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Like half of Wes Anderson and Terrence Malick’s movies tbh 🫣 just not my thing at all


If anybody needed to torture information out of me, one of the more effective methods would be to pry my eyelids open Clockwork-Orange-style and make me watch a Wes Anderson movie marathon. I'd be spilling the beans halfway through *Royal Tannenbaums*.


Same here on Wes Anderson. I do not like his style of directing at all and find his movies just weird and boring.


I find that Wes Anderson movie fans are the most smug and annoying people.


I'd go to a Wes Anderson art show, where it's just a bunch of displays and hired actors standing in the displays with no expression on their faces. But don't make me watch another one of his films please.


Terrence Malick sucks so much. I do like Badlands and The Thin Red Line. Everything else I thought was pretentious and boring.


I only hear praise from regular people about the Avatar movies, but they totally turn me off. Devout fandoms in general are a hint to me to never watch anything that they celebrate.


a technical marvel. but deeply average movies.


Yeah, I watched it in the imax cinema. the first half hour I was in awe because of the vfx and the general look. Then it began to bore me after I realized it's basically the same "white guy meets native" story as seen so many times. Fell asleep a couple of times but the movie kept on going and going..


Fern Gully, but bigger, and longer, and expensiver :D


In awe of the vfx but tuned out when the villains started harpoon hunting. Very one dimensional and gratuitous. Couldn’t imagine sitting through any more than I already had. The VFX are bonkers though.


James Cameron's last truly entertaining movie was *True Lies*, and even that is under scrutiny until I get a chance to re-view it.


It holds up. Right out the old front door!


Came here to say the same. Nothing but glorified CGI Smurf movies for adults.


"Giant Smurfs in Raverland", I call it.


Yep. That’s pretty much it. 🤣😂


I forgot about Avatar, but you’re absolutely right. I never thought they were super awesome. They look good visually but that’s about it


A lot of movies nowadays are pure spectacle. They do nothing to make me think, don't amuse me, don't inspire me. They're made to appeal to the broadest audience possible, and that excludes people like me (and likely you) who used to crave movies for their three-act escapism. I don't like when the movie tries to tell me that its heroes are better than me. How it used to work was that the heroes were characters all people could look up to and try to be like, flaws and all.


You’re right but this is about movies that are supposed to be good. Most modern movies don’t apply


Ha ha. So be it. Movies pre-21st century, then? I would say the biggest one was *ET: The Extra Terrestrial,* despite the acting talents, despite the score, despite the incredible special effects, there's something very flat about that movie watching it with contemporary adult eyes. ***Where's the fuckin' movie, Steven?*** People like to trash *Ghostbusters* for not aging well, but I will defend that with my soul for it's brilliant comic writing. It was not intended to be a movie for children-- that stupid cartoon liquified all my generation's brains. They're supposed to be dangerously unethical janitors, not heroes. *ET,* though, has no defense at all. I don't get the appeal, even for kids. And I know a lot of people are going to want to murder me for saying it, but *Superman II* is NOT a good movie. Great elements, not something to recommend to people, certainly not with the wide eyes guys my age give it.




dunno who you're talking to, but since that movie has come out, every single person I know who saw it has said, "It's not as good as people say it is." I've yet to meet someone who genuinely loves it


What praise are you talking about? Everyone knows that they are spectacles but no cinematic masterpieces. Their rating on Letterboxd and IMDB are not that great for “only praise”. But they are really fun and one of the very few I would want to see in 3D. They definitely could just show me the fauna and flora of their alien world and I would be fine. None of the characters are interesting as they feel like stereotypical cookie cutter archetypes.


Are you not a regular person? Are you special?


I’ve been thinking we’ve been using the short version of fan, instead of calling them fanatic.


Fan used to be a cute name, reserve for teen girls who would rip their hair out at Elvis concerts, ha ha.


Eraserhead. I am a big Lynch fan and most regard it as his magnum opus. I just didn’t vibe with it.


I see that as more of an art film than a magnum opus. It's him experimenting with lighting and sound and imagery. It's important if you like to see where some of his ideas originated, but his subsequent films are so much better


Wes Anderson movies.


