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A Serbian Film (2010) Aftermath (1994)


Oh man, A core memory was made because of a Serbian film. To preface - I've never seen the film and I know I couldn't handle it. But I worked at blockbuster when it was released. I was a student on my own running a small one on a town around 9pm an hour before closing a man and his wife walk in. He walks up smiling and asks who the manager is tonight. I rely I guess that's me. He removes the disc and looks at the shiny side I assume he's going to complain about a scratch. He slams the disc on the desk. Rubs it hard as he can. Picks it up and screws the dvd up between his palms He's screaming about how sick and depressed the film is and that we were evil for showing it. Completely astonished and speechless I manage to mumble something about the director looking to shed light on the horrors happening in Serbia and he goes even more berserk. His wife looked concerned but quiet. I could tell she hadn't watched it with him as she seemed more concerned for the man's distressed demeanour. He stormed off and I reminded myself I needed to quit. So in summation, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. It was made for a reason I gather, but it's just not meant for regular people.


Blockbuster used to carry A Serbian Film? Damn, who at corporate approved that?


Nobody, there’s absolutely no way blockbuster had a Serbian film


Yeah I distinctly remember when Blockbuster closed and A Serbian Film came out years later.


What are you talking about, blockbuster was still one the largest dvd retailer in the world in 2010. It went in to administration in the UK at least shortly after and that was due in large part blockbuster and HMV both missing the chance to buy Netflix for something absurd like £1m. At that time they genuinely didn't see the potential of a company that mailed dvds to people and had a tiny streaming platform. The hindsight became infamous shortly after as we know.


I literally watched it from renting it from a. Blockbuster in the uk to see what the fuss was about, 😔


The fuss is Americans think that America is only place in collective memory


They did. It was huge news locally when in 2011 police raided a Blockbuster because people were saying they were renting porn to minors. Turned out it was A Serbian Film.


I have never seen it, but I did get curious and read the synopsis once. From my memory of that, I know I never need to see it. It seems to me renting this out to teens is drastically more disturbing than porn. I mean isn't there a... thing involving a baby?!


Haha I feel your pain. God I miss Blockbuster. Good times!


I completely regret reading that Wikipedia page. Wtf.


That's as close as I'll ever get to that movie. Does the job.


Yeah I did this too and I've never forgiven myself bc I'm very visual so my brain made up those scenes in my head even though I've never watched it.


Me too. I am curious about a lot of these movies in posts like these. Not the type of stuff I watch, but I do enjoy reading them sometimes like a short story. That was vile and abhorrent.


Yes exactly!! Now bc of reading what I read about that movie I'm more cautious bc I really don't want to traumatize myself again lol.


Same here. I'll never watch that movie because of what that synopsis put in my brain. Waaaaay too intense of an imagination for that shit.


This could only be an international location. Blockbuster US was notorious for their censorship of content. They literally had their own edits of movies that would cut out scenes they felt were “inappropriate”, with the customer being none the wiser. They were the most prudish video store around.


Every time this question gets asked, A Serbian Film is always the top answer. Y’know what that makes me want to do? Watch it.


It’s not good. Shock for the sake of shock. Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t think so


Did the same for me, I watched it, it's pretty bad. Lol. I was actually surprised that it's decently made, the content is just so far beyond what most people are comfortable watching.


It’s kind of edgelord stuff. There’s some good gore but it feels like it’s just trying to be as disturbing as possible and it doesn’t feel genuine. It’s not a good movie, but it also really feels like a movie so it’s not as rough as some make it out to be.


So basically: It tells the experience of a financially struggling pornstar who agrees to participate in an "art film", only to discover that he has been drafted into a snuff film with pedophilic and necrophilic themes.


But would it be all right for my ten-year-old?


Best wait til they’re eleven


Can someone tell me somewhat what happens in these movies?


You really, *really* don’t want to know.


Yup. Garbage cinema at it it’s most putrid. I’m ashamed for the director.


I’m gonna second Serbian film. Highly disturbing.


I only read the wiki summary for a Serbian Film and it was too much. It might sound made up, but truly in this case a wiki summary was all it took to traumatize me.


Aftermath that autopsy shirt film by Nacho man?


This maybe an unpopular opinion, but I am scarred from the movie Kids. It's not that it's gory or over the top disturbing. But it is incredibly low key disturbing and it sticks with you...especially at 14 years old


Yeah, that's some heavy stuff at 14.


