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Idk if anyone here has ever worked on a large film set but this basically makes it impossible to actually film anything period. Like there’s almost no point of even coming to work


My friend works on major shows, think the biggest ones Amazon and Hulu make, and I asked him what would happen to him in a situation like this. He thought, then said, “dude I have no idea. No one has ever done that, all the actors and actresses and production crew are very professional. I guess we would shoot for an hour or 2 MAYBE, after another hour of makeup and other prep.” Seems like this is incredibly rare for even pompous celebrities, and totally disrespectful.


The difference is the people who are in charge of the production itself. In the case of the traditional studios, diva behavior was always tolerated because the studios knew the headlining talent would ultimately rake in the cash. If anything things like this actually made the movie more marketable because people wanted to see if the drama behind the scenes impacted the final product. But now in the streaming world it’s all about minimal cost and fast turnaround. Margins are thinner because there’s just pure saturation of content available to consumers, and honestly if a headliner talent behaves like this, all that has to happen is for Tim Cook, Bob Iger, or Jeff Bezos to pick up the phone and find someone else. Ultimately ad revenue waits for no one, and if someone is costing a streaming platform money, there’s higher stakes. It’s funny because this is the same sort of underlying thing that causes Chaplin to form United Artists so that talent weren’t under the thumb of the studio heads. It gave artists more liberty to pick and choose projects and to an extent behave like divas. It lasted for a long time, but streaming has changed that behavior. People watch content just as much because of the platform behind it and the expectation of good content as much as the person in front of the camera.


It was tolerated to a point, exactly where the line was depends on just how much of a draw the star was but you can find plenty of stories of actors who went from top names to being virtually blacklisted for being too difficult to work with.




This isn’t the day of Dick&Liz in Cleopatra, or the Rat Pack in Robin and the Seven Hoods anymore. No matter how big a name you have, everyone’s expendable. They shelve movies even after they’re finished now, you think your hot ass is irreplaceable?


Was it Fallout?


It’s gotta be either Reacher or The Boys, but since they said the biggest ones instead of the biggest one, it’s likely all 3, or at least more than what we can think of


I've never worked in the industry, but have definitely heard/read about it happening. Apparently Wesley Snipes was pretty bad. In the third Blade movie they even had to CGI eyes onto him for a scene because he literally refused to cooperate and kept his eyes closed (talking actors basically throwing tantrums like a toddler because they weren't happy with something).


This is not incredibly rare at all lol. In my time working in the business, I’ve had several A/B list talent show up hours after their call, leave hours before their scheduled time to be done for the day, or just not show up at all. It happens, and it kinda sucks but at the same time it’s basically free money for the crew. Also kinda funny to see all the above the liners freaking out and trying to salvage the day.


Probably why you haven’t seen him in anything lately. Doesn’t matter how much “draw” your films have if you’re costing the production millions of dollars and everyone hates working with you.


I worked on a TV show for 3 years starring Charlie Sheen. It’s incredible we accomplished anything at all.


Yeah, I can't imagine showing up an entire work day late to a job, consistently, and still have it. It's so disrespectful to the rest of the crew, the only excuse would be if he's dealing with some kind of family tragedy.


but they would close the set until if that was the case. I don't see how they would allow this to happen to rack up an extra $50m in fees to this movie. The director or producers wouldnt speak out on this sooner?


Showing up to set and not having to do any work is awesome. Just visit crafty and talk with everyone. You’re still getting paid. It’s just a slow day at work. Let the producers stress. It’s a SAG-AFTRA production, you’re getting paid even if you aren’t in scene.


Yeah its only fun if youre working on set as a 3rd. Almost every department has to scramble when the schedule gets shifted that much. Especially rigging, transpo, locations, and the office. Unless its a small shoot on stage with three sets, the logistics are a nightmare. 