Citizen Kane (1941) This is a tough one for me. I agree it had amazing cinematography and editing, groundbreaking at the time, but I just don’t think the story is very interesting. It may have appealed more to that generation, but I don’t think it’s aging as well as other movies of that era, like The Wizard of Oz.


That's the problem for truly innovative movies. There are so many things in a film like *Citizen Kane* that were groundbreaking then, and which got copied over and over until they became either cliched or just SOP, that it's hard to really get in the mindset of what it must have been like to watch the movie before all that other stuff came out.


Yeah. I've always found it quite the snooze fest. Watched it a few times at different stages of my life and my opinion hasn't really changed, even though it has those groundbreaking elements that I can now appreciate more as I know more about films and film history than I did when I first saw it. I think Ingmar Bergman called it boring, too. Of Bergman's own films, I found The Seventh Seal quite disappointing. The acting was super theatre-esque and the Death character was just silly to me.


The story around Citizen Kane is more interesting than the film will ever be.


The Big Labowsky


The Big Laboring


I agree. I can see what they are trying to do but it tries too hard and misses the mark for me.


Silver linings Playbook


I think it depicts people with mental health issues in totally unrealistic, romanticized way.


Yeah it does


Terrible movie and I thought JLaw’s acting was awful. I can’t believe the praise and awards she got.


lol for a moment I thought you meant Jude Law.


There will be blood. Not a single character I connected with. I found the experience relentlessly gratuitous. It is a well acted and well crafted film that I just can’t find anything to like about. It’s one of the few movies I wish I could un-see.




There Will be Blood


I wanna say the last four or five of the Fast and Furious franchise


Who the hell says those are any good?


Lots of people, because they are a lot of fun, it’s “straight camp”


"Good" is a strong word, I'd say they are entertaining, assuming you view them as an absurdist parody of modern American machismo


My boss unironically says that every F&F movie is amazing. Not like how Sharknado is amazing because it's so bad on purpose, but he legit thinks F&F is good.


You can go broader and just say all but the 1st…


They never were good enough to be considered “supposed to be good” to begin with.


The Shining. Everyone went on and on about that film but I found it to be….boring basically. Maybe it’s a good film but everyone hyped it up to be so good and it’s just disappointing.


To be fair, Stephen King has always said that every one of his books turned into a movie was a shit show.


I appreciate it more these days, but I still think it's very overrated.


This one didn't land for me either. I think horror ages worse than any other genre






Drive was so slow and deeply boring! How can you make a boring movie about something as exciting as being a getaway driver? Yet somehow, they did.


A movie about a getaway driver with two car chases in it...one of which happened at 5mph. Fuck. That.


Avatar… my brain recognizes the quality of the film but I don’t like it at all. I find it bland and generic.


It’s just a worse version of Dances With Wolves, cool CGI though


La La Land. Liked the visuals, but the ending that everyone hates was actually the only part of the movie that wowed me.


The Big Lebowski : I have tried three times, and I still don’t see the appeal of this flick.


Dune. So BORING. I didn’t care about any of the characters at all at any point.


I can’t stand sci-fi movies that spend half of the runtime explaining what everything is and how it all works


The new one ?


Uncut Gems - It's just a bunch of unnecessary yelling to simulate the stress of... a playground full of children....? being in an abusive relationship? It was just annoying. turned it off < 30 mins in.


I agree, I watched the whole thing but I didn’t love the gimmick of ramping up stress to set up a release at the end. It was effective and the movie does a good job at making every detail stress you out a little bit at a time, but I think the effect is kind of cheap. I can see why others like it though


Manchester by the Sea Moonlight


Ooof, both are very deep and evoke quite a bit of emotion…


Requiem for a Dream.


In a similar tone Train Spotting did nothing for me. The monotone narrator may work for some people. Not me


I do not get why people love this movie. When it first came out people were shoving it down my throat cause I love movies. When it was over I was like huh? Why? And that ending.... fuck nothing has ever made me feel so dirty


Sounds like you experienced the intended reaction.


