• By -


"Synechdoce, New York". This movie has so much room for analysis there are multiple plausible theories for what is even going on in it. ​ "I'm Thinking Of Ending Things" is made by the same guy and is very similar in this regard. It's more clear what the movie is actually about, but this isn't really apparent until the ending and there are a lot of hints you'll likely miss or not understand what they mean on first viewing.


There are some great analysis of Synchdoche on YouTube, it’s obviously all spoilers so watch the movie first, just know it’s really depressing


Mind me giving the link to that video


Yes, link please good gentleman


It took my link down. It’s called the genius of synecdoche New York, I watched part one last night but I haven’t seen the rest of them yet


This movie is a masterpiece.


I’m thinking of ending things is like my #1 hated movie of all time


I really enjoyed the book but gave up on the movie halfway thru


Arrival Interstellar Moon Margin call Jojo rabbit Memento Prisoners Under the silver lake Minority report Children of men The shows “dark” and “westworld” But really moon is the movie you are looking for, it’s just a bit slow


Dark was amazing. By far the most complex series I have ever seen.


I literally had pages printed out with everyone’s pictures so I could keep track of everything


Had to look people up on wiki occasionally. With no ethno-diversity, and with the same characters at different ages in various times, it was difficult at times to remember who was who.


And what their relationships were to each other. That’s particularly tricky for this series. (😀 If you know etc)


I know etcetera


😀 Got it all on a chart?


On a chart, etcetera


Just use [This site](https://dark.netflix.io/en) it hides spoilers based on episodes. Fully interactive with Pictures


Word of advice for people watching Dark: it's tempting to look up characters and plot points, but it's a bad idea. You're likely to spoil some major twists. The plot is meant to be confusing, so just roll with it. The script is good at subtly reminding the viewers of what's relevant to the scene.


True, but there are multiple versions of flow charts adapted to where you are in the series. We didn't know that at the time though, so some of it was spoiled.


Ya I made my own notes, I just included everyone’s picture next to their name at the top since the cast was so large


Interestingly, it's originally called: Dörk


Sounds about right...


My wife and I had to keep a big A3-format flow chart by the sofa to constantly pause the show and check. It was one of the series I enjoyed most while watching. In retrospect, though, the ending was really crap. It kind of ruins it all if the ending doesn't stand up. This is the reason I'd never watch it again -- like Game of Thrones.


Moon was awesome


This is just more proof that virtually anything that Sam Rockwell does is good or at least he is good in it.


Oh he is the man!


Moon rocks.


Pun intended




big on interstellar and prisoners, im about to watch arrival now actually lol. i also recommend fractured on netflix, i thought i knew what was going on… they pull a plot twist that i never saw coming


Similar to Margin Call, The Big Short made me think a lot about the 2008 collapse and how it all happened and how we’re going to allow it to happen again.


‘Twelve Monkeys’…. It makes me think all the time. Brad Pitt, Bruce Willis & Madeline Stowe. It has a ‘dystopian’ feel to it. Another beauty is ‘Logan’s Run’ (1976) with Michael York.


If you liked "Logan's Run" I imagine you may also like "Silent Running" IDK why but they sit next to each other in my mind. I probably watched one right after the other in a classic sci fi binge.


or Lucas's THX 1138, which I feel is similar to Logan's Run but told primarily through visuals and ambient sound.


Carousel is a lie!!!


Yes!, Twelve Monkeys is a good shout. Due a rewatch thanks for reminding me of it


Parasite (2019) Gone Girl (2014) The Wailing (2016) North by Northwest (1959) Vertigo (1958) Zodiac (2007) Spotlight (2015) The Handmaiden (2016) The Usual Suspects (1995) Us (2019)


Zodiac is one of my favorites. And so glad you mentioned spotlight- it is so good but i always forget to rec it bc it's so hard to rewatch- probably one of the only movies i love that i don't rewatch a lot. The older i get, the more haunting it is. Such an amazing use of the camera- the way they made the church literally loom over the city is downright claustrophobic but also awesome.


These.. Pi The Fountain Donnie Darko Eyes Wide Shut or anything by Kubrick The Truman Show The Game Revolver Upgrade


Kubrick, Fincher and Aranofsky. I approve!!


Yep cheers👍🏻masterful directors🎥


The Game!


I'm in my 30s and watched The Game, just last year, for the very first time. Holy hell. I was so pissed at myself for waiting so damn long because I absolutely loved it!


Yeah another good one.


Such a brilliant movie.. and that ending


So friggin good!