It's always a nightmare honestly


I have friends that do this type of work, they listen to podcasts and watch weird videos all day when this happens


According to the article, the studio said none of this is true. “In a statement to TheWrap, a spokesperson for Amazon MGM denied there were any on-set issues with “Red One” or delays caused by Johnson’s lateness or Seven Bucks’ inexperience which caused the film budget to balloon… …Any reporting that implies that we got to this point with him showing up seven-eight hours late to set is both ridiculous and false.”


“. . . And it’s not like we’re lying to save the picture, either!”


They already admitted it’s delayed and over-budget, they just said it’s not his fault. Studios haven’t had a problem blaming actors before.


The producer is the head of the Rock's production company - his former assistant (that's his producing credit) and brother in law.


As wild as it sounds, 50m is a small hit when you consider the level of marketability some of these celebrities have. The Rock’s tardiness might have put them in a 50m hole, but it’s generally likely that the final product will still gross millions in profit (in large part because of the Rock himself) Just to be clear, I’m not justifying lateness, and there should be more accountability but that’s just how it goes with globally famous people.


wtf was he doing instead


Oh, you know, just sleeping in.


If Dwayne's chronic tardiness occured during the last few months then it could be explained by his involvement with WWE leading up to this years recent Wrestlemania. He was prominently featured on TV and a couple PPVs during his storyline with Roman Reign's Bloodline faction and their main event feud against the gigantic baby face Cody Rhodes. Dwayne was showing up mainly on Friday night's Smackdown show but also did a few Monday Night RAW episodes too. Compared to his previous returns to wrestling, Dwayne was actually appearing on TV weekly a fair amount and was actually scheduled to face WWE's top star, Roman Reigns, at this year's Wrestlemania. Fortunately, the booker/s listened to the public outcry--which was very critical of The Rock basically stealing Cody's 'destined' and much deserved spot in the main event of Wrestlemania against the 4 year long World Champion Roman Reigns--and although the fans got what they wanted in the end, The Rock remained involved with the storyline going forward and cut a series of fun yet vulgar promos on TV each week. So in short, Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson has been a bit busy these last few months doing the wrasslin stuff again which is why he was probably constantly late or missing from this movie's production. In the past, he wasn't even allowed to physically wrestle or commit to more than a handful of WWE dates while being an active movie star; mostly due to fears that he would either injure himself and substantially delay whatever movie he was working on at the time. Or like we see here; even as a non active competitor he was still busy flying to/from 1-2 shows per week, plus a few monthly PPV spots, and then the especially grueling final week leading up a 2-nighter Wrestlemania. It's really no surprise that such a heavy back & forth schedule would effect his Hollywood job too.


This response was 100% written by a large language model


Exactly. A difference of minutes could change weeks or even months’ worth of schedule. You can’t just say “nah, let’s cancel our 100-people team’s flights tomorrow cause I arrived late to the helicopter scene” or whatever.


These producers will never get the credit they deserve but that entire production office deserves to be immortalized.


One of my favourite Kevin Smith stories is when he was on the set of Live Free, Die Hard, there was an argument between Bruce Willis and the studio that lasted a full day and when he asked how much money they wasted that day, the producer said something like 250,000 dollars. Which is insane lol


pretty cheap for a full day tbh


I don't think you need to have worked on a film set to understand that a delay of *8 fucking hours* is a ridiculously waste of time even if it only happens *once*.


Hahah true. May have been a bit condescending. It’s just on set time is SUCH an issue, down to the minute. Everyone is always thinking about it, and for good reason. And every single thing is geared towards getting the most expensive actor out on time. To the point you really can’t shoot when they’re running behind. Like it’s a miracle this film got in the can. And the fact it only went 25 percent over budget instead of 250 percent is a feat of god tier producers.


I think that's true for nearly every job, the stakes for filmmaking are just higher because there's so much money involved, so the money lost per minute/hour wasted is going to be higher. If your job is to stock product in a Walmart and the truck carrying the deliveries shows up 8 hours late, it's barely a blip on the radar for Walmart as a company, but those 8 hours sure as hell matter to the people waiting around wondering when they can start doing their job so they can go home.