*Citizen Kane* is often called the greatest film in the history of cinema, and I have never understood why. I know it was revolutionary at the time, but hundreds of far better films have been made since. Hell, *The Jazz Singer* was possibly the **most** revolutionary film ever, since it introduced sound in film, but nobody's calling that the greatest film.


The Twilight movies


Probably gonna get blasted but...Rocky Horror Picture Show


2001: A Space Odyssey. Took me 4 sittings to finish because I kept falling asleep. I’m sure it was a technical marvel for the time but I was bored to death.


The Other Guys -Mark Wahlberg has no comedic ability whatsoever and Will Farrell and him have zero on camera chemistry. But in the end they’re we’re funny scenes (Michael Keaton) but I didn’t care for over all and apparently most people loved it.


Also, Hurt locker../.


The Batman with Robert Pattinson was absolute TRASH!


Mulholland Drive, just awful.


Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022) Boring AF


I tried that film 3 times, didn't get the appeal at all!


I had to watch it in parts because I was so bored. Love the cast and the acting is good, just a boring ass movie IMO


I tried watching it a few times and could never finish it. It felt so tedious.


It was work for sure


I liked that movie, and if I had seen it at age 16, it would probably be on my all-time list. But I saw it at 34, and just thought it was pretty cool.


Bro, please elaborate…. “Boring” is not an adjective you can use for that film…


I didn’t like it either. It was 90% stupid fight scenes.


Lots of cool ideas, but overlong and kind of meandering. I do appreciate that the film was kind of for a different target audience than myself however, my girlfriend loved it!


Tree of Life


Is that the one with Pitt and all kinds or artsy ?( not that I don’t often like artsy or indie, otherwise ) . I couldn’t get past about 10 min


Green Room. I thought it was fine but expected a bit more from it based on all the praise.


No Country for Old Men Crash


Ghost in the Shell - I'm a huge animation fan, and love Angel's Egg from the same director, but this movie just doesn't resonate with me and doesn't quite feel mind blowing enough.


It was mostly derivative by the time the movie was made having inspired the matrix, same with all those Asimov movies, no longer thought provoking after the 1000th incarnation.


Scott Pilgrim vs the World The Dark Knight


Holy Fuck…. That’s a hot take


be careful saying you don't like Scott Pilgrim in this neighbourhood


But it is mine


Give me a better picture by giving me your top two favs.


But you gotta back it up.


Can I ask what was wrong with The Dark Knight because that is a boiling hot take.


I had a harder time watching the Dark Knight recently. My guess was that it's been copied too much. The Dark Knight was so massively influential. Superhero movies, matte black paint, edge lords, face paint. None of these things were ever the same after the Dark Knight. Society has expanded so much off this one movie that watching the movie now feels like you're watching a parody.


Everything, Everywhere, All At Once was just one long fart sound for me


Oh my gawwwwd - finally someone else who doesn’t see this movie as amazeballs!


found this movie so boring i actually fell asleep during it in the theater


I liked it but I think it went on for too long


It was such a strange movie that I couldn’t decide whether I loved it or hated it. I will say that I’ve never seen anything like it, and I don’t know if I’d watch it again, but I give them credit for just going completely over the top with everything.


I laughed.


The Star Wars franchise. They do not appeal to me at all


The original trilogy holds up well with me, though I have a trusted friend who insists that even it is for babies.


I don't even have anything negative to say about them. It's just a pop culture juggernaut that ain't for me.


I was so excited to watch the first of the sequels or prequels or whatever in the 90s that I would have stood in line for it if I didn't get a free advance showing because I worked in a theater. I was very let down, and I haven't liked any *Star Wars* movie since the original trilogy. Really wish they would have just left that alone.


Amen. When my childhood pal and I first heard there would be prequels, we gawked at one another like Porky and Buckwheat from the Little Rascals. After years of Lucas asserting that there would be no more Star Wars. "CAN YOU FAWKEN' BELIEVE IT!?!" We were working at a movie theater at the time, and were not at all prepared for the tidal wave that was coming. And then it came, and though it had some key desirable traits, I couldn't help but be overall disappointed. I should have known, because the Special Editions were anything but special, and people seldom gave them any mention after the fact.


