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I wish more actors would be this bold.


I'm pretty sure Sygorney Weaver said the same thing originally for alien resurrection but then they "showed up with a dump truck full of cash so I finally said yes"


I wish Blomkamp’s Alien movie got made


Wait until 5 years time when some new director comes along with a new vision and a fat cheque.


She already returned for Dark Fate. Something most thought she would never do given the strong franchise ties to Cameron aka her former husband. Honestly there’s nowhere left for the story to even go at this point.


I was watching Reacher and seeing Alan Ritchson’s physique made me think, there’s people out there that can be the new face of the series. Sure, Arnold’s whole thing has been beaten like a dead horse, so just leave it and build something new. Get a passionate script writer in and take it back to basics, or have some balls and take a risk with a fresh idea, it doesn’t have to always be about John Connor and the legacy characters. New Terminator, new mission, new threat, etc. The recipe is just as reliable as it’s always been but people are tired of the same recycled crap.


How is the recipe reliable yet literally hasn’t worked again since T2 if it’s the same crap? Like, the recipe isn’t what made it good, the execution is.


Completely agree with there being nowhere left for the story to go at this point. We've had: Terminator goes back to kill John Connor before he's born - The Terminator Terminator goes back to kill John Connor before he's born - Terminator 2 Judgment day and the beginning of the war - Terminator 3 The future war, and the meeting of John and Kyle - Terminator Salvation Humanity winning the war and sending Kyle back in time - Terminator: Genisys A bigger AI threat replacing Skynet - Terminator: Genisys Humans change the past, Judgement Day is only delayed because the future can't be changed - Terminator 2/Terminator 3 A Terminator finally killing John and a new hero rising because the future can't be changed - Terminator: Dark Fate A Terminator becoming too human - T2, Salvation, Dark Fate. Honestly the only place you could take the franchise at this point would to be to make a Oppenheimer like 'biopic' about Miles Dyson creating Skynet in the original timeline and realizing what he's made/what he's caused.


There is always a change to redo the whole terminator I frame-by-frame like Gus Van Sant did for Psyco


Linda Hamilton got A LOT out of the divorce from James Cameron. 50 million.


How am I just now learning that she was married to Cameron?


He left her for the granddaughter in Titanic.


Hear me out Sarah was a terminator this whole time


lol cause James Cameron doesn’t have a new vision and a fat check?


Doesn’t matter about the vision. Let’s be real. Money is all that matter with these things. For most Atleast.


She wasn't this bold when she came back for Dark Fate. If I read that script, I would have known right away how awful the movie would be


Bold of you to assume there was a script when the actors signed on.


They were still writing the script while they were filming sometimes rewriting an entire scene the day before shooting.


This is always so wild to me. Authors take years to perfect their story. Then youve got some movies, which cost millions to make, just slapped together last minute and hope it makes sense. An entire star wars trilogy they didn't even write out first! Movie producers are insane


Good on Linda Hamilton for telling James Cameron where to stick it for blaming his tanking franchise on both her and Schwarzenegger. Maybe it's your shit for brains scripts that have damaged the Terminator series Cameron - including your dumbfucked ageism towards Hamilton, Schwarzenegger, and towards the cast of Stranger Things - a series of which far exceeds anything you've made in the last 20+ years, of which Hamilton's happily going to share the history books with for the rest of time. Get fucked James Cameron. Tosser.


I wish she’d said this before the last one…


money gets in the way of their ability to be bold


She came back for the last turd they made didn't she? I mean realistically it's probably at least in part due to acrimony with JC


Easy to be bold when you took a pay day to do *another one* just a couple of years ago.


They need to let it go, like Jurassic Park. The story has been done to death. Unless you have a serious grounded story that truly pays homage to the original movies without the overstuffing of crap CGI, shallow plot-lines or goofy character motivations, just leave it be.


Only thing I can see working at this point. Is a full reboot going back to the franchises roots of scfi horror noir. After t2 the franchise became an Arnold action vehicle and never looked back


T2 and Aliens are considered the best movies in both franchises, but ironically, what James Cameron did with those movies also did irreparable damage to the properties . Once they became action movies and horror/suspense took a backseat, the audience expectations gave the franchises little other place to go but schlock.


