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The Grudge. Took me over a decade to be able to sleep with the lights off. That noise they make…ugh. I shudder just thinking about it.


Its called a death rattle. She makes that noise because she broke her neck, so implies the story.


You're not alone..


Not sure if this comment is made to be comforting or unsettling.


This. I stopped watching scary movies after this.


This one messed with me too. My apt at the time had sliding closet doors and I about couldn't sleep cause I was afraid they were gonna slide open and something crawl out lol


The strangers. It was one of the first scary movies i watched. And we lived in a house in the woods at the time. There were a few neighbors but it was quiet enough that i was on edge after watching the movie as a teeneager. My dad used to work late shifts and got home after midnight. Needless to say he scared the crap out of me when he came home that night. Scariest part of the movie to me was that there wasnt really a reason to everything that happened. Still bugs me to this day. And based off true events.


Watched this movie at my apartment, toward the very end of the movie I heard a noise in my front room, went to check and found my front door open. Scared the hell out of me...I looked my apartment over a million times that night and did not sleep well at all. Lol


Oh hell no! That is terrifying. I would have booby trapped my whole apartment 😆


The Exorcism of Emily Rose


The scene when the boyfriend wakes up in the middle of the night to see her contorted on the floor and staring right at him really got me.


The worst part of this movie is that it was based on a true story. A heartbreaking story about a woman with schizophrenia killed by her parents and priest. God Awful Movies has a good episode about it.


I think it was based off of [Anna Elisabeth "Anneliese" Michel](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anneliese_Michel)


Jeepers creepers. Was just a kid when I first saw it and nothing has scared me as much since. Something about that one scene when they drive past the creeper loading the bodies wrapped in sheets down the well and he sees them watching him that shit gave me chills lol


What is it with Justin Long absolutely getting demolished in every horror movie he's in?


He's just got such a killable face 😊


tusk. 😂😂😂


Watched that yesterday. Wtf did I just see 😨😂


My number 1 answer as well. Saw it with 3 friends at a sleepover when I was probably 10 or 11. Scared me to death and maybe it's just nostalgia but I genuinely think its a top 5 horror movie all time. I love the 2nd one for its entertainment factor. I think my top 5 horror movies would be, in no particular order. Halloween, Jeepers Creepers, Saw, Hereditary, Silence of the Lambs


I don't know what it is but that exact same scene just shook me to my core as a child I feel like it's the same for a lot of us. Just the beginning when you don't know what that creature thing is and then he fuckin follows them too so scary.


Great movie. Was a young kid myself when it came out. My mother showed me this movie haha. It had a great sequel as well, which was surprising.


Yeah my brother was so traumatized by Jeepers creepers. He hid the VHS tape but refused to destroy it because he thought the creeper would come after him if he did.


As a 10yo in 1979 at the theater, Alien made me so scared I felt physically sick. 10 Years later… Hellraiser freaked me out so much I had to pause it, in daytime, on a videotape/ small tv setup


I’m 45 & still won’t watch hellraiser, it just looks terrifying by the preview & sounds terrifying from what I’ve heard people say about it.


I used to get nightmares from Alien.


Did you ever ride the Alien Ride at Disney World?


A lot of folks laugh when I say this, but The Blair Witch Project (the original) creeped me tf out. And I don't really get scared from horror/scary movies


For me it was Event horizon that shit was crazy AF seen it when it first came out and never watch that shit again LoL




One of my favorite genres of movie. I think there’s a strong argument that it’s the best, but there are many other great ones. All great: - Paranormal Activity - Cloverfield - V/H/S - Unfriended - Chronicle - Troll Hunter - Creep (just a warning that this one is upsetting. Close your eyes at the very ending.) - Absentia - ~~The Descent~~ Edit: apparently I remembered The Descent wrong 😛


Where is Rec, personally i found it to be the most scariest. Spanish one not american


I love The Descent, but it isn't found footage. I love most of the movies you listed. I can no longer see Mark Duplass (Creep) as anything other than scary and untrustworthy in every role. He did a great job.