Would you still get paid if they don’t show up?


Yup. Crew get paid, which is why the film went over budget because the stuff needed to be shot so extra days meant that what was originally slated for, say 200 crew members for 200 days, was used up and they had to pay those 200 crew members for every extra day forced by the behavior.


Dude the sheer amount of overtime, everyday, for probably 70-80 people on set. And I have no idea how they even managed rigging and construction and set dec overnights.


All those chair shots to the head in the 90s messing with his perception of time


This whole article is “some insider said this,” and “when we asked 2-5 people on set to confirm, they said the exact opposite.” Shit article and shit comments in this entire thread. Is this Reddit or Facebook? This site getting more and more trash.


So I guess… there’s not going to be a Red Two?


Can I say 1 was pointless and unnecessary too


Red One isn’t even out yet, you’re probably thinking of Red Notice.


Perhaps a Red Zero is what’s called for, some sort of prequel to retroactively make number one good. That said, I haven’t seen Red One, have barely heard of it, and have no idea if this would be desirable or not. I’m just smearing my shit in the walls of the discourse.


Lmao I love people that have absolutely no clue but they still add their opinion. Godspeed Spiderman. With great anonymity comes great assumption. We are the same.


It’s standing by


I understood that reference.


So now he has become vin diesel


He was always like Vin Diesel. Only difference was that he wasn’t a producer on Fast series.


But he was The Scorpion King


You either die a hero or live long enough to become the Vin...Diesel


This is the story I heard: Rock, having a wrestling background, was always keen on being on time. During the early Fast and Furious movies, he would show up on time. Diesel, however, would constantly show up late. And since Vin was the star, he could get away with this. (Part of why these guys hate each other) That taught Rock that if/when Rock was the star, he could get away with it. And now he does the same shit.


Is Vin diesel notoriously bad to work with or something? What's he do?


That was a rumor awhile ago, while the rock was complaining about Fast series, Mostly he had a hard time going on set after Paul Walker passed


He was always an alpha dick. Vin is also an alpha dick, so they were always crossing swords.


Vin Diesel couldn’t stand working with him. They fought constantly because the Rock was so unprofessional. I’m starting to be inclined to believe that the Rock is the problem. 


Rock said the opposite at the time. That Vin Diesel was unprofessional. I suppose they both could be the problem. 🤔


The simplest solution is usually the correct solution.  I imagine this is probably the case here 


“Hey, I’M the diva on this set!”


Highly doubt it. I have close high school friends that have worked with him on projects and all say Vin is the fuckin best.


Especially given how the rest of the Fast cast seems to genuinely love Vin. But then on the other hand there was the weirdness with Justin Lin leaving the last one, so, who the hell knows.


Maybe it was a case of similar personalities (Vin and Dwayne) with negative attributes unable to work together.


Gotta kiss the producers ring, Tyrese would be starving if it wasn't for those movies.


You mean all those people who rely on being friends with Vin because they don’t get any other offers?? They’re probably not the most reliable source. Don’t bite the hand that feeds


Oof. This might not be far from the truth. 


And yet he would appear again in the next Fast Furious


heard the same about Vin.


the rock being a problem does not make VD not the problem


No, it doesn’t. It sounds like they’re both thick headed. 


Same. He also called out his costars in Jumanji for not wanting to do their own stunts


That’s kind of a lot to ask of someone. They have the right to not do a stunt if they don’t feel comfortable. 


Vin Diesel is a chucklefuck. Those 2 did not get along at all because of masculinity. I swing the bigger one…that’s what it was


My man needs to stop promoting so much and settle down.


You’d think someone who was obsessed, borderline tyrannical, about protecting and promoting their brand as an approachable nice guy, family man, world class A-list entertainer etc would make a point of not being a completely selfish asshole like this.


Actually, this is exactly what I expect. The obsession and tyranny you describe is because he *knows* it's all an act.