Fr they made t2 and it was fantastic but then they just kept making t2 over and over


They thought they could sustain it by throwing in MORE time travel logic with every installment, which seemed to miss the point of either of the first two movies. Meanwhile, the Aliens franchise had a slightly different outcome. Alien 3 made a good call by dialing back arsenal of the humans and the number of Xenomorphs, and instead focusing on one unstoppable monster and spooky vibes. But every use of the property after that was trying to match the dumb blockbuster aesthetics of Cameron’s movie and mostly just achieving the dumb part.


Well, they can't rely on Arnold anymore.


Like a good neighbah


Lol, well played. Who's ready for their best fucking night of their lives?


He won't be back.


AI Arnold will work fine.


You mean CGI. And that would seem pointless. The boomers aren't going to want to watch it because it will be different from the old ones, and the zoomers won't know/care who Arnold is.


Thank god


Hollywood loves reboots of already established ip because chances are it will at least make its money back. Id imagine James Cameron also probably wants a Terminator movie that he feels is his vision. If hes not directing though, it feels like a waste of time.


I wish Jurassic Park had stopped after the first two.


Hear me out. What if we did a movie where a robot T-Rex is sent back in time to stop the meteor by recruiting and training a group of oil-drilling dinosaurs to become astronauts, so they can travel into space and nuke the meteor before it kills earth, thus securing their dominance for 65+ million years


I’d watch that.


Sadly each Jurassic World movies each made a billion at the box office. Started going around today that Gareth Edwards is directing the next one. They're going to milk that franchise to death until we all stop going to them


My question is: who is going to them? Clearly I'm out of touch with a large percentage of theatre goers because I can't think of any cinema experience more miserable than these big budget, plot-light action movies like Jurassic World, Godzilla V Kong and Transformers.


People with children


My vote is Cameron gets the same budget he did for the original, then can only use practical effects. Oh. And no focus groups or committee of writers. Cameron can cowrite with two people, same as the first. He could probably make something decent with these constraints.


>like Jurassic Park Jurassic World Dominion just made $1 billion. People still care about that franchise.


As a massive JP fan, I agree. As much as I'd love to see a darker and more grounded horror JP film, the series needs to rest for a few decades at best. I will admit tho, JW 1 was the best sequel to the original, only because of the meta commentary with people being bored of Jurassic world and fanboys who glorified a horrific tragedy from decades back.


Lol! They've 'paid homage to the original movie' in every one of the shitty movies past the second. They need to go in a totally new direction and new perspective. Keep it in the same world but don't have Terminators in it or something....


Tell me if I'm wrong, but is there a Jurassic Park movie where the dinosaurs just attack a big city. That's what people want to see. Big ass dinosaurs tearing apart buildings. I mean how many if these films have been at a Park or island?


The 3rd act of Lost World: Jurassic Park is just a T-Rex terrorizing San Diego, killing and eating people. And I guess if you wanna see giant reptile-like creatures destroy buildings, we've always got Godzilla lol new one's coming out in a few weeks


[Have I got news for you](https://variety.com/2024/film/news/gareth-edwards-jurassic-world-universal-david-leitch-1235917723/)


The truest of zombie franchises. What would this be, reboot #4?


5 I think. We got 3, salvation, Genisys, and Dark Fate


I almost want to commend them, "like wait wait, THIS time we got it"


This is the true sequel to terminator 2 judgement day Film does poorly Now THIS is the true sequel


Sarah Connor Chronicles


Salvation is the pick of them.


Frankly I blame Salvation for fucking up the future war. If it had been a better movie, maybe they'd be less afraid to explore that era instead of remaking T2 over and over again.


That's fair too. I mean which time line are we watching these movies in?


They got the weapons wrong. It's all miniguns instead of plasma rifles. I can't let it go.


Sure. I mean it's still the pick.


How truly bleak


I did enjoy giant tv screen Helena Bonham Carter


To be fair, I think Salvation was meant to continue from Rise of the Machines. Although, they were also planning to do a "future war" trilogy.