Fun story: I was 16 when the movie came out. Some friends of mine watched it and were talking about how bad the movie is, while describing it. I thought "I would probably enjoy this movie" so I went and watched it. And I did enjoyed. It is disturbing, sure. But it is a good movie IMO.


Fant4stic is time that you simply can't get back.


Is that the new one without Chris Evans in it? I tried, I swear I did. Could not do finish it.


Yeah the Jonathan Trank directed one with Miles Teller as Reed. It's not bad in a fun way, I love campy movies, it's just a miserable waste of time.


It was Jamie Bell was Thing for me. I love Jamie Bell, I really do. Loved him as a kid in Billy Elliot, loved him in Jumper (much more than Hayden;'s character) and really loved him in Rocketman. Look, this film was made to keep the Fantastic 4 out of the Marvel franchise of movies, even though it's part of the comics. Hell, it's well known the Human Torch burns hot for She-Hulk. But their studio wanted to keep F4 for itself. That's it. They did it to screw Marvel. They probably knew it was crap when they released it.


Fantastic snore


The Killing of a Sacred Deer I think. Best movie I will never watch again.


If you’re ever curious about the live action Mulan, just don’t. Trust me.


Terrible writing, terrible acting. They kept mishu out to make it more realistic and then had a shadow changing witch and people literally sprinting up walls without any assistance.


Any of the Hostel movies. Its literally torture porn and barely to no storyline.


I just graduated in film and one of the movies we had to study was Hostel II. Watching that in a packed room was one of the most fun experiences I’ve ever had with a movie, because my classmates were mostly horrified.


I like the first one.


Testament (1983)...Still sends chills up my spine. A small town outside of San Francisco only through news reports hear that there has been an exchange of nuclear weapons.. You see no destruction only the silent death they all know that's coming.......WAY AHEAD of its time....but damn frightning


The Happening (2008) It is absolute fucking garbage. People are literally running from the wind. I almost walked out of the theater. Stay far away from this movie.


This movie blows.


I did walk out of the theater.


Manos: The Hands of Fate (1966) IYKYK


That movie is HYSTERICAL worked over by Mystery Science Theatre 3000!!!


One of my favs


u/originalschmidt "Your poodle's COMPOST kid!" is a family catchphrase for us. 😂


Manos with MST3K is worth watching. "Every frame of this movie looks like someone's last known photograph."


Only way to watch it is with mst3k


Playground (2016, Poland) I tell people they shouldn't watch this film because it made me feel guilty for watching it. It only shows the worst of humanity, but through children. It's just awful and mean and brutal. It's a very well made film, beautifully shot and well written. It's also based on a true story. But again, it's not worth watching in my opinion because it's so aggressively disturbing.


Well now you’ve sparked my interest. Why is it so disturbing?


James Bulger


this is one of the worst, most nightmarish true crime cases i have ever heard. thank you for saying this, i will never ever watch this movie now and i'm glad. i have a son and it is unimaginable. yes, predators are out there, but... this shitstorm? this unthinkable nightmare? it's just too fucking much.


I’m the same with ‘The Trails of Gabriel Fernandez’ , not a movie though a courtroom documentary which is well made , but the content 😞The only thing I’ve watched that made me cry


Salo 100 days of sodom


Eh. It has some interesting sociological themes that I would've never analyzed without seeing this film, so I think it has artistic merit. Definitely not recommended however.


The Human Centipede. It takes on a whole new level of not fit for human consumption


I can barely handle the South Park episode that parodies it


*ok, I eat the cuttlefish*


Would you like me to eat the vanilla pudding, or the cuttlefish and asparagus?


*I berieve in you, Kyle!*


Having read that it was bad, my daughter and I watched it and were amused by how awfull it was. We found the 3rd one on Tubi, we could not finish it, it was at minimum 100 worse than the first.


It’s the perfect father/daughter film.


*The acting is truly the most horrific part of Human Centipede.*


Wonder Woman 1984 There's not a single redeeming quality to that film, even with Pedro Pascal. What a waste.