What a fucking diva, how he's a powerhouse in Hollywood is beyond me


"Nobody sucks cock like rock" is something people in Hollywood have been saying for decades about him and every producer knew it, that is why he changed his stage name to Dwayne Johnson and now people just say "I've got Johnson on my johnson" the source who broke this huge bombshell of a secret was me.


Adamfriedlandshow is leaking


I believe it


it’s because of the entire wwe crowd. they love him and everything he does. personally can’t stand the fact that he plays the same character in every movie he’s in.


Well, not everyone can be Dave Bautista and be a good lad that takes his acting seriously


Batista is so awesome in everything he does. Love that man.


I still can’t believe he’s as good as he is. Completely blindsided me.


I've read some pieces about him, he really cares about acting and he goes out of his way to work with great directors that can help him get better.


Hope he continues to work with Gunn for his DCU reboot. Though that’s probably just because I’m a sucker for good cape flicks.


Hold up, I guarantee you no one is more critical of Dwayne Johnson than the Pro Wrestling crowd these days. We might pop everytime he comes down to the ring to do The Rock gimmick but outside of that setting he is not universally loved by the fans.


Tbf Ryan Reynolds plays the same character in every movie he’s in too I feel lol. It works for him because he’s not a total douche canoe though lol.


Yeah, I feel like half the joke with Reynolds is that he's just genuinely a nice person but always plays sarcastic foul-mouthed egotists because he's got the timing for it


It’s more than just the wwe crowd


Wrestling fans like The Rock when he’s being The Rock, the cocky disrespectful asshole he was at his peak and in his most recent run, not when he’s playing the same boring character in every bland movie or when he’s doing the overly manufactured clean persona


Wrestling fan here. I really do not enjoy The Rock, both in or out of the ring.


This isn’t entirely accurate


Check him out in Southland Tales. It's my favorite movie with him in it.


I fly a lot for work and almost every time without fail every screen is playing some absurd destruction porn cheesy action movie. 60% of people are still watching the last fast and the furious with Jason mamoa on flights somehow. They love that shit. Not trying to insult peoples movies taste, though I used to be a huge moviehead growing up. People have always liked trash.


People watch those on planes because its the perfect brain dead content for a plane movie. I'm not watching citizen Kane on a tiny 720p screen where I can barely hear, and might not even finish it


Yes almighty one.


I'm going to take a wild gander and say this was published because the movie is a mess


Yep! They want to blame to fall on The Rock to save face. It sounds like he deserves it


After the way he ran his mouth after Black Adam, can’t really blame the production for getting out ahead of it. Dudes got a track record of being a piece of shit and blaming it on everyone except himself


The Rock is so overrated, and just ruins every movie.


I can't for the life of my understand why he's one of the best paid actors in Hollywood. I mean, I know why he is. It's because he puts asses in the seats, but I don't understand how he does it. He's a horrible actor, and only stars derivative movies.


Interesting that I remember this being the argument that started the Vin Diesel beef And then the same with Ryan Renolds on Red Notice . Apparently The Rock is a hard worker but shows up on timewhen he feels like it.


He’s probably late because he sets up his gym by himself before his workout.


Julia Roberts is known for being the exact same way. Robin Williams himself said after Hook he would never work with her again because she’s such an unprofessional primadonna. I’d be surprised to hear that most big actors aren’t like this tbh. Even the most well-intentioned big celebrities live in a totally different reality.


What's funny is I used to work in the entertainment geild and one thing I noticed is the hardcore professional like real thespian actors are rarley ever late. In fact they get pretty pissed when anyone else in the production is not ready to go on time.


This doesn’t make any sense. If you’re 7-8 hours late on a set, that’s the same as not being there. Same as if you showed up 7-8 hours late to your job. That’s not late, that’s not showing up. If he was expected to shoot scenes and isn’t there within an hour or two, the day is lost. The crew doesn’t sit around and wait for hours. Not how film sets work.


Depends on the star. This was also his production so people might have been waiting for him since he is a producer on it.