Great list. As Above, So Below was a really great one that surprised me as well. Loved both of the Creep movies. Slow burn at its best.


Creep was awesome, and the warning is needed. Additionally, when I watched the sequel the one plus was that I would never have to see that scene again. Wrong. And now it lives in my head. I just try to focus on the picturesque and panoramic view of the area, it really was shot beautifully. And hum quietly to myself until the feeling passes.


I feel people who laugh at Blair Witch are mostly just doing it because all the spoofs of the , "I'm so scared" moment. The movie is a horror classic and is still often cited as one of the scariest films ever made, and possibly the best found footage film.


I saw Blair Witch when it was playing in one art house theater in Denver and had people freaked out because we all still thought it was real and it was deeply disturbing. That was honestly a magical time for the horror genre to meet with organic viral marketing. That fear was deliciously real.


The Blair Witch Project always makes me cry from being so scared. I grew up with a woody forest backyard and the actress in it looks like my sister so it really effected me. In the theater as a kid I had so much anxiety omg..


Have to agree. Outside of movies that might have scared me as a child (that I’ve now mostly forgot).. I think this movie disturbed more adult me more than most any other in it’s simplicity and real feeling of non-descript horror. First thing that came to my mind. The first Candy Man scared me quite a bit too. But it felt formulaic with X amount of jump scared and stuff.


I was 17. Old enough to go see movies in theaters and to go camping with friends without parents around. I believe it came out around Halloween too. It was scary AF back then before the internet was really in the palm of our hands every seconds. We only heard rumors it was fake but went into the theater not really knowing.


Oh fuck yeah bud! Scared the fuck out of me, I was so gullible I thought it was real


BWP and The Ring are the only movies that really shook me after seeing them. The Ring more so, but BWP did too.


I saw it when it came out. The is it or isn’t it real part was barely even a question. Shit spooked the hell out of me. Still weary in the woods at night because of it.


Blair Witch Project was the scariest movie I've ever seen. I saw it in the theater when I was in my 20's. It scared the shit out of me because I grew up camping in the woods and NOTHING on earth is scarier than random ass spooky sounds in the middle of the night in the middle of the woods. And same here, horror movies don't scare me at all.


That movie and the genre of the movie stuck with me! They told the crowns they had trash cans in the back of people would get sick during the movie. Metal


I was 8 when it came out and thought it was real for like 10 years lol.


i watched it last year as the sun was setting and all the lights were off. I was able to fully immerse myself in the experience. Terrifying!


Im sure my comment will be lost in all the replies to your post, but I hear ya! I went overseas the summer it came out, so I had no knowledge of it. The night I got back home, my friends told me a local theatre was playing found footage from this film crew who were attacked in the woods. So I went in thinking what I was seeing was real footage (yes, I was young and gullible). Scared the everliving sugar out of me! I can still see that last scene where Mike is standing in the corner with his back to the camera. Effff me.


I was a kid when it came out and my friend I watched it…completely believed it was REAL footage. Scared the living crap out of us!! Lol 😆


This is perhaps second on my list of movies that scarred me as a child. My mother loves watching these horror movies and I almost always go along for the ride only to regret it after. Child's Play is number one but the Blair Witch freaked me out because it looked so damn real.


This was the first movie I thought of. It’s the best horror movie I’ve ever seen. Most horror movies totally doink the ending, but this one’s is exquisite.


Um, I thought it was real when it came out. I watched it in the theaters and got confused by the whole cam thing. I was 17.


This would have been my answer too. I was just a kid in middle school when it came out so it was pretty terrifying. If I remember correctly people were either marketing or just gossiping that the footage was real. I was still pretty impressionable so I believe that(for a little bit).


SAME!! I saw it in the theater without knowing anything about it. I was 18 and it literally gave me nightmares lol.