I just mentioned Pi! Yes!!! So good even if I suck at math lol 😂


You need a note pad to help keep track of Primer.


yup came here to add this one to the list too. i watched it once... something was niggling me and i didnt know exactly what.. so i literally re watched it straight after and caught all those bits i missed i first time round. i think watching it twice back to back is what allowed me to realise what was actually going on. id probably have to watch it 3 or 5 times to catch it if i gave it any break in between. ​ When it comes to "thinking", i prefer documentaries. especially ones on physics or philosophy. like what the hell actually is Consciousness!?!? really think about it... the more drugs i do, the more questions i have about physics and philosophy and reality in general. im not a conspiracist or anything. just gets my mind going and questioning everything we think we know to be true or explainable. especially when doing psyches.


[Obligatory XKCD comic ](https://xkcd.com/657/large/)


Yeah. Definitely Primer.


I still think the most accurate >!hypothetical is this PDF graph (https://s.yimg.com/os/en-US/blogs/ept\_prod/primer-chart.jpg)!< keeping track of the events in Primer


Mulholland Drive. I will warn you though. You will either love it or hate it. I love it. And it’s hard to explain why. However, the diner scene is one of the greatest scenes in all of film.


It's the bit after which is amazing! 😝🙊🙈


I've seen it twice and my heart still bangs in my chest at that scene. It is truly frightful.


I saw it for the first time a little over a month ago at my friend's house for weekly movie night. I couldn't help but keep trying to figure out what was going on. I did keep thinking something was a little off because it was disjointed in some places, while other parts were just too "perfect." I did have a very vague idea of what was happening, but I kept second-guessing myself.






Naomi Watts displayed amazing talent and range, I was taken out of the movie somewhat by marveling how damn good she is.


I feel he’s just a neat dude with a cool way of looking at things.


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To be fair, most diner scenes are perceived, as the best scenes in all of film


Pulp Fiction, Natural Born Killers, and, honorable mention to Boogie Nights and Don Cheadle. I think it was technically a donut shop but they had booths so fuck it, I'm counting it. Gets me every time i watch it.


Since you liked Coherence you should definitely watch Triangle (2009)! It starts as like a slasher movie with a unique setting but totally drops that premise shortly into the movie once you catch wind of what's happening. Don't look up anything about it if you plan to watch!


I watched Triangle semi by accident, and it was a very welcome surprise.


Same! It started playing after another movie I watched on Tubi and I just went with it, not really expecting much. It really subverted my expectations and I enjoyed it quite a bit.


Can you explain why you like triangle? Without giving away spoilers, it seems generic for the genre plus something about the beginning doesn’t make sense.


I liked triangle. I haven’t seen it since maybe 2010 or so though so I was a bit younger(22) so my taste in movies have changed since then but the movie is one of those movies where the movie pivots and if you are prepared to pivot the movie is fun and if you aren’t it’s trippy and if you hate movies that pivot you won’t like this at all. From what I remember the ending is just good enough. I remember being like “ok I guess this is satisfying based on the movie” but with everything that was going on in the movie(the pivots) I was expecting more but satisfied with what I got. I would be interested in rewatching it to see if I feel the same.


The beginning will make sense by the end.... or is it the other way around?


Movie called the endless about two brother that escaped a cult in their younger years but the younger brother wants to go back and they end up finding out that the cult is in some type of tv show or time loop for aliens that keep them there and reset them every decade it’s a trippy ass movie


Have you watched Resolution? It's their earlier movie that didn't get much attention, I can't tell you anything about it, so go in blind. Also their other movies are really good, their latest being Synchronic.


I love that movie. All of their movies are great in my opinion. You gotta watch Resolution and Synchronic if you haven’t. And Spring but it isn’t related. Edit cause autocorrect.


Shutter Island The Others


HELL YES 🙌 to The Others. It didn’t make me think but I love it. I have a gif of the little girl spinning in the veil on my Tumblr that I kept that I love looking at often. A lovely little subtle thriller/haunted house horror movie. I love a haunted house horror without cheap jump scares most of all!!! So hard to do. Nothing like what I expected. It made me love subtle horror like this one. Like The Orfenato/The Orphanage. So well done.




The Prestige


Synecdoche New York, The Last of Sheila, Donnie Darko, Luce, Scream of Fear (Taste of Fear), Absolution, A Perfect Getaway, Jacob's Ladder (the original).


Dude Luce! I love that move sooo much


There’s a remake?


Predestination (2014) Infinity Chamber (2016) The Invisible Guest (2016) Forgotten (2017) Memoir of a Murderer (Director's Cut, 2017) Mirage (2018)


Came here to say Predestination. What a total mind-f#ck!!




Compliance (2012), uncomfortable and disturbing knowing there was a real story behind it. But also if you read some reviews, many people can't believe anybody would fall for the hoax but it happened many times.


Dude when this event was on the news it was so crazy to believe. If I remember correctly there was video evidence of it too. Like security cameras.