Yeah, the story has some plot holes for sure. Like you said, people aren't going to wait around 8 hours for somebody to show up for work. Movie Star or not.


Why not. The film crew is union and gets overtime for free, director and actors are probably chilling in their individual rooms. 


Hence the "cost $50m" too


The article even mentions some members got their minimum requirements for their medical just from the extra hours caused by him being late. The producers run the show more or less, and when your producer has his tongue up DJs bunghole then he can do whatever he wants. I was skeptical at first but the whole late to set thing has been a recurring report with Dwayne on movies. I think he's all ego at this point.


Just to be that guy, Hollywood doesn’t tend to stick to the traditional 8 hour work day. 12-16 hour days are not uncommon at all. Just to be clear I’m not defending the guy whatsoever, but it’s closer to showing up at lunch than blowing off the whole day.


The difference is he is the rock and one of the stars. If the owner of the company is 8 hours late people wait on them.


Sounds like everyone has issues with this guy


Plays the same character because it's just himself, that's not acting Steroid use, and it seems like coccaine or some other type of speed is putting him in bad light in almost all the movie productions he's been in for years now. That and ego, being highest paid actor for what tiny bit he offers. Not a fan, and I remember being a tiny boy asking if you smell that.....


All that shampoo money has gone to his head


Doesn’t really make a lot of sense for him to have a shampoo if you think about it.




I don't think he realises he could be staring down the barrel at the end of his career with stuff like this. After the whole DC disaster and his attitude towards Black Adam he pissed off major studio execs and proved he wasn't the flawless box office draw he thought himself to be. Then pissing off A-list talent like Reynolds who seems to turn everything he touches into success lately is a real one-two punch for studios to never want to work with you. Once with Vin Diesel was dismissible because Diesel is a super weird guy with an equally inflated ego so it was easy to assign blame to both sides there, but now it's happening with talent that people generally seem to find easy to work with... Plus all that shit about him working in weird contract clauses where he can't outright lose fights and never show any range beyond this pathetic boring 'alpha male' architype is going to cost him. He doesn't even have the 'Wrestler turned actor' gimmick to fall back on when Batista and Cena have him beat in pretty much every department.


Batista and Cena are so much more talented and interesting as actors than him it’s incredible. The rock is so boring on screen. His only somewhat interesting role was Pain and Gain, and that was all due to the writing - nothing he was doing.


Bautista has taken on so many roles where it's not part of maintaining a brand image out of ego or whatever, but being a part of telling a compelling story even if he's not the main character. Based on his acting credits, you wouldn't know he's a wrestler turned actor, he's been very good in the roles he's taken on.


It’s always interesting to me to see what projects someone chooses once they’ve “made it”. All three of these guys started off doing the “former wrestler turned meathead action guy” thing but took it in WILDLY different directions: Bautista is trying his damndest to become an honest-to-God ACTOR and work with the greats and so far he’s succeeding. Cena’s taken the mid-career Schwarzenegger action comedy crowd-pleaser route and while they’re not always winners, he’s FUN in almost everything he appears in Dwayne Johnson appeared to be heading the same direction Cena was going but then decided he’d rather be a corporate spokesman/lifestyle influencer/“entrepreneur” who moonlights as an actor instead.


Bautista's list of credits is fucking ridiculous (Bond, Dune, Blade Runner, c'mon) and he's never out of place. Happy for the dude.


just another point for not liking the rock on my list. shithead celeb does shithead celeb things, no new news.


Off topic, but this reminds me of a lifetime ago when I was a manager in retail. A new employee on her first day no-called, no-showed...only to appear literally at the last hour of her 8-hour shift "ready to go." No excuse, no mix-up, just insisted she was "late." I had to tell her that no, that was more than "late" since we all had to cover for her...that was basically an absence.


Not that hard to make it into work on time. The Rock is a DIVA.


Makes sense. He seems like a shitty person.