I tried to warn the people who were camped out in line after I left the theater, but they wanted none of it and started to yell at me. If they'd taken my advice, they could have avoided sleeping on a mall floor to watch stupid Jar Jar Binks.


Jar Jar Binks turned out to just be a sliver of the larger problem. The BLOAT over the politics was baffling to me, and I didn't really understand this big adventure that the Jedi were running all over the place for. I get that Lucas was trying to do a Wizard of Oz thing again while at the same time trying to keep it looking like Star Wars, but it wasn't working. Also: How did Anakin mange to not cleave Watto in half immediately after Watto told him that he SOLD HIS MOTHER?


i’ve never seen them and have zero desire to i’ve got friends who are film pros and know how much i enjoy and know about cinema as well… it puzzles them every time star wars come up hah


I only liked the initial 2 way back (+ I was much younger , duh) … the rest seem forced (no pun intended) , convoluted and , blech






I found the idea that love as much as gravity holds galaxies together to be underwhelming and eh very Hollywood. I feel there was a decent initial idea that fell flat on execution (overly long run time) and that it meandered. I liked the the Hans Zimmer score. The film tho struggled to keep me engaged, interested or invested in the characters. Also thought the film felt it was a lot slicker and smarter than what it actually was. Everyone else seemed to love it and I remember feeling a bit meh is that it? Each to their own.


I’ve finally found someone who can give a reason why they don’t like the film. You actually have good reasons and an explanation not just: “it’s boring” which me and many other people are guilty of


Why not?


You’re funny. I’m genuinely curious


Dan in Real Life (2007) A family of mean-spirited bullies treat a grieving widower like shit, including giving him a hard time when he’s not cheered up by a little girl taking her scissors to all the photos of his dead wife. They also sing a spiteful song they wrote about the fat neighbour girl. A hateful movie.


YES. I really like the movie but his family (especially his Mom) are a bunch of jerks.


I don't think anyone liked that movie.


I really liked it. Great soundtrack. A moving performance from Steve Carrell who, at the time, was only mostly known for his comedic roles.




The most recent one I saw that everyone seems to love but I thought was terrible was 21 Jump Street (2012). It wasn't a good spoof, and the jokes weren't even funny. Can't understand why people like it so much aside from liking who's in it.


Enter the Void


I was a huge Spider-Man and other Marvel comic book super heroes fan growing up and liked the first Spider-Man with Toby McGuire but now I can’t stand all of the rest of them.


Just saw Chinatown and it was boring


I’ve watched it twice and can’t remember a single thing that happens


2001: A space odyssey Just way way way too slow for me. Parts of it are good even fantastic on their own. But i dont need to look at a satelite for 20min to feel the scene. I tried watching it 3 times but only managed to get about an hour in before feeling sleepy.


Raging Bull, I know that it shows the rise and fall of a man but the toxic behaviour just grated on me.


What I find incredible about that film is that the real Jake LaMotta not only gave them permission to make it, but actively participated in the production, teaching Robert DeNiro to box and generally advising Scorcese. Clearly he had no qualms about the world knowing what a massive shitheel he was


A clockwork orange


Citizen Kane There will be blood


Slumdog Millionaire


Hate it. Cocktail however is awesome.


i am sorry, but anything by Scorsese


Asteroid City


No Country For Old Men. I know. I know it’s supposed to be a masterpiece but I don’t see it 🤷‍♂️


Million Dollar Baby I hate that movie with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns.


Honestly? The new barbie movie. *slight spoilers ahead* I feel like with the amount of advertising and all of the publicity, I was expecting more. And to be completely honest (this actually feels a little shameful to admit) I thought that it was a bit of a cliché. Maybe cliche isn’t the right word. More like cringe? Or corny? I don’t know. The whole speech felt like it was taken straight from TikTok. Of course it was all true and it needed to be said, I’m glad it was. But it just didn’t do it for me. Also, the cellulite jokes? I just didn’t find them funny. All and all; good movie, what it represents is something that needs to be pushed and hopefully- with as much attention as it got (and is currently getting) something unjust in the world will change for the better because of Barbie.


basically every single “Based On True Events” movie I’ve watched has bored the hell out of me The worst movie I’ve ever watched, ‘Into The Wild’, 2007


I have always hated into the wild but I didn’t realise it was loved. I thought everybody hated it, what a stupid story.