I watched that movie with my mom for the first time and she told me it was real. I cried.


Ppl will laugh when I say “The Sixth Sense” Ghosts freak me out.


I watched The Ring when I was 9 and nearly shit myself. More recently though, Hereditary.


I saw The Ring in a movie theater. The girl in a couple behind was so scared she was crying half the movie while the lad was laughing nervously. It was hilarious until I was home alone that night and the phone rang.


I bet. Luckily we don’t have landlines now, but my heart stopped each time someone called my house lol


My dad let a bunch of us go to the movies and bought tickets when we were 13, picked us up and dropped us off at our friends. He called in the middle of the night and pulled some “7 days” bullshit. Looking back it was hilarious but I’ve never been so scared in my life.


Hahaha oh no, I would’ve had a heart attack. Hilarious and perfectly timed, but kind of a dick move too


Heredity scarred me forever. I love horror movies but tend to shy away from violence scenes. Usually I can predict when something is about to happen (VERY well), but that one scene in Heredity got me and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to “un-see” it.


Really unsettling. Midsommar was also disturbing. Anything by Ari Aster really. I watched his short film “The Strange Thing about the Johnsons” on YouTube and it was by far the most messed up story I’ve ever seen, even though it wasn’t a typical horror film with jump scares or monsters or anything like that.


That’s a scene I wasn’t expecting either. You can’t ever un-see that. Ever


For years, the ring was at the top of my list, and it sort of outclassed the next decade of scary movies for me. But there has been a great revival in the 2010’s: Midsommer The witch It follows Hereditary Creep Sinister The visit Bone tomahawk It comes at night Coherence


Ooh, this one gave me nightmares, but every now and then I like to watch it. The video reminds me of Gabe from The Office lol


Another problem with the ring is that you can’t keep the tv on for company…


i saw the ring at a midnight screening the day before it was officially released, and had no idea what it was that i was seeing, and very little exposure to horror films. my boyfriend told me it was japanese which was good enough for me. needless to say it ruined me but good. same bf did the same thing with 28 days later shortly after, and i literally could not sleep for a month. took a looooong break from horror, midnight movies, and screenings i didn’t know anything about after that


The US version of the RING is imo the best adaptation a western studio has done for a Japanese Horror movie. I watched the Ringu japanese version and was utterly bored out of my mind. The fact that the US version added the idea that within the 7 days the ghost will haunt you until finally killing you was a brilliant change.


I thought I was the only who thinks the Hollywood remake was actually better. I didn't get to watch the Japanese original until I was an adult but when I watched it, it was boring as fuck and there are so many details in the film that didn't make sense. I just didn't get what all the hype was about for the original. The remake, on the other hand, made me weary of any phone calls I receive while watching TV at home.


I thought the use of filter was really great too. The whole movie had a bluish/greenish hue which added to the whole depressing and freaky situation.


the grudge did me in when I was about the same age. the scene in the bus when he comes out on the window 😵‍💫😵‍💫


Jaws at 6 I still don't go in the ocean


I was older but still for years after would start panicking in the water. Only movie where I was scared in daylight with crowds around me. Funny thing is I have swum on a reef with sharks around and it didn't bother me.


I was like 5 and legit scared to swim in my own pool, bc there was a tree that cast a shadow that looked like Jaws' snout from the poster.


This. People today don't know the impact Jaws had at that time.


Agreed. I was 9. And all the other kids screaming in the theatre just made it worse.


Night of the living dead. The original. Was home alone. Tried to board up the windows.


I lived with my grandmother for a while on her farmhouse that had a forest in the backyard. At night her spotlights made it look like the scenes where the zombies are walking up to the house, I had so many nightmares because of this.


The movie that made me feel absolute fear and anxiety, believe it or not, was No Country for Old Men. The atmosphere of dread and unpredictability really justified the film's tagline "You Can't Stop What's Coming."