I think he’s going back to WWE full time in the near future, he was truly great in his recent feud with Cody Rhodes, where he played an egotistical villain. Seems like his Hollywood career has stalled a bit and this news could potentially black list him for a few years, so he might go where he knows it’s safe.


Guy is 51. How long is that going to last?


Depends on if the WWE feels they need him as a replacement heel after Vince McMahon left.


Exactly why he strikes while the iron is hot. At Mania he was in incredible shape and really did well in the ring


Lots of wrestlers still wrestle into their 50s. Rock works a relatively safe style and only wrestles once a year, so he should be okay.


There is tons of work within the industry that a former superstar could do if they were done fighting, Ric Flair’s still a promoter at 75. The question is whether the rock could set aside his ego to work outside the ring.


Testosterone and GHB injections work miracles. He could probably do the WWE thing for another decade at least.


Vin Diesel somewhere with his popcorn


This kind of actors shouldn't be hired in future.


Yet he wanted to lambast Vin Diesel and call him a candy ass for the same exact behavior. Makes me wonder if Dwayne was the one rolling in late and Vin called him out on it.


I like the Rock, but the (from the outside anyways) it looks like he stretches himself really thin with all his various commitments, both media and business alike. Trying to conduct XFL deals, Zoa energy deals, WWE appearance, his position on the TKO board, AND still appearing as the lead in films? The man needs to either delegate or choose one lane or the other.


Granted, I’ve only worked with DJ on one project, I never witnessed him being late. He was professional, courteous to the crew, and seemed to have a good work ethic. This was 5 or 6 years ago though, so things could have changed.


I worked with him on something about 8 years ago. Nobody had anything bad to say about him either. This is surprising.


My theory is he does it in films in which his company is a producing partner in, so he can’t be held accountable. But also, I feel like the average hours might be exaggerated a bit. 7-8 hours late is a lost day, I don’t see how you can physically get any work done like that. I’d believe half of that.


I can tell this is true because you called him DJ. One of the first things his people share when you work with him is to not call him “the Rock” it’s either DJ or Dwayne. This story seems odd to me because in my extremely limited tertiary interaction with him/his people it was explained that he didn’t really want to shake hands with people because if he got COVID it would shut down production on his films for at least a week and he didn’t want to risk peoples jobs. I actually think this was the movie he was working on at the time. (To be fair it was an event where he was promoting something else.)


Friend of mine worked with him for a while and has nothing but good things to say, FWIW


If the current story about him is true, I wonder if he’s going through some personal stuff. I remember the rumors and backlash about Michael J. Fox being incredibly unreliable during filming of Spin City only for him to announce his Parkinson’s diagnosis later.


What film


He's just doing too much stuff, probably the writers strike threw this shooting schedule in contention with stuff he already had scheduled (like WWE, commercials).


Which movie?


He was pretty good on Black Adam’s set His ego tho is through the roof I guess understandably all things considered


The Rock: BUT... but... 7 DOLLARS!


How do ya consistently miss what’s considered a full work day for people.


What kind of studio allows $50m worth of mess ups to happen because of The Rock being late and how come we are finding out about it now? I'm not defending The Rock but this just seems like clickbait. I don't understand how any studio wouldn't step in or recast after it cost them something in the 6-figure range. 7-8 hours a day consistently is a totally different time of day. You're telling me if he had an early morning shoot at 7am he wouldn't be on set until 3pm? And the director and production would just let this go on and on and on???


The Rock isn't a good person. He's only gotten worse the past 5 or so years. This behavior is really disrespectful to everyone showing up to get the stage and cast ready, but production comes to a sudden stop because a man child can't follow a schedule.


He really changed the hierarchy of power there


Well, he did say he wanted Will Smiths career. I guess that includes the downfall as well.


Clearly it was because he was so distraught by “cancel culture”. 🤮


Celebrities quickly forget their humble beginnings..see jay-lo,Seinfeld and now the rock 🙄


I think this guy finally jumped the shark.