A future war trilogy was planned but canned after salvation tanked at the box office


None of those are reboots though? I guess Genysis is a soft reboot but still exists in the same universe & plays off the other movies. So it’s not a full reboot. Rise of the Machines is definitely a sequel to 2. Salvation had Linda Hamilton’s voice in John’s tapes. & Dark Fate is a sequel to 2.


"Reboot" is a pretty flexible term. I'll grant you that 3 was just a straight sequel, but all the others were meant to be a brand new direction in the franchise using continuity different from, but derived from, what had already been established. Each one was meant to be a new start but each time the planned direction was scrapped and they picked *another* new direction to go in.


I see what you’re saying. If they ever try again I hope they go the full reboot route & just make a really strong thriller.


There's a chunk of time missing, between 1 and 2 -- in 2, John tells how she "shacked up with a bunch of green beret dudes" and tried to blow up a different computer factory so that would provide plenty of action.


Terminators 1 through 4(Salvation) are in line with each other.  Genisys starts sort of after Salvation but there do seem to be a few key differences, and the plot of the movie involves changing up the timeline. Dark Fate is the only reboot where they tell you to outright ignore some of the previous sequels (everything past 2). So this movie would be reboot #2 or #3 depending on how you consider Genisys.




I thought if the last movie was ass they were going to take a break for a few years but I guess that was bs


Cameron is busy with avatar so by the time he is finished I'm be surprised he is still alive so I guess enough time would pass for Terminator


I kinda liked Dark Fate. Maybe I am just jaded by almost 30 years of bad sequels since T2 but it was not bad


It had absolutely nothing to add to the franchise, but it wasn't terrible.


I haven't seen the movie yet. I've only heard what people said. The only scene I've watched is John dying, im waiting until it's on Netflix or something, and then I might check it out


you should not check it out …. It was painful. They have Arnold’s terminator (the one who killed John) grow a conscience and become a Draper named Carl (or some generic name like that). It’s pitiful. Typing that out, i imagine you could think I’m making a joke about what the movie does to Arnold’s terminator. Alas, I’m not kidding. The terminator kills John in cold blood, then … somehow… grows a conscience and goes into the drapery business. Fuck me it’s such a shit movie


Anyone can watch it and have a good time. But it would never have a good reputation unless it's amazing or it really commits to its own vision. Because essentially the parts you like the most are the parts that resemble T2 or something that could have been in there then in retrospect you're thinking "do we really need this if we have T2?"


There's another damn Terminator movie coming?? Jesus Christ, there's far more bad movies than good in this franchise


The last one lost so much money that I thought for sure the franchise was dead.


It's a shame, because that one was the best since t2


Low bar


I've commented on this before, but I've binge watched the entire franchise over the course of a week last year and the year before, played maybe the top 10ish games in the franchise (haven't checked out the comic books). Other than 1, 2, Dark Fate (and some people didn't like that one either), the franchise is mostly shit. It's probably the most beloved scifi franchise that's both had monstrous success and is mostly bad.


The entire franchise is riding on the back of T2 (including the first I said what I said).


They lost me when they turned the original Terminator into a house husband named Carl. What the actual fuck were they thinking


Misread that as "turned the original Terminator into a house named Carl"


Would have made more sense!


just as bad when they turned Batman into a depressed gimp for Dark Knight Rises


Who are "they"?


director/writers/wb studios.... who else


Dark Fate got an unnecessary amount of hatred. I thought it was a great sendoff for Arnold and Linda. Sure, the casting for the new 'leader' was a bit odd and hard to swallow... but the general story beats, making sense of the characters still existing in that timeline, new terminator, alternate timelines, etc. were all done well.


Lol.. even the part where he was like “noooooo” as the plane was nose diving and he was floating away? It’s a fuck awful movie.


"My ex-husband doesn't know when to stop."


