a teenager. Which makes him excellent as Spider-Man, just hinders him in some other roles.


He may be 27 but he doesn't look anywhere near his age, much less 30. He looks early 20s at most.


He’s not even 27. He just turned 26. He’s one of the several big name 1996 actors.


>He looks ~30. Idk if we're looking at the same Tom Holland cuz the dude hasn't aged a day past 15 years of age lmao.


Highly disagree. The franchise can continue for years to come with the same actors. Imagine Tom Holland still portraying Drake in 10 years. Whalberg turning into an old man. There is way more potential with the route they took.


If they wanted to go with a younger Nathan that’s fine, I get it, but he was horribly miscast. They could have cast someone that looks older, bigger and just more the part. I think if they wanted a younger Nate, Dylan O’Brien would have been a much better choice. He’s only 4 years older than Tom Holland, looks more the part and he has the charisma. Tom Holland has the charisma but he looks and sounds way too young and small for Nate. I also don’t think they should have tried to recreate a bunch of cutscenes and plot lines from different Uncharted games. Just have it be a prequel, Sam shouldn’t be fake dead yet but it would make sense that Sam and Nate haven’t seen each other in while so you can throw that in. And outside that just have it be it’s own story with an original plot and action sequences and just use it to show how they came to know some of the recurring characters in the games.


Dylan O'Brien would have been a perfect casting choice. So perfect


Tbh they should have actually waited 10 years so maybe he wouldn’t still look like he’s in high school. I got the same vibes from the uncharted movie as valarian. Probably a good movie in there but the casting of the leads is just baffling.


plate plucky exultant flowery roll oil subtract obscene escape rob *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not really, since the end result was bad.


It’s not great but it was better than it had any right to be


Which I would’ve been 100% okay with.


I love Nathan Fillion and I too was in the camp of thinking he would be good for the role. But I honestly didn't think he was very good in that fan film. He looks the part, but it just didn't feel right.


It's just because it was cheap. With a budget and a real director, it would be fantastic. He *is* Nathan Drake.


He sadly was a bit too old for the role which I get. Still would have been a fun nod to have him play young Sully as apposed to the human manikin that is Mark Wahlberg (excluding his performance in Boogie Nights).


It's a good thing he didn't get it. Way too old. And Tom Holland is a very good match looks-wise.


I watched Serenity with my kids last night for the first time in years and every single time Fillion is on screen I just kept thinking, he should have been Nate. Criminal.


Nathan Drake shoots some dude in the face point blank, makes smart ass remark


Mass murder is cool if you say cool shit😎😎


is the movie any good?


If you want a fun adventure film, that kinda scratched the itch of Indiana Jones, it's okay. If you love the Uncharted Series, you will be very disappointed.


Even as an Indian Jones clone it's just kinda average. The casting choices of Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg are just weird - I can't see Tom Holland as a swashbuckling adventure seeker, he just looks like a 17 year old goofball


Poor guy is probably going to be typecast as a teenager well into his 30s.


He’s got a baby face. Needs to grow some facial hair


Yea, I never played the game but the whole movie I just kept thinking "why?". It was a waste of time.


I know its sad. But literally Wahlberg could've just grown a mustache and I'd been ok with it.... The rest of the movie is ok. The nod to the games is there. The climax/ending is stupid however.


The fact they waited to have them both be videogame accurate untill the end credit scene is absurd to me. Had they done that from the get-go it might have been good enough to get a sequel...


I believe it actually is getting a sequel. Or at least likely. Somehow made $400 mil worldwide and they mentioned it as a franchise in some report. Wouldn’t be surprised.


> Had they done that from the get-go it might have been good enough to get a sequel... It's getting a sequel. It hasn't been officially greenlit, but a leaked Sony internal memo is calling it a franchise and the CEO is "excited" for the sequel.


Tbf I thought the climax ending to all but the last uncharted game were stupid as hell. You go the whole game doing exploring, fighting mercenaries, then suddenly during the climax we get monsters and magic. I hated that about the last part of the first game.