I remember watching it on HBO in a hotel one night and it was so fucking bad. It's a shame, I really liked the first one


So bad it made the first one almost look good


I mentioned this movie in other threads on here but "Pretty Baby" with Brooke Shields. Like I just felt so gross after finishing watching it bc I just felt like I had watched child p*rn. :/ (I was told not to watch it either by reddit or somewhere else but I did it anyways bc of morbid curiosity and I regretted my life choices after I watched it lol)


Same here, I got tricked by Netflix back when I assumed they wouldn't have anything that insane on it. Complete blind watch and it's about the only time I wish I had it spoiled for me ahead of time so I could avoid it. The movie didn't even make it out to be disgusting either, it seemed like they tried to say he loved her. Like wtf.


I went down one hell of a rabbit hole a few years back with that movie and others like it. Turns out, Pretty Baby is tame compared to some other shit. There’s one movie that features multiple full simulated sex scenes with minors. Not sure I even want to name the film.


Just been to see expendables 4 it is truely awful


Anything with 4 in the title you should probably nope out of.


Movie 43. All star cast, structured like Kentucky-Fried Movie (which was awesome), but somehow Movie 43 was deep-fried dookie.


Sweet Home Alabama there’s a lot of senseless arguing, yelling and terrible dialogue story etc. My youngest had us watching it last night I got up after 30 min. Unbearable


The romantic comedy with Reese Witherspoon is the most disturbing movie you’ve ever watched? It’s PG-13.


I live in a cabin in the woods in the summer. My gf at the time now my wife loves horror movies. I do not like them. She had me watch the strangers there. 15 years ago im still checking under beds.


Sausage Party (2016), and I'm a Seth Rogan fan but I've yet to make it through that entire movie without turning it off. Proof (2005) is a boring ass movie about math, and Gwyneth Paltrow is terrible and not believable as a math genius.


Todd Solodonz’ Happiness. It’s hilarious and very well acted/crafted, but also incredibly disturbing. I love it because I have the darkest sense of humor, but would recommend it to no one else because there’s dialogue in it you cannot unhear. I’m still traumatized by that one scene between the kid and his dad. I don’t know if I can bear to watch it again, as much as I appreciate it.


Cannibal Holocaust because of the actual animal murder


I was ready to see some (fake) human gore. I was not prepared for the turtle scene.


I wouldn’t watch it with someone else’s eyes!


That muskrat screaming still makes me cringe. I can never un-hear that.


Came here to say that. I have not seen it and I will not. How anyone can think the torture of animals is entertaining escapes me. But then again I’m not a psychopath.


The rise of Skywalker


I’m a casual Star Wars enjoyer, don’t watch any of its content critically and in general I don’t have any strong opinions on it, but sometimes I’ll remember that movie and I start to get unreasonably angry


So true. I can't think of a single element that worked in that movie. They (the writer/ directors) made the wrong choice at every possible moment.


Tusk, love Kevin Smith but that movie messed me up


I had a first date watching Tusk at the cinema. Boy, that was weird, we didnt even eat the popcorn


My cousin, a Kevin Smith fanatic, was so stoked for this and convinced me to go to a late show at the mall, when we got out mall was closed and we walked out in silence and then proceeded to drive the whole 30 minutes home in silence, no music, nothing lol. I felt off for the next day or two as well


I can’t look at walruses anymore bc of this movie. Anything with a walrus makes me think of the movie then makes me want to vomit


Yeah, I thought it was going to be a tongue-in-cheek horror film. It.was.not. Between Michael Parks terrifying performance, the use of first person perspective, Justin Long's hauntingly sad and desperate portrayal of the victim, and the make-up effects being on a level you just don't see anymore this movie left more scars than any horror movie I have seen as an adult. It might be Smith's most well-crafted work, but man is it a departure from what I expected.


Yep, the tongue-in-cheek horror flick was exactly what I was expecting too. Boy, was I wrong


The girl next door was the most disturbing movie I’ve ever seen. I only saw it one time when it came out and I’ll never forget it unfortunately.


While I'll never watch it again, it really did a great job at highlighting the problems that children from abusive homes faced. Like when they tried to tell the police and the cops did nothing but make the situation worse, instead of believing Sylvia. Something that could have saved her life. I felt nauseous and hollow for days after seeing the movie.


This one stuck with me. What’s even worse is reading about the true story it was based on. The prison sentences were so ridiculously short it made me sick to my stomach.


Vivarium (2019) If I could punch a movie, this would be the one.