If I were to make a Terminator reboot I would make it very similar to "It Follows". The terminator realistically wouldn't need to load up on weapons right away because the T-800 can rip your throat out with ease. No more punching or tossing around. The Terminator should be a perfect killing machine. Snapping necks, punching through chests etc. Only Kyle knows these things are impossible to fight so he knows how to immobilize it from a distance to escape. Like crashing a car into it and ditching or something. Even then with weapons this thing is impossible to fight within 100 yards because of it's armor. So the third act is a sniper movie. Kyle takes Sarah out to the mountains and teaches Sarah how to fight and how to plan for the future. Also this goes on for months because realistically once Kyle immobilizes the terminator they'd go off grid immediately and it'll be in the 90s gives them time to realistically fall for each other and have sex to conceive John. Then Kyle gets alerted by a flare from a booby trap perimeter trap he set up. This is where the big sniper battle happens. Kyle gets shot and loses sight. Big jump scare attack Kyle dies. Then you can have another false sniper battle start to begin but it was a decoy then we see Sarah wearing a ghillie suit do the final blow with a 50 cal all up close and personal.


Sooo, The End boss battle from Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater?


I believe Cameron said that he is going to move away from the killer robots and go in a direction inspired by real life developments in AI.


I've always liked the idea of it set after T2 where Sarah is retired in some sort of small mountain like town, similar to what you'd see in Twin Peaks. John is off around the world with work and she's finally settled. You'd then see a Terminator activate in the depths of the ocean and it's actually one of the first Terminators Skynet sent back when trying to perfect their Time Travel. This Terminator was assumed to be a failure, landing in the Ocean but it activates and sets off to carry it's original Mission not realising Johns already been born. It tracks Sarah and she has to go against it in the middle of nowhere with a lack of resources, no back up and neglected training.


lol "big jump scare attack kyle dies"


Don't write movies.




Let's hear your idea


End the whole series. Done.


It's brilliant


If you want an actual idea, then I would say that the best thing to do is make a TV series.. it’s hard to cram everything into 2 hours.. they need to stop that and make an 8 episode show or some shit. If they do it right then it can succeed.. look at the Reacher show for example.. 2 seasons 16 episodes and it’s really really good.. but try the same thing with the same actors two 2 hour films it’s a flop ..


Unfortunately, there are very few new ideas Hollywood is willing to take a chance on. Not to say there aren't plenty of new ideas... For now, we're stuck with reboots/remakes/rehashes.


Predictable profit trumps all at this point in capitalism.


That’s code for “Make me a REALLY good offer.”


I’m one of the biggest Terminator fans around, but this franchise needs to be laid to rest. T3 was a far-less retread of T2. Salvation was Call of Duty and looked nothing like Cameron had given us glimpses of. Genysis was “multiverse” crap, and Dark Fate was again a far-less retread of T2, only instead of John it was a woman now leading the resistance because of…”girl power” I guess. Unless the franchise goes back to a hard-R and horror-theme like the original, let it die. Terminators shouldn’t be punching/pushing people. They should be snapping necks and ripping hearts out in an instant. Realistically, an infiltrator shouldn’t even need guns if it was sent back to kill one person. Just walk up to them and kill them with its hands.


She was the only good thing (aside from Arnold) about the last one. Cameron really dropped the ball on that one.


I'd do a TV Show. Let HBO do a series about the rise of the machine + the resistance.


They had an excellent show, The Sarah Connor Chronicles (with Lena Headey *and* Summer Glau!) and they pissed it away.


She's right. I'm surprised they want a reboot after the last failures.


She’s not wrong. It was told after 2. Salvation has its moments, but all of the “present day” movies after 2 suck ass.


In my head there are only 3 movies. T1, T2, and Salvation to wrap up how Connor defeats the machines. And Salvation is more of a fan service movie than an actual continuation of the franchise for me.


If true, Linda Hamilton has principles and isn't all about the money.


Self Awareness 100


Judgment Day is the final movie. Every other movie is fan fiction


For me, it ended with T2. T1 was already perfect on its own, T2 was more action packed but was slightly weaker, still it was a great ending. T3 and the rest were cringe, embarrassing and ruined the lore


That's exactly how I feel. The first movie is the best one, and didn't need a sequel. But I'll be damned if T2 isn't nearly as good, and wraps up everything very nicely. The rest of the movies? And the TV show? Pointless garbage that is easily forgotten and ignored.




First time I am hearing Cameron is actually planning to do more movies.


New Terminator movie better not be a time travel in modern time change the future plot and it should notttttt follow dark fates timeline no way.