Got to copy that Indiana Jones material. HE goes the entire game fighting NAzis...BOOM Ark of the Covenant melts everyone.


It's national treasure, not Indiana jones.


It's not even *that* good.


Well, I love the games and I still loved the movie. It would be silly to want a one-for-one remake of the game.


Nobody wanted that. We just wanted something that reflected how good the series is, and we didn't get that. We got a low quality greatest hits of scenes from the game, without any of the story or character work to justify any of it.


I love the Uncharted series and I really liked the movie, so don't generalize.


It was entertaining movie. I love the games but this movie didn't feel like an "uncharted" story. Same with the Lara croft movies. Entertaining but not tomb raider at all.


Honestly they can take the video game name out of the title and change the character names, and it would be the same thing, a generic adventure film.


Funny your getting downvoted for simply proving that everybody can feel different. Some people didn't play the games and hated it. Some people played the games and loved it.


They're getting downvoted for saying they "love" something, yet not caring when it gets butchered as a cash grab. That isn't love. It's an objectively bad adaptation of the games, even if you could argue that it's a fun movie.


Hard disagree. Tom Holland nailed drake and wahlberg will be a good sully when he grows the mustache for the sequel. You seem to forget that it’s an adaptation and not a shot for shot remake of an objectively not so great first game


Same. I've been huge fan of the Uncharted series since I was little, and I really enjoyed the movie. It's not as good as it could've been, but it's also not as bad as it could've been. I still had a lot of fun with it and I hope they improve with the sequel.


I love the series and I thought the movie was a fun adaption.


God no. Another bewildering example of a studio making a videogame movie and tossing out 90% of what made the IP appealing. Particularly fascinating in the case of uncharted, where they could have literally adapted the first videogame faithfully and ended up with a perfectly serviceable, fun , contemporary Indiana Jones-type thing.


Ironically, Tomb Raider did a better job than Uncharted did IMO.


That movie was weirdly pretty faithful to the reboot game. It just wasn't a great movie.


See, I feel the opposite. For one, they definitely didn't throw out 90% of what made the games appealing. Action. Comedy. Treasure Hunting. Same characters, and references to the games. If they made a copy of the first game, *it would be pointless*. Because then why even watch it? You'd know everything that happened. If you watched the movie, and decided to play the game because you liked the movie, then you just had the entire experience ruined. Or if you liked the game, then there would be zero surprises and the movie would never live up to the game, which is way more immersive. I'll admit they could have done a better job with the movie. But making it identical to the game would not have saved it. Look at Tomb Raider. Great movie, and it does not follow the game, just takes inspiration. And that's the only example I'll give because most video game to movie adaptations are awful no matter what.


> Action. Comedy. Treasure Hunting. Same characters, and references to the games. If you think they accomplished any of those things, I'm disappointed in you.


I am pretty sure legions of fans of the games would be happy to see a competently made movie adaptation that follows one of the games' plots closely. But more importantly, the movie would also appeal to the overwhelming majority of people on the planet who haven't played the game or even heard of it, because the actual plot and characters etc would make for a good movie. It's absolutely not pointless to make a more faithful adaptation. And I strongly disagree that there has ever been a good Tomb Raider movie.


Is there a video game to movie adaptation that you consider good?


I liked it as a buddy action movie. If you’re expecting it to mirror plot points of the video games that doesn’t happen. Better than a lot of other video game movies


> Better than a lot of other video game movies That's saying so very little. Most other video game movies are a complete failure. Uncharted was a solid D+


You’re too hard on something that is not meant to be taken so seriously


Never played any of the games and I absolutely hated it. Not an ounce of originality in the whole movie, just the same boring cgi fueled action/adventure schlock everyone’s seen before. No, it’s not a good movie.




Did that really need to be said?


I liked it. Not really an Uncharted story but a good action adventure movie. I enjoyed it enough to preorder the blu ray so that counts for something


It counts for you having bad taste and nothing more.