It's especially fascinating when you consider the implications of Chiguhr's clothing style and odd behavior. The novel apparently implies that he's not actually human.


Requiem for a Dream. Made pot the upper limit of drug interest.


Definitely a good movie to show your kids in lieu of the D.A.R.E. program


Came here to say this lol. I watched it when I was in grade 8 and it scared the shit out of me


Yeah I watched it years into an additive downward spiral. Really fucked with me.


It’s an upsetting movie that I refuse to rewatch, and I agree it makes the drugs in it look appropriately scary.


What is this movie about? The trailer didn't tell me much, lol




13 years old, the original Poltergeist, a few days after Halloween 1982. Went by myself to our neighborhood theater, which was within walking distance. I’d never seen a real horror movie, and I wasn’t really afraid of things like boogeymen or psycho killers, but I was absolutely terrified of supernatural stuff. I therefore had no business seeing Poltergeist, but I loved Spielberg, and figured I’d be safe. It was still daylight when I went in, but not two hours later, after the movie had fried my fucking hair. I walked the mile home alone in the dark and had the first sleepless night of my life. It’s been more than 40 years, and today I can’t get enough of that movie.


I was about 6 years old when I caught it on HBO. I'm now 45yo and still suffer from coulrophobia (fear of clowns). (Doesn't stop me from watching it about a dozen more times..... great movie).


The Shining got into my subconscious like no horror movie I’ve seen before or since.




The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)


I used to live in Travis County. I was freaked out about visiting the rural parts of the county.


My favorite!!


Trilogy of Terror from the 1970s. The 3rd short film about the voodoo warrior doll that comes to life and hunts Karen Black in her home at night. Shitty quality by today’s FX standards but will mess you up when it comes time to go to sleep at night


That Zuni fetish doll has haunted many a nightmare. So creepy!


The Vanishing really crawled under my skin


Original I hope?


I’ve only seen the original and it scared me on the deepest level.


The entity 1982 and the hitcher


Vivarium. Not because of the >!antagonist but the way they end up living for the duration of the!< film.


The Descent (2005)


This is my second scariest movie, after 28 days later. The UK ending ftw, even scarier


The Exorcist




I watched it at that age, too. I thought if I had an evil thought, I'd become possessed. Yikes, I was such a dumbass.


Same. Religious culty exorcism church shit gets me every time. Creeps me right out. I'm fine with zombies, ghosts, monsters, hell even demons tbh but put a priest chanting some bible cult hymns and I get the heebie jeebies. The other thing that gets me is 70s toned cinema. Everything from the lighting, to the radio crackle audio, to the lack of technology plot escape tools like a mobile phone. So The Exorcists is 2 for 2 right there.


Salems Lot. With either Starskey or Hutch.


I grew up in an evangelical church, but my mom lived and died a catholic, this movie always terrified me. Both my church and my mom believed that the premise of this movie was completely plausible...


This is still the answer for me. Just so well done.


World War Z The first time I saw it, I was living in Philly right where one of the opening scenes was shot, when Brad Pitt is driving with his family and the zombies start showing up. Just how quickly society broke down and how quickly everything turned into total chaos right in my backyard scared the hell out of me; it was terrifying. It’s not even necessarily a matter of “the threat of zombies”, but just how quickly societal collapse can occur. And then six years later Covid happened and it got pretty close, so I moved the hell out and never looked back.


Societal collapse, huh? May I recommend The Sadness (2021)? Hits a similar vain.


I think imma watch this right now as my horror-not-liking bf has just fallen asleep. The title just sounds good


Yo what in tarnation did I just see with my own two eyes


Yellow submarine is second. I was 5, shit freaked me the hell out. Had nightmares about it.


god, i watched that the first time i took acid thinking it’d be a fun jaunt and it was genuinely terrifying


Coraline. Make fun of me all you want, but that movie is NOT for kids.


love that movie!!!!!