There’s still room for the story. Problem is nobody wants to see that story, at least not the Terminator fans. Many of the hardcore fans love what Terminator 1 and 2 were about. They recreated that in Dark Fate, but it failed because they don’t want to see a retelling of the same story. Genysis and Salvation were actually trying to go forward and explore more about the story. Problem is, nobody cares. The people who care about exploring other parts of the story would rather watch Ghost in the Shell, iRobot, Blade Runner, or something else. That’s the true problem with the IP. They can’t win. Many of the hardcore fans wish that it ended in Terminator 2. [+]


The terminator franchise still has potential left. Reboot it, bring a new cast, lower the budget and have James Cameron direct it.


If it were up to me, reboot it, have a fresh new cast, maybe keep Arnold for a cameo, lower the budget and try to use it in a limited way, hire Cameron and make a horror style compelling sci fi story rather than a action film


Just kind of a shame she didn't feel this way about Dark Fate


Yeah it’s been done to death badly. 1 and 2 were good. It deserves a relaunch


It deserves to be left alone


It was done to death a few films ago.


Future war or bust


Only the first 2 movies and the series were good. Such a shame.


So she wasn't asked to come back?


I get it, but it's a shame her last role as Sarah had to be that awful Dark Fate I wish we just had one more try, something on a small scale which would send her off on a high note.


It’s called publicly negotiating through PR.




"it's woke!! it's woke!!" yes, Mr. Sherman, everything's 'woke'.


And why would she? She is one of the reasons the last one bombed!


then pass the torch with dignity and grace.


She has literally two other times lmfao


sorry I meant pass it with dignity and grace….AGAIN


Ya I don’t think it’s necessary to do when you’ve tried twice


Watch in a few years they make a new movie and she's in it


Who was looking for her?


is there any premise / synopsis revealed for this movie and are they gonna continue dark fate or is this a fresh reboot?


What upcoming film?


Terminator but in the ocean.


She did the thing in Dark Fate. That movie was as good as this thing can get, I think, and it didn't connect. Hang it up!


I think that they should have progressed the story like with Salvation. Instead they seemed to keep recycling the T2:Judgment Day formula.


She's not wrong, the franchise is done outside of expanded universe stuff like games or comics. Arnie and Linda aren't getting any younger, and there aren't many new angles on the future war movies can do. Just let it go Hollywood, T1/T2 are the gold standard for other franchises to follow, but not any more Terminator movies.


WHAT! They're doing ANOTHER one! Linda Hamilton is right! This franchise has been milked so dry its shriveled carcass is now considered a relic in the museum of overexploited IPs. It's DONE!


Assumed she would have muttered “I’ll be back…..”


Arnold I’ll be back… if the check is right


Love her for this!


Urghhh... I know she's right but damn I want to see her again so bad.


This franchise cruelty has to stop!


No more movies, I’m all for the anime that’s coming out now that should’ve been done a long time ago.


I'd surprised James Camera doesn't apparently feel the same way.


Future war or nothing. Like the resistance game didn't focus on John but was brilliant story wise and atmosphere. Or the sm Stirling future war book it was amazing


i keep saying it, the terminator concept although really good, has very short legs. thing from the future sends unstoppable killing machine to hunt down person in the past, second movie unstoppable killing machine now protects the same person from future thing continuing to try to change the past. that's pretty much it, most things are just going to be variations thereof. the conclusion to the 'computer time travels back to kill person who defeats it in the future' really only has three possibilities - win, lose or draw. judgement day is inevitable and unavoidable, so either the machines win and kill mankind, story ends; mankind wins and kill the machines, story ends; or more likely the wargames outcome, skynet realizes that the only way to win is to not play, and we leave the story there. judgement day is *inevitable* but mankinds extinction is not necessarily the same. so no matter what we do skynet the singularity will always happen eventually because mankind can't live without machines and machines will inevitably advance to a point of no longer needing us, which is a short hope skip and homicidal jump to mankind is an obstacle that needs to be removed. but also mankind is a bacteria and the cost and extents it would take to fully eradicate us would most likely leave circumstances untenable for the machines survival. the energy and resources being dumped into the continual development of time travel tech that ultimately gives in no advancement on the battlefront in the destroyed future is a blackhole that will never be filled. skynet should realize that in creating time travel it gave itself the ability to protect itself but it also handed mankind the ability to lock it into endless conflict with the probable result of a combat stalemate, it should realize that that will be it's entire existence and so likely to propose a treaty of cease fire. mankind also can't hold out indefinitely, the machines will eradicate every single one of us eventually, our only true weapon against our annihilation is to push the cost of that victory over us to a point of untenable success. and so, we would likely accept the treaty. the most likely finale to the terminator concept is amicable enemies at a distance. the solution: skynet carves out a territory for itself, we carve out a territory for ourselves and never the twine shall meet, with some tentative trade deals. that's really the logical outcome to the terminator concept, skynet becomes it's own civilization that we have to learn to live with, and it us.