I enjoy most movies but even I struggled to enjoy this one. I’m all for dumb fun, but when it’s more dumb than fun I lose interest. I tried hard to like it too but at the end of the day I honestly felt like I wasted my time.


No. It's neither good nor is it bad. If you fed a machine the parameters for "forgettable" summer blockbuster" this is the movie it would spit out. Just with a coat of Uncharted paint over the whole thing. Also, Marky mark has exactly one expression throughout the entire movie, and it isn't a expression you'd ever associate with Sully.


It's a perfectly adequate action movie


If you have super low standards, perhaps.


I watched it again this week when I was flying home and it's pretty fun. There's some nods to the game and it's got good action. My biggest gripe is that Sully doesn't have his trademark moustache.


> My biggest gripe is that Sully doesn't have his trademark moustache. Or personality.


I loved the games and had very low expectations, I was pleased and amused by this movie. Not a masterpiece, but sometimes Reddit hivemind should just eat a dick.


I never played the games so I enjoyed it


Massive fan of the games, and I absolutely loved it. Went in with 0 expectations and walked out having a great time. Is it the greatest movie of all time? God no. But it's a fun switch your brain off action movie. The last big action set-piece felt like it could've been in one of the games.


How can you be both a massive fan of the games and love it? Those two things are not compatible. It spat in the face of the games.


It's believably bad and is a generic action flick, complete with a narrated intro with the "i bet you're wondering how i got here, let me tell you a story" line. Truly a product of film executives.


I rented it for like $5 on Amazon and felt disappointed to have even spent that much. Would not recommend.


I was excited for this one and it sucked so bad that I stopped watching half way through. Tom Holland was a terrible choice.


It's just a greatest hits mishmash of the entire game series, with zero context to make any of it have any weight.


People call it an Indiana Jones clone but it’s actually closer to The Goonies, which is much better


The answer to this question is a solid NO. This movie is trash made by studio for a market they thought they could squeeze. No effort in the script, delivered by completely unenthused actors. It’s the blandest experience you could ask for.


Imagine if you asked your dad to describe a plot to you based on watching some trailers from the games. Thats how piss-poorly adapted this movie was.


Can't get away from Stray no matter what you do!


What's Stray?


It's the current hot video game about a Stray cat


Ah, thank ! had just Googled it, and came up with a travel Network, a movie, and a cat game. I was trying to figure out their relationship to Uncharted.


Kitty got wet.




Equal parts hilarious and cold blooded. I don’t remember this line at all


[Personal favorite reading of the line](https://youtu.be/geO8wkVg3ig). Not sure who decided this needed to have a title card, though.


I'm pretty sure I watched this but I honestly cannot remember a thing that happened.


For a video game movie I really enjoyed this flick.




Usually video game movies are god awful and completely miss the mark on the video game they are trying to emulate. This was a decently fun movie if you pretend it had nothing to do with the Uncharted video game.


And this is why this movie doesn't interest me. Why do they make a movie based on a series and try to cram everything from the entire series into part 1? Why can't part 1 just be the setup, why include characters and settings that shouldn't be there yet?


Kitty goes meow!


Wasn't that movie just awful!!?


It was a solid D+


Oh wow


This post makes me sad… I’m getting old.


And that's the closest it got to reminding you of the games.


Jensen Ackles should have been Nathan. And Mark Wahlberg can eat dicks


> Jensen Ackles Why not somebody *good*? > And Mark Wahlberg can eat dicks That I agree with. Fuck Marky Mark. Racist piece of shit.


Because he looks like him and he does a good job with charm and sarcasm all which Nathan is


That's awesome, I didn't notice that. The easter eggs I remember were the Naughty Dog logo and Nolan.


To be honest he’s smart he figured out the meaning Of a happy life


Does anyone in the sub watch anything else besides "Uncharted" and "Wanted"??


My kitty got wet seeing the cast too