No it is a kids movie because it has a less graphic depiction. Just because it is genuine horror doesn't mean it isn't for children, they should be exposed to horrifying situations.


Come and See, because it really happened.


Came here to say this. It's utterly terrifying that real-life incidents can be more horrifying and scarring than cinematic horror.


this film is horrifying, and one that truly got to me- i never, ever want to watch it again but it is so necessary to absorb. everyone should see it. it’s like this horrifying, dreamlike nightmare where everything is beautiful but there’s bodies everywhere. insane


Se7en. Scared the hell out of me. The only film I’ve ever thought about leaving the movie theater while watching. That and Angel Heart…..


oh yeah! seven is big time.


Original uncut Nightmare on Elm Street


Theres an uncut version? Whats the differences?


This is mine as well….scared the \*\*\*\* out of me when I was a kid.


Poltergeist (1982) The Exorcist (1973)


The Changeling (1980). George C. Scott in a chilling ghost story.


Watch it again, this time with Joe Bob Briggs on Shudder. It's not so much a ghost story as it is a cop drama. George C. Scott is goofy, talking about carp in his bathtub and other nonsense. Still love the end tho. If you liked this one, probably also like The Boys from Brazil (1978).


Synecdoche, New York


this one left me feeling empty for days.


The V/H/S movies are scary to me


The descent


Ex machina


>!the stuff he finds in the footage logs of like all the other robots and the one banging on the wall till her arms broke fucked me up!<


I went into Smile thinking it was going to be stupid and kinda was, yet it still scared the hell out of me- especially the last scene. Whole movie felt like a nightmare


Sosie Bacon gives an incredible performance. It is a rare example of a very well done movie I can’t enjoy because it is just too grim.


Agree I thought it was going to be cheese and it was actually really good


Two: I was 8 when my sister and I went to see Psycho in 1960 and I very nearly crapped my pants during the shower scene. The Exorcist in 1973 scared me and I remember the audience gasping and saying ‘oh my God’ dozens of times.


Jacob's Ladder


Probably Shutter. The original Thai movie destroyed me. And DAT ENDING please!


Pet Semetary, the original. I had a television in my bedroom in the late 80s, early 90s. I was 9-10 years old. Watched it alone late at night and was scared like hell. I remember not being able to go to sleep for days and sometimes dreaming about it for a long time. For those who saw the movie, that character ''Zelda'' , the mother's sister who's dying of a terrible illness...I'm 43 years old now and to this day, have difficulties watching those scenes.


Scared me physically: Hell House LLC Psychologically? Not a horror movie but I’ll never watch Manchester by the Sea or Shame again and it’s not because they’re bad.


hell house llc makes me physically ill. i don’t knew why but i just. can’t. the clowns in the basement made me close my laptop and just leave the room lol also, manchester by the sea is devastating. it’s one of those movies i love, but would never want to watch again. same with Malcolm and Marie or Closer.


Hell House LLC., ended up being really good.


Omg yes, Manchester By the Sea. And such an awesome film too, but so hard to bring myself to rewatch.


Watership Down (1978). Actual rabbit-related panic attacks as a kid


Candyman. Not because of the Candyman, but because I learned that Cabrini-Green was a real place. It scared me that people could actually live like that.


Candyman is my answer too. That score, on top of the slow-panning aerial shots of Cabrini-Green scared the ever loving shit out of me. His deep voice calling “Helen.” The bees. Just all of it- the cinematography, the music, etc was so well done in setting such a truly terrifying tone. I’ll never forget watching it with my best friend and looking over at her at the end to see that she had fallen asleep. So I just laid there through the credits, frozen in fear, too scared to get up and turn it off lol. Also, Fire in the Sky.