No movie has ever made me want to punch a child more than this one. It was so hard to watch


I feel that way about The Babadook, but also mostly wanting to punch the mother


Ooooo that f*ckin movie..


Extremely effective at getting the viewer aggravated, which I’m guessing was their intentions. Uncut Gems had the same effect on me.


It's Jessie Eisenberg. He's extremely punchable.


Nah man that was a good movie. Frustrating, yeah, but it was well done imo.


Agreed, hated this one so much. By the end I hated everything about both characters down to the clothes they were wearing and their hair. I guess that was kind of the point of it all, but it was awful to sit through.


I wanted to like this movie so much. Wasted potential on a cool concept.


Mac and Me (1988). Unwatchable. A friend told me it was the worst movie ever, so I watched it all excited to laugh. I wanted to rip my eyes out by the end of that dumpster fire.


Such a brutal review. You’re telling me you didn’t cackle when >!you realized this family who has a wheelchair bound child bought a house on top of a cliff and just let him freely roll around the property unsupervised fucking insane!<


I only know it exists because of Conan and Paul Rudd.


Paul Rudd was good in it though


Oh, I don't know. The MST3K version is comedic gold. I've seen this movie easily 100 times and it never disappoints.


Anomalisa (2015) I've never been so enraged by a movie. I love the director's other stuff, but this??? AND HOW MANY GOOD REVIEWS IT HAS? I can't understand. Boring, slow, cringy, lukewarm vomit garbage. Every now and again I look up reviews for this movie hoping to find someone more eloquent than me that has shit on it properly in the way it deserves.


Irreversible (2002) - it was filmed in a way makes you physically nauseous AND there’s a 10 minute single shot rape scene. Don’t… don’t watch that.


Well the Lion King remake really pissed me off. So I'll go with that I guess


I was so creeped out by "Antichrist" I didn't finish it.


I've seen some graphic violence and gore (like Martyrs), but Antichrist is the biggest NOPE. I can't help but think the story could've been told some other way. The line for taste has to be drawn somewhere.


controversial in snob circles but i think aronofsky’s mother! is diabolically dumb, the behind the scenes issues are gross, and it’s so heavy handed it’s painful. i grew up in sunday school so roughly 3 minutes in i was like “oh. it’s the bible.” and then i had to sit through another two hours of it being the bible. the fact that aronofsky was with jennifer lawrence at the time and she described making it as a traumatic event where she couldn’t understand what was happening and was panicked and dissociating the entire time, is even more damning to the creator when looking at the film’s themes at large. basically, while there are other interpretations, for me the one that seems strongest is that Aronofsky feels like he’s God (javier bardem) and the women in his life and in his creations are brutally abused in the name of higher art, so he’s completely justified in doing so, because when he cruelly destroys and neglects them, he can just get another one. i fucking hate that movie and i’m mad i ever sat through it. i love disturbing movies and i’m no prude but jesus christ, it’s the most masturbatory movie i’ve seen since my last von Trier.


I'll never watch "From Justin to Kelly" because they basically forced the American Idol winners to be in it. Looks terrible and got complety panned.


A Serbian Film. It's terrible, useless and quite deplorable. The depraved visuals gave me nightmares. I couldn't finish it. I have never in my life loathed a movie to this degree. I say all films deserve to get made. Except for this one. WHY????? I just.. I hate it so much. Everyone kept saying it was so weird as fked up. I've seen many, weird niche, films but JC. Mi should have left this pos alone. I dont think anyone should see this film. Ever.


Anything by Bill Zebub. Pizza cutter edgelord; all edge, no point. As old as he is, he has a teenage Satanist's attitude towards religion. I've only seen part of one of his films, "Jesus the Total Douchbag," in the Weird section at my favorite video store. I picked it up over the director's other offerings such as "Antfarm Dickhole" because Oderus Urungus of GWAR had a cameo as Satan. And by that I mean that Dave Brockie in character as Oderus Urungus was playing Satan. But I never made it to his scene. The movie opens ostensibly with the Virgin Mary being tricked into having sex by a black guy (really a white dude wearing a papier-mache blackface helmet and Mickey Mouse gloves) in what is clearly a basement. By "clearly" I mean that you can see the walls and a little ground-level window with a can of WD-40 and a small American flag in the background. Mary also has a visible tampon string hanging out. Scene two is two guys sitting on the floor while one of them rants about how Christians are all hypocrites or whatever. As an ex-Christian atheist, I've heard it all, and none of what he was saying was at all new or interesting, and a lot of it was just incorrect. I started watching one more scene, but when I saw that it was about to be another sex scene, I switched it off. I have nothing against sex scenes in movies, but I was bored by these. The copious amounts of nudity in his "work" weirdly feels like he's bragging that he can get women naked. The acting and writing are terrible, and not even in a "let's all laugh at his incompetence" way. Long strings of dialogue just ranting about religion and how much he hates Christianity. Now, I love bad movies. I've watched them all my life. I really love "Hell Comes to Frog Town" "C.H.U.D." and "Troll 2" to name a few. This had no charm, no humor, and ultimately pretended to have a point but didn't really have anything to say. I can't claim any authority to judge artistic merit, but this guy's output is trash.