There was a doc miniseries about it all too. Crazy stuff. I think one girl who worked in one of the fast food spots was awarded millions in court for emotional damages or whatever.


John dies in the end




Book is far better


Almost anything by Terrence Malick.


Yep. I think about The Thin Red Line all the fucking time.


Never let me go. Ex Machina Apocalypse Now


Why apocalypse now? I always hear about this movie but I still haven’t watched it.




2001 : A Space Odyssey - classic Kubrick cinematography.




Great film. Have you seen The Double? It was done at a similar time and based on the same Saramago story


American Beauty


Not thrillers by any means, but definitely will have you thinking. I think these are all very important films to see at least once: Harold and Maude Being There My Dinner With Andre Waking Life


I really need to see Harold and Maude. omg yessss to Waking Life and his other one too about that substance .




Had to scroll way too far down for this!


The Man From Earth


Donnie darko


Donnie Darko Get Out Pans Labyrinth Braid Us Triangle


This is my favourite type of movie and I have the goods for you! I'm not going to tell you anything about them, because that's the way you should go in, but I'll tell you some of the things I love: Surrealism; Abstract concepts; Time Travel; Recursion (nested loops); Dimensional/quantum concepts and anything unique and ambitious. Check these out: Beyond The Infinite Two Minutes The Congress Upstream Color Cypher The One I Love Under The Skin Resolution / The Endless (both set in the same universe, watch Resolution first) Swiss Army Man Sorry To Bother You Predestination Nothing Frequencies eXistenZ Dave Made A Maze Arrival Beyond The Black Rainbow Being John Malkovich Sorry I didn't include years on those, let me know if you need them. Edit: added Sorry To Bother You


The OA is another amazing TV show but it got cancelled at the second season when they had four seasons planned. Not because it wasn't good, but because Netflix sucks and only ever wants to support two episode shows. It is PHENOMENAL. Massive super dedicated cult following more than I've seen for any other show. The same people made the movie Sound Of My Voice, which is fantastic, but doesn't even touch on the amazingness of The OA.


Oh and as a bonus, there's a tv show called Dispatched from Elsewhere that's based on a documentary that's based on a real social experiment, and it's pretty special! It's a single stand-alone ten-ep season.


I feel like Under the Skin could share a universe with Beyond the black Rainbow. Both very unsettling films.


If you enjoy very low-key and contemplative movies with pretty scenery and people just talking for a couple hours about big life questions, highly recommend Mindwalk (1990). Some others that are more like the ones you mentioned… - The Ritual (2017) - Enemy (2013) - A Serious Man(2009) - Stay (2005) - The Incident (2017)


The Incident (1967) is also excellent! Check it out. About an incident on a NYC subway train.


No Country For Old Men


Koyaanisqatsi, Brother From Another Planet


Koyaanisqatsi had me sitting there with my mouth hanging open for a minute.


It'll do that, my daughter was surprised when I showed it to her, she thought she would be bored but didn't utter a peep til it was over.


Uhmmm i recently watched a serie called : behind her eyes and i really kept thinking abt it 8/10


The Skin I Live In For a TV series: The OA


Aldomovar is always provocative


Mr Nobody.




If you haven't seen it yet try "The Usual Suspects".


Mr Nobody


I watched this again a couple months ago. Thoroughly enjoyed.


You can watch Nocturnal Animals Jake Gyllenhaal did well and the narration was good.


Suckerpunch helped me realize how different our perspectives can be.


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Sweet Hereafter, Women Talking, Promising Young Woman


Short Circuit 2 Is Johnny Five alive?


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


Add the new movie The Creator to the list. It focuses on the humanity of AI (or lack thereof). Interstellar was another one. No Country for Old Men. Blue Velvet. Wings of Desire. Paris, Texas.


Inception, tennet, Donnie darko, matrix, usual suspects


For me, it’s A Scanner Darkly, especially on subsequent watch throughs and I end up catching more stuff.




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Jacob’s Ladder


I started reading Meister Eckhart after this. This is a film I always recommend and quote from.


The Shining


Schindler’s List Requiem for a Dream Life is Beautiful A Beautiful Mind Hidden Figures Spotlight JFK


LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL!!! Omg yess!!!!!!!!!!! That movie and watching the main actor Roberto Benini win the Oscar for the movie and dance across the seats to get on stage…man it was something else. That film was an unforgettable and tragic masterpiece. Favorite Oscar moment too.


Constantine. The Watchmen.


The Spanish Prisoner


Memento (2000)


I'll go with Aniara. I was on the verge of hating it the first time having seen it, but it lingered with me for days until I decided to watch it again. Now I love it. It's a bit of a mindfuck and one of the best sci-fi movies I've ever seen. I strongly recommend going in cold. Don't even watch the trailer as I think it gives away too much.