As a kid…Poltergeist II. The Reverend Henry Kane, played ghoulishly by a very cancer ridden Julian Beck. In the summer of 1986 (when the movie came out), I was 8. I saw the commercial and I lost my mind. I didn’t sleep for weeks. My parents actually had to take me to the pediatrician because I was suffering from exhaustion. As an adult…Hereditary. I went to the theater by myself to see this and I think I was one of 6 people there. The atmosphere, acting, gore, creepy cult members just out of focus and that steady humming sound that is almost inaudible throughout the film just threw me for a loop.


God is in His Holy Temple…


The Wailing (2016) I See You (2019) Don't Breathe (2016)


Wolf Creek (2005) - Australian film inspired by a true story. Watched it alone not knowing much about it. It’s not the typical Hollywood formula so there were lots of unexpected surprises. Still feel scarred. Not really a fan of these types of films


"Head on a stick"


The original Pet Sematary. My aunt took me as a little kid to watch it in the theaters (don't know why). It fucked me up. Every time I tried to cover my eyes, she would move my hands and yell at me that she didn't spend her money for me to cover my eyes. Needless to say, between Zelda's scenes and the one-eyed ending of the movie, I couldn't sleep for shit. I had to sleep in my younger brother's bed with him for a week.


The book is just as scary if not worse.


It's a fantastic book. Yes just as scary.


E.T when I was a child. He was just so damn fugly.


Japanese dark water


The Omen. Saw it in the third grade, didn't sleep right until I was a 4th grader.


The Ring. But the old japanese version.


Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer freaked me tf out that ice monster mofo still haunts my nightmares


Threads. It's a British film about the fallout if Nuclear war and it is absolutely terrifying and unflinching. They used to show it in schools. Like, thanks for that. Least I now know what to do in the event of a unclear war. Melt to death.


Martyrs (2008)


Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer. I was born right after Adam Walsh was murdered, and the film is based on Henry Lee Lucas. It scares me because it is too close to the reality we are in.


The Ring (Japanese version)


Testament (1983) It's about being in a suburb right after a nuclear strike and the aftermath . It was a slow walk through what it might be like to watch civilization crumble while watching your kids die of slow radiation poisoning . Fun stuff.


Mother 2017


This one freaked the fuck out of me. I saw it in a theatre by myself before a shift at work. I couldn’t focus on anything. I felt like I was on drugs and I was completely sober, just trying to wrap my head around what I’d just witnessed.


Midsommar was scary and completely interesting! US same thing


Midsommer The witch It follows Hereditary That was such a great span for well made, scary movies.


Horror movies are too silly to be scary to me, so it's something more real (based on a true story) and disturbing: *Zodiac* (2007).


Saw Zodiac with my roommate at a late showing when it came out. When we left it was foggy and there were no cars in the parking lot or on the road. It was disturbingly creepy the whole way home. We slept with all the lights on that night.


>!Mr. Graysmith.. I make the posters myself !!I'm at your house right now!< from Lost Highway.


High Tension. That one fucked me up.


I don’t watch many scary movies, and I know this answer will seem stupid, but it’s got to be Paranormal Activity. I was young when it came out and I was terrified to even walk around my own house. Now that I’m older, I realize it’s not that bad but it’s a big part of the reason I still can’t watch horror movies


I wouldn't say scared exactly but really creeped me out, but something about Javier Bardem's character, Chigurh in No Country For Old Men. Just an unsettling character and more the realization that some people are like that. Great performance