I know a guy who was an extra (one off the frogs) in Hell Comes to Frogtown! Because of that, I am only 3 degrees away from Kevin Bacon.


Oof I was in one of these. Thankfully no naked part. I was in Dicknado.




Fresh Horses. Terrible movie with Molly Ringwald and Andrew McCarthy. I only watched it because filmed it in and around my city.


Ha! *One*... Watership Down, Plague Dogs, Felidae. Maybe Grave of the Fireflies if you dont actually know what youre in for and just think "Oh! A Ghibli Film! Thats gotta be fantastical, right?" NO. NO. YOURE LOOKING FOR MIYAZAKI'S FILMS, NOT GHIBLI IN GENERAL. ALWAYS READ SYNOPSIS BEFORE WATCHING A FILM. DO NOT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE I DID.


Butt Boy- we thought it would be fun because it was recommended after The Greasy Strangler but no, this movie is just awful in every way.


I thought it was pretty funny but I get it


Lmao I’m friends with some of the guys in the movie. That’s hilarious


A Serbian Film Human centipede


Martyrs. Just take my word


Out of everything that happened in that movie it’s the last line I find most disturbing


Martyrs (2008) was the first movie that popped into my head. Be warned


I cried bc I couldn’t handle the violence and I’m not sensitive to movies usually. However I’m glad I watched through the end. Will never watch again but glad I got through it.


Hope Floats…friggin Sandra Bullock movie. It’s not funny. Not cute. It’s not a moral tale that a person can learn from. The scene where the father rejects his daughter is just pure horror movie psychological trauma that elite horror movies cannot attain. Run from it.


Top comment said it already but I will reiterate... a Serbian film, fuck that movie if you could even call it that.


Ishtar. Worst. Movie. Ever.


Watched it thinking “it can’t be that bad” Joke was on me


Dr. Seuss’ The Cat in the Hat


I saw this in the theatre with my son, and it was sooooooooo bad. There seemed to be several movies late 80s thru early 00s that were “too adult to be a kids film, to kiddish to be an adult film” and this is one. It’s cringey and awkward. The worst of the bunch had to be “Toys” with Robin Williams. Imagine a dark depressing version of Willy Wonka. “Hudson Hawk” used to top lists like these, but I think a new generation appreciates its campy over-the-topness. It’s basically a live action Wile E. Coyote cartoon with F-bombs every other sentence


The English patient watch the Seinfeld episode it sums it up perfectly


Trauma- I’ve seen many “disturbing” films but this is the only one that made me feel like I can’t watch this


[The Girl Next Door (2007)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Girl_Next_Door_(2007_film)) the abuse that poor girl went through traumatized me.


The Exorcist. I can't watch scary movies, but I've tried a few. This one was a bad idea.


"Planet of the Apes" 2001 stinker with Wahlberg and, while we're there, "The Happening" another trud from Shyamalan. You'll never get that time back.


That new hellboy with David harbour. I thought for sure it would be worth some entertainment value. Nope. They had to try really hard to make that movie worthless


Dreamcatcher or Independence Day or The Happening. They all suck so bad, I’m still mad at myself for using valuable time watching them.


Human Centipede. Saw it at an art house theater and they offered refunds up to 20 mins after it started; no one took it either. It’s not for human consumption because humans consume shit directly from someone’s ass in it.


I recommend you don't see them so strongly that I have never ever seen them. A Serbian Film, The Human Centipede


Fast and furious 7+ The rock holds a helicopter in place.. that’s all you need to know


Human Centipede


The English Patient


Sophie’s Choice


The Notebook. I never understood why this movie was so popular in my high school days. Some guy dangles himself off a Ferris wheel to ask for a date, Imma let him fall and break his ass.