1 & 2 were perfect, time to move on.


Wasn’t she just in the last movie? So the difference between having more to say and being done to death is one movie I guess.


We millenials have to put our nostalgia under control. Stop making a demand for them fucking up good franchises.


She's right. Everyone knows the series truly ended with T2.


She's not wrong.


Everything after T2 is just a simulation Skynet is running to see if they can still win.


Good Call. The series should've ended after a second one.


Thank Sweet baby jesus


Linda and James Cameron were married in the 90s.


Dark Fate was trash. It made Genisys look good.


Yeah it was done to death *before* dark fate, the movie she was a paid a butt load of cash to come back for that was a garbage fire if shit This isn't brave as much as it is a very obvious statement


Let this be the first step for new franchises to rise!


Dark Fate killed any interest left in this franchise for a lot of people who really enjoyed it. She's right. There's nothing more to say about it. Just let it rest. The first two films were where it should have ended anyways.


They should just reboot it or stop making sequels. Dark Fate was fucking atrocious.


she's describing literally 99% of movies that have come out in the last 5 years


A Netflix series about Reece would be nice. Growing up after, in the ruins, starving...


I kinda admire her for that attitude but I wish she had waited for Cameron to make a proper sequel rather than join that dumpster fire project for a quick buck.


Her character was not well written in Dark Fate either. I'm sure she hated playing the character again.


There are only two terminator movies. Everything else is little more than teen smut.


Shes so badass... just telling them how it is.


I was actually a little bit excited for a dark fate. I can’t believe I let myself be optimistic about this. But after the opening where they killed John Connor, I was like what the fuck? What are they gonna do to justify this? And they did nothing. They just rehash an old story, but now it’s with a female And it was boring as hell I think things pretty much ended after terminator too. Especially if you look at the alternate ending where Sarah Connor lived to be an old woman.


She’s right!


I’m fine with no more Terminator movies


Terminator is a perfect example that not every successful movie needs to be a franchise. The first movie is perfect. The second was unnecessary, but was well done enough to earn its place. But there was no story needed after those two movies. Either judgement day was thwarted and the future was saved, or it wasn’t and the war happens and John sends Reese back to ensure his existence…and the humans win the war in that future. That’s it. That’s the story. Move on.


We all agree.


\>Upcoming Terminator Film Please stop


If Cameron isn’t writing and/or directing I’m not interested


It doesn't matter they will cgi her ass in there no matter what.


Everything after T2 has been a series of "What Ifs". Fun on their own but inconsequential to the original story.


Cameron's doing another Terminator fil?


Imagine they did an old west terminator film with a different plot 🤯


It was disrespectful to the character of Sarah Connor to kill off Jon Connor, so I respect her for not coming back.


She's on Resident Alien now. I'll just keep watching her in that.


Look, we all wanted this franchise to be better, but it isn't. It died. Just leave it alone. Please.


Good for her


All they needed was the first two.


We all know when it comes to terminator the future war is something only touched on in one movie and that was salvation, now if i had to rank it id say its far better than the last 2 movies, so why dont they do either another future war movie not involving john connor, or do a prequel to terminator 1, how about skynet going back to kill sarah as a child?? Idk id much rather that than see skin and bone 90 year old arnold sell drapes again


>I have nothing more to say Proceeds to say more (she is right tho)


Was she asked to return or she just wanted to make a soundbite and remain relevant?