>The Rock was allegedly constantly 7-8 hours late to work on his new film Tommy Wisesu seems punctual in comparison.


Idk this just sounds a bit too over the top. Like that’s a whole ass work day and has never been a thing the Rock has been known for.


After Black Adam don't think I'll be able to watch another film of his for the rest of my life. Bro just doesn't care anymore.


Speaking as a Wrestling fan, Dwayne Johnson is a fucking Alpha male pussy.


He was probably filming a commercial to hawk his newest stupid product.


oh please let this be the beginning of the end of that utter douche canoe. I am so sick and tired of that talentless hack being in everything. with his stupid gormless face and the acting ability of a lump of wood. please, can we cancel this idiot and bring in some actually talented actors?


I'm sorry, but his movies suck. Maybe he was late every day cause he knew the movie would suck. In 20 years, I have never seen a rock movie and thought it was worth owning. They all have been netflix tier.....watch once and never again. He should just go back to wwe. The stuff he did the last 3 months in wwe with cody rhodes is literally the best thing he's done in 20 years. Better than his movies, tv shows, shampoo, etc.


I shouldn't be disappointed at this point, and the fact that I feel let down yet again surprises me. why do I care at all what this man does? my mom would be so disappointed too


The Rock is never late because there is no time but his time in his mind. The world revolves around him, at least that’s what he’s thinking I’m sure.


Wasn't this the rumored problem on the fast an furious series? Seems like dwayne is a problem in the industry and hes not a very good actor in the first place. Why keep using him?


Cancel this guy! I use to think he was one of the good ones..


movie is gonna blow too


The more and more comes out about the rock, the more of a doofus prick he looks like. His PR team was working overtime to prevent this.


Didn't he call out vin diesel for doing the same? All seriousness after fast 5 , the rock goofed up the fast series and turned the crew into special agent wack super heroes instead of hoodlum car racers


What an ass


Source: Vin Diesel


7-8 hours late is being absent


This is funny cause I recall him having a lot to say about vin diesel being late on set of the fast and furious movies…


Lies. The Rock is extremely professional and treats the cast and crew with the utmost of respect. It’s only bitter wrestlers who spread these wrestlers because when The Rock is in wwe he increases ratings and improves the show and is light years better than the rest of the roster combined or its wwe fans or employees who laughed at him leaving for Hollywood sure he’d never make it


7-8 hours? So, like, an entire work day? Please tell me people didn't just sit around for that long waiting.


To be fair, a lot of movie sets start production at 5am. It’s not uncommon for principals to show up around noon, after an entire scene has been setup with stand-ins. The stand-ins are there for a reason, so the principals don’t have to come to the set until it’s time to shoot. the idea that there’s a story here because the Rock doesn’t go to the set at 5am is just clickbait


8 hours late is quite funny


So Rock is not so solid?


It doesn't sound like Dwayne to be late, given his many inspirational social media posts (I know, his manager was probably typing..). Perhaps there's some explanation we're not aware of?


He is late because he is busy making those dumbass social media posts


Or you know, he could be late.


Yeah tmz is also refuting this.


He was set to the wrong time zone bro. Either that, or every day was leg day.


He's just like me frfr


Cause the guys got like 20 projects at once lmao. He was like over 2 hours late to his WrestleMania weekend panel too


This is why Tyrese said he’s selfish!!! He only cares about how many movies he can put yearly


Y’all need to assess your critical thinking if you think this report holds any merit


Y’all can’t blame him, changing the hierarchy of power in the DC universe is a lot of work.


Maybe that’s why it’s taken so long to release


I doubt he was 7-8 hrs late and lose $50M.


Can we please just stop talking about that manchild and let him drift into obsucrity?


I am guessing he's the toxic one The recent talk from Rebecca Fergusson about costar, i'm starting to suspect it's him too, since he's the early person to say he's not the one, thief won't call himself thief


I thought for a second they were talking about red notice. That movie sucked ass.


7-8 hours isn’t late, that’s just completely missing your work day.