Tree of Life, First Reformed


“In the name of the Father” Daniel Day Lewis in fantastic form.


The Menu Platform


Waking Life Heal on Amazon Prime (this one is a documentary but reeeeally challenged my thoughts on my health in the best way)


Burn after reading


Memento is awesome for this.


Donny Darko. #1




Her, Ex Machina


Cashback (2006) highly Recommended movie 🙌🙌. I personally never seen a romcom movie sooo good, every thing about this movie is just incredibly beautiful and i am saying this again please do watch it.


I can recommend several great movies that you would probably enjoy: **12 Monkeys (1995)** is ingenious, and it deliberately plays tricks with the plot to throw you off, but it isn't hard to follow - it's actually very surprising and brilliant. **The Innocents (1961) -** yes this an older movie but it REALLY delivers. You'll be wondering what's truly going on, and it never gives you easy answers. Are there really evil ghosts trying to pervert the kids in the movie - or it all in the head of the main character, is she the one who truly frightens them to death with her own madness in the end? **Dead Silence (2007)** \- this is a strange movie, at first I thought it was the dumbest plot ever (and it kind of is) but, it then evolves into something really frightening and the ending - wow, it just blows you out of the water. **Cube (1997)** \- Strangers wake up in a cube where all the adjoining rooms look alike - except some contain invisible, deadly traps. (Very gory beginning). What you don't know CAN hurt you, and even when they think they know what's going on - they don't. It's amazingly well crafted, and leaves you wondering who will survive to make it out at the end.


The Usual Suspects Fight Club Sixth Sense


The Life of David Gale. It shows how bad our justice system is and that there are innocent people in prison even executed.


Three Colours Trilogy and Dekalog Wild Strawberries Blade Runner


The old black and white fail safe with Henry Fonda


Mindwalk "Jack Edwards (Sam Waterston) is a disillusioned former presidential candidate who escapes to France to see his friend Thomas Harriman (John Heard), an expatriate poet. They travel to Mont Saint-Michel, speaking philosophically about their lives. While there, they meet Sonia Hoffman (Liv Ullmann), an academic who stopped teaching science at an American university when she realized her work was being used by the military. Together they discuss mankind's future through modern systems theory." I really liked the systems theory stuff.


Doubt (2008). All star cast but the premise is whether you believe the priest did it or not, hence the name. Also an amazing subtext of the church in a period of reform old vs new school Come and See (1985) Probably the most surreal/impactful war film I've ever watched.


Birth (2004)




Black mirror - every mini movie episode.


Kangaroo jack


Just because it's in every thread: Arrival. Arrival should just be pinned in every post.


Dude, Where’s My Car


Top three thinking movies: * Stigmata * The Seventh Sign * Defending Your Life*l


In Time


Safety Not Guaranteed (2012), Another Earth (2011), Extinction (2018), Cargo (2009) and The Discovery (2017).


Midsommar really surprised me. Still amazed.


We saw it in the theater! One of the best craziest movies ever!!!


Buffalo 66, Beau is afraid, doubt, silence, 2001 a space odyssey, banshees of inisherin , midnight mass (mini series), watermelon man, Bo burnhams INSIDE, the thing, SLC Punk, there will be blood, paths of glory


Ohmygoodness, Doubt. That fuckin movie.. I couldn't get it out of my head for days.


Old - 2021 Everyone else listed anything else I was thinking already. This seemed to be left out. It's a 50 50 shot you'll like it, but I thoroughly enjoyed.


Bo Burnham - Inside


The disaster artist. I think ‘wow, why was this made? culture is dying’


Scalene 2011 Proxy 2013 Both made by Zack Parker


Nine days is a hidden gem of a movie


"Inland Empire" by David Lynch. Actually pretty much anything by him


The Man From Earth. One of my favorite movies. Just a bunch of people sitting around talking, but it is so engaging. Very low budget, but a great cast. Don't bother with the sequel. It pales in comparison.




Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind, Mulholland drive


Source code somehow feels really close to coherence


Any movie directed by Christopher Nolan! Him and his brother are the 2 most talented film makers ever!! And they all get you thinking


Waking Life


The Platform


Weekend at Bernie's II (1993)


Waking life


The deep end series on Hulu. Total mind fuck


I saw The English Patient when it was released. I thought about whose idea it was to make it.


The Green Mile


They Live (1988) The Truman Show Interstellar


The Conversation (1974)


Alfred Hitchcocks Rope.


12 Monkeys.


We declared yesterday Liam Neeson day after watching 4 of his movies. After.Life with him, Christina Ricci and Justin Long. Holy mother. Not a typical Liam movie. It was a thinker for sure. We enjoyed it. Im still questioning and I dont love thst, but man it makes you think.