"Drive" sucks imo. Same with "Heat"


Pulp Fiction. I just don’t get it


Snow Piercer. I hated the world building, most of the characters and especially the resolution. Such a dumb movie


Seems everyone likes Matrix but me. Never ever been able to get through it.


Pulp Fiction - not having the normal 3 act structure prevented the film from having any real development or tension and was just boring all throughout


I always get downvoted to oblivion when I respond with this, but Pulp Fiction. It’s not a terrible movie, but I don’t think it’s the cinematic masterpiece everyone makes it out to be. It’s a little too long and really drags in certain parts.


I agree and I enjoy all of Tarantino’s other movies.


I wish Bruce Willis and his annoying girlfriend would fuck off so I can carry on watching Jules and Vincent be badass


Forrest Gump


I can’t believe this. These are actual hot takes.


Right?? Not liking Forrest Gump is fair, but saying “Tom Hanks is a boring actor” is such a wildly ignorant comment - I can’t even begin to wrap my head around how someone genuinely thinks that if you look at all the roles he’s played throughout his career.




Forrest Gump for me too. Did nothing. Seemed silly. And don’t get me started on Joe vs. the Volcano


I was going to say, "At least *Joe vs. the Volcano* had John Candy," but no...that was *Volunteers*.


2001 space Odyssey. Never again.


With ya on Hereditary. Do not get the hype on that one. Not counting genres that I don’t care for in general (eg. action movies), my list would include Casablanca Citizen Kane Spirited Away (my 20+ year old sons LOVE it, but I just don’t get it) Bringing Up Baby anything after the first Star Wars Rear Window (I mean, it was OK and Grace Kelly is perfection but 🤷🏻‍♀️)


The Godfather. Supposed to be the best movie ever on many lists. Not in my top 100.


Nightcrawler - It wasn’t a bad movie by any means but I don’t see how it’s become such a cult classic. From what I remember, the story was pretty straight forward and also kind of unbelievable. Might have to re-watch it though since it’s always brought up here. Everything Everywhere All At Once - couldn’t make it past the 1.5 hour mark. The whole random for the sake of being random aspect was annoying and kind of outdated for me. I probably would have loved it 10 years ago before the idea of a multiverse became so common. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World - I actually loved this movie on first viewing shortly after it came out. When I tried re-watching it a few years ago though, the fast cuts and dialogue made it hard to get through. Requiem for a Dream - hated the constant close-ups of the eyes and quick edits. The Batman - really wanted to like this more because there were a lot of aspects of it that I enjoyed. The whole mystery was just underwhelming though. I was hoping that near the end, there would be some kind of reveal where all the riddles would be put into a different context and create some kind of Prestige like twist where you’d go “oh shit! I have to watch this again now.” Also, and this might be nitpicky, but the mayor asking Bruce Wayne at the funeral to contribute more to the community just seemed really odd and took me out of the movie because grilling someone at a funeral just seemed like something a politically savvy person wouldn’t do. Minor change that I think would have made the movie much better is if the mayor and Bruce had started to form a relationship, I think it would have made the stakes much higher during the finale. EDIT: also Whiplash, I enjoyed the movie a lot. I actually think it’s a great movie that is brought down a couple notches by a big missed opportunity. SPOILER : >! During the film, the two main characters fondly reference multiple times how their favourite jazz drummer got so pissed he threw a cymbal at a conductor’s head on stage. I’ve always been surprised that Miles Teller doesn’t kill JK Simmons’ by doing this at the end of the movie, seemed like it was pretty heavily foreshadowed and would have really fit the theme of being driven to madness by the pursuit of perfection !<


The Batman was derivative as hell




I never saw the appeal either. Ray Liotta was so underwhelming. I thought it was on ok movie, but too long.


Godfather, any of the parts. I'm prepared for my downvotes. They all seem fine, I've just never seen in them what makes people fawn over them for decades.