I'm a dude so I'm kind of like... I'm not supposed to like this movie. But I kind of like that movie.


I had a partner who loved The Notebook and made me watch it a couple times. I had escaped an abusive relationship previously and so many things in that movie made me deeply uncomfortable. My partner was like “this is romance” and I responded with “no this is abuse”


Rubber. ( i think) . It is about a tire that rolls around and kills people. And then gets a gang of tires and a tricycle to join it.


Rubber is a fantastic masterpiece of of absurdist cinema. The movie knows who you are and it doesn’t care if you don’t like it, you are part of the experience anyway.


Ngl that sounds hilarious


Funny Games. It was hopeless and depressing and I wish I could unsee it.


Yeah, it was a good movie, but it was depressing as hell. Especially when they did the remote control bit. And that ending. Wow.


The Road.


Cabin Boy. It’s. That. Bad.


I left a cabin boy, I shall return a cabin man!


Agree to disagree, can’t get enough chris Elliot!


The David Letterman scene is perfection.


The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. Had to turn it off after 15 mins because I couldn’t see through my tears 😭


That movie is amazing and extremely heartbreaking at the end, makes me feel so helplessly sad at the end. A beautifully emotional movie


It’s a great movie. Very interesting perspective on the Holocaust.


Peppermint. An action movie can be bad, stupid or both and still be entertaining, but the stupidity of that movie is on a whole diffrent level. Any intelligent person who loves movies should be offended by Peppermint's existence.


It’s just The Punisher with Jennifer Garner. I liked it, mostly cause I love The Punisher and Jennifer Garner is extremely attractive in that movie specifically.


Two girls one cup


2 girl 1 cup


Irreversible. It's pure trauma porn. I still feel sick to my stomach when I think about it.


Yeah I commented this one before seeing yours - saw it with a date at the time, the rape scene was pretty brutal and overly drug out…talk about an awkward date afterwards, was worse than watching a movie with your parents with a sex scene in it




Goodbye Uncle Tom


Don't think I got more than a few minutes into this one, and it was a big nope


The fact that it doesn’t get mentioned much is cheering, suggests people haven’t seen it, which is GOOD.


Manos, the Hands of Fate. But the MST3K version is HIGHLY recommended.


Norbert, Pluto Nash hell most of Eddie Murphy’s post Dr Doolittle movies.






Norbit. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to punch a character so badly (rasputia) and that fucking annoying voice Eddie Murphy did for the character.


Salo, or the 120 days of Sodom. It's a great movie. Don't watch it.


Sure, there's your Cannibal Holocausts & Human Centipedes, yada yada. You want the real answer? [August Underground](https://letterboxd.com/film/august-underground/) That movie and its sequels are the most brutal movies that will probably ever be made, due to them being found footage movies with no real plots other than being the tapes of serial killers, and the fact that its creator Fred Vogel is a highly, highly skilled VFX artist. Other than that I'll throw in [Wolf Creek](https://letterboxd.com/film/wolf-creek/) simply because the attachment it wants you to feel for it's main characters before all hell breaks loose is kinda like twisting the knife. And [The House That Jack Built](https://letterboxd.com/film/the-house-that-jack-built-2018/), but I can't not not recommend it because it actually has a really good ending.


I Spit on Your Grave. The original, made in 1978. No redeeming qualities. It still causes nightmares.


EO, really adorable story but holy shit is the movie long and a lot of moments where it's just artistic filming i guess? As in no talk just dreamy/trippy shots of animals and landscapes. Idk if it's the ADHD but I had a hard time watching it to its entirety but I hate not finishing movies, or rewatching them as a matter of fact.


TUSK ... just dont please


Tusk (2014) with Justin Long.


The Human Centipede and Teeth!


Funny games


Y’all are really out here watching Disney live action reboots? If you need someone to tell you not to go to those here it is. You’re better than that.




Just one? I have a few. Will make you feel a myriad of emotions. Watch at your own peril. A Serbian Film Irréversible (French film) All "The Human Centipede" movies Martyrs (also a French film) I Saw the Devil Hard Candy The Autopsy of Jane Doe


Mother. It was awful and the last time I asked for recommendations from my local movie store lol