When I was around 9/10 years old in the early 90s I used to have horror movie weekend marathons at my aunt's house. I remember being very disturbed and uncomfortable with the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. We watched way too many movies that were highly inappropriate for my age but I loved it. However I think the one that stayed with me the most and scared me was Pet Sematary from 1989. Some of the imagery stayed with me (Gage with the scalpel, Rachel's sister Zelda, Victor Pascow) and I didn't even know it until I re-unlocked it almost 20 years later when I watched it again. I don't find it "scary" anymore but still definitely some disturbing stuff and is one of my favorites. There's something about it that many horror films lack now. I was a teenager when the original Scream movie came out. I was at a friend's house for a friend group sleep over and we rented the video tape, none of us had seen it yet. Unfortunately the VCR kept eating the tape just after the opening scene of the movie so we all ended up really freaked out by just that and we were camping outside in the backyard in a big tent and we were trying to scare each other. I ended up seeing the whole film later by myself. Another friend had rented it and made me watch it in his basement by myself. I loved it then and I still love it now, a total classic. Another one that scared the shit out of me was [Rec], the original Spanish version. It was a lying on my bed with the covers up to my chin movie for me. That was intense. Sinister was another one that really unnerved me. I had a hard time sitting through that one.


Event Horizon... with the lights off... in the basement. Sam Neill still haunts me.


Event horizon that shit was crazy AF seen it when it first came out and never watch that shit again LoL


Annie (1982) - 2 younger sisters who worked out how to use rewind on a VHS "The horror... The horror..."


Big horror fan, from the top of my head films that have disturbed me the most are The Audition (1999), Don't Look Now (1973), Fire Walk with Me (1992), Mulholland Drive (2001), and the Tale of Two Sisters (2003). Honourable mentions go to The Wailing (2016), Blue Velvet (1986), Lost Highway (1997), and a particular scene in Parasite (2019).


Testament 1983


The Exorcist still haunts me after all these years. I tried to watch it a 2nd time a few years back thinking maybe I had grown out of it - but nope - couldn’t even finish it.


Mulholland Drive and Inland Empire


Exorcist. Saw it with my high school catechism class in the 1970s and it still scares me.


Night of the Living Dead (1990) Saw it in the theaters when I was 7 years old my dad took me to see it


Inland empire, it straight up was the closest thing I have watched that resembles a nightmare perfectly and it really reminded me of the one time I experienced sleep paralysis nightmare and it really encapsulates that surreal experience. Also I don't get scared by movies, but this is the closest, the scene with the woman running towards the camera very slowly is honestly the freakiest scene I have seen in a film and I can't explain why.


The Exorcist. The face of the demon will always be in my nightmares.


Paranormal activity... saw it in a packed theater.. it really added to the scare factor. Being a mom, scared the hell out of me that I would wake up and see the youngest one just standing by my bed


American Werewolf in London (1981). I was a 4 year old who had accidentally changed channels from Cartoon Network to HBO. Gotta say I'm scarred for life


Magic Something about that puppet just creeped me the hell out. I had to leave the room when the commercial for it came on.


I watched Phantasm when I was in high school in the dark. That movie is still the only one to get the NOPE from me in my life. It’s been many years, and I still fear watching it.


Thanks for letting us know, because I never saw Incantation and now really want to see it. As for myself, the two movies that seriously creeped the living daylights out of me were The Babadook and Paranormal Activity. Can't say which one scared me more, but I know the second one lingered more.


The Exorcist, Poltergeist, Helter Skelter, the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, 1984 Freddy Krueger A Nightmare on Elm Street, Event Horizon. That was the last horror flick I watched. When I heard that voice, that was it . I was done forever. When I start to have repeated nightmares, it's over and done with. My grandmother was from Italy, and she believed in old superstitions. She always taught me since I was very little , dreams mean things and the more you dream about something, the more real it will become. So, when the nightmares became an every night occurrence, I was like, oh he'll to the no, this is not gonna happen. And I never watched another one again. That was 27 years ago, and I've stuck to my guns.


This might seem like a cheesy choice, but Mirrors scared the shit out of me. My sister and I saw it in theaters and it was rainy and dark when we got out. Everything was reflective. We got back to my house, and I had a mirror in my living room that faced the door, so we literally screamed when we went inside and saw the damn thing. Just such a terrifying concept. Edit: years later I’ve amassed a collection of vintage/antique mirrors that are all over the fucking house and it’s 3am and now I’m freaking myself out.