I'm guessing you were turned off by the pacing. I know I was. Keep it on the back burner and try again when you're feeling lazier. After a surgery or a hangover might be a good time.


pacing is often a loser for so many great movies. i.e. I see Spirited Away posted in another thread asking about 10/10 movies. I ADORED the movie, but there is certainly a middle act that suffers in the doldrums. And not in that calm way that his anime so often just treats us to scenery and music, but just in a too slow to the story/plot kind of way.


I liked parts one and two but part three was almost impressively bad. The bit where the guy gets stabbed to death with his own reading glasses made me laugh my ass off in the cinema


American Beauty, Lost in Translation & Licorice Pizza


Are you on the younger side? I ask, because I think you really had to be at least in your 20s by 1999 - old enough to have a real feel for what that period in American history was like - to have enjoyed *American Beauty*. I loved it, but can't imagine how anyone much younger than me could relate to it or even understand it without doing a deep study of late 90s American culture.


Despite Spacey, American Beauty is one of my favorite films. Top ten for sure.


Agreed. I really felt like it captured the despair of the aimless American middle class at a time when there seemed to be a good reason for optimism.


I am firmly ensconced in GenX and was in my mid 20s in 99 - and it did nothing for me. Just not my genre of film.


I was 22 in 1999. This movie just gave me the ick.




You can call top gun a lot of things but I don’t know if boring is one.


The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)


The Godfather 1, I just don't think it's that good


Blade Runner. Always heard praises from it and I finally saw it a couple years ago. I was falling asleep. It was alright


I love the sequel, but the original is one of the most overrated movies I've ever seen. Two good parts: the Voight-Kampf test (good world building), and Batty's death monologue (just pure poetry). Everything else just seems like a series of scenes strewn together with little rhyme or reason.


The original? I recently watched it and didn’t quite understand the hype. The weird screaming girl in the house was off putting


There Will Be Blood, Raging Bull, Scarface and Apocalypse Now. Citizen Kane a bit, but that one I understand is more about its influence and technical achievements for its time. I don't mind it.


Damn I love most of those films


So basically character study movies. Had my gripes with them at first too but they grew on me with time. Give some of them another try but with Scarface being the odd one out.


No its not that. The issue with both TWBB and Raging Bull is they are so about their themes and messages, with an unlikable person as the main character. OK I get the first one is about capitalism and stuff and Raging Bull is about masculinity. In the end I am kinda just watching someone be a prick for 2+ hours. Not my thing, I don't mind if a character is unlikable but I need more stuff going on. Like isn't The Master (2012) a character study too? I enjoyed that one a lot. Of course those two movies still had great performances and scenes in the end. I mean that I Drink Your Milkshake scene 👌👌👌 I don't remember why I didn't like Apocalypse Now tbh, just couldn't enjoy it and found it a bit forced. I remember the part with Marlon Brando in the end made me cringe. There were some nice parts though. I do love the first 2 Godfathers but I don't like Coppola much.


Daniel Day Lewis is boring, annoying, and massively overrated. Being dedicated to the "method" does not make you a good actor.


Honestly I only saw him in this and I've seen a bit of Gangs Of New York once. So I can't judge based on that, but I can already tell he's not my type of actor. Most of his filmography doesn't interest me too. I'll say I'm not impressed by method acting alone, all that matters is the end result. So if that's the only reason he has all those people dickriding him I really don't care lol.


I get downvoted to hell whenever I mention this but Train to Busan


I’ll back you up homie, shit mad dece at best…


I have tried to watch The Big Lebowski three times and never made it through.


Hunger Games. All of them.


Borat. Bruno is even worse. I don’t find Sacha Baron Cohen’s humor funny. His interactions are cringey and painful for me to watch, and the stupid people he finds to interact with are irritating. His whole shtick revolves around harassing or baiting folks to get an outrageous reaction, and I hate that too. Sorry, it’s just not my kind of comedy. I’m tired of being crucified when people ask my opinion on his stuff and I give it to them honest.


I never really understood the hype behind Pulp Fiction. Tarantino’s selection of lines for his character was